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The maximum number of categories distinguishable in making an absolute judgment was estimated by Miller to be “seven plus or minus two,” corresponding to about 3 bits of information transmitted per stimulus. Later work extended this range to include at least 2 to 4 bits of information, which reached 16 categories. In contrast, the number of distinguishable differences between two stimuli is in the order of 100. Why is this so? It is shown here that an answer to these questions can be obtained by constructing anentropy function, Hs, which is a measure of the uncertainty of a subject (or a sensory receptor) as it perceives the magnitude of an applied stimulus. Using this function, it is demonstrated that the ubiquitous 3 bits of information per stimulus can be approximated from the expression \(\log _2 \sqrt {{{\tau _2 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\tau _2 } {\tau _1 }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\tau _1 }}} \) , where τ1 and τ2 are known time constants. The same entropy function can be used to derive various other psychophysical laws, such as the Weber-Fechner law, Stevens’ law, and the Bunsen-Roscoe law.  相似文献   

Critical interest in Aboriginal and other non-mainstream works challenges established notions of literariness and canonicity, spilling over into the classroom and curriculum development, where instructors of various disciplines must make decisions about what they will teach, and how and why they will teach it. The ramifications of such decisions are multifaceted and often compounded by fear, raising concerns regarding the scope and the ways in which teachers or post-secondary instructors are accountable for the ethical treatment of texts by so-called minority writers and to the broadening demographic of students. Teachers/instructors must themselves construct an ethical framework for inclusion of texts for study, and often do so with only tenuous support. For example, what are the rights of educators to engage with texts that fall outside of their cultural experience? If instructors are not exempt from the ethical considerations facing researchers, how do they become accountable without excluding or appropriating contentious materials in the scope of their work? Liberatory pedagogical practices in the classroom provide the backdrop against which an ethics of inclusion can develop and consequently inform the development of curricula and the creation of syllabi, as well as the facilitation of classroom dynamics in an atmosphere of cultural richness and diversity.  相似文献   

The three lineages of information,—the genetic, the cultural and artifactual—will increasingly merge their constituent information contents through advances in biotechnology and information technology. This will redefine what constitutes “social” and what constitutes “community.” A community's members communicate with their “significant others” and change their internal information states (and their internal and external behaviors). Under conditions of merging, information exchanges occur across all the three lineages. In this sense, the concept of significant other,—that is, a communicating entity—, is now spread from human communities to encompass also the biological and the artifactual. A seamless merging between the three realms now occurs affecting their respective internal information stores. The resulting image of interactions that now arises is of multiple oceans of communities, operating at different levels, the genetic, the cultural and the artifactual. There are exchanges across the different levels, up and down and sideways, as information is translated from one realm to the other. These dynamics result in changes in the evolutionary characteristics of each lineage and sub‐lineage, including the internal perceptions from within a lineage, namely in the language of evolutionary epistemology, its “meanings” and “hypotheses” on the world. A future sociology must necessarily take into account these factors and incorporate the dynamics of all three realms.  相似文献   

A phenomenologically informed psychoanalytic praxis for framing and conducting ethnonational conflict resolution in fractured communities is presented. When conducted with care, it begins with the polarization of each side in the conflict and continues into a second phase where the antagonism changes into the negotiation of paradox, irony and multiplicity of positions. Third, the crossing of mental borders with trepidation follows. Fourth, an ethic of responsibility, where common ground is sought brings closure to the process. A plea for humility, however, is required of practitioner scholars of conflict resolution because there is invariably a phantom that threatens to be resurrected to derail what at one time looked like success long after the work is formally completed. The return of the phantom requires practitioners to seriously consider implications for follow-up.  相似文献   

