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惟觉、了中两位法师都是当今台湾佛教界的大德高僧,新千年伊始,两位高僧分别率领台湾佛教界代表团到祖国大陆参观访问。在北京期间,两位高僧分别接受了本刊记者的采访。 当记者问及台湾佛教界的情况时,了中法师说,台湾佛教近几十年来发展速度比较快,佛教信徒和皈依佛法的人数都在逐年上升。几十年来,台湾佛教界把讲经弘迭、发展慈善事业作为工作的重点,并在这些方面取得了一些成绩。佛教是一种世界性的宗教,对其教理、教义必须有一个正确的认识,通过讲经弘法,才能明辨是非真伪,才能更好地使教内教外人士正确认识佛教。在发展慈…  相似文献   

房跃 《思维与智慧》2003,(11):22-23
在世界石化行业,一提到台湾台塑集团董事长王永庆几乎无人不晓。今年88岁的王永庆从白手创业到主持台湾规模最大的集团;从贫穷得无立锥之地到台湾首富;从一个米店小伙计到拥有世界华人十大富豪之一的盛名。王永庆成功的背后有着鲜为人知的“成功六字诀”。  相似文献   

在国民党统治中国内地的22年间,三民主义中国化的过程并没有完成。国民政府光复台湾,使台湾人从殖民地的二等属民变成一等国民,民族主义得以实践。国民党在台湾实施土地改革,民生主义得以造福台湾人民。国民党在台湾的政治结构也必须回应台湾民众参与政治的需求,实施地方自治,地方自治选举成为台湾政治活动中的焦点,民权主义也得到实践。国民党台湾的三民主义实践相对成功,却也在近30年间遭受台湾社会的拒斥,这一现象与国民党政治基因的先天缺陷有关,也有着历史原因。国民党基于其在冷战时期的处境和自身的"现代化"情结,使得三民主义尚未完成本土化过程,便向根源于日本殖民地时期的日本观、地方势力妥协,出让理念和权利,因而完全略过了接收前殖民地所必经的去殖民化过程,为其三民主义实践遭到反覆的命运植下祸根。  相似文献   

陈辽 《学海》1990,(Z1)
江苏省社科院建院已有十年,文学所建所也有十年。从最初的只有研究人员2人发展到现在共有研究人员16人。十年来,由于路子对头,只有两人、几人、十几人的文学所,却出版了专著26本,编书18本,编辑《明清小说研究》12期、《台湾与海外华文  相似文献   

何绵山 《法音》2005,(6):27-33
从1948年慈航法师于中坜圆光寺开办台湾第一所佛学教育机构——台湾佛学院至今,台湾已开设了八、九十所佛学院所[1],今天有影响的仍有三十余所。台湾当代佛教的兴盛与台湾佛学院所联系密切,当代台湾佛学院所的崛起,提升了台湾僧人的素质,培养了台湾大批佛教人才,促进了台湾宗教师资的养成,开拓了台湾佛教徒的视野,对台湾佛教界产生了深远的影响。当代台湾佛学院所的崛起,首先表现在佛学院所分布广泛和数量众多。目前较有影响的佛院所约有30余所,其分布如:台北的法鼓山中华佛学研究所(法鼓山僧伽大学佛学院)[2]、天台教学研究所、法光佛教文…  相似文献   

经台湾学者赵雅博博士介绍,台湾《中华易学》月刊给本刊寄来该刊第145、146、147期刊物。本刊主编刘大钧先生分别致函《中华易学》月刊黎凯旋、黄自信先生,除深表感谢之外,并寄呈《周易研究》学刊第十期及济南国际周易学术讨论会论文集《大  相似文献   

2002年7月22日至8月7日,笔者应邀赴台湾作当代宗教的田野考察。此行主要访问台湾佛道教寺庙,先后到高雄、台南、台中、嘉义、云林、彰化、南投、屏东、新竹、桃园、台北、宜南等地数十座寺庙考察。在两周的时间里,我们驱车纵贯台湾岛南北,沿路可见金碧辉煌的寺庙,在夏日的阳光下熠熠生辉。台湾真可谓寺庙林立,步入台湾的大小寺庙,都给人以闹中净土、香火旺盛的印象。中台禅寺 佛法五化7月29日,我们驱车参访中台禅寺,在大陆已对该寺有所耳闻。当车驶入南投县埔里时,伫立在山峦中的中台禅寺,给人以全新的感觉:高耸的塔尖直指云端,其主体结构…  相似文献   

香港凤凰台名嘴胡一虎到香港发展前,已经是台湾华视的当红主持,曾连续5年成为“台湾最受欢迎的十大主播”之一。每一个人的异军突起都少不了机遇的垂青,胡一虎也不例外,只是他的机遇是在吓退了所有人之后才轮到他头上的,只不过他没让它溜走而已。  相似文献   

