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石诚高考落榜的那年,父母离异了,他憎恨爸爸妈妈都是“冷血动物”,跑回大山里跟爷爷一起过日子。真是船破又遇顶头风,爷爷的小山村在一次山洪暴发中冲走了半爿村子,白发苍苍的老人在山洪中只抢了一个用包袱包着的“砖头”出来,竟然毫无哀伤之色。  相似文献   

5岁那年,镇里来了个马戏团。父亲得到消息,就急忙带着他去看热闹。到了那里,才发现演马戏的人被里三层外三层围得水泄不通。他听到里面热闹的声音,却看不到,于是急得在地上打着滚哭闹。  相似文献   

5岁那年,镇里来了个马戏团。父亲得到消息,就急忙带着他去看热闹。到了那里,才发现演马戏的人被里三层外三层围得水泄不通。他听到里面热闹的声音,却看不到,于是急得在地上打着滚哭闹。  相似文献   

我父亲年轻的时候曾用手推车去一百多里外的地方推过煤。和他同去的还有山鸡、锁柱等村里的五个青年。 天蒙蒙亮,他们便来到了生产队队长家里。队长说过,要亲自给他们煮面条壮行。队长说,来回一趟两百多里路,啥也不干也会把人累得够呛,  相似文献   

感动 《思维与智慧》2005,(10):26-26
澳大利亚的西南,有一片地图上找不到的沙漠。这里雨水稀少,干旱异常,夏季最高温度可达50摄氏度,因为没有高大树木的阻挡,狂风终日从这片沙漠上空咆哮而过,好像要把地平线扯断。  相似文献   

人长大就一定要有秘密吗?没有秘密的人就是“缺心眼儿”吗?  相似文献   

画家以唯美主义的风格描绘了三个不同动作表情的人物,给人以美好和纯洁的视觉享受。画面细致独特地刻画了人物的皮肤、手和脚,用几近照片的写实绘画风格描绘了女性的恬美形象,给人带来阳光般的情调。  相似文献   

自从妈妈进入更年期,家里的天空似乎从来就没有晴过。爸爸说,妈妈患了更年期综合症,是特殊时期,让我不要和她计较。可是,爸爸,您知道吗,我也进入青春期,我患有“青春期综合症”,您能理解我的苦衷吗?  相似文献   

父亲刚退休那阵,每次母亲来电话都抱怨,说父亲就像得了自闭症似的,每天在家除了看电视就是看报纸,怎么劝也不肯出门。母亲说:“英子,有空你也来劝劝你爸,你看咱们小区,那么多老年人每天聚在大门口又说又笑的,多开心啊!”  相似文献   

Murphy  J. G. 《Sophia》1966,5(3):45-46

Teleological beliefs about the natural world often exist implicitly, and there is a positive relationship between teleological endorsement and belief in supernatural agents. In the current study, participants judged a series of scientifically unwarranted teleological explanations of biological organisms and natural non-living objects, under speeded or un-speeded instructions. After controlling for belief in the existence of supernatural agents, rates of implicit (speeded) and explicit (un-speeded) teleological endorsement were moderated by the belief that supernatural agents intentionally interact with the world. Amongst non-religious individuals, rates of implicit endorsement were significantly higher than explicit endorsement, whereas for highly religious individuals the difference was non-significant. This interaction was driven predominantly by explanations of natural non-living objects. These results are consistent with an intention-based theory of teleology, and help to reconcile the finding of a positive relationship between teleological endorsement and belief in supernatural agents, with the those of an enduring teleological bias.  相似文献   

鑫鑫面粉厂与金屋面粉厂同建在一条街上,相距也仅有五十米,同行是冤家,相互间的竞争激烈可想而知。两家门楣论气派可称得起是荣宁二府,  相似文献   

Legare CH  Souza AL 《Cognition》2012,124(1):1-15
Rituals pose a cognitive paradox: although widely used to treat problems, rituals are causally opaque (i.e., they lack a causal explanation for their effects). How is the efficacy of ritual action evaluated in the absence of causal information? To examine this question using ecologically valid content, three studies (N = 162) were conducted in Brazil, a cultural context in which rituals called simpatias are used to treat a great variety of problems ranging from asthma to infidelity. Using content from existing simpatias, experimental simpatias were designed to manipulate the kinds of information that influences perceptions of efficacy. A fourth study (N = 68) with identical stimuli was conducted with a US sample to assess the generalizability of the findings across two different cultural contexts. The results provide evidence that information reflecting intuitive causal principles (i.e., repetition of procedures, number of procedural steps) and transcendental influence (i.e., presence of religious icons) affects how people evaluate ritual efficacy.  相似文献   

Belief in supernatural agents in the face of death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four studies examined whether awareness of mortality intensifies belief in supernatural agents among North Americans. In Studies 1 and 2, mortality salience led to more religiosity, stronger belief in God, and in divine intervention. In Studies 3 and 4, mortality salience increased supernatural agent beliefs even when supernatural agency was presented in a culturally alien context (divine Buddha in Study 3, Shamanic spirits in Study 4). The latter effects occurred primarily among the religiously affiliated, who were predominantly Christian. Implications for the role of supernatural agent beliefs in assuaging mortality concerns are discussed.  相似文献   

在萨满教的各类巫术活动中炼火术使用较多。在各民族的萨满仪式中往往有某种形式的制火巫术,以此来显示萨满本领的高低。有训练的萨满是不怕火的,他(或她)能够有效地控制火势,在火堆中跳神不被烧伤,吞掉火炭不被烫伤。炼火术虽然是各民族萨满教仪式中所共有的具有普遍性的巫术活动,但其内容和形式不尽相同。  相似文献   

The problem of how to handle interesting but ignored thinkers of the past is discussed through an analysis of the case of Ludwik Fleck. Fleck was totally ignored in the ‘30s and declared an important thinker in the 70s and ‘80s. In the first case fashion ignored him and in the second it praised him. The praise has been as poor as the silence was unjust. We may do such thinkers more justice if we recognize that intellectual society is fickle, that we cannot make amends in many cases, but that we can do such thinkers justice by treating them critically ‐ even if this means explaining away any impact they might have had. If we wish to be autonomous and independent of fashion, we must abandon efforts to use the making of amends the occasion for making intellectual society seem fairer than it is.  相似文献   

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