The State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES) measures transient feelings of self-worth. The SSES has been hypothesized to possess a number of latent structures, ranging from one to three factors. The present study compared these putative structures along with a newly hypothesized bifactor structure (i.e., one global factor, three subfactors). Results offered greatest support for the bifactor model. A secondary goal was to further assess the nomological network surrounding state self-esteem by examining correlations involving an expanded measure of basic personality (i.e., the HEXACO), Dark Triad traits, and sexual attitudes and behaviors. In general, these correlations were consistent with the theoretical portrait of state self-esteem and were also consistent with correlations involving trait-level self-esteem. Most notably, however, scores on the SSES consistently correlated negatively with measures of the Dark Triad traits, suggesting a possible theoretical distinction between state- and trait-level self-esteem.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the hypothesis derived from self‐categorization theory (SCT) that the relationship between groups and stereotyping will be affected by the social structural conditions within which group interaction occurs. A mixed design experiment (n=56) measured low‐status groups' stereotypes and preferences for conflict with a high‐status outgroup prior to and after within‐group discussion across varying social structural conditions. Over time, participants in [open] conditions consensualized around positive conceptions of the outgroup and endorsed acceptance of their own [low status] position. However, in [closed] conditions participants consensualized around positive conceptions of the ingroup, negative conceptions of the outgroup, and tended towards preferences for collective protest. It is argued that the data support S‐CT's contention that stereotyping and group processes are fundamentally interlinked and that neither can be properly understood in isolation from the dynamics of the surrounding intergroup context. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When subjects are asked to determine where a fast-moving stimulus enters a window, they typically do not localize the stimulus at the edge, but at some later position within that window (Fröhlich effect). We report five experiments that explored this illusion. An attentional account is tested, assuming that the entrance of the stimulus in the window initiates a focus shift toward it. While this shift is under way, the stimulus moves into the window. Because the first phenomenal (i.e., explicitly reportable) representation of the stimulus will not be available before the end of the focus shift, the stimulus is perceived at some later position. In Experiment 1, we established the Fröhlich effect and showed that its size depends on stimulus parameters such as movement speed and movement direction. In Experiments 2 and 3, we examined the influence of eye movements and tested whether the effect changed when the stimuli were presented within a structural background or when they started from different eccentricities. In Experiments 4 and 5, specific predictions from the attentional model were tested: In Experiment 4 we showed that the processing of the moving stimulus benefits from a preceding peripheral cue indicating the starting position of the subsequent movement, which induces a preliminary focus shift to the position where the moving stimulus would appear. As a consequence the Fröhlich effect was reduced. Using a detection task in Experiment 5, we showed that feature information about the moving stimulus is lost when it falls into the critical interval of the attention shift. In conclusion, the present attentional account shows that selection mechanisms are not exclusively space based; rather, they can establish a spatial representation that is also used for perceptual judgment—that is, selection mechanisms can bespace establishing as well.  相似文献   

Studies in East European Thought - The present article is a critical engagement with Aleksei Yurchak’s Everything Was Forever until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation. It contends...  相似文献   

This essay presents a phenomenological analysis of the functioning of symbols as elements of the life-world with the purpose of demonstrating the interrelationship of individual and society. On the basis of Alfred Schutz's theory of the life-world, signs and symbols are viewed as mechanisms by means of which the individual can overcome the transcendences posed by time, space, the world of the Other, and multiple realities which confront him or her. Accordingly, the individual's life-world divides itself into the dimensions of time, space, the social world and various reality spheres which form the boundaries or transcendences that the I has to understand and integrate. Signs and symbols are described as appresentational modes which stand for experiences originating in the different spheres of the life-world within the world of everyday life, within which they can be communicated, thereby establishing intersubjectivity. Schutz's theory of the symbol explains how social entities – such as nations, states or religious groups – are symbolically integrated to become components of the individual's life-world. The following paper reconstructs Schutz's concept of the symbol as a crucial component of his theory of the life-world, which is seen as an outstanding phenomenological contribution to the theory of the sign and the symbol in general.  相似文献   

The study compares the extent to which naturally structured data and artificial, relatively random data (both with the same basic parameters) produce simple structure factors which are uniquely determined. Two examples of unstructured matrices were compared with the ball problem matrix. The results show that an oblique position of maximum hyperplane count in the structured data differs from that in the unstructured by reaching a significantly more unique position in terms of the exactitude with which it is re-discoverable when starting from different positions, and by reaching (at the maximum) a significantly higher hyperplane count.  相似文献   

The “language of the gods” is conceived as a kind of language more complex than what we associate with human tongues in the strict sense of the term. Certain arbitrary regularities throughout the rational disciplines appear to indicate the existence of this language. The present article explores this new concept and applies it in an attempt to provide a logical clarification of the notions of individual consciousness and physical reality.  相似文献   

