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视觉感觉记忆信息在模式识别中的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马振玲  杨仲乐 《心理科学》2004,27(3):624-627
该研究设计了新的实验方法进行了两项全部报告实验和两项抽样模式识别实验,考察视觉感觉记忆(visual sensorymemory,VSM)信息在模式识别中的作用。结果发现,在限定利用短时记忆(shor-term memory,STM)信息的抽样模式识别作业中,识别出的模式与转换到短时记忆的模式在数量上无显著性差别,而在短时记忆和感觉记忆信息都可能利用的识别作业中,虽然转换到短时记忆的模式数量并未增加,但识别出的模式比转换到短时记忆的模式数量增加了1倍(P<0.001)。这表明,未能转换到短时记忆的感觉记忆信息可被直接用于模式识别。  相似文献   

在自我观点和他人观点一致或不一致的条件下,人们对自我角度和他人角度的信息加工优势和影响因素是厘清心理理论推理过程的重要问题。本研究选取了100名在校大学生作为被试,采用E-prime程序在两个视觉采择实验中,要求被试对特定场景中的信息基于自己的角度或他人的角度(两种角度的信息可能一致,也可能不一致)进行判断,同时探索了被试的文化、性别、专业背景对不同角度推理的影响。研究结果发现:(1)当进行他人角度观点采择时,被试很难忽略自己角度的信息干扰。在其他实验情境相同,只需要被试采择他人观点时(实验2),也能观察到相同的现象。(2)比较而言,被试对自己角度的信息加工显著快于采择他人角度的观点,并且更有效。(3)男女对自我角度的信息加工无性别差异,而在采择他人观点时,男性比女性显著慢;但是,文科生对两种角度信息的加工均要慢于理科被试。对比中西方文化背景下的结果说明,对两种角度的观点采择可能受到被试的文化背景、性别和专业因素的影响和调节。本研究为进一步解释成人心理理论的推理机制提供了不同的实验证据。  相似文献   

通过预备实验选取隐含不同数量的替代条件和失效条件的条件命题作为实验材料,以大学本科生为被试,考察了在正式条件推理任务中替代条件和失效条件的数量对四种条件推断(MP、MT、DA、AC)的影响。结果表明当被试检索到多个替代条件时,被试不仅抑制DA、AC推断而且对MT推断产生抑制作用;当被试检索到多个失效条件时,被试抑制了MP和MT推断,同时更多的接受DA和AC推断。  相似文献   

研究发现在多目标追踪任务中,即使视野中的所有物体同时消失长达几百毫秒,被试也能成功地完成追踪任务。Horowitz等(2006)认为这种能力主要是依靠把刺激消失时的目标信息保存在一种离线存储(off-line memory)记忆当中。这样,当刺激再现时,被试就可以把当前画面与存储的内容进行比较来区分目标和非目标。本研究的目的在于探讨目标位置、运动轨迹等信息在目标复原过程中的作用。结果发现:(1) 目标再现位置与消失位置相同时,被试的成绩最好,这说明在目标复原过程中利用了基于位置匹配的策略。(2)当目标再现位置与其消失前的运动方向一致或位于其消失前的运动轨迹上时,成绩较对照条件(目标再现于运动轨迹的法线方向)要好,这说明被试能够利用目标运动的轨迹和方向等信息。(3)当追踪的目标数量增加时,目标运动轨迹和方向等信息在复原过程中的相对作用下降,且被试只能利用1~2个目标的轨迹和运动方向信息  相似文献   

为了考察重复学习条件下内部心境转换和外部情境转换对类别-例词回忆的影响,本研究参考提取练习范式,进行了两个实验。实验1选取96名被试,在初始学习与重复学习阶段之间通过指导语操纵被试维持初始学习时的心境,或转换为合作心境,或转换为竞争心境;实验2选取64名被试,被试在不同外部情境中进行初始学习和重复学习,测试时或处于初始学习的情境,或处于重复学习的情境。回忆测验的结果显示:与未经历重复学习的基线词相比,同类别重学的例词回忆率高于基线词,表现出促进现象;当发生内部心境转换,或发生外部情境转换且在重复学习的情境测试时,同类别中未重学例词的回忆率低于基线词,表现出削弱现象;当发生外部情境转换但在初始学习情境测试时,同类别未重学例词的回忆却高于基线词。可采用联结凸显-曝光-线索扩展性的三维度观点解释这一结果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨愤怒和恐惧对认知控制的影响。方法:采用3(情绪条件:平静、愤怒和恐惧)×2(任务类型:任务重复和任务转换)两因素被试内设计,使用自传体回忆的方法诱发目标情绪,然后要求被试依次完成任务转换作业、情绪自评报告和分心任务。结果:(1)在任务转换试次,在恐惧和愤怒情绪条件下的反应时显著慢于平静情绪条件下的;(2)在任务重复试次,三种情绪条件下的反应时没有显著差异;(3)愤怒和恐惧条件下的反应时转换代价显著高于平静情绪条件下的。实验结果支持情绪的动机维度模型。  相似文献   

