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柏晓利  孟建萍 《心理科学》2000,23(5):624-625
1 引言  中国杂技源远流长 ,距今约有两千年的历史。中国杂技“勇猛、机警、灵巧、智慧、风趣、诙谐”。杂技作为中国人民的文化使者走遍世界 ,成为我国在国际比赛场上拿奖杯最多的艺术品种。由于杂技艺术对演员要求其有胆识 ,有耐力 ,有高度灵敏性 ,在险境中镇定自若 ,因此探讨杂技艺术的特性 ,确定优秀杂技演员的性格特点 ,对提高演员选拔的成功率具有重要的意义。本研究是以确认优秀杂技演员性格特点为目的 ,运用 1 6PF来了解获奖的不同年龄杂技演员群体的人格特征 ,找出优秀杂技演员与众不同之处 ,为以后选拔杂技演员提供参照和参…  相似文献   

Russell  Brenda L.  Oswald  Debra L. 《Sex roles》2001,45(1-2):103-115
This research tests whether theoretical constructs typically associated with male perpetrators of sexual coercion are predictive of women who perpetrate sexual coercion. We administered a questionnaire that contained measures of sexual experience, social dominance, ambivalent sexism, sex roles, attitudes toward sexual harassment, and lovestyle approaches toward intimate relationships to a sample of women undergraduates. Results found 18% of women to report engaging in sexually coercive behaviors. Coercive women exhibited higher tolerance of sexual harassment, and were significantly higher in femininity than noncoercive women. Coercive women were also found to embrace a ludic (manipulative, game-playing approach toward love) lovestyle significantly more than noncoercive women, while pragma (a logical approach toward love) was negatively associated with coercion. Lastly, a significant difference was found between coercive and noncoercive women and self-reported victimization. Eighty-one percent of women who reported using coercive strategies in their relationships also reported having been sexually victimized.  相似文献   

The innovative moments model was used in a pilot study that aimed to explore the change processes involved in everyday change outside psychotherapy. According to this model, the emergence and development of innovative moments (IMs) as exceptions to a problematic pattern are closely associated with psychological change. A longitudinal design covering 4 months of interviews was implemented with 13 adults who were coping with significant personal problems without clinical psychopathological complaints. Semistructured interviews were used to explore participants' personal accounts of their problems, and change was assessed using a scaling task at the end of the study. A total of 114 interviews were analyzed using the innovative moments coding system. A general linear model showed that higher levels of change were associated with higher proportions of complex IMs over time. Moreover, lower levels of change were associated with an increase in elementary IMs. These results support the idea that successful psychological change in everyday life shares similarities with the change pattern found in psychotherapy using the innovative moments model.  相似文献   


In a sample of 183 men and 186 women, the authors assessed (a) the relative contributions of gender and level of nonverbal social cues to the perception of a female actor's sexual intent during a videotaped social interaction with a man and (b) the association between those variables and personality traits implicated in faulty sexual-information processing. The authors assessed those variables while the participants viewed 1 of 3 film segments depicting a female-male interaction. The authors experimentally manipulated eye contact, touch, physical proximity, and female clothing. At all levels of those nonverbal cues, the men perceived more sexual intent in the female actor than did the women. The perception of the female actor's sexual intent increased as the nonverbal cues in the film segments were magnified: Both actors displayed more eye contact, touch, and physical proximity, and the female actor wore more revealing clothing. Relative to the women, the men demonstrated greater sexual preoccupation and reduced sociosexual effectiveness, variables associated with inferring greater sexual intent in the female actor.  相似文献   

An exploratory study of the values of inner-city postpartum women was conducted. Subjects were largely single, with many on/or going on public assistance. Each subject was given the Rokeach Value Scale and asked to prioritize the terminal values (goals) in terms of herself and the instrumental values (means) in terms of what she would like to teach her child. Rankings were compared to corresponding rankings compiled by a national sample, considered a more traditional era, and by marital status within the postpartum mother sample itself. Economic values were ranked higher by inner-city mothers than by the national sample. The top terminal value was family security and the top instrumental value was responsible. When compared by marital status, the only significant difference was the higher ranking of mature love given by married women. Results suggests that the values of the inner-city single postpartum mother can be conceptualized as a mosaic incorporating values shared with the mainstream and values adapted to the conditions of poverty.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study of the relationship between characteristics of breathing and 3 common psychological issues (i.e., symptoms of anxiety, alexithymia, and depression), 79 college‐age adults were examined using self‐report, rater observation, and physiological measures. Results indicated significant positive relationships between dysfunctional breath characteristics and symptoms of both anxiety and alexithymia. A significant positive correlation was found between self‐reported symptoms of dysfunctional breathing and symptoms of depression, but no significant relationships existed between symptoms of depression and either rater‐observed breath characteristics or physiological measures.  相似文献   