The current study examines responses from 188 registered sex offenders to assess the impact of collateral consequences and situate such experiences within a framework of necropolitics. Two research questions are addressed: How can the experience of collateral consequences be explained through necropolitics; and, do sex offenders use necropolitics in resistive efforts? Results demonstrate that exclusion from social and political institutions results in a “death in life” for sex offenders. Last, this article discusses an alternative lens for conceptualizing policy initiatives towards sex offenders by juxtaposing Luckmann’s “life-worlds” with Mbembe’s “death worlds.”  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the imagination in Fanon's and Husserl's work in order to rethink Fanon's relationship with Husserlian phenomenology. I begin with an investigation of the oft-overlooked ways in which the imagination appears in Wretched of the Earth. Here, I argue that Fanon puts a great deal of stock in the imagination, ultimately calling upon this faculty in order to presage the novel ways of being, thinking, and acting, which are a recurrent signature of his vision of decolonization. In the latter half of the article, I then offer an account of the decisive methodological significance of the imagination within Husserl's work. Revisiting the methodological infrastructure of phenomenology with Fanonian concerns in mind casts Husserl's project in a surprising new light, bringing to the fore the revolutionary potential of both the epoché and the method of eidetic variation. For at the core of Husserlian methodology lies a resolve to exceed the limits of our present empirical reality—a leitmotiv of Fanon's own thinking. I ultimately show that Fanon's work can thus be imagined as a reactivation, indeed a revolution, inaugurated at the heart of phenomenology and its most basic methodological commitments.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that in a voluntary generalization task subjects encode the training stimulus (TS) in relation to the adaptation-level (AL) prevailing at the time of TS presentation. If so, then during a subsequent generalization test the point of maximal generalized responding should bear this same relationship to the AL of the generalization test series. To test this hypothesis, three major groups of subjects (n = 80) were given preexposures with dim lights (low preexperimental AL group), bright lights (high preexperimental AL group), or no preexposure (control group). Next, half of each group was exposed to a TS and a subsequent generalization (recognition) test including this brightness and four others. The other half of each group was exposed to the same TS and subsequent generalization stimuli, but their task was to rate the stimuli on a 7-point bright-dim scale. This provided AL measures which could be correlated with generalization performance in the comparable generalization groups. The preexposure condition was successful in producing the expected low or high preexperimental ALs, as reflected in different ratings of the TS when it was presented. Furthermore, these effects persisted throughout testing, as evidenced in ALs (i.e., rating scale midpoints) which reflected the preexposure condition. Finally, the difference between the point of maximal generalized responding and the AL of the generalization test series was highly and significantly correlated with the difference between the original rating of the TS and scale midpoint. This supports the maj or experimental hypothesis of the study.  相似文献   

The present study tests a gestalt (closure) explanation for the gambler's fallacy which posits that runs in random events will be expected to reverse only when the run is open or ongoing. This is contrasted with the law of small numbers explanation suggesting that people expect random outcomes to balance out generally. Sixty-one university students placed hypothetical guesses and bets on a series of coin tosses. Either heads or tails were dominant (8 versus 4). In a closed run condition the run ended prior to the critical trial (e.g., HHHT), and in an open run condition the run remained open (e.g., THHH). As hypothesised, participants showed the gambler's fallacy in the open run condition, but not in the closed run condition. This difference is not due to differential memory for the outcomes. Men, and people with more previous experience gambling, were also found to be more prone to the gambler's fallacy. It is argued that the gestalt explanation best explains the results.  相似文献   

Although commitment is theoretically distinct from relationship satisfaction, empirical associations between the concepts are high. After drawing from classic definitions of commitment to distinguish between commitment as the desire for a relationship to persist versus the behavioral inclination to maintain the relationship, we predicted that the former component would function much like satisfaction, whereas the latter component would operate independently of satisfaction to stabilize couple relationships. Using satisfaction and commitment data collected over the first 4 years of marriage (N = 172 couples), we demonstrate that only behavioral inclinations to maintain the marriage are related to observed marital interaction behaviors, to reported steps taken toward dissolution, and to 11-year divorce rates, independent of satisfaction. Consistent with dyadic "weak-link"' conceptions of commitment, likelihood of divorce was found to increase as a function of the lower of the 2 partners' inclination to maintain the relationship. Commitment may stabilize declining intimate partnerships, particularly when it is conceptualized as the inclination to maintain the relationship. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

An interest in the affairs of same-sex others is especially strong among females, and women are more likely than men to use gossip in an aggressive, competitive manner. The goal of such gossip is to exclude competitors from a social group and damage the competitor's ability to maintain a reliable social network of her own. Timeworn assumptions about an affinity between females and negative gossip appear to be more than just a stereotype. Understanding the dynamics of competitive gossip may also give us insight into related social phenomena such as how people use social media such as Facebook.  相似文献   

In January 1920, the Ecumenical Patriarchate issued an encyclical – “Unto all the Churches of Christ Wheresoever They Be” – which has played a key role in the history of the ecumenical movement and the engagement of the Orthodox Church in it. The document was prepared by a group of theologians of the Ecumenical Patriarchate headed by Metropolitan Germanos (Strenopoulos). At the time of its publication, it had an official English version; however, it is usually referenced according to its later revised translation, undertaken in 1959 by W. A. Visser ’t Hooft. A significant difference is that the 1920 translation did not include what has come to be seen as the central feature of the 1920 encyclical: that is, the proposal to create a “League of Churches.” The article explores whether the revision is a more accurate translation of the Greek original or rather an interpretation of the encyclical that enshrines in the text its key concept – which was, however, not contained in the original document.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - Medicine is increasingly subject to various forms of criticism. This paper focuses on dominant forms of criticism and offers a better account of their normative...  相似文献   

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