组织结构图标记对文章整体信息理解与保持的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜晓新  宋永宁  黄昭鸣 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1101-1103
本研究采用实验的方法,研究了组织结构图标记对被试文章整体信息理解与保持的影响。结果表明:(1)用组织结构图进行标记能有效提高被试对文章整体信息的通达;(2)组织结构图标记类型与文章难度之间存在显著的交互作用,即在文章容易时,标记效应不显著;在文章较难时,标记效应极显著;(3)当阅读材料较难时,在半标记条件下,被试得分最高;全标记次之;无标记最低。  相似文献   

短时和长时记忆中的句式效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喻柏林 《心理学报》1988,21(1):40-46
本研究的目的在于探讨短时记忆(STM)和长时记忆(LTM)中是否存在句式效应。实验选用汉语中的三类句式:陈述句、被动句和疑问句。每个句子由七个字组成。两个实验采用STM作业,一个实验采用LTM作业。STM实验表明,三类句式在STM中不仅都能得到贮存和输出,而且它们具有大致相等的短时获得量,并在有限的STM容量里占有大致相等的空间。由此可见,对句子的短时贮存加工很少受甚至几乎不受句子结构型式的影响,即STM中没有显示明显的句式效应。但在LTM中,句式效应有较明显的表现。因为不同句式在长时保持量和遗忘速度上,存在着较大的差异。具体表现为陈述句比被动句和疑问句更占优势。此外,在LTM中发生的句法错误上,表现了核心句(即陈述句或主动句)替代非核心句(即疑问句和被动句)的强烈倾向。本研究提出逆转换或还原假说,用以解释与说明陈述句在LTM中的优势。  相似文献   

刘永芳  高鑫 《心理科学》2004,27(2):311-314
本研究探讨了人工语法迁移效应产生的机制,着重考查了组块信息迁移理论对人工语法迁移效应机制解释的适宜性。结果发现:当学习和测验序列的表层结构不同时,被试能够学习和迁移非重复成分间的序列依存性(实验一);当被试将非重复成分间的序列依存性迁移到表层结构不同的测验序列中时,需要在学习和测验序列的分布特征上形成一种匹配(实验二)。  相似文献   

工作记忆中的语音回路对汉语阅读理解的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鲁忠义  张亚静 《心理学报》2007,39(5):768-776
语音回路是工作记忆中一个重要的组成部分,主要负责加工和存储语音信息。采用混合实验设计,以正确数和反应时 为指标,汉语语篇为阅读材料,探讨工作记忆中的语音回路对汉语阅读理解的影响。本研究包括两个实验,实验一采用发音抑制的范式,结合错误干扰考察了语音回路中的发音复述装置对汉语阅读理解的影响;实验二采用无关言语的范式,结合错误干扰考察了语音回路中的语音存储装置对汉语阅读理解的影响。结果表明:(1)通过发音抑制和无关言语的方法证明,语音回路中的发音复述装置和语音存储装置在汉语阅读理解中起着重要作用。(2) 字音和字形都影响汉语的阅读理解,但字形比字音起着更大的作用,而且它们的作用机制也不相同,字音直接进入语音存储装置,而字形要经过字音的转换进入语音存储装置。(3) 词频与语音回路有密切关系,语音回路中的发音复述装置的作用在高频词上有明显的表现。(4) 词频与字形、字音也有密切关系,在低频词的条件下,字形的作用大于字音的作用  相似文献   

对感觉记忆在相同范畴视觉搜索中作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以三种字母卡片为刺激物,通过两种靶字母搜索实验,探讨了感觉记忆在相同范畴视觉搜索中的作用。实验结果显示,感觉记忆和短时记忆信息都可能利用时的搜索成绩,明显高于限用短时记忆信息时的搜索成绩。这表明,感觉记忆信息可以直接用于相同范畴的视觉搜索。  相似文献   

This paper presents part of a multidimensional examination of mathematical giftedness. The present study examined the memory mechanisms associated with general giftedness (G) and excellence in mathematics (E) in four groups of 10th–12th grade students (16–18 years old) varying in levels of G and E. The participants first underwent the Raven test for general ability evaluation and SAT-M — the mathematical excellence tests in order to design the study groups. Afterwards, the students were tested on a battery of three memory tests including tests for short-term (STM) and working memory (WM). The results reveal that the G factor is related to high STM for both phonological loop and phonological central executive mechanisms. It was also found that the E factor is associated with high visual–spatial memory (VSM), in particular with the visual central executive mechanism. An interaction effect was found between G and E factors regarding WM. The central executive mechanism appeared to be related to both G and E factors. In addition, gender differences were shown within the groups. Male participants performed better than their female counterparts on a phonological storage task and a phonological central executive mechanism task. The results can contribute to the theoretical knowledge regarding similarities and differences in memory mechanisms in G and E groups.  相似文献   

