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项目功能差异在跨文化人格问卷分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹亦薇 《心理学报》2003,35(1):120-126
利用IRT的等级模型调查了中日两组被试关于SHIBA简易人格量表中“环境敏感性”的项目功能差异(DIF)的现状。研究发现:(1)量表中DIF的项目比例大(3/4);(2)DIF与项目内容、阈值有关而与区分度大小关系不大;(3)DIF项目间的日方特征曲线较之中方有较强的整合性。该研究利用DIF研究结果对跨文化的人格比较作了新尝试。最后提出了关于深化DIF研究的新课题  相似文献   

中澳两国儿童社会观点采择能力的跨文化对比研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
方富熹  齐茨 《心理学报》1990,23(4):11-20
本研究以中国寓言图画故事为刺激材料,通过个别询问,探查了中澳4至7、8岁儿童的社会观点采择能力及对个性特征的认知发展。结果表明,尽管两国被试来自不同的文化和社会背景,但显示出大致相同的发展顺序和认知特点,在发展水平上,中国儿童高于澳大利亚儿童,这可能跟刺激材料的内容和性质有关。  相似文献   

There are two aspects of Piaget's theory that can be at least partly distinguished: (1) The stage theory, or the development of particular concepts through a series of hierarchical stages; (2) The metatheory, or the interactionist model of adaptation (assimilation and accommodation) that explains the mechanisms of cognitive development. Most cross-cultural research has been based on the first of these aspects, using and adapting “Piagetian tasks ”in various conceptual areas. Some findings of this line of enquiry, and the methodological problems encountered, are briefly reviewed. It is argued that no specific task, nor a combination of them, can be taken to measure a general cognitive level; the tasks measure the attainment of particular concepts rather than “intelligence”. New evidence is presented on the reliability and validity of Piagetian tasks used in a cross-cultural setting. In the second model, intelligence is broadly defined as adaptation to the environment; in this conception it would be reasonable to expect divergent paths of cognitive development in different cultures. In other words, one might need a different Piagetian psychology in each culture, but based on universal deep mechanisms. As a modest contribution to a more “emic ”study of intelligence, the concept of intelligence as defined by the Baoulé of Ivory Coast, n'glouèlě is presented and discussed. Ratings on n'glouèlě and its different components are related to performance on Piagetian tasks in a sample of 8- to 9-year-old rural Baoulé children. The thrust of the paper is to point out once more the cultural relativity of any conception of intelligence, be it from a Piagetian or any other perspective.  相似文献   

西安市小学生中独生与非独生子女个性品质的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了西安城区10所小学787名独生与非独生子女个性品质方面的情况。我们设计了有18个行为项目的教师问卷(每项按五等评分)及家长问卷;对结果进行了因素分析,据所聚类的项目内容,将所得四个因素命名为人际关系、自我中心、学习动力和独立性,进行多变量的变异数分析结果表明,独生子女的自我中心和学习动力比非独生子女强烈;而独立性却比非独生子女差.这说明独生子女在个性品质方面既有缺点,也有优点,不能说得一无是处;关键在于正确的教育思想和方法。  相似文献   

The generalizability of temperament, as measured by the Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS-R) (Windle and Lerner 1986), was investigated through a series of data analytic procedures comparing the item responses of Japanese and American preschool children. Consistent with the results of an American preschool sample, a nine-factor model emerged for the sample of Japanese preschool children. Configurational similarity of salient and non-salient factor loadings for the nine temperament constructs across the two cultural groups was supported via congruence coefficients which ranged from 0.73 to 0.98 (Mdn = 0.91). Restricted (confirmatory) simultaneous group models for each of the nine temperament constructs indicated that the factor loading patterns were invariant across the two preschool samples, thus supporting the equality of scale metrics or units of measurement across groups. Statistical tests of differences in factor means between the two cultural samples suggested that the primary caregivers of Japanese preschoolers, relative to the primary caregivers of American preschoolers, rated their children as higher in Activity Level - Sleep and lower in Approach - Withdrawal, Flexibility - Rigidity, Quality of Mood, and Rhythmicity-Sleep; no statistically significant differences in mean levels were reported for Activity Level - General, Task Orientation, Rhythmicity-Eating and Rhythmicity-Daily Habits.  相似文献   

