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答会明 《心理科学》2007,30(3):676-679
以501名参加过CET4的非英语专业大学生为研究对象,通过英语自我效能感问卷(ESEQ)、英语学习焦虑量表(ELAS)和英语学习策略量表(ELSI)的测量,探讨CET4成绩与其主要影响因素性别、英语自我效能感、英语学习焦虑和英语学习策略之间的结构关系模型。结果显示:(1)非英语专业大学生的英语学习焦虑存在显著的性别差异(女生低于男生);(2)性别除与英语学习策略不存在直接路径作用外,与CET4成绩、英语自我效能感、英语学习焦虑间均存在直接路径作用;(3)英语学习焦虑对CET4成绩既存在直接路径作用,又通过英语自我效能感、英语学习策略和英语自我效能感的中介产生问接路径作用;(4)英语学习策略仅通过英语自我效能感的中介对CET4成绩产生间接路径作用。研究还表明英语自我效能感在CET4成绩影响因素的结构模型中起着瓶颈作用。  相似文献   

职业自我效能感是影响个体职业发展的重要心理因素。在开放式问卷调查和文献研究的基础上,初步建构了农民工职业自我效能感的结构。对155人样本数据的探索性因素分析和对146人样本数据的验证性因素分析的结果支持了农民工的职业自我效能感包括职业胜任自我效能感、职业关系自我效能感、职业学习与发展自我效能感、职业问题解决自我效能感四个因素的建构。对农民工职业自我效能感问卷的信度与效度的检验显示,问卷的信度与效度能够达到心理测量的基本要求,可以作为农民工职业自我效能感的测量工具。  相似文献   

大学生自主学习量表的编制   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
在Zimmerman自主学习理论基础上,根据我国大学生学习的实际情况编制了大学生自主学习问卷,通过因素分析发现,其中学习动机分量表可以提取6个因子:学习自我效能感、内在目标、学习控制感、外在目标、学习意义感、学习焦虑,学习策略分量表可以提取6个因子:一般方法、学习求助、学习计划安排、学习总结、学习评价、学习管理。对问卷进行的信度、效度检验结果表明,该量表具有较好的信度、效度指标。  相似文献   

为探讨学业压力、学业自我效能感对学习投入的影响及其交互、中介效应,对463名军校大学生进行问卷调查,构建结构方程模型分析数据。结果发现:(1)军校大学生的学业压力对学习投入预测力不显著,而学业自我效能感显著正向预测学习投入;(2)军校大学生的学业压力负向调节了学业自我效能感与学习投入的关系,即随着学业压力的升高,学业自我效能感对学习投入的影响力逐渐减弱;(3)入世出世心理中的拼搏精神在学业自我效能感对军校大学生学习投入的影响过程中起中介作用。本研究结果为学校背景下要求、资源和投入之间的关系提供了新的证据,对军校大学生的教育实践具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大学生的学习观及其与学习动机、自我效能感的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王学臣  周琰 《心理科学》2008,31(3):732-735
采用大学生学习观问卷、大学生学习动机量表(WMI)、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)及学习效能感量表,选取254名大学生作为被试进行问卷调查,探讨大学生的学习观现状及其与学习动机、一般自我效能感、学习效能感的关系.结果表明:大学生的学习观总体上是倾向于建构性的;文理科学生、本专科学生在学习观的各维度得分上不存在显著差异;大学生的学习观与其内生动机、一般自我效能感、学习效能感存在显著正相关,与外生动机多为显著负相关;学业自我体验与学习过程观是大学生内生动机的有效预测变量,学业自我体验是大学生一般自我效能感和学习效能感的有效预测变量.  相似文献   