视空间定位的短时记忆的超广度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用视空间定位的短时记忆任务研究记忆负载的增加对空间位置信息和时间顺序信息的记忆成绩的影响。结果表明,在记忆负载较低时,位置记忆和顺序记忆的成绩相同;当记忆负载逐渐增大时,位置记忆的成绩逐渐上升,而顺序记忆的成绩先上升后下降,两者出现显著性的差异。在这个过程中,短时记忆的加工发生相应的变化,体现了短时记忆加工资源的有限性。  相似文献   

S chioldborg P. Selective attention in visual perception and short-term memory; 'stimulus' set versus 'response' set. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1972, 13 , 172–177.—The identification time of letters or digits, as selected from a mixed array of both, was longer when selection was based on the class concept Letter or Digit ('response' set) than when based on the color or position of the items ('stimulus' set). The difference is assumed to reflect variations in the momentary attention level of the selected items, thereby affecting the amount of information processed per unit time. Retrieval of information from short-term memory appeared to be independent of type of selection, suggesting that information processing in STM includes conceptual analysis.  相似文献   

Memory sets of N=1 ~ 5 digits were exposed sequentially from left-to-right across the screen, followed by N recognition probes. Probes had to be compared to memory list items on identity only (Sternberg task) or conditional on list position. Positions were probed randomly or in left-to-right order. Search functions related probe response times to set size. Random probing led to ramped, “Sternbergian” functions whose intercepts were elevated by the location requirement. Sequential probing led to flat search functions—fast responses unaffected by set size. These results suggested that items in STM could be accessed either by a slow search-on-identity followed by recovery of an associated location tag, or in a single step by following item-to-item links in study order. It is argued that this dual coding of location information occurs spontaneously at study, and that either code can be utilised at retrieval depending on test demands.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and epilepsy are frequently comorbid and that both disorders are associated with various attention and memory problems. Nonetheless, limited research has been conducted comparing the two disorders in one sample to determine unique versus shared deficits. Hence, we investigated differences in working memory (WM) and short-term and delayed recall between children with ADHD, focal epilepsy of mixed foci, comorbid ADHD/epilepsy and controls. Participants were compared on the Core subtests and the Picture Locations subtest of the Children’s Memory Scale (CMS). Results indicated that children with ADHD displayed intact verbal WM and long-term memory (LTM), as well as intact performance on most aspects of short-term memory (STM). They performed worse than controls on Numbers Forward and Picture Locations, suggesting problems with focused attention and simple span for visual-spatial material. Conversely, children with epilepsy displayed poor focused attention and STM regardless of the modality assessed, which affected encoding into LTM. The only loss over time was found for passages (Stories). WM was intact. Children with comorbid ADHD/epilepsy displayed focused attention and STM/LTM problems consistent with both disorders, having the lowest scores across the four groups. Hence, focused attention and visual-spatial span appear to be affected in both disorders, whereas additional STM/encoding problems are specific to epilepsy. Children with comorbid ADHD/epilepsy have deficits consistent with both disorders, with slight additive effects. This study suggests that attention and memory testing should be a regular part of the evaluation of children with epilepsy and ADHD.  相似文献   

The capacity of short-term memory (STM) for verbal materials depends both upon the number of familiar chunks and upon the average complexity (number of syllables) of the chunks. A model that predicts STM capacity well was built, incorporating these two factors, for a number of experiments that used both Chinese and English language materials. One experiment, which used Chinese homophones, showed that STM has a nonacoustical (visual or semantic) component as well as an acoustical one. STM capacity for material encoded nonphonologically appears to be no greater than three chunks, whereas acoustical STM has a capacity of up to seven chunks. This result was confirmed by an experiment using chunks (radicals) that do not possess highly familiar one-syllable names.  相似文献   

盖彦君  王权红 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1399-1403
为了考察记忆的知觉干扰效应机制,实验采用“学习-测验”范式,探索了在不同程度视觉干扰条件下,再认测验里低频汉字及双字词的记忆成绩。结果发现:(1)在对低频汉字的记忆中,知觉干扰条件引起了“反知觉干扰效应”,知觉干扰条件削弱了对汉字的记忆;(2)低频双字词不存在记忆的“反知觉干扰效应”。结果可以解释为,记忆的知觉干扰效应反映语音加工优势。  相似文献   

There is great interest in the relationships between memory span tasks and cognitive abilities. However, the causes underlying their correlation remain unknown. In the present article, five key data sets were reanalyzed according to two criteria: They must consider complex span tasks (so-called working memory [WM] tasks) and simple span tasks (so-called short-term memory [STM] tasks), and they must comprise cognitive ability measures. The obtained results offer several points of interest. First, memory span tasks should be conceived from a hierarchical perspective: They comprise both general and specific components. Second, the general component explains about four times the variance explained by the specific components. Third, STM and WM measures are closely related. Fourth, STM and WM measures share the same common variance with cognitive abilities. Finally, the strong relationship usually found between memory span tasks and cognitive abilities could be tentatively interpreted by the component shared by STM and WM--namely, the capacity for temporarily preserving a reliable memory representation of any given information.  相似文献   

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