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Seventy‐one leaders in state, regional, and national professional and credentialing associations in counseling responded to a survey concerning professional advocacy efforts, resources, obstacles, and needs. The results indicate a variety of ongoing advocacy initiatives, specific needs for resources and interprofessional collaboration, and agreement on the importance of advocacy for the future of the profession.  相似文献   


This study extends the growing literature on religiosity and mental health to include those in long-term care. A distress deterrent model and moderator/exacerbator model of religiosity's effects on depression are compared in a sample of 1449 nursing home residents from ten states. Both direct and interactive effects of religiosity in response to health, non-family, and family relationship stressors were tested using regression analysis. Direct effects of religious activity supporting the distress deterrent model were found only among white men. Moderation effects of prior church attendance on a non-family relationship stressor were found among white women. Exacerbation effects of family conflict on depression were found only among whites. Among blacks, strength of faith moderated the depressive effects of both health and non-family relationship stressors. Differential results by race and gender are discussed in light of prior research on religiosity and depression in the community dwelling elderly.  相似文献   

This research explored the ethical decision-making process of civilians in response to real-world military dilemmas. Results revealed the complexity of these dilemmas, with about equal proportions of civilians choosing each of two response options. The moral intensity dimension of social consensus significantly predicted moral judgment in both dilemmas, whereas that of magnitude of consequences did so in only one dilemma, partially supporting our hypothesis. Both dimensions were significant predictors of moral intent in both dilemmas as was moral judgment, also supporting our hypotheses. We conclude with suggestions for future research questions in this compelling area.  相似文献   

This exploratory survey examined the relationship between 169 professional counselors’ social justice engagement and demographic, personality, and contextual factors. A hierarchical regression analysis indicated that counselors’ sexual orientation, trait extraversion, and postgraduate training predicted their level of engagement in social justice behaviors. The authors recommend that counselor training in social justice be focused on quality, rather than quantity, and that personality and identity characteristics of individuals be incorporated into pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

The wraparound process has been promoted in the children’s services field as a mechanism to achieve collaborative service planning and delivery for families of young people with complex emotional and behavioral needs that span multiple agencies. We compared results of two surveys of state children’s mental health directors, completed in 1998 and 2008, to derive estimates of the extent of wraparound implementation in the United States and to better understand trends in how wraparound has been implemented and supported over time. Results from 2008 found that 88% of states reported having some type of wraparound program that conformed to the definition and provided an estimate of 100,000 children and families served via wraparound in that year. Between 1998 and 2008, states reported increased application of wraparound standards, a greater number of agencies involved in wraparound initiatives, and more formal evaluations of wraparound initiatives. Results provide substantiation of the widespread implementation of wraparound implementation in the United States, and evidence that the model is becoming more consistently supported by formal implementation structures over time.  相似文献   

Risk factors for addiction have received extensive empirical attention. Specific risk factors for women Religious (nuns), however, are not well known. This report examines risk factors for alcoholism in a retrospective study of 148 chemically dependent women Religious in treatment. Negative emotionality, a personality measure, was the only significant predictor of alcoholism severity in a joint multiple regression with childhood trauma, parental alcoholism, mental health history, ego strength, and self esteem. These findings imply that treatment of this group in chemical-dependency programs needs to include psychological modalities beyond the traditional psychoeducation in order to adequately address difficulties in affect regulation.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature of suicide survivors groups. Survey responses by 149 U.S. and Canadian groups are characterized as follows: (1) they are most often sponsored by mental health or social service agencies or have no sponsor; (2) groups have operated an average of 8 to 9 years; (3) fewer than 10 people typically attend monthly or twice monthly meetings; (4) group experience predominantly involves sharing personal experiences; (5) leadership generally involves either trained facilitators, mental health professionals, or both; (6) most groups are open ended; (7) all social/ethnic, income, and adult age groups are served, but few children and teenagers attend; and (8) referrals come predominantly by word-of-mouth or medical and religious sources. Further research is required regarding survivor group attributes and processes.  相似文献   

Drug courts and mental health courts have expanded rapidly in the past several decades to provide more efficient coordination of treatment and supervision of offenders with behavioral health problems. A significant number of offenders in these court‐based programs have co‐occurring mental and substance use disorders, which predict early termination, relapse, rearrest, and other negative outcomes. A web‐based national survey examined programmatic adaptations for co‐occurring disorders (CODs) among 54 drug courts, mental health courts, and freestanding COD dockets. COD dockets were smaller and of longer duration, and provided more intensive services than programs situated in drug courts or in mental health courts. However, more similarities than differences were noted across the different types of court‐based program. Key adaptations for CODs included extended program duration, highly intensive and integrated treatment, smaller, less formal, and more frequent hearings, and use of specialized supervision teams and dually credentialed staff. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The wraparound process aims to provide an effective practice-level approach to coordinating care for youths with complex behavioral health needs, and reformed system structures to support such integration of care. The current study provides an update to two prior surveys of state children’s mental health directors, completed in 1998 and 2007, on the extent of wraparound implementation in the United States and implementation supports that have been employed. Results from 2013 found that 100 % of states reported having some type of wraparound program that conformed to the definition and yielded an estimate of 75,000 children and families served via wraparound in that year. States reported a continued increase in use of wraparound standards; however, fewer states reported collection of fidelity data, and availability of internal resources for training and coaching. Over three-quarters of states reported availability of parent to parent peer support, and 46 % of states are supporting wraparound implementation by blending or braiding funding across child-serving systems. Results also revealed that 61 % of states had a centralized oversight entity for wraparound, an important finding given that such “statewideness” was also associated with more youth served, greater accountability, use of standards, and other implementation supports.  相似文献   