为考察大学生民族文化认同与职业成熟度的关系及其内在心理机制,本研究采用多民族青少年文化认同问卷、大学生生涯自我效能感量表和大学生职业成熟度量表对4292名在校大学生进行测查,结果发现:(1)大学生的主流文化认同、民族文化认同、生涯自我效能感和职业成熟度之间具有明显的正相关;(2)主流文化认同--生涯自我效能感在民族文化认同与职业成熟度之间起链式中介作用;(3)生涯自我效能感中介民族文化认同与职业成熟度的关系在男生样本中不显著而在女生样本中显著;主流文化认同、生涯自我效能感分别单独中介民族文化认同与职业成熟度的关系在汉族大学生样本中为部分中介,而在少数民族大学生样本中为完全中介。  相似文献   

用问卷法对286名跨校辅修大学生的时间管理倾向、一般自我效能及学习满意度之间的关系进行探讨,结果表明(1)时间管理倾向中的时间监控观、时间效能感,一般自我效能感对学习满意度具有显著的预测作用;(2)时间监控观既可以通过时间效能感来影响一般自我效能和学刁满意度,也可以直接影响二者。  相似文献   

倪杭英  马剑虹 《应用心理学》2007,13(1):61-64,86
现有的研究表明,学生的英语成绩会受到学习策略、观念和自我效能感的影响.本文在回顾现有研究成果和相关理论的基础上,采用访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,对高中生的英语成绩、学习策略、观念和自我效能感的关系进行研究,进一步讨论高中生的英语学习策略的影响因素和路径,得出以下结论:一、英语学习策略、学习观念、自我效能感、英语成绩之间的相关显著,英语成绩受认知记忆策略的影响最大;二、最常用的英语学习策略是补偿策略、记忆认知策略和元认知策略;三、影响高中生英语学习策略掌握的主要自我效能感因素为学习能力和挑战心,主要学习观念因素是方法和自信.  相似文献   

该研究采用自编的中学生学习观问卷测查中学生的学习观现状。在此基础上,进一步研究学习观与学习策略、学业自我效能感及学业成绩的关系,探讨学习观对学业成绩的影响路径。研究结论如下:中学生的学习观总体上是倾向于建构性的;初中生与高中生、学优生与学差生在学习观的一些维度上存在显著差异;中学生的学习观对学业成绩既存在显著的直接影响,同时也通过影响学习策略、学业自我效能感对学业成绩产生间接影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生心理控制源和自我效能感与抑郁倾向的关系,并检验自我效能感在心理控制源对抑郁倾向关系上的中介效应。方法:随机选取350名大学生接受内控性、有势力的他人及机遇量表、一般自我效能量表和自评抑郁量表测量。结果:(1)相关分析表明,抑郁与心理控制源中的内控性呈显著负相关,与机遇和有势力的他人呈显著正相关,与自我效能感呈显著负相关。内控性和自我效能感存在显著正相关。心理控制源中的内控性和机遇、自我效能感能够显著预测抑郁倾向。(2)中介效应检验表明,自我效能感在内控性对抑郁倾向的作用中起完全中介作用。自我效能感和机遇各自可以独立预测抑郁倾向。结论:自我效能感是内控性预测抑郁倾向的完全中介因素,自我效能感是机遇预测抑郁倾向的部分中介因素。  相似文献   

自我调节学习:策略型学习者实现自我效能的超越   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
桑青松 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1239-1241
自我调节学习与自我效能感是当今教育心理学和教学心理学的两个重要概念。自我调节学习是学习者为了保证学习的成功、提高学习的效果、达到学习的目标主动地运用与调控元认知、动机与行为的过程。自我效能感是个体对自己是否能够成功地进行某一成就行为的主观判断,它是直接影响个体自我调控的关键变量。文章在分析策略型学习者与自我调节学习的基础上,认为增强策略型学习者的自我调节学习能力,是实现教育目标的手段,也是策略型学习者实现自我效能超越的重要内容。自我调节学习也是促进学生全面发展,具备适应未来社会生活的终身学习和可持续发展的意识和能力的必然要求。  相似文献   

