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Although the negotiations literature identifies a variety of approaches for improving one's power position, the relative benefits of these approaches remain largely unexplored. The empirical study presented in this article begins to address this issue by examining how the size of the bargaining zone affects the relative benefit of an advantage in one's BATNA (i.e., having a better alternative than one's counterpart) versus contribution (i.e., contributing more to the relationship than one's counterpart) for negotiator performance. Results indicate that whereas BATNAs exerted a stronger effect on resource allocations than contributions when the bargaining zone was small, an advantage in contributions exerted a stronger effect on resource allocations than BATNAs when the bargaining zone was large. These findings provide needed insight and supporting evidence for how to alter one's power relationship in negotiation.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this study were (a) to compare the effects of mental imagery combined with physical practise and specific physical practise on the retention and transfer of a closed motor skill in young children; (b) to determine the mental imagery (visual vs. kinesthetic), which is the most efficient for retention and transfer of a closed motor skill; and (c) to verify the relationship between movement image vividness and motor performance. As for the secondary purpose, it was to compare the effects of gender on motor learning. Participants (n = 96) were selected from 3 primary schools. These participants were divided into 6 groups and submitted to different experimental conditions. The experimental task required the participants to throw, with the nondominant hand (left hand), a ball toward a target composed of 3 concentric circles. The results demonstrated that performance obtained by the mental imagery (visual or kinesthetic) combined with physical practise group was, during the retention phase, equivalent to that produced by the specific physical practise group but significantly superior during the transfer of closed motor skill. These results showed the potential benefits of mental imagery as a retention strategy intended for motor skills and performance enhancement. Such results could be explained by the similarity of 3 principal functional evidences shared by mental and physical practise: behavioural, central, and peripheral (as suggested by Holmes & Collins, 2001). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Differential hemispheric contributions to the perceptual phenomenon known as theMcGurk effect were examined in normal subjects, I callosotomy patient, and 4 patients with intractable epilepsy. Twenty-five right-handed subjects were more likely to demonstrate an influence of a mouthed ward on identification of a dubbed acoustic word when the speaker’s fag vase lateralized to the LVF as compared with the RVF. In contrast, display of printed response alternatives in the RVF elicited a greater percentage of McGurk responses than display in the LVF. Visual field differences were absent in a group of 15 left-handed subjects. These results suggest that in right-handers, the two hemispheres may make distinct contributions to the McGurk effect. The callosotomy patient demonstrated reliable McGurk effects, but at a lower rate than the normal subjects and the epileptic control subjects. These data support the view that both the right and left hemisphere can make significant contributions to the McGurk effect.  相似文献   

Aging, selective attention, and feature integration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study used feature-integration theory as a means of determining the point in processing at which selective attention deficits originate. The theory posits an initial stage of processing in which features are registered in parallel and then a serial process in which features are conjoined to form complex stimuli. Performance of young and older adults on feature versus conjunction search is compared. Analyses of reaction times and error rates suggest that elderly adults in addition to young adults, can capitalize on the early parallel processing stage of visual information processing, and that age decrements in visual search arise as a result of the later, serial stage of processing. Analyses of a third, unconfounded, conjunction search condition reveal qualitatively similar modes of conjunction search in young and older adults. The contribution of age-related data limitations is found to be secondary to the contribution of age decrements in selective attention.  相似文献   

We examined changes in performance as people learned to use an angled laparoscope, a challenging spatial skill that must be mastered by surgeons who perform minimally invasive techniques. In Experiment 1, novices took tests of spatial and general reasoning ability, and then learned to operate an angled laparoscope, simulated in a virtual environment, over 12 learning sessions. Initial performance showed considerable variability among learners, with performance related to general and spatial abilities. As learning progressed, interindividual variability diminished and all learners attained proficiency; the correlation with general ability diminished but the correlation with spatial ability remained significant. In Experiment 2, performance by highly experienced surgeons on the simulation was excellent from the first session, confirming its ecological validity. The findings contribute to theories of skill acquisition. They also have practical implications for the selection of surgeons and for the potential use of virtual environments in surgical training. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Navigation is influenced by body-based self-motion cues that are integrated over time, in a process known as path integration, as well as by environmental cues such as landmarks and room shape. In two experiments we explored whether humans combine path integration and environmental cues (Exp. 1: room shape; Exp. 2: room shape, single landmark, and multiple landmarks) to reduce response variability when returning to a previously visited location. Participants walked an outbound path in an immersive virtual environment before attempting to return to the path origin. Path integration and an environmental cue were both available during the outbound path, but experimental manipulations created single- and dual-cue conditions during the return path. The response variance when returning to the path origin was reduced when both cues were available, consistent with optimal integration predicted on the basis of Bayesian principles. The findings indicate that humans optimally integrate multiple spatial cues during navigation. Additionally, a large (but not a small) cue conflict caused participants to assign a higher weight to path integration than to environmental cues, despite the relatively greater precision afforded by the environmental cues.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, participants walked without vision to a target location they had either previously viewed, were led to and from blindfolded, or both viewed and were led to and from blindfolded. A course to the target could be set and held without vision only if prior vision of its location was available. The locomotor group reproduced the heading and distance to the target less accurately than the other groups, which did not differ significantly. However, when nonvisual information accompanied vision of the target location, it served to subtly influence performance. Participants in Experiment 2 estimated the distance of a target they either viewed or were led to blindfolded. When vision was available, men overestimated target distance and women underestimated it. When target distance was learned nonvisually, no sex differences in distance estimations emerged. Our findings suggest that deriving navigation information from nonvisual locomotion is difficult and may be dependent on prior visual information.  相似文献   

