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Boredom occurs regularly at work and can have negative consequences. This study aimed to increase insight in the antecedents and processes underlying the development of work-related boredom by (a) examining whether work-related need satisfaction and the quality-of-work motivation mediate the associations between the work characteristics defined in the Job Characteristics Model and work-related boredom, (b) investigating if this motivational process operates both on an “enduring,” between-person level and a daily within-person level, and (c) examining if and how daily experiences of work-related boredom spill over to the next day. Data among employees were collected in a cross-sectional study (N = 115) and a 5-day daily diary study (N = 90). Study 1 results showed that need satisfaction and quality-of-work motivation mediated the association between work characteristics and work-related boredom. This motivational process was also found on a day-to-day basis in Study 2. This study further revealed that work-related boredom spills over to the next day through its associations with increased negative work attitudes and decreased intrinsic motivation. These findings provide insight in the process by which momentary experiences of boredom at work may develop into a more enduring experience of work-related boredom.  相似文献   

This study investigated fatigue involvement in work and nonwork-related road traffic casualty crashes using a dataset formed by linking the New South Wales workers compensation dataset with the New South Wales road traffic crash database. In many crash databases work-relatedness cannot be identified. Other databases, such as workers compensation data provide information on work-related road traffic injury but little on the circumstances of the crash. Probabilistic linkage overcame these problems by matching cases from the workers compensation data to the crash data to produce a new dataset of work-related road traffic casualties. The patterns of fatigue-involvement in these casualty crashes showed similarities between work-related crashes and nonwork-related crashes. Fatigue-involved crashes were more likely to result in fatality, involved higher costs, were more likely to involve heavy and light trucks and to involve illegal alcohol or speeding no matter whether they were work-related or not. Time of crash was the only characteristic that differed between work and nonwork-related crashes. Work-related fatigue-involved crashes tended to occur around dawn whereas work-related non-fatigue crashes occurred in peak hour traffic. Timing of work-related crashes involving fatigue varied little across the 24-h period whereas those not involving fatigue showed an afternoon peak only. While fatigue-related crashes occur in similar ways regardless of work status, strategies for work-related driver fatigue should not be left to be addressed only by general road safety strategies. As there is more control in the workplace over some of the fundamental causes of driver fatigue work-related fatigue management strategies are much more likely to be successful.  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental longitudinal study assessed the effect of a one-day Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)-based workshop on work-related rumination, chronic fatigue, and sleep quality. We hypothesized that participants who attended the workshop would report lower levels of affective work-related rumination, chronic fatigue, and improved sleep quality, at follow-up, 6 months after workshop completion. Two hundred and twenty-seven participants took part in the study, with 102 participants attending a one-day workshop delivered in their workplace. Participants completed an online questionnaire at two time-points, with follow-up occurring 6 months after initial survey completion. Results showed that participants who took part in the CBT workshop reported significantly lower levels of affective rumination (p = .03) and chronic fatigue (p = .003), at follow-up in comparison with individuals who did not attend the workshop; however, there were no significant differences between the groups in self-reported sleep quality (p = .06). A combination of more effective recovery both at work and outside of work may explain the reductions in both affective rumination and fatigue over time. This study adds to the recovery from work literature by providing initial support for a one-day CBT-based workshop delivered in the workplace.  相似文献   

Despite growing research on the positive connections between work and family, antecedents and consequences of work–family enrichment are understudied. Using a sample of employees from a major insurance company, we assessed the relationship of (i) individual (i.e., work and family identities), (ii) family (emotional and instrumental support), and (iii) organizational (benefit use and work–family culture) antecedents to work–family and family–work enrichment. We also examined whether enrichment predicted important work outcomes including organizational commitment and turnover intentions. The strength of an individual’s identity and informal or emotional support within a domain, rather than formal or instrumental support, were associated with greater enrichment. Work–family enrichment positively predicted affective organizational commitment, and family–work enrichment negatively predicted turnover intentions. Implications for individuals and organizations wanting to foster enrichment are discussed.  相似文献   