2005年11月3日晚,可容纳观众一千多人的杭州剧院座无虚席,由台湾佛光山星云法师率领的近百名台湾佛光山梵呗赞颂团团员和杭州佛教梵呗团的90名法师,在此联袂上演了一场精彩纷呈的两岸佛教文化交流音乐会。在两个多小时的时间里,两岸梵呗团演出了钟声偈、戒定真香、三宝颂等十余  相似文献   

近几年,台湾著名绘本作家几米可谓名满天下。1999年,他的长篇绘本《向左走,向右走》引起轰动,被评为当年“金石堂十大最具影响力的书”。但又有多少人  相似文献   

Practice can, in some cases, largely eliminate measured dual-task interference. Does this absence of interference indicate the absence of a processing bottleneck (defined as an inability to carry out certain stages in parallel)? The authors show that a bottleneck need not produce any observable interference, provided that there is no temporal overlap in the demand for bottleneck stages on the 2 tasks. Such a "latent" bottleneck is especially likely after practice, when central stages are short. The authors provide new evidence that a latent bottleneck occurred for a participant who produced no interference in M. Van Selst, E. Ruthruff, and J. C. Johnston (1999). These findings demonstrate that the absence of dual-task interference does not necessarily indicate the absence of a processing bottleneck.  相似文献   

When two overlapping tasks are processed, they hit a bottleneck at a central processing stage that prevents simultaneous processing of the two tasks. Thus far, however, the factors determining the processing order of the tasks at the bottleneck are unknown. The present study was designed to (re)investigate whether the arrival times of the two tasks at the central bottleneck are a key determinant of the processing order (cf. Sigman & Dehaene, 2006). To this end, we implemented a visual–auditory dual task with a random stimulus order, in which we manipulated arrival time by prolonging the initial, perceptual processing stage (stimulus analysis) of the visual task and compared the effects of this manipulation with those of one impacting the central bottleneck stage of the visual task. Additionally, we implemented two instruction conditions: Participants were told to respond either in the order of stimulus presentation or in the order they preferred. The manipulation of the visual perception stage led to an increase in task response reversals (i.e., the response order was different from the order of stimulus presentation), whereas there was no such increase when the bottleneck stage was manipulated. This pattern provides conclusive evidence that the processing order at the bottleneck is (at least in part) determined by the arrival times of the tasks at that point. Reaction time differences between the two instruction conditions indicated that additional control processes are engaged in determining task processing order when the participants are expressly told to respond in the order of stimulus presentation.  相似文献   

作为慈善公益组织中的一名"老资格"成员,宗教慈善组织的主体身份认同的问题和宗教慈善组织的管理问题是始终是当代宗教慈善活动的"中国式困境"。笔者认为在宗教慈善组织主体身份认同方面,可以从宗教慈善的实践模式和文化模式角度来建构宗教性慈善组织的身份认同模式;而增强公信力,形成"玻璃口袋"效应是宗教慈善公益组织最具优势的发展动力。  相似文献   

This paper will explore how the practice of ritual healing (sazuke) has played a prominent part in the propagation of a Japanese new religious movement (Tenrikyo) in Taiwan. The author firstly unravels the mystery of Tenrikyo’s healing ritual (sazuke) and its role in enabling Taiwanese followers’ potential to re-establish their relationship with the world. The author points out that sazuke is similar to Taiwanese folk therapy and fits into Taiwan’s multi-medical systems. The author also examines the features of Tenrikyo’s healing practice in Taiwan and discusses the evolution of sazuke from a non-institutionalised practice to a bureaucratised one. The author then advances to a more widely theoretical consideration by discussing how sazuke became a force that enabled Taiwanese people to respond to the changing world and how it facilitated peoples’ transformation when they were confronted by daily troubles and difficulties.  相似文献   

Cross-society comparisons have become increasingly important to the study of the perceived quality of life. A major critique of these studies, however, is the lack of attention to intra-culture variation. This paper examines how subjective quality of life differs, at both societal and individual levels, between Taiwan and Hong Kong, two Chinese societies that share their cultural heritage but vary in their social and political systems. We draw upon data from synchronic surveys conducted in November 2000 in Taiwan (n=1222) and Hong Kong (n=1044). Ordinal regression analyses confirm that, for both societies, reported satisfaction at the societal level contributes to the variance in individuals quality of life. Moreover, the perceived fairness with regard to personal effort within the opportunity structure provided by the society also significantly affects an individuals quality of life. Different factors accounting for quality of life variation in Taiwan and in Hong Kong are discussed. This paper suggests that for the intra-cultural, cross-society comparisons on quality of life, inclusion of various societal level indicators is not only important, but the subjective perception of the fairness that society also contributes a significant effect.  相似文献   


