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Guidelines for using the First Nations Career/Life Planning Model with youth are outlined along with suggestions for future practice regarding recruitment of participants, the counseling process, and postsession considerations. One session is described in detail to exemplify how the model is used in practice.  相似文献   

Restrictive covenants are proven means of limiting competition and need to be understood by counselors. The authors consider the American Counseling Association's (ACA) position on noncompetition agreements between employers and employees in light of case law from other service professions and conclude that ACA members are uninformed and available sources of information (i.e., ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, ACA, 1995) do not provide needed information. The absence of information about this important topic puts members at risk in an increasingly competitive private practice market. The authors propose guidelines for responding to this issue.  相似文献   

Wilderness therapy is becoming a more widely used intervention for adolescents, but there have not been any meta-analyses focused solely on its clinical effectiveness for private pay clients. This study’s objective was to conduct outcome-based meta-analyses of private-pay wilderness therapy programs, benchmark primary features of this approach, and educate the clinical community as to its effectiveness. The authors conducted a review of all available databases, as well as manual searches. Searches resulted in a meta-analysis based on 36 studies, totaling 2399 participants receiving wilderness therapy. Our meta-analyses found medium effect sizes for all six constructs assessed: self-esteem (g = 0.49), locus of control (g = 0.55), behavioral observations (g = 0.75), personal effectiveness (g = 0.46), clinical measures (g = 0.50) and interpersonal measures (g = 0.54). Subgroup analyses included age of participants, duration of program, open or closed model, presence of a mental health practitioner, and publication year.  相似文献   

The 3 major topics discussed begin with a recommendation of family counseling as the primary therapeutic modality for Korean Americans. Second, the article recommends various culturally congruent joining strategies, presented in 5 general groups. The 3rd major section of the article offers the cross‐cultural counselor strategies for therapeutic changes, discussed under 7 categories. Los 3 temas mayores discutidos empiezan con una recomendación de aconsejos de familia que aconseja como la modalidad terapéutica primaria para Americanos Coreanos. Segundo, el artículo recomienda varias estrategias culturalmente congruentes de la unión, presentado en 5 grupos generales. La sección mayor tercera del artículo ofrece las estrategias transculturales de consejero para cambios terapéuticos discutidos bajo 7 categorías.  相似文献   

Mental health practitioners, even when they have research training, rarely contribute to the scientific literature. One reason for this may be that they need help addressing the ethical and legal issues they encounter as they contemplate undertaking research in a clinical practice setting. To address that need, we offer several types of guidance for conducting research in a private practice setting in a way that meets high ethical and legal standards. We describe the situations in which ethical review of a research proposal by a federally registered institutional review board (IRB) is legally required, and identify alternate mechanisms that practitioners can use to obtain an ethical review when a formal IRB review is not required by law. We discuss legal and ethical requirements of conducting single-case studies in a practice setting. We provide a rationale, and free and inexpensive options, for obtaining a formal certificate of training in human subjects research. And we offer guidance for obtaining informed consent and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) authorization from research participants. We conclude with a brief discussion of other legal and professional issues to consider when conducting research in private practice.  相似文献   

Two studies tested whether forming implementation intentions (Gollwitzer, Am Psychol 54:493?C503 in 1999) results in a heightened activation of specified situational cues. Going beyond prior studies, participants of the present studies specified these opportunities on their own (i.e., the action cues were not assigned by the experimenter), and activation level was assessed by attraction of attention and recall performance rather than lexical decisions. In Study 1, situational cues associated with the where and when to act on an everyday life goal attracted more attention than non-specified cues when presented to the non-attended channel in a dichotic listening task. In Study 2, the recall of specified cues was better than that of non-specified cues both 15?min after forming implementation intentions and after a delay of 2?days. Importantly, goal commitment and implementation intention commitment moderated this effect.  相似文献   

In 2005, the American Counseling Association (ACA) introduced a new ethical standard for counselors working with clients with terminal illness who are considering hastened death options. The authors’ purpose is to inform counselors of the Death With Dignity Act and explore relevant ethical guidelines in the ACA Code of Ethics ( ACA, 2005 ).  相似文献   

This study aims to further theoretical and clinical discussions regarding the therapy of psychosis from a dialogical perspective and to contribute to the contemporary research literature that works toward developing methods for studying the dialogical processes in therapy. Three videotaped sessions of a therapy with a heterosexual couple, in which both partners had psychotic experiences, were analyzed using the Dialogical Investigations of Happenings of Change, a method developed with an aim to capture the dialogical qualities of multiactor conversations. The analysis illustrated shifts in the dialogical characteristics of the conversation through the sessions and associated shifts in the clients’ positioning, toward increased agency, as well as enrichment of the narratives regarding their difficulties. The gradual development toward more dialogical conversations, evidenced mainly in increased sharing of dominance and therapist responsiveness and participation, seemed to facilitate the joint construction of new words and meanings, the expression of strong feelings, the narration of difficult experiences, and increased agency. The findings support the view that a client's sense of agency, which can be particularly impoverished in psychosis, can be reconstructed in the context of dialogue, in which clients have a central place in telling their story.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be an effective approach for a wide range of problems affecting older adults. While a variety of empirical and clinical papers have examined modifications to the content and delivery of CBT to enhance its efficacy with older adults, changes to the structure of therapy with this population have not been as widely discussed. Issues around optimizing the structure of CBT with older adults are presented, along with suggestions for realizing these changes within a clinical context.  相似文献   