Visual fatigue caused by prolonged work viewing a Visual Display Terminals (VDT) and of work reading a hard-copy were assessed by electromyogram (EMG) waveform and electrooculogram (EOG) waveform in spontaneous blinks as objective criteria, and by questionnaire of subjective feeling, and by task performance. The duration and the amplitude of the EMG of the orbicularis ocular muscle on the right side and the EOG of the vertical direction to the eyelid were measured for 10 subjects who participated in a figure task consisting of the addition of single-digit numbers on a VDT work or a work with a hard-copy. The mean values of the duration and the amplitude of the EMG and the EOG were evaluated by the averaging of 10 waveforms of the spontaneous blinks for all subjects. The time lag from the EMG to the EOG in the process of the generation of spontaneous blinks was also analyzed. These five parameters were evaluated during the work time. The mean values for the duration of the EMG increased gradually during the work time, but the amplitude did not show significant difference between the prework and a work time. There was no significant change of the duration of the EOG, but the mean amplitude of the EOG decreased as the work time progressed, and the time lag significantly extended. The blinks frequency increased relatively when using a VDT. The rate of fluctuation for these parameters was higher during use of a VDT than use of a hard-copy. The time lag at five hours of VDT work was extended by 90% based on the value at the pre-work. The symptoms of general fatigue and fatigue of the eyes increased linearly during the VDT work for six hours. The results indicated a significant correlation between the objective parameters for the activity of the spontaneous blinks, i.e., duration and amplitude of EMG and EOG, and the time lag between EMG and EOG, and the subjective feeling was recognized in the time course of the task. These experimental results suggested that the parameters regarding the EMG and the EOG for the spontaneous blinks were effective indices for assessing visual fatigue during prolonged VDT work.  相似文献   

This study examined relations of multiple indicators of work identity and family identity with the number of weekly hours worked by 193 married business professionals. We found that men generally worked long hours regardless of the situational demands to work long hours and the strength of their work and family identities. Women's work hours, on the other hand, were associated with their work and family identities when weak situational demands permitted discretion over their work hours. We suggest that these sex differences can be explained by the ways in which women and men construe their work and family identities.  相似文献   

It is important, both theoretically and for applied reasons, to understand who is likely to engage in counterproductive work behaviors. It is known that such behaviors are more likely to be exhibited by unhappy employees (i.e., those high in job negative affect), but this should be particularly true for individuals low in work-related emotional intelligence. The current study (N = 91) examined moderation-related hypotheses of this type in relation to five counterproductive work behaviors—abuse, sabotage, theft, withdrawal, and production deviance—among a sample of employees working at least 20 h per week. These behaviors varied positively by job negative affect and negatively by work-related emotional intelligence. In addition, the two predictors interacted for all five outcomes such that the highest levels of counterproductive work behavior were observed among employees who were high in job negative affect and low in emotional intelligence. The discussion focuses on implications for understanding counterproductive work behaviors and on the value of assessing work-related emotional intelligence as an ability that differs by employees.  相似文献   

Although work-related driving is associated with high accident rates, limited research has investigated the factors influencing driving crashes in the work setting. This study explored multilevel influences on self-reported crashes in the workplace by surveying a sample of work-related drivers (n = 380), their workgroup supervisors (n = 88), and fleet managers (n = 47). At the driver level of analysis, safety motivation predicted self-reported crashes. In turn, drivers' perceptions of their fleet managers' safety values (but not drivers' perceptions of their supervisors' safety values), their own attitudes, and their own efficacy beliefs predicted motivation to drive safely. Furthermore, the influence of supervisors and fleet managers interacted such that drivers were more motivated to drive safely if they perceived both their supervisor and fleet manager to value safety. This study also explored the cross-level relationships between supervisors' and fleet managers' perceptions of organizational safety values and drivers' perceptions of managerial safety values and found a relationship between fleet managers' perceptions of organizational safety values and drivers' perceptions of fleet managers' safety values. These results illustrate that perceptions of workplace safety values are transmitted across levels of the organization.  相似文献   

