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Zusammenfassung   Die Behandlung pers?nlichkeitsgest?rter Straft?ter, die in den Niederlanden haupts?chlich dem Ma?regelvollzug obliegt, steht durch die Forderung von Politik und ?ffentlichkeit nach maximaler Sicherheit der Allgemeinheit momentan unter st?ndigem Druck. Gleichzeitig finden im Ma?regelvollzug Entwicklungen statt, die gew?hrleisten sollen, dass der Sektor seine prim?re Aufgabe, die Gesellschaft vor rückfallgef?hrdeten Straft?tern zu schützen, besser erfüllen kann. Dabei wird ebenfalls versucht, den unterschiedlichen Sicherungs- und Behandlungsbedürfnissen der verschiedenen Patientengruppen durch ein differenziertes, wissenschaftlich fundiertes Behandlungsangebot gerecht zu werden. In diesem Beitrag werden die Errungenschaften in der Behandlung psychisch gest?rter Straft?ter beschrieben und es wird erl?utert, inwieweit die Panikmache von Politik und Medien die gemachten Fortschritte zu untergraben droht.   相似文献   

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa lead to several serious physical problems. One possible consequence is acid-related dental erosion. Dental erosion can be identified early and is caused by exogenic (selection of food) and / or endogenic (gastric acid) factors. That is why dentists play an important role in the early identification of eating disorders as well as in the prevention and therapy of dental erosion. They should be important collaborators of psychotherapists. We review characteristic damages to the teeth that are seen in eating disorders as well as preventive and therapeutic interventions. Psychotherapists should be informed about dental problems and preventive strategies to educate their patients.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es war das Ziel, ein Maß für die Stärke von Gefühlen aus einem ihrer physischen Korrelate, der sog. psychogalvanischen Reaktion, zu gewinnen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Vergleichsurteile über die Gefühlsbetonung von Reizwortpaaren den durch die Darbietung der Wörter ausgelösten Hautreaktionen zugeordnet. Mit den Maßzahlen wurden eine logarithmische Transformation und eine Quadratwurzeltransformation vorgenommen. Die Auswertung erfolgte jeweils gemäß dem Skalierungsverfahren für Vergleichsurteile. Es zeigte sich, daß die auf Grund der Quadratwurzeltransformation erhaltenen Skalenwerte für die Gefühlsstärke in voll befriedigender Weise durch eine Gerade angenähert werden können, während dies mit der logarithmischen Transformation weniger gut gelingt.Um aus der gefundenen Intervallskala der Gefühlsstärke eine Verhältnisskala zu erhalten, wurde die Gefühlsschwelle der galvanischen Hautreaktion zu bestimmen versucht. Es ergab sich, daß der Schwellenwert der emotionalen Veränderung bei der Größe 0 der Hautwiderstandsänderung liegt. Es folgt daraus, daß die Stärke eines Gefühls als der Quadratwurzel der relativen Widerstandsänderung proportional anzunehmen ist.Dieses Ergebnis wird durch ein Anwendungsbeispiel veranschaulicht.  相似文献   

Developmental conditions that give rise to a pathological bond are described. Such pathological accommodations are therapeutically difficult to handle and seem to be irresolvable. Insights from developmental psychology studies of the earliest phases of mental development indicate that insufficient and non-supporting relational experiences during the critical period of primary dependence are of crucial impact. A sufficiently constant affect attunement is considered as the necessary basis for a “mental umbilical cord” by which the ability to mentalize and a mature theory of mind and hence a stable self can develop. Corresponding deficits yield cumulative mini-traumata, which affect, as internalized pathogenic relational experiences, all subsequent relations. The inner experiences that result from pathogenic introjects are paradigmatically illustrated by two poems of Rilke and Baudelaire. Intrapsychic and interpsychic consequences of primary and secondary traumatization and its inherent massive internal violence are described exemplified by a fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen. The establishment of an internalized benevolent object, i.e. development of a healthy psychic structure, is a necessary precondition for a working-through of destructive introjects. In this process it is of primordial importance that the analyst becomes aware of and validates the patient’s emerging feelings and vitality affects and shares the patient’s way of experience. In the course of a microanalytic process of attunement-guided interactions split-off and unsymbolized overwhelming affects can be integrated, thereby establishing a basis for self-awareness and self-reflection.  相似文献   

After describing the institutional development of French psychoanalysis, the author presents different important theories of selected individual psychoanalysts from the neighbouring country. Psychoanalysis could only slowly gain ground in France, much later than when the Freudian concepts were accepted in other European countries and the United States. The social and cultural reasons for this delay are pointed out. When Jacques Lacan introduced the technique of temporal variable sessions, severe institutional conflicts occurred, which led to a split in French psychoanalysis. The author tries to highlight the most important non-Lacanian developmental lines by presenting authors, such as Serge Viderman, Daniel Lagache, Serge Lebovici, Pierre Marty, René Diatkine, René Roussillon, André Green, Jean Laplanche and others.  相似文献   

Methodenstreit in Economics. This essay offers an account of the Methodenstreit in economics between first Menger and Schmoller and later Max Weber and again Schmoller. It is argued that, for Schmoller, two issues were central; to use economics (widely conceived) as an instrument for economic policy and notably social policy: and to base the science empirically with all the modern methods available. In contrast, the Austrian position had a different view of economics as a science, seeing it more as a system of ideas, which implies a radically different use of empirical evidence. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Kaiser  Nora  Ehlert  Ulrike 《Psychotherapeut》2003,48(5):361-368
Die Psychotherapie - Die Verhaltensmedizin ist das Arbeits- und Forschungsgebiet, in dem empirisch geprüfte Methoden der Verhaltenstherapie in unterschiedlichsten medizinischen Disziplinen...  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

In psychoanalytic research little attention has been given to one of the analyst’s chief instruments, namely his/her voice, although, apart from a few exceptions, the patient has to rely mainly on the acoustic channel in the course of the psychoanalytic process. The author presumes this to be a sign of a collective resistance among analysts which protects them against an unsettling idea: Our utmost restraint notwithstanding, it is in our voice that our physical nature materializes, that our presence is felt in a sensory way thus affecting our patients. An attempt is undertaken to show to what extent the analyst’s voice as a part of the atmosphere in the analyst’s practice affects the patient physically, thus making it possible for him/her an aesthetic experience, which may as a sensory perception lead to changes of the habitual ways of perception and thus to new experiences. Using the concept of “The Performance” devised by Fischer-Lichte, a lecturer in the theory of drama, the author explains to what extent meanings are created by both participants of a psychoanalytic process: Fischer-Lichte regards the aesthetics of performance as aesthetics of presence which arouse the sensation of physical presence. If the patient’s focus on the voice is not merely interpreted as a means of defence against comprehending the semantic meanings of the words, but is accepted as a necessary transition stage leading to re-animating the patient’s conception of reality, then a new listening and performing horizon is opened where the presence of other things can be experienced.  相似文献   

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