When trying to balance work and family responsibilities, many workers experience conflict between these two roles. Although role commitment has been viewed both as contributing to and alleviating conflict, this relationship has not been fully tested. Using a sample of female nurses and police officers, we examined the direct and indirect relationship of role commitment with work-spouse and work-parent conflict. Increased work-spouse conflict was associated with decreased spouse commitment. Increased work-parent conflict was associated with increased parent commitment but with decreased spouse and job commitment. Job commitment moderated the relationships between irregular work schedules and work-spouse conflict and between job control and work-spouse conflict. Parent commitment moderated the relationship between irregular work schedules and work-parent conflict. These results suggest that, depending on the role, commitment may either alleviate or exacerbate conflict.  相似文献   

Several issues concerning the factors of the Private Self-Consciousness Scale (PRSC) of Fenigstein et al. (1975) are examined, including possible artifactuality and appropriate conceptualization. Findings confirm the existence of the 2 factors reported in previous research (Burnkrant & Page, 1984; Lennox, Welch, Wolfe, Zimmerman, & Dixon, 1987; Mittal & Balasubramanian, 1987; Piliavin & Charng, 1988) and suggest that these factors are substantive, not artifactual, in nature. One factor was found to be associated with mild levels of psychopathology, whereas the other was not. In addition to providing a clearer conception of the nature of these factors, our results may help to resolve apparently contradictory findings in the PRSC literature. Implications for research on self-focused attention are also discussed.  相似文献   

The publication of the first counseling articles addressing confidentiality limits of clients who have HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and continue to be sexually active with an uninformed partner occurred 4 years ago. Since that time, dialogue about whether a helping professional may ethically and legally breach confidentiality has not resolved the dilemma but instead has created more questions and controversy for counselors. In this article the authors highlight the barrage of ethical issues regarding HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AlDS), review ethical and legal guidelines pertaining to HIV and AIDS and confidentiality, summarize HIV and AIDS confidentiality policies of the major helping professional organizations, articulate questions that contribute to the confidentiality dilemmas, and challenge the American Counseling Association (ACA), formerly the American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD), to develop specific guidelines for counselors.  相似文献   

Two field studies tested the hypothesis that people's willingness to help a charitable organization is greater when the act is presented as an economic transaction than when it is presented as an act of charity. In Study 1 participants donated more money to a charity when offered a product in exchange for their donation, even though the product itself held little appeal for them. Participants' donation rates were also more responsive to the level of need of the victim group when they were offered a product in exchange for their donation, consistent with the idea that the exchange provided psychological cover for their act of compassion. In Study 2 participants' willingness to purchase a product from a charitable organization increased the more of a bargain the price was purported to be, but only when the victims' need was high. The source of people's desire to not reveal or even to recognize the full extent of their prosocial motivation is discussed, as are the implications of the exchange fiction for charity appeals.  相似文献   

Locus of control is demonstrated as being an important individual belief for counselors to consider in their work. Western cultural bias that has influenced the research with locus of control, and may influence how counselors conceptualize clients' problems, is the notion that internal control is always more desirable than external control. Several areas of locus of control theory are reviewed, including sociocultural influences in the formation of the theory, cultural differences in locus of control, and differing conceptualizations of the construct. In addition, selected research with locus of control and mental health is briefly reviewed. Finally, important implications for practitioners are suggested.  相似文献   

Under the influence of the intersubjective or relational perspective, guidelines for establishing the therapeutic frame in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy are undergoing modification. Therapeutic interventions such as disclosing subjective reactions have a sound theoretical basis, but they must be executed judiciously within a context of general neutrality, anonymity, and abstinence. Novice practitioners ought not attempt the more difficult relational interventions until they have acquired experience and security in the basic tenets of psychoanalytic practice, including how to maintain the traditional therapeutic frame. Inexperience in knowing when and under what circumstances to attempt self-disclosure of therapist affect, and insecurity in examining one's countertransference, have the potential to exacerbate enactments and entanglements for beginning therapists, as is illustrated in a case example.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper argues that there are only three ways of relating to clients in therapy: the instrumental, the authentic, and the transpersonal. The transpersonal approach is explained by means of examples, and also by reference to the work of Ken Wilber. As with other approaches to therapy, the transpersonal way requires a form of Being (the state of consciousness necessary), a way of Doing (the actual techniques and methods used), and a form of Knowing (the theory of what is being done). All three of these are explained, and particular attention paid to the question of intuition.  相似文献   

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