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Two experiments were carried out on the figural after-effect. The first was intended to discover whether the figural after-effect did in fact take place with statistically significant universality. The method of scoring is relevant to the question of statistical significance, but at the best the figural after-effect appears to occur in only a slightly significant manner under the first conditions used. These involved the viewing of a single circle displaced to the left of a fixation point (the inspection-figure) and so placed that if it were superimposed on the second figure—which consisted of two squares on either side of the fixation-point—the circle completely encircled the left-hand square. The second figure is called the test-figure. The fixation point of the inspection-figure was fixated for 25 seconds with one eye, and then the test-figure was substituted and viewed with the opposite eye. A decision was then given by the observer as to the relative size of the squares. Eye-dominance did not appear to be connected with these after-effect processes.

In the second experiment, however, the statistical significance of the occurrence of the after-effects was undoubted. There were two changes in experimental conditions: the instructions to the observers were changed somewhat and a second circle was introduced into the inspection-figure. No difference of any kind was found to occur in the figural after-effect when the test-figure and inspection-figure were displaced horizontally and when they were displaced veitically, and there appeared to be a precisely opposite effect to that predicted when the test-figure and the inspection-figure were actually superimposed.

The most important finding was that, whereas in the first experiment the after-effect occurred with a frequency which was barely significant statistically, it occurred on every occasion under the different conditions of the second experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Sutherland's (1954) much discussed experimental design was analysed in a new fashion. When the original experiment was repeated as such, the expected FAE was found. However, when the same IFs and TFs were presented in a vertical position, no significant FAEs were found. The results lend support to the interpretation presented earlier by Kolehmainen (1968): The FAE found by Sutherland was apparently due to an uncontrolled binocular disparity resulting in a different localization of stimulus figures in respect to the fixation point.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported which shows the effect of inspection of a curved line on the apparent curvature of a curved test line for a range of curvatures of both I and T lines. A second experiment extends the range of I curvatures, using only one T line, a straight line. The experiments showed both adaptation and repulsion components in the FAE.

An experiment by Kohler and Wallach which could not be reconciled with these results was repeated in the relevant part; the results were in agreement with the first experiment here and did not agree with those obtained by Kohler and Wallach.

An argument is presented that both adaptation and repulsion effects could be produced by a cell adaptation mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study an attempt is made to specify the conditions under which counter displacement (test contour displaced toward the inspection contour) will occur. Three experiments are described in which different lengths of inspection of the test-(T-) figure are given following short and long inspections of the inspection-(I-) figure. In Experiment I, after partial dissipation of the figural after-effect (FAE), a period of continuous inspection of the T-figure was employed. In Experiments II and III distributed inspection of the T-figure was given by increasing the number of measurements of the FAE. In all experiments counter displacement was evident. The results were consistent with an interpretation of counter displacement offered earlier by the authors.  相似文献   

Current theoretical positions concerned with figural after-effects were criticized for their inadequacy in accounting for figural after-effects data and for their failure to link these phenomena with other perceptual phenomena in any systematic fashion. On the basis of the relative broadness of Gibson's early formulation, it was decided to adapt a similar adaptation theory, the sensory-tonic field theory of perception, to figural after-effect displacements. Appropriate hypotheses were stated and predictions made. These were tested and confirmed. It was concluded that although the success of the theory is limited, there appears to be hope for its extension.  相似文献   

The results of earlier experiments on the question of whether figural after-effects are affected by apparent as opposed to retinal size are shown to be inconclusive. A new hypothesis is proposed namely that both factors may be responsible for producing figural aftereffects, and four experiments have been made to test it. Situations were used in which the apparent sizes of the figures were determined by the size-constancy effect. It was found that where retinal sizes of test and inspection figures are the same and apparent sizes are different, figural after-effects in the direction which would be predicted on the basis of apparent sizes are obtained. It was further shown that where retinal and apparent sizes are in conflict, whether a figural after-effect is seen or not, and the direction of the figural after-effect, depends upon the balance between these two factors.  相似文献   

It is found that a stationary spiral pattern gives an appearance of movement in a flickering light, and, furthermore, that this apparent rotation gives rise to the same kind of after-effect as a spiral actually rotating. The illusion is obtainable over a wide range of conditions. Detailed results are given in the case of six subjects, but a large number of subjects experienced the illusion. The experimenter has as yet found no one who was not subject to the illusion itself. The after-effects are not universally experienced.  相似文献   

This study explored whether special mechanisms are operative in picture perception to correct for the distortion that occurs when pictures are viewed from the wrong station point. Five photographs were taken of a layout composed of two same-sized dolls positioned at different distances on a flat untextured ground. Perspective differences existed between the photographs as a function of varying the distance of the camera to the layout. Each picture was viewed from five station points along the normal by 12 adults who estimated the relative magnitude of the depth interval between the dolls and judged whether the rear doll was objectively smaller, larger, or the same size as the front doll. No evidence was found of a compensation mechanism operating to stabilize the pictured layout. Distance and size judgments were affected in a manner that was consistent with what would occur if an actual layout and the conditions under which it were viewed were similarly transformed.  相似文献   

When dealing with size distortions, the direction of the distortion is determined by the retinal size of the T-figure with respect to the retinal size of the I-figure. When the T-figure is retinally smaller than the I-figure it is distorted toward appearing even smaller; when it is retinally larger than the I-figure it is distorted toward appearing even larger; and when the two are retinally equal, there is no distortion. If the T-figures are too much larger or smaller than the I-figure, the distortion ceases. The traditional distance paradox is observed where the distance is defined retinally. The apparent size of the figures is irrelevant to a prediction of what sort of distortion takes place. Sutherland's hypothesis that apparent size determines the direction of distortion when retinal sizes are equated is not supported.  相似文献   

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