This study explores sales managers' perceptions of the relationship between saleswomen's stereotypic behavior and their functional effectiveness in selling. The results show that sales managers do perceive negative stereotypic behavior to have some deleterious associations with performance. Moreover, sales managers' knowledge of the sex role identities of saleswomen is helpful to them in recognizing those saleswomen who are least likely to be perceived stereotypically.  相似文献   

Healthy relationships are an important indicator of adjustment for survivors of psychological adversity. However, experiences of adversity and stress symptoms can impair the quality of relationships. This study explores the underlying cognitive mechanisms that contribute to intimacy and conflict styles in close relationships. Global maladaptive schemas (GMS) and relational health schemas were used in this investigation of 109 undergraduate women. Participants reported a range of adverse experiences and stress symptoms. The findings indicated that relational health schemas were positively associated with integrating and compromising conflict styles, which blend concern for self and close friends in conflict situations. Higher GMS were associated with withdrawal conflict style. Findings also indicated that perceptions of intimacy were predicted by low stress symptoms.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses were used to compare key eating behavior, cognitive, affective, and body variables to determine the similarities and differences between eating-disordered, symptomatic, and asymptomatic female undergraduates. On the eating behavior (i.e., bulimic symptoms, concern for dieting, weight fluctuation), and some of the cognitive (i.e., impression management, approval by others, dichotomous thinking, self-control, rigid weight regulation, weight and approval) and body (i.e., concern with body shape, satisfaction with face) variables, the eating-disorder group reported the most severe symptoms, followed linearly by the symptomatic and asymptomatic groups. On the affective (i.e., sad, anxious, guilty, shameful, stressed, happy, confident, overall self-esteem) and the remaining cognitive (i.e., vulnerability, catastrophizing) and body (i.e., importance of being physically fit and being attractive, satisfaction with body) variables, the symptomatic and eating-disorder groups did not differ from one another but had higher levels of distress than did the asymptomatic women. These findings suggest that (1) counselors need to be aware that a large percentage of female undergraduates are nondiagnosable yet experience eating-disorder symptoms, and (2) these symptomatic women are experiencing high levels of distress, particularly in the areas of affect and body image.A version of this article was presented at the 110th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 2002  相似文献   

Personality characteristics, as measured by the Personality Research Form E (PRF-E) and a specially designed questionnaire, of 33 male hemophiliacs were investigated, Subjects were subdivided into three separate categories, bases on the severity of their clinical manifestations of the disease. Results showed that, as a whole, all scored within plus or minus one standard deviation of the mean on all PRF-E scales. When the data were analyzed according to severity level, however, a significant difference appeared among the groups on the Harmavoidance scale, which indicated that those suffering from the most severe form of the disease were the least likely to avoid potentially hazardous activities. These findings and those from the questionnaire were discussed. It was suggested that when the disease is quite severe subjects may abandon attempts to seek and control life-style antecedents of the occurrence of bleeding episodes.  相似文献   

Studies of demand-side populism with a focus on attitudinal and behavioral factors are becoming more popular, but only a few have explored the phenomenon's psychological determinants. We tackle the lack of conversation between populism scholars and political psychologists and test the impact of conspiracy beliefs, moral disengagement, need for cognition, and belief in simple solutions on populist attitudes. We use the most widespread ideational definition in an attempt to bring clarity to demand-side populism, as the literature often conflates the concept of populism with adjacent ideological and psychological factors. We analyze representative samples from two very different countries (Italy and Turkey) to test our hypotheses. We use two of the most often-used measures of populist attitudes and also explore populism's individual building blocks: people-centrism, antielitism, and a Manichean worldview. We consistently find conspiracy beliefs (and our control variable of institutional trust) as primary sources of populist attitudes, whereas the impact of the other psychological factors is more dependent on context and operationalization. Our article calls for more conceptual clarity, careful theorization, and more work on the refinement of available survey measures. We also highlight the importance of national contexts and the dangers of generalization based on individual country studies.  相似文献   