Background. The study deepened our understanding of how students’ self‐efficacy beliefs contribute to the context of teaching English as a foreign language in the framework of cognitive mediational paradigm at a fine‐tuned task‐specific level. Aim. The aim was to examine the relationship among task complexity, self‐efficacy beliefs, domain‐related prior knowledge, learning strategy use, and task performance as they were applied to English vocabulary learning from reading tasks. Sample. Participants were 120 second‐year university students (mean age 21) from a Chinese university. Method. This experiment had two conditions (simple/complex). A vocabulary level test was first conducted to measure participants’ prior knowledge of English vocabulary. Participants were then randomly assigned to one of the learning tasks. Participants were administered task booklets together with the self‐efficacy scales, measures of learning strategy use, and post‐tests. Data obtained were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and path analysis. Results. Results from the MANOVA model showed a significant effect of vocabulary level on self‐efficacy beliefs, learning strategy use, and task performance. Task complexity showed no significant effect; however, an interaction effect between vocabulary level and task complexity emerged. Results from the path analysis showed self‐efficacy beliefs had an indirect effect on performance. Our results highlighted the mediating role of self‐efficacy beliefs and learning strategy use. Conclusions. Our findings indicate that students’ prior knowledge plays a crucial role on both self‐efficacy beliefs and task performance, and the predictive power of self‐efficacy on task performance may lie in its association with learning strategy use.  相似文献   

中国学生在学习英语中语音加工策略的使用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
基于国内外有关语言习得的研究,使用自编的语音加工策略调查问卷,调查和分析了我国学生学习英语时语音加工策略的使用情况,探讨了性别、开始学习英语年龄、系别专业以及英语学习听说读写四个不同过程对于语音加工策略使用的影响。结果表明,在听、说、读、写这四个不同的过程中,语音加工策略的使用情况有显著的不同;在语音加工策略的使用上没有表现出性别以及年龄上的差异,但是在起始年龄阶段上以及院系之间存在差异。总的来说,中国学生学习英语对于语音的依赖程度并不高。  相似文献   

Self‐explaining is an effective metacognitive strategy that can help learners develop deeper understanding of the material they study. This experiment explored if the format of material (i.e., text or diagrams) influences the self‐explanation effect. Twenty subjects were presented with information about the human circulatory system and prompted to self‐explain; 10 received this information in text and 10 in diagrams. Results showed that students given diagrams performed significantly better on post‐tests than students given text. Diagrams students also generated significantly more self‐explanations that text students. Furthermore, the benefits of self‐explaining were much greater in the diagrams condition. To discover why diagrams can promote the self‐explanation effect, results are interpreted with reference to the multiple differences in the semantic, cognitive and affective properties of the texts and diagrams studied.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between proactive personality and career decision‐making self‐efficacy. In Study 1, the authors validated the Proactive Personality Scale–Korean Short Form, using the Rasch model with 315 participants, and found that fit statistics, point‐measure correlations, and item difficulty estimates satisfy the construct validity criterion. In Study 2, the authors administered the Proactive Personality Scale, Career Decision‐Making Self‐Efficacy Scale, and Career Search Self‐Efficacy Scale to 296 freshman and sophomore college students. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that proactive personality scores explain additional variance in both career decision‐making self‐efficacy and career search self‐efficacy scores. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Considerable research has described students' deep and surface approaches to learning. Other research has described individuals' self‐regulated learning and need for cognition. There is a need for research examining the relationships among these constructs. Aims: This study explored relationships among approaches to learning (deep, surface), need for cognition, and three types of control of learning (adaptive, inflexible, irresolute). Theory suggested similarities among the deep approach, need for cognition, and adaptive control (aspects of self‐regulated learning); and among surface, inflexible, and irresolute control (aspects of an ineffective approach to learning). One‐factor and two‐factor models were proposed. Sample: Participants were 226 Canadian military college students. Method: Participants completed the following questionnaires: the Study Process Questionnaire (Biggs, 1978), the Need for Cognition Scale (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982), and the Strategic Flexibility Questionnaire (Cantwell & Moore, 1996). Results: Confirmatory factor analysis supported the identification of the six scale factors. Second order confirmatory factor analysis indicated three factors representing constructs underlying these factors. Conclusions: Neither the one‐ nor two‐factor models accounted adequately for the data. Self‐regulated learning was defined by measures of the deep approach to learning, need for cognition, and adaptive control of learning. The second factor divided into one factor consisting of irresolute control, the surface approach, and negative need for cognition; and another consisting of inflexible and negative adaptive control. Substantial relationships among scales support the need for further theory development.  相似文献   

