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介绍了卫生技术评估的基本概念以及对医疗卫生领域的影响,并指出在开展评估过程中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

介绍了卫生技术评估的基本概念以及对医疗卫生领域的影响,并指出在开展评估过程中应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

重要而迫切的课题:卫生技术评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卫生技术评估,是指对卫生技术的特性、临床和预防的安全有效性、经济耗费的可持续性,以及社会伦理法律的适应性进行全面系统的评价,为医学科学和管理工作者提供信息和决策依据,对卫生技术的开发、应用、推广与淘汰进行合理的政策干预.  相似文献   

循证医学的核心是生产、传播和使用高质量证据。对临床使用的各种卫生技术,政府不仅关注其是否有效、安全,还关注其是否适用和价有所值。卫生技术评估就是为政府生产这类决策依据的过程。  相似文献   

在人们活动的任何领域中,当个体到达成熟年龄时一种特别的契约就自然生效。除非有足够的证据,否则我们将从法律上假定他/她的精神能力能够承担这种变化。医疗服务也遵循这一原则。就临床决策而言,首先对决策能力进行检测是患者权利的合法保障。  相似文献   

由于医学的复杂性和癌症疾病的不确定性,癌症的临床决策存在着一定的风险性。癌症患者对医疗风险的感知也因人而异,继而影响着临床决策。本研究应用癌症患者医疗风险感知问卷对唐山市4家三级综合医院内住院治疗的320名癌症患者进行调查,调查结果显示,癌症患者对于经济风险(67.5%)的感知和社会心理风险(40.3%)的感知均高于对身体功能风险的感知(21.6%),患者的性别、家庭月收入和年龄影响患者对医疗风险的感知,患者对经济风险和社会风险的感知影响患者对临床决策的意愿。临床医护人员应注重评估癌症患者对医疗风险感知的特点,帮助患者制定适宜的临床决策。  相似文献   

医疗技术的快速发展引发了诸多的社会问题.医疗技术的伦理评估有利于保持技术与社会的和谐.对技术进行伦理评估应是技术评估的重要内容.医疗技术评估中道德因素的强化有利于医疗技术评估机制的健全,确定技术的发展方向和使用范围;对主体与客体的评估有利于充实医疗技术伦理评估的内容;为医疗技术评估进行伦理建制,既要强调制度的道德根基,也要提高制度的执行力;成立医学伦理委员会,对医疗技术进行伦理审查.  相似文献   

医学人文与医学科学的结合是当代科学与人文关系的特点和本性,也是医学现实的迫切需求,其目标是实现人性化的医疗;医学人文存在不同水平的三个层次;医疗人性化是一个广阔的领域;营造平台是促进两者结合的重要条件.医学人文具有理论和实践两个向度,医学人文的实践向度是整个医学人文或人文医学的基础,没有实践向度,理论向度就失去了基础,整个医学人文就会成为不着边际的空话.医学人文的理论向度和实践向度,其基础都在临床实践.  相似文献   

循证医学指导医疗实践   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
循证医学的发展强调医疗决策物制定应将个人的临床经验与现有的最可信的临床研究证据进行完善结合。促进了医学模式的转化,对医疗实践起指导作用。现就循证医学对心血管病临床实践的指导作用的必要性和可能性及其内容作一简述。  相似文献   

现有的医师执业制度和不完善的医疗保障体制使医疗环境复杂化,为临床实习带教带来新的问题和挑战。探索新的教学意识和带教模式是提高临床实习质量的关键。文章分析了目前医疗执业环境对临床实习带教的影响,提出加强带教意识,在建构主义教学理论指导下,应由“教”转为“学”,采用“互动式”教学模式提高临床实习水平。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine what assistive technology devices occupational therapists working in mental health settings use with their clients. Based on the literature, the authors expected that no tech and low tech assistive technology solutions are being used with clients in these settings even though high technology options are available for people with mental illness who have co-existing cognitive disabilities. The findings of the study reveal that indeed no tech and low tech interventions are most often used. Implications for professional development educational programs and further research are suggested.  相似文献   

To identify doctoral programs with strong concentrations in clinical assessment, I measured productivity and impact of faculty at North American institutions with American Psychological Association accredited clinical programs. Publications, citations, and h-indexes derived from 4 top assessment journals were calculated over a 10-year period (1999–2009). I identified a total of 42 leading programs that collectively accounted for more than half of the publications and citations in these journals. I found a moderate relationship between assessment productivity and both US News & World Report program rankings as well as general productivity rankings of clinical programs reported in an earlier study.  相似文献   

The analysis of the impact of economic globalisation on health depends on how it is defined and should consider how it shapes both health and health policies. I first discuss the ways in which economic globalisation can and has been defined and then why it is important to analyse its impact both in terms of health and health policies. I then explore the ways in which economic globalisation influences health and health policies and how this relates to equity, social justice, and the role of values and social rights in societies. Finally, I argue that the process of economic globalisation provides a common challenge for all health systems across the globe and requires a broader debate on values, accountability, and policy approaches.  相似文献   

This study employed aggregate data drawn from the World Bank database for 61 countries for the period 2000 to 2009 and quantitatively evaluated the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) diffusion on health outcomes. The empirical methodology included a dynamic panel data (DPD) model and a fixed effect (FE) model. The results show that the diffusion of the Internet and fixed and mobile telephones was positively associated with life expectancy. The diffusion of fixed and mobile telephones was associated with a reduction in infant and under-five mortality rates. The diffusion of the Internet was associated with a higher prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The diffusion of mobile phones was associated with decreases in the incidence of tuberculosis. An important policy implication for governments worldwide is that investing in ICT infrastructures and educating the public the use of ICT can be an alternative policy to improve health.  相似文献   

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