This study explored differences in wellness scores between a transcultural sample and the normative sample of the Five Factor wellness Inventory (5F‐wel; Myers & Sweeney, 2005c). Differences between the two groups were found on all scales of the 5f‐wel, with transculturals scoring higher than the normative sample. Implications for practitioners and researchers are presented for those working with transculturals. Este estudio exploró las diferencias en puntuaciones de bienestar entre una muestra transcultural y la muestra normativa de los Cinco factores del Inventario de Bienestar (5F‐wel, por sus siglas en inglés; Myers & Sweeney, 2005c). Se hallaron diferencias entre los dos grupos en todas las escalas del 5f‐wel, con las puntuaciones transculturales siendo más altas que la muestra normativa. Se presentan implicaciones para profesionales e investigadores que estén trabajando con individuos transculturales.  相似文献   

当代中国人的孝道认知结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对儒家经典文献和开放式凋查问卷进行内容分析的基础上,根据对全国2458名被斌的调查,探索了当代中国人的孝道认知结构,之后又对这个结构进行了验证.研究表明,当代中国人的孝道认知包括养亲尊亲、护亲荣亲、丧葬祭念和顺亲延亲四个因素.其中,养亲尊亲居于孝道认知的核心地位.尽管与传统孝道结构一脉相承,但当代中国人的孝道认知结构显示了变迁的迹象;与中国台湾的孝道认知结构相比,同宗同源,但中国大陆的孝道认知结构表现了自己独有的特点.  相似文献   


As previous studies of alienation can be criticized on the grounds that most measures do not control for acquiescence, the present study sought to reexamine the relationship between alienation and certain psychological variables in an Australian and in a white South African sample. This study used the new balanced General Alienation Scale (Ray, 1982). Results showed the alienated to be anxious (both samples), to have low self-esteem (South Africa), not to be respectful of those in authority, and to be of any age (both samples). The alienated in both samples were also found not to be political radicals. This latter finding is in contrast to earlier research (Ray, 1974).  相似文献   

This study assesses the willingness of three groups of job seekers to use professional career counseling services.  相似文献   

The effect of a counselor working directly with college teachers on a specific student learning problem—oral nonparticipation in discussion classes—was explored. Seven college history instructors viewed with a counselor videotaped excerpts of their own classroom discussion sessions. During playback sessions the counselor modeled and verbally and nonverbally reinforced certain instructor behaviors seen on video. Four instructors viewed tapes individually (IT) with the counselor; three instructors viewed tapes in a group (GT) with the counselor. Results: (1) Instructors reported video-playback counseling was very helpful in changing their behavior in the classroom; (2) Instructors became more aware of how verbal and nonverbal cues influence student behaviors; (3) Small group playbacks seemed as effective as individual playback procedure.  相似文献   

This article describes a re-analysis of a national study of instructional practices in seventh- and eighth-grade science classes. Responses from a subset (n = 81) of Christian-school teachers taken from the original study population (n = 543) was analyzed to determine what instructional practices predominated in Christian-school science classes. Results indicate the use of a variety of both teacher- and student-centered instructional approaches by science teachers in Christian schools.  相似文献   

This research explores the psychological factors potentially involved in fostering disobedience to an unjust authority. Our paradigm was modeled after that of the Utrecht Studies on Obedience (Meeus and Raaijmakers European Journal of Social Psychology 16:311-324, 1986) in which participants are ordered to give each of 15 increasingly hostile comments to a participant/victim whenever he fails a trial. Although 30% of our sample followed commands to insult the other participant (confederate), the majority did refuse to do so at some point in the escalating hostility sequence. Our procedure utilized conditions known from prior research to increase the ratio of disobedience to obedience: proximity of teacher to learner plus remote authority. In order to better understand some of the cognitive and affective processes that may predict such defiant behaviour, we utilized a variety of measures, among them, behavioural observations, individual difference assessments, and in depth post-experimental interviews.  相似文献   

With an alternate study-test procedure, 254 college students attempted either to free-recall or rearrange in order items of an 11-CVC serial list to a criterion of two consecutive perfect trials. Ss learned the list with or without an isolate which was placed on each of the 11 serial positions. The main findings were as follows: (a) While the reconstruction condition required fewer study trials to criterion than the free-recall condition, the isolation effect occurred equally in both conditions. (b) The isolation effect was a function of the serial position; the effect was greater at the central positions than at the peripherals in free-recall and this trend was essentially reversed in the reconstruction condition. (c) In free-recall, no reliable and systematic spreading effect was obtained for the items immediately preceding and following the isolate; however, a positive spreading effect occurred concurrently with the isolation effect in the reconstruction condition. The isolation effect has been accounted for by a selective rehearsal assumption. Implications regarding the functional cues in serial order learning and the isolation effect in serial learning are suggested.  相似文献   

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