Film theory has advanced concepts for explaining how it is possible for film viewers to understand what they are seeing. Many of these concepts strongly imply that the production of meaning of a film lies within the film itself - the viewer's role being reduced to that of passive spectator. This study tests that assumption using a repertory grid analysis of constructs elicited from Australian and Hong Kong Chinese subjects as they interpreted a segment of a commercial film. The results showed that the Australian sample construed more emotionally than did the Hong Kong Chinese, who responded more at the level of the film's characterisation. They were also more specific in their construals while the Australians were more diffuse. Further analysis suggested that differences between the two groups were the result of judgments about different attributes of the film, rather than because of different patterns of construing. It was concluded that since there are major differences in the two groups' interpretations of the same film, in the field of film/spectator studies where semiotics and psychology come together, the repertory grid analysis is a useful research tool.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural study of psychological differentiation of Canadian and Pakistani high school students was undertaken to examine the nature of psychological differentiation in relation to differences in age/grade, gender, and academic programs. The study involved 707 Canadian students from grades 6, 8, 10, and 12; and 349 Pakistani students from grades 8, 9, 10, and 12. The Group Embedded Figures Test was employed as a measure of the field-dependence-independence cognitive style. Analyses of data included two-way and three-way analyses of variance to determine the effects of grade, gender, and academic program upon GEFT scores. Differences in psychological differentiation between high school students in the two cultures were discussed in terms of Berry's eco-cultural model.  相似文献   

Although the interactionist approach has been applied to understanding situational influences on the expression of personality at work, examination of within‐person variation in personality trait expression in the workplace is lacking. Using experience sampling methodology, this study examined the moment‐to‐moment influences of situational characteristics on personality states (i.e., situational contingencies) during social interactions on 56 customer service employees over 10 days at work. At the within‐individual level, state Conscientiousness was associated with the immediacy of the task, and state Extraversion and Agreeableness were associated with the friendliness of the other party in the interaction. At the between‐individual level, self‐monitoring did not moderate the associations between situational characteristics and personality states but predicted the mean level of state Conscientiousness at work over and above trait Conscientiousness. Contrary to expectations, the relationship between state Extraversion and friendliness was weaker in customized service jobs than in noncustomized ones.  相似文献   

A study of 376 high school graduates representing equal numbers of male-female, age groups of 20–30 and 40–50 years and Hindu, non-Hindu Indians were examined on Rotter's I-E Scale. Contrary to earlier reports (Carment 1974) the group was not more internal than previously reported scores of other cultures. A 2 times; 2 times; 2 ANOVA revealed that sex and religion contributed significantly. Belief in the theory of Karma and socioeconomic status also contributed significantly. Similar analyses of three subscales of I-E, Personal Control, Control Ideology and Systems Control showed some reversals of results of total I-E.  相似文献   

Etude interculturelle de la notion de responsabilité. — Le but de cette recherche est de comparer quel est le degré de responsabilité attribué à une personne par des enfants de trois nationalités différentes : Cuba, Porto Rico, USA. Dans chaque pays, quatre échantillons ont été constitués selon l'âge : 7–8, 9–10, 11–13 et 16–18 ans. Les enfants répondent à un questionnaire composé de 40 courtes histoires dans lesquelles on a fait varier : 1) la part prise par la personne dans la causalité des événements (5 degrés : simple association, implication directe, prévision, intention, justification); 2) la nature, bonne ou mauvaise, des conséquences; 3) l'importance, grande ou faible, des conséquences. Les résultats montrent que les degrés de causalité, la nature et l'importance des conséquences affectent grandement le niveau de responsabilité attribué, à tous les âges et dans les trois pays; on observe également des interactions significatives entre ces variables. Conformément à l'hypothèse, le degré de responsabilité attribué croît avec l'intentionalité et décroît avec la justification; il est généralement plus élevé lorsque les conséquences sont plus importantes et, de même, lorsque les conséquences sont néfastes. Cependant, les interactions significatives qu'on peut observer indiquent que Peffet de chacune des variables est, à quelque degré, influencé par les deux autres. La nationalité entraîne un effet global significatif pour un seul âge; mais elle est en interaction avec les variables liées à la causalité et aux conséquences dans tous les groupes. En général, les sujets latins (Cubains et Portoricains) font des distinctions plus fines que les Américains entre les degrés de causalité lorsque les conséquences sont bénéfiques; ceci est particulierement apparent pour les sujets les plus jeunes. II est difficile d'interpréter les différences entre nationalités : la meilleure explication reléve sans doute des différences dans les relations familiales et dans la maniere d'élever les enfants.  相似文献   

Deux expériences distinctes, L'une aux Etats-Unis, L'autre en Suède, ont été consacrées aux effets de trois niveaux de communication (Communication Nulle — Communication Factuelle — Communication Totale) sur la réduction des conflits inter-personnels. Deux sujets, amenés, par entraînement préalable, à un système de croyance différent, doivent parvenir à une décision commune dans une tâche nouvelle, mais semblable à la première. La réduction du conflit est faible dans toutes les conditions. Cependant les sujets avec communication totale montrent moins de conflit que les sujets sans communication (p < .01), les sujets avec communication factuelle se situant entre les deux. On n'observe aucune différence, entre les deux pays, dans L'effet du niveau de communication sur la réduction du conflit. Enfin, la connaissance par feedback des conséquences de la tâche n'a pas d'effet sur la réduction du conflit cognitif, ce qui suggèrerait que L'on doive utiliser d'autres types de feedback pour réduire de tels conflits.  相似文献   

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