A previous study evaluating receptive language after unilateral brain damage in childhood hypothesized lateralized attention and memory deficits without direct measurement. Our study directly measured attention, memory, and language in order to evaluate empirically the severity and laterality of sequelae. The performances of 11 individuals with a unilateral ischemic-lesion (7 right and 4 left hemisphere) were compared to controls matched on age, sex, and socioeconomic status. Results suggest subtle but persistent deficits in verbal memory, functional memory, and speed of processing after a lesion to either hemisphere. Lesions sustained before two years of age were associated with the lowest IQ scores. Our findings provide support for a configural representation of language that can to some extent compensate for inefficient or damaged components (Bates, 1994), and the middle-ground lateralization position (Thal et al., 1991) that asserts initial hemispheric specialization with the potential for reorganization.  相似文献   

There remains a very high rate of smoked and smokeless tobacco use in the Western Pacific Region. The most recent findings from national adult tobacco surveys indicate that very few daily users of tobacco intend to quit tobacco use. In Cambodia, a nation that is predominantly Buddhist, faith-based tobacco control programs have been implemented where, under the fifth precept of Buddhism that proscribes addictive behaviors, monks were encouraged to quit tobacco and temples have been declared smoke-free. In the present study, we included items on a large national tobacco survey to examine the relation between beliefs (faith-based, other) about tobacco, health, and addiction among adults (18 years and older). In a stratified, multistage cluster sample (n = 13,988) of all provinces of Cambodia, we found that (1) 88–93% believe that Buddhist monks should not use tobacco, buy tobacco, or be offered tobacco during a religious ceremony; (2) 86–93% believe that the Wat (temple) should be a smoke-free area; (3) 93–95% believe that tobacco is addictive in the same way as habits (opium, gambling, alcohol) listed under the fifth precept of Buddhism; and (4) those who do not use tobacco are significantly more likely to cite a Buddhist principle as part of their anti-tobacco beliefs. These data indicate that anti-tobacco sentiments are highly prevalent in the Buddhist belief system of Cambodian adults and are especially evident among non-users of tobacco. Our findings indicate that faith-based initiatives could be an effective part of anti-tobacco campaigns in Cambodia.  相似文献   

How do converts manage their disagreements with religious teachings? Previous literature on religious dissent has largely focused on church members advocating change or apostatizing, solutions largely unavailable to initiates. Based on six months of ethnographic observations in a Catholic conversion class and 21 in‐depth interviews with converts, sponsors, and teachers, I demonstrate how microinteractional norms encourage an atmosphere of silence around disagreement. I then show how initiates explain this conflict avoidant response by justifying their doubt, engaging in a process of hierarchical deference, in which initiates call upon the top‐down structure of the Catholic Church to defer control upward, and faulting human imperfection rather than the institution itself. While “culture wars” debates of the past two decades have investigated a purported moral polarization of the American public, this study contributes to a growing literature on how the moderate majority negotiates disagreements between their beliefs and religious teachings.  相似文献   

Vignettes were used to assess gender differences in likelihood of hearing others engage in and perceived pressure to join in positive, negative (fat talk), and self-accepting body talk. An age-representative sample of 4,014 adult women and men voluntarily responded to an emailed “Health and Wellness” survey from an internet polling company with whom they had pre-registered. Women reported more likelihood of hearing fat-talk scenarios and greater pressure to participate in them compared to men. Only a subset of participants reported frequent exposure to and pressure to join in fat talk. Demographic predictors of pressure to engage in fat talk were also examined. This was the first survey to examine body talk among older adults.  相似文献   

This pilot study gathered information regarding overall levels of psychopathology in a nationally selected, random sample of U.S. Roman Catholic secular (i.e., diocesan) priests using the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R; Derogatis, 2004). The study yielded a response rate of 45%. One-half of the participants reported marked psychological problems, with interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, and depression most strongly correlated with the instrument’s overall index of psychopathology. Four dimensional scales were elevated (i.e., obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, psychoticism), as were two indices (i.e., GSI, PST). Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - As Catholic healthcare organizations form a substantive part of healthcare delivery in the USA and Australia, ethical standards for Catholic health care were...  相似文献   

A remarkable amount of international attention has focused on the sexual misconduct by Roman Catholic clergy in recent years. While the demographics and risk factor profiles of clergy sex offenders is now fairly well established, the psychological and personality profiles of these men are not. Very few empirical research studies have been published on the psychological and personality functioning of clergy who engage in sexual misconduct in the Catholic Church. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological profiles of 21 Roman Catholic clergy who have confronted credible accusations of sexual misconduct. Relative to national norms, MMPI-2 results suggest that these men tend to have profiles that were defensive, repressive, mistrustful, isolative, and irritable. Precautions and limitations of the current study, as well as implications for future research are offered.  相似文献   

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