Four hundred and twenty-two employees completed daily diaries measuring positive affect, negative affect, work hours, and health behaviors (snacking, smoking, exercise, alcohol, caffeine consumption) on work days over a 4-week period. In addition, measures of job demands, job control, and social support (iso-strain variables) were completed on 1 occasion. Multilevel random coefficient modeling was used to examine relationships between the job characteristics, daily work variables, and self-reported health behaviors. Results indicated a more important role for within-person daily fluctuations than for between-persons variations in predicting health behaviors. Whereas negative affect was negatively related to health behavior for both men and women, work hours had negative impacts for women only. Iso-strain variables showed few main effects and a modest number of interactions with daily variables (mainly for men). Findings point to the limited impact of stable features of work design compared to the effects of daily work stressors on health behaviors.  相似文献   

Biomathematical models of fatigue can be used to predict neurobehavioral deficits during sleep/wake or work/rest schedules. Current models make predictions for objective performance deficits and/or subjective sleepiness, but known differences in the temporal dynamics of objective versus subjective outcomes have not been addressed. We expanded a biomathematical model of fatigue previously developed to predict objective performance deficits as measured on the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) to also predict subjective sleepiness as self-reported on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Four model parameters were re-estimated to capture the distinct dynamics of the KSS and account for the scale difference between KSS and PVT. Two separate ensembles of datasets – drawn from laboratory studies of sleep deprivation, sleep restriction, simulated night work, napping, and recovery sleep – were used for calibration and subsequent validation of the model for subjective sleepiness. The expanded model was found to exhibit high prediction accuracy for subjective sleepiness, while retaining high prediction accuracy for objective performance deficits. Application of the validated model to an example scenario based on cargo aviation operations revealed divergence between predictions for objective and subjective outcomes, with subjective sleepiness substantially underestimating accumulating objective impairment, which has important real-world implications. In safety-sensitive operations such as commercial aviation, where self-ratings of sleepiness are used as part of fatigue risk management, the systematic differences in the temporal dynamics of objective versus subjective measures of functional impairment point to a potentially significant risk evaluation sensitivity gap. The expanded biomathematical model of fatigue presented here provides a useful quantitative tool to bridge this previously unrecognized gap.  相似文献   

作业中断会对中断后行为绩效产生影响,探讨不同疲劳状态下中断对作业绩效影响的认知机制将有助于完善和发展中断的认知理论。本研究采用事件相关电位(ERP),通过在不同心理疲劳状态下执行数学题任务中断、暂停中断和不中断的空间2-back任务,结合行为数据和ERPs结果,分析作业中断对任务绩效的影响以及心理疲劳在其中的调节作用。实验结果发现,中断后诱发的P200和P300振幅显著提高,作业中断使得主任务的注意力资源下降,任务中断的无关信息干扰了主任务工作记忆,而疲劳状态则进一步加剧了中断对注意资源、工作记忆及行为绩效的负面效应。本研究在揭示作业中断认知过程及疲劳对其影响机理的同时,也支持了中断的目标记忆模型。  相似文献   

A study was devised to investigate the role of physical fitness in moderating both cognitive work capacity and fatigue onset under sustained combat operations. Sixteen male ROTC cadets were followed through a 2.5-day, Pre Ranger Evaluation exercise. Prior to the start of the exercise, the cadets’ overall level of physical fitness was assessed by using five fitness indices (Harvard Step Test, chin-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and two-mile run). Cognitive performance and subjective measures of fatigue state were assessed at regular intervals before, during, and 1 day after the exercise. The results suggest that fitness may attenuate decrements in cognitive work capacity for certain tasks requiring prolonged mental effort, particularly as the cumulative effects of sleep loss and other stressors begin to mount. Similarly, the results suggest that as overall stress levels increase, fitness may have a beneficial effect in moderating fatigue rate. Fitness did not significantly enhance the recovery process with respect to cognitive work capacity, and actually appeared to hinder recovery from fatigue.  相似文献   

This study reports an investigation of the relationships of work hours, job complexity, and control over work time to satisfaction with work-family balance. Based on data from a sample of 570 telephone call center representatives, a moderated hierarchical regression analysis revealed that work hours were negatively related to satisfaction with work-family balance, consistent with the resource drain perspective. Job complexity and control over work time were positively associated with satisfaction with work-family balance. Control over work time moderated the relationship such that as work hours rose, workers with low control experienced a decline in work-family balance satisfaction, while workers with high control did not. Results encourage greater research attention to work characteristics, such as job complexity and control over work time, and skills that represent resources useful to the successful integration of work and family demands.  相似文献   

