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A percept-genetic test of defence mechanisms (the Meta-Contrast Technique) was given to 169 undergraduate students. Subjects were divided into three groups: two visual half-field groups and one group tested in the regular way. It was hypothesized that the visual field groups would differ from one another and from the control group. An ANOVA showed that the left and right visual half-field conditions differed significantly, as hypothesized. Clear regressive signs were more common in the left visual half-field group, whereas isolation and repression were more common in the right. Furthermore, the visual half-field conditions differed in certain respects from the control group. It was concluded that processes in both hemispheres are important for complex psychological functions.  相似文献   

Roberson D  Pak H  Hanley JR 《Cognition》2008,107(2):752-762
In this study we demonstrate that Korean (but not English) speakers show Categorical perception (CP) on a visual search task for a boundary between two Korean colour categories that is not marked in English. These effects were observed regardless of whether target items were presented to the left or right visual field. Because this boundary is unique to Korean, these results are not consistent with a suggestion made by Drivonikou [Drivonikou, G. V., Kay, P., Regier, T., Ivry, R. B., Gilbert, A. L., Franklin, A. et al. (2007) Further evidence that Whorfian effects are stronger in the right visual field than in the left. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 1097-1102] that CP effects in the left visual field provide evidence for the existence of a set of universal colour categories. Dividing Korean participants into fast and slow responders demonstrated that fast responders show CP only in the right visual field while slow responders show CP in both visual fields. We argue that this finding is consistent with the view that CP in both visual fields is verbally mediated by the left hemisphere language system.  相似文献   

It has been reported that tachistoscopic perception of single Chinese characters is better with a left-visual-field (LVF) than with a right-visual-field (RVF) presentation and that of Chinese words consisting of characters is better with a RVF presentation (O. J. L. Tzeng, D. L. Hung, B. Cotton, & S.-Y. Wang, 1979, Nature (London), 382, 499-501). In this study, the nature of this character-word difference in lateralization was explored in a task in which stimuli were presented unilaterally to a visual field for recognition test. Four types of stimuli were used: Single character, single pseudo- or noncharacter, two-character word, and two-character pseudoword. Results show (a) no visual-field advantage for illegal characters and words, (b) a LVF-advantage effect for characters associated with a more prominent LVF than RVF character-superiority effect, (c) a RVF-advantage effect for words associated with a more prominent RVF than LVF word-superiority effect, and (d) these two visual-field effects for characters and words being not absolute, they occur only with a low rather than with a high recognition for their respective illegal counterparts. These results suggest that the character-word difference is due to a more efficient lexical interpretation of character stimuli in the right than in the left hemisphere and a more efficient lexical interpretation of word stimuli in the left than in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

谢书书  张积家  朱君 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1229-1243
采用色环搜索单任务和双任务范式, 考察语言中区分蓝、绿的汉族和语言中蓝、绿混用的纳西族对蓝色和绿色的辨别是否存在颜色范畴知觉效应(Categorical perception, 以下简称为CP效应)。结果发现:(1)纳西族对蓝色和绿色的区分比汉族困难, 体现了语言的作用; (2)语言中蓝、绿混用的纳西族与语言中区分蓝、绿的汉族都出现显著的蓝绿CP效应; (3)两个民族被试的左视野的CP效应受到图形记忆次任务的显著干扰, 说明左视野的CP效应与右脑激活有关。整个研究表明, 颜色CP效应既存在普遍的知觉机制, 也存在语言驱动机制, 语言的作用存在直接效应。研究结果支持颜色词与颜色认知的相互作用理论。  相似文献   

人类对感觉阈限附近的视觉刺激的知觉不总是一致的。为探究这种视知觉不一致的现象及其神经机制, 一些研究者关注刺激前脑内自发alpha神经振荡(8~13 Hz)对视知觉的影响。近年来的研究发现, 刺激前alpha振荡能量的降低能提高被试的探测击中率, 但不能提高知觉精确度; 而刺激前alpha振荡的相位能预测被试能否成功探测刺激。刺激前alpha能量被认为调控了视皮层的基础活动强度; alpha能量的降低反映了皮层基础活动的增强, 进而提高了对较弱刺激的探测率。刺激前alpha相位则被认为调控了皮层兴奋和抑制的时间; 大脑在刺激呈现时的不同状态(兴奋/抑制)决定了最终的知觉结果。  相似文献   