Background . There has been an ongoing debate about the inconsistent effects of heterogeneous ability grouping on students in small group work such as project‐based learning. Aim . The present research investigated the roles of group heterogeneity and processes in project‐based learning. At the student level, we examined the interaction effect between students' within‐group achievement and group processes on their self‐ and collective efficacy. At the group level, we examined how group heterogeneity was associated with the average self‐ and collective efficacy reported by the groups. Sample . The participants were 1,921 Hong Kong secondary students in 367 project‐based learning groups. Method . Student achievement was determined by school examination marks. Group processes, self‐efficacy and collective efficacy were measured by a student‐report questionnaire. Hierarchical linear modelling was used to analyse the nested data. Results . When individual students in each group were taken as the unit of analysis, results indicated an interaction effect of group processes and students' within‐group achievement on the discrepancy between collective‐ and self‐efficacy. When compared with low achievers, high achievers reported lower collective efficacy than self‐efficacy when group processes were of low quality. However, both low and high achievers reported higher collective efficacy than self‐efficacy when group processes were of high quality. With 367 groups taken as the unit of analysis, the results showed that group heterogeneity, group gender composition and group size were not related to the discrepancy between collective‐ and self‐efficacy reported by the students. Conclusions . Group heterogeneity was not a determinant factor in students' learning efficacy. Instead, the quality of group processes played a pivotal role because both high and low achievers were able to benefit when group processes were of high quality.  相似文献   

英语学习策略量表在非英语专业大学生中的测量报告   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
杨治良  答会明 《心理科学》2006,29(4):838-844,856
本研究旨为确定英语学习策略量表(ELSI)在非英语专业大学生中的信、效度及调查分析结果。研究表明:(1)英语学习策略量表(ELSI)由元认知策略分量表(MSS)、认知策略分量表(CSS)、社会策略分量表(SSS)和情感策略分量表(ASS)组成,并具有较好的信、效度。(2)高CET4成绩组大学生英语学习策略各维度显著优于低CET4成绩组。(3)对情感策略的应用,女大学生显著优于男大学生;对社会策略的应用,文科大学生则显著优于理科大学生。  相似文献   

研究了378名大学生心理弹性在家庭功能与自我分化关系中的中介作用。结果:(1)家庭功能亲密度、适应性与心理弹性、自我分化均呈正相关;(2)心理弹性的情绪控制、家庭支持和人际协助三个因子对自我分化有一定程度的预测作用;(3)层级回归发现,在同时考虑心理弹性各因子的影响时,对自我分化具有显著预测作用的家庭功能亲密度β值下降且显著性水平降低。结论:心理弹性的情绪控制、家庭支持和人际协助三个因子在家庭功能亲密度与自我分化的关系中具有部分中介作用。  相似文献   

青少年学生自我价值感全国常模的制定   总被引:59,自引:6,他引:53  
自我价值感是个体自我中对人的认知、情绪和行为具有弥漫性影响的一个重要方面 ,也是影响人的心理健康水平的重要方面。本文的目的是使用自编的青少年自我价值感量表建立青少年学生自我价值感(SW )全国常模。对在全国各省市分层随机抽取的 34715大中学生测量结果的方差分析表明 ,在大部分自我价值感维度上 ,存在显著的年级差异和性别×年级交互作用效应。据此给出了男女学生的自我价值感年级常模 ,并进行了常模等级分转换。文中还讨论了青少年学生自我价值感特点。  相似文献   

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