Lent and Brown [Lent, R. W., & Brown, S. D. (2006). Integrating person and situation perspectives on work satisfaction: A social-cognitive view. Journal of Vocational Behavior,69, 236-247] recently proposed an integrative model of work satisfaction linked to social cognitive career theory. The model posits that work satisfaction is predicted by five classes of variables: work conditions, goal progress, self-efficacy, goal and efficacy relevant supports, and personality traits (e.g., positive affect). We tested this model in a sample of 366 teachers, finding good overall model-data fit. Of the five predictor classes, work conditions, self-efficacy, and positive affect were each found to explain unique predictive variance. This suggests that teachers who are most satisfied with their jobs see their work environment as supportive, are confident in their abilities to complete work-related tasks and goals, and report high levels of trait positive affect. Findings also offered support for the contention that measures of subjective person-environment fit may not be empirically distinct from work satisfaction. Implications of these findings for future research and applied efforts are considered.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhite-water raft guides are a growing workforce of the outdoor sector but little is known about how the working environment, workload and physical leisure activity impacts on the need for occupational recovery (the desire to replenish internal resources and recuperate in the time immediately following work) of those working in this physically demanding occupation.MethodsLongitudinal data were collected across an eight month working season at three month intervals. Multilevel analyses tested the within-subject associations between work environment, hours worked and physical leisure activity had on the need for recovery.ResultsWorking longer across the working season and participating in more physical leisure activity were directly associated with a lower need for occupational recovery. Furthermore, working on natural rivers significantly reduced the need for recovery experienced compared to work on man-made courses. This was regardless of the number of hours of worked in these environments.DiscussionPhysical leisure activity may provide a distraction from work, allowing employees to replenish their physical and psychological energy, thus protecting themselves against work-related fatigue. The findings also expand upon the previous literature identifying that working in a natural environment reduces the risk of experiencing work-related fatigue.  相似文献   

This study among 267 Greek teachers and their partners tested and expanded the recently proposed Spillover-Crossover model (SCM) of well-being. Accordingly, experiences built up at work spill over to the home domain, and then influence the partner. The authors integrated equity theory in the model by formulating hypotheses about exchange in interpersonal relationships. Structural equation modeling analyses supported the spillover hypothesis that teachers who lose their work engagement as a result of an inequitable relationship with their students invest less in the relationship with their partner. In addition, the results supported the crossover hypothesis that teachers' relationship investments, in turn, show a negative relationship with inequity in the intimate relationship as perceived by the partner; and inequity in the intimate relationship contributed to partner depression. The findings are discussed in light of the SCM of well-being.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was twofold: (a) to determine whether subgroups of breast cancer patients could be identified on the basis of their distinct trajectory or pattern of fatigue following treatment for early stage cancer using growth mixture modeling and (b) to examine whether the subgroups could be distinguished on the basis of a cognitive-behavioral model. Growth mixture modeling and a prospective longitudinal design were used to examine the course of fatigue after treatment for early stage breast cancer. Women (n = 261; mean age = 55.2 years) provided fatigue ratings for 6 months following treatment. A low-fatigue group (n = 85) and a high-fatigue group (n = 176) were extracted. Women who were not married, had a lower income, had a higher body mass index, engaged in greater fatigue catastrophizing, and were lower in exercise participation were more likely to be in the high-fatigue group. Only body mass index and catastrophizing remained significant predictors in multivariate analysis. Findings suggest considerable heterogeneity in the experience of fatigue following treatment and support the utility of a cognitive-behavioral model in predicting the course of posttreatment fatigue.  相似文献   

Reacting aggressively to injustice at work: a cognitive stage model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present article develops a cognitive stage model of workplace aggression, which contends that aggressive reactions to perceived injustice are cognitively construed following three cognitive steps that include the assessment stage, the accountability stage, and the decision stage. These three cognitive stages are essential in understanding victims’ retaliatory actions against perpetrators of injustices. The model’s implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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