Bilateral presentation in the visual half-field greatly increases superiority of the right visual half-field in tachistoscopic recognition of words when fixation is controlled using a center digit. Two experiments explored left-right asymmetry with bilateral presentation on a visual half-field short-term memory task, with fixation controlled by a sequence of letters at fixation. A total of 40 subjects served in the two experiments, which compared recall under unilateral versus bilateral presentation to the visual half-field. Bilateral presentation increased over-all recall from the last serial position but did not alter asymmetry of the visual half-field. As in previous experiments, the superiority of the right visual half-field was greatest from the initial serial positions. It was concluded that asymmetry of the visual half-field on this recall task with controlled fixation depends primarily on masking and short-term memory but is independent of unilateral-bilateral presentation.  相似文献   


The action-specific account of perception suggests that our perceptual system is influenced by information about our ability to act in our environment and, thus, affects our perception. However, the specific information about action that is influential for perception is still largely unknown. For example, if a goal is achieved through automation rather than action, is perception influenced because the goal was achieved or is perception immune because the act was automated rather than performed by the observer? In four experiments, we examined whether automating a paddle to block a moving ball in a computer game similar to Pong affects perception of the ball’s speed. Results indicate that the automation used here did not affect speed perception of the target. Whereas tools such as reach-extending sticks and various-sized paddles are both incorporated into one’s body schema and also influence spatial perception, automation, our results imply that automation is not incorporated into one’s body schema and does not affect spatial perception. The dissociation in how the mind treats tools versus automation could have several implications as automation becomes more prevalent in daily life.


People's motivational states--their wishes and preferences--influence their processing of visual stimuli. In 5 studies, participants shown an ambiguous figure (e.g., one that could be seen either as the letter B or the number 13) tended to report seeing the interpretation that assigned them to outcomes they favored. This finding was affirmed by unobtrusive and implicit measures of perception (e.g., eye tracking, lexical decision tasks) and by experimental procedures demonstrating that participants were aware only of the single (usually favored) interpretation they saw at the time they viewed the stimulus. These studies suggest that the impact of motivation on information processing extends down into preconscious processing of stimuli in the visual environment and thus guides what the visual system presents to conscious awareness.  相似文献   

Summary Ninety six Ss were subjected to lateral body tilt, ranging from 10° to 90° to the right and to the left, and indicated the visual vertical (by means of a luminescent rod) and the tactual vertical (by means of a metal bar) in a darkroom. There were significant differences for deviations of apparent from true vertical in both series between body tilt to the right versus to the left. With tilts to the right, apparent vertical deviated more opposite the direction of tilt, the E-phenomenon, or less in the direction of tilt, the A-phenomenon, as compared with tilts to the left.This study was supported, in part, by a Public Health Service Research Grant, MH 00348, from the National Institute of Mental Health, while the author was a NATO research fellow at Clark University, Worcester, MA; and in part by a Federal Grant, MR HD 06276, to the Children's Hospital Medical Center, while the author was a research fellow in child psychiatry at Harvard University, School of Medicine, Boston, MA.  相似文献   

Subjects reported letter strings forming words, pronounceable high approximations to words, and unpronounceable low approximations to words presented tachistoscopically to the left or right visual field (LVF, RVF). (a) For number of strings totally correct, the same RVF superiority was obtained with high approximations as with words, the field difference with low approximations being negligible. (b) In contrast, for letter scores from partially correct strings, RVF superiority did not vary with string type. Finding (a) is interpreted to indicate that the left hemisphere is differentially specialized for processing words as units and that requiring oral report makes pronounceable strings processable as word-like units. Finding (b) suggests that the left hemisphere is not specialized for processing subword fragments.  相似文献   

Right hemisphere damaged patients with and without left visual neglect, and age-matched controls had objects of various sizes presented within left or right body hemispace. Subjects were asked to estimate the objects' sizes or to reach out and grasp them, in order to assess visual size processing in perceptual-experiential and action-based contexts respectively. No impairments of size processing were detected in the prehension performance of the neglect patients but a generalised slowing of movement was observed, associated with an extended deceleration phase. Additionally both patient groups reached maximum grip aperture relatively later in the movement than did controls. For the estimation task it was predicted that the left visual neglect group would systematically underestimate the sizes of objects presented within left hemispace but no such abnormalities were observed. Possible reasons for this unexpected null finding are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated by means of the "same-different" decision task the process of comparing visual stimuli (schematic faces, familiar objects, houseplants, and nonsense figures) when presented for 100-150 msec to the right or to the left visual hemifields. The analysis of incorrect "same" responses showed that the addition of a common component (e.g., glasses, buttons) to a pair of nonidentical stimuli increased the percentage of incorrect same responses whereas the addition of the same component to one stimulus only in the pair decreased the percentage of incorrect "same" responses. This pattern, which is in accordance with Tversky's contrast model of similarity, is incompatible with any geometric model. Second, for schematic faces the results revealed that the left hemisphere is more sensitive to common than to distinctive features, whereas the right hemisphere is more sensitive to distinctive than to common features. No such interaction was obtained for the other type of stimuli. The implications of these results for models of similarity and the difference between the present findings and the findings of Sergent (1984) are discussed.  相似文献   