How do people automatize their dual-task performance through bottleneck bypassing (i.e., accomplish parallel processing of the central stages of two tasks)? In the present work we addressed this question, evaluating the impact of sensory–motor modality compatibility—the similarity in modality between the stimulus and the consequences of the response. We hypothesized that incompatible sensory–motor modalities (e.g., visual–vocal) create conflicts within modality-specific working memory subsystems, and therefore predicted that tasks producing such conflicts would be performed less automatically after practice. To probe for automaticity, we used a transfer psychological refractory period (PRP) procedure: Participants were first trained on a visual task (Exp. 1) or an auditory task (Exp. 2) by itself, which was later presented as Task 2, along with an unpracticed Task 1. The Task 1–Task 2 sensory–motor modality pairings were either compatible (visual–manual and auditory–vocal) or incompatible (visual–vocal and auditory–manual). In both experiments we found converging indicators of bottleneck bypassing (small dual-task interference and a high rate of response reversals) for compatible sensory–motor modalities, but indicators of bottlenecking (large dual-task interference and few response reversals) for incompatible sensory–motor modalities. Relatedly, the proportion of individuals able to bypass the bottleneck was high for compatible modalities but very low for incompatible modalities. We propose that dual-task automatization is within reach when the tasks rely on codes that do not compete within a working memory subsystem.


Together with the completion of the Human Genome Project, biomedical research has marched into the "Post-Genomic Era." In order to take advantage of this extracted gene related information extensively and precisely so as to realize man's biological phenomena as well as the mechanism of pathogenesis, consequentially, a large scale sample collection of different geological areas and/or ethnic groups becomes necessary for the future population based genetic research of a country and, in turn, the construction of population-based genetic database (Biobank). In recent years, both mainland China and Taiwan have not only made great progress in information and computation technologies, but have also gradually taken a close look into the quality of medicine delivery. Thus, it becomes unavoidable for both sides to create each one's population-based genetic databases (Biobank). Theoretically speaking, the Biobank development shall benefit the study on the correlation between genes and disease and also the solution for disease treatment as well. At the same time, medical diagnostic technology has also been significantly improved. It is believable that the population-based genetic database might be utilized to promote medical quality and to reduce the cost of public health delivery. Further; in the near future, it might become the "raw materials "for medical research application. However when taking promotion of public welfare as the premises for a Biobank development, the severe and multi challenge occurred against the traditional legal rules in terms of the privacy protection, public trust development, the compliance of informed consent principle, the implementation of benefit-sharing doctrine and the possible discrimination concern about the population/participants selection and some other ELSI issues. In this paper, the major legal issues encountered by the Biobank development will first be reviewed accompanied by the background information concerning the Biobank development scenario crossing the Taiwan Strait. Also, mainly following the realm of comparative policy or legal approaches, the paper learning from the fruits of this comparative study, tries to propose some recommendations for future legislative consideration by both mainland China and Taiwan. It's been this author's wish that, when establishing a large scale population based Biobank, the promotion of public trust shall be placed as the primary goal together with the emphasis on supporting publicity and transparency on the administrative practices, so as to encourage the public participation in observing the principle of altruism and, in turn, benefit the future biomedicine development.  相似文献   

Because small dual-task costs with ideomotor-compatible tasks do not necessarily indicate the absence of a bottleneck, M.-C. Lien, R. S. McCann, E. Ruthruff, and R. W. Proctor (2005) considered additional sources of evidence regarding bottleneck bypass. This evidence argued against complete bottleneck bypass and, instead, supported an engage-bottleneck-later model in which early bottleneck substages are bypassed but late substages are not. A. G. Greenwald (2005), however, contended that M.-C. Lien et al. did not use the procedures needed to produce complete bottleneck bypass and that a complete bottleneck bypass hypothesis, combined with additional assumptions, could explain their data. The authors contend that this disagreement stems from Greenwald's focus on confirming predictions of complete bottleneck bypass (small dual-task costs) without disconfirming predictions of bottleneck presence. In particular, Greenwald neglects to consider the possibility that a latent bottleneck limitation could also produce small dual-task costs.  相似文献   

Frank E. Budenholzer 《Zygon》2001,36(4):753-764
The author draws upon his experience in teaching courses in religion and science in Taiwan, as well as more traditional sources in the history of Chinese religions and the history of science in China, to discuss the relationship of religion and science in contemporary Taiwan. Various aspects of Chinese and Taiwanese understandings of both science and religion are discussed. It is suggested that the nexus for the science-religion dialogue does not lie in a doctrine of creation, which is noticeably absent in Buddhism and most Chinese religions, but rather in the human person who seeks personal health and wholeness, right relations with fellow human beings, and harmony with the cosmos. The author notes that many of these ideas are not unique to China and Taiwan and that in considering other cultures, our understanding of our own culture is enriched.  相似文献   

T. K. Peng 《Sex roles》2006,55(11-12):843-851
It has been over 30 years since the creation of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem in Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162, 1974). Although the BSRI is the most frequently tested instrument for measuring gender orientation, no researchers to date have examined its psychometric properties in Taiwan. Using the short version of the instrument, I asked a total of 381 men and 450 women college students, nurses, police officers, or managers in Taiwan to evaluate themselves on the BSRI. Among the findings are (1) satisfactory internal consistency of the BSRI, (2) more complex structure of masculinity and femininity than originally reported, and (3) doubtful ability of the BSRI to differentiate gender role orientation. These results suggest use of the BSRI in Taiwan with extreme caution before further validation of its applicability is conducted.  相似文献   

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