Certain current views postulate that visual perception, especially of distance, is a function of optical stimulation alone. It is shown here that the optical array does not, in fact, specify absolute distance unambiguously, for either a stationary or a moving O. In view of this ambiguity of optical information, a more complex theory, comprising both visual and nonvisual information, as needed to explain, veridical perception.  相似文献   

Viewing faces of one sex changes the perception of subsequently seen ambiguous faces. Here we investigate if the mechanisms responsible for this sex aftereffect are also activated during mental imagery of faces. Participants categorized the sex of ambiguous faces after either viewing images of male or female actors' faces or imagining these same faces. As in previous studies, the ambiguous images were categorized as female more often after viewing male faces than after viewing female faces. The opposite effect was found for imagined faces, however; the ambiguous images were categorized as female more often after imagining female faces than after imagining male faces. Although our results are inconsistent with findings that imagined faces cause either no aftereffects or similar aftereffects to visually presented faces, our results are consistent with recent evidence that visual and imagined presentation of faces cause opposite adaptation effects on an early electrophysiological response associated with face processing.  相似文献   

The right and left hemispheres of four complete commissurotomy subjects were tested for the ability to recognize and integrate figure and background elements of composite visual stimuli. In the first experiment the subjects were required to identify from a four-choice array in free vision the stimulus card that matched the briefly lateralized sample stimulus. For all subjects the left hemispheres was proficient at identifying the figure, but performed at near-chance level in recognizing the textured background. In contrast, the right hemisphere was equally adapt at identifying figures and backgrounds. Both hemispheres could easily identify the isolated figure or background from a choice array, demonstrating that the observed hemisphere effects were due to figure-background interactions rather than the result of any difficulty in processing specific elements of the composite stimulus. The second experiment involved the determination of the size and position of a dot that appeared against various plain and textured backgrounds. The right hemisphere of two subjects, but not the left, performed with greater accuracy when the background consisted of a 'natural' texture gradient rather than a plain white backing. Similar though less consistent results were obtained when an inverted gradient or an evenly spaced grid was used as the background. For each condition, right-hemisphere performance resembled that of normal control subjects. In contrast, the left hemisphere provided a pattern of results dissimilar to that of control subjects for the various figure-background tasks described. It appeared to be generally insensitive to background effects, except when the information provided by the background was highly unusual, as from an inverted texture gradient. The results suggest a preeminent role for the right hemisphere in the recognition of background components of a whole-field stimulus, sensitivity to the influence of the background on the perception of an object, and the ability to use natural perspective cues to assist in the accurate perception of an object.  相似文献   

Jordan TR  Abedipour L 《Perception》2010,39(9):1283-1285
Hearing the sound of laughter is important for social communication, but processes contributing to the audibility of laughter remain to be determined. Production of laughter resembles production of speech in that both involve visible facial movements accompanying socially significant auditory signals. However, while it is known that speech is more audible when the facial movements producing the speech sound can be seen, similar visual enhancement of the audibility of laughter remains unknown. To address this issue, spontaneously occurring laughter was edited to produce stimuli comprising visual laughter, auditory laughter, visual and auditory laughter combined, and no laughter at all (either visual or auditory), all presented in four levels of background noise. Visual laughter and no-laughter stimuli produced very few reports of auditory laughter. However, visual laughter consistently made auditory laughter more audible, compared to the same auditory signal presented without visual laughter, resembling findings reported previously for speech.  相似文献   

To investigate whether concurrent nonverbal sound sequences would affect visual-hemifield lexical processing, lexical-decision performance of 24 strongly right-handed students (12 men, 12 women) was measured in three conditions: baseline, concurrent neutral sound sequence, and concurrent emotional sound sequence. With the neutral sequence, Naveteru, Roy, Ovelac, and Steinling (1992) had observed a right greater than left cerebral blood flow, and an opposite pattern with the emotional sequence. In the present study, the neutral sound sequence induced a significant accuracy reduction for lexical decisions to stimuli presented in the left visual field. It is hypothesized that RH activation in response to neutral sounds interferes with the limited lexical processing resources of that hemisphere.  相似文献   

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