Ingle D 《Perception》2005,34(9):1135-1151
Phenomena associated with 'central visual persistences' (CPs) are new to both medical and psychological literature. Five subjects have reported similar CPs: positive afterimages following brief fixation of high-contrast objects or drawings and eye closure. CPs duplicate shapes and colors of single objects, lasting for about 15 s. Unlike retinal afterimages, CPs do not move with the eyes but are stable in extrapersonal space during head or body rotations. CPs may reflect sustained neural activity in neurons of association cortex, which mediate object perception. A remarkable finding is that CPs can be moved in any direction by the (unseen) hand holding the original seen object. Moreover, a CP once formed will 'jump' into an extended hand and 'stick' in that hand as it moves about. The apparent size of a CP of a single object is determined by the size of the gap between finger and thumb, even when no object is touched. These CPs can be either magnified or minified via the grip of the extended hand. The felt orientation of the hand-held object will also determine the orientation of the CP seen in that hand. Thus, kinesthetic signals from hand and arm movements can determine perceived location, size, and orientation of CPs. A neural model based on physiological studies of premotor, temporal, parietal, and prefrontal cortices is proposed to account for these novel phenomena.  相似文献   

Although digital navigation systems are becoming ubiquitous, they generally only select routes based on relatively simple criteria (length and time) and fail to adequately consider the preferred strategy of the user. In order to account for these strategies, care must be taken to solicit not only simple preferences, but also deeper issues such as overall strategic disposition and attitudes toward risk. Hallmarks of true strategy include schematic, general, conditional and conscious consideration of the impact of important variables on the achievement of one’s goals. Factor analysis of a 40-item questionnaire isolated five questions that well-account for the strategic disposition of individuals. Additionally, attitudes about risk were explored in pedestrian and driving contexts. This analysis suggests that within the individual, attitudes about risk are relatively fixed, yet the manifestation of risk-seeking behavior is dependent on the mode of travel.  相似文献   

In our virtual environment laboratory, we focus on different topics in human spatial cognition with projects on landmark salience, route knowledge, and survey knowledge. Within this laboratory note, we provide an overview of previous, current, and future work with our virtual environment Squareland.  相似文献   

Current GPS-based mobile navigation assistance systems support wayfinding, but they do not support learning about the spatial configuration of an environment. The present study examined effects of visual presentation modes for navigation assistance on wayfinding accuracy, route learning, and configural learning. Participants (high-school students) visited a university campus for the first time and took a predefined assisted tour. In Experiment 1 (n = 84, 42 females), a presentation mode showing wayfinding information from eye-level was contrasted with presentation modes showing wayfinding information included in views that provided comprehensive configural information. In Experiment 2 (n = 48, 24 females), wayfinding information was included in map fragments. A presentation mode which always showed north on top of the device was compared with a mode which rotated according to the orientation of the user. Wayfinding accuracy (deviations from the route), route learning, and configural learning (direction estimates, sketch maps) were assessed. Results indicated a trade-off between wayfinding and configural learning: Presentation modes providing comprehensive configural information supported the acquisition of configural knowledge at the cost of accurate wayfinding. The route presentation mode supported wayfinding at the cost of configural knowledge acquisition. Both presentation modes based on map fragments supported wayfinding. Individual differences in visual-spatial working memory capacity explained a considerable portion of the variance in wayfinding accuracy, route learning, and configural learning. It is concluded that learning about an unknown environment during assisted navigation is based on the integration of spatial information from multiple sources and can be supported by appropriate visualization.  相似文献   

AIDS is caused by the human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV) or lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The latter name has been widely accepted. According to the WHO in 1988 there were 5 million infected persons. In Argentina, there were 300 AIDS patients and 30,000 infected people in 1989 and 60,000 in 1990. Obstacles to prevention of the spread of AIDS are: fear which causes some to conceal its existence; prolonged latency; complacency about future negative outcome; the lack of value of life among drug addicts; adolescent behavior of defiance and confrontation; militant denial by many of the possibility of contracting AIDS; and a criminally low level of measures to combat AIDS in the Third World. Primary prevention includes avoidance of contact with body fluids of an infected person submitting to a serological test if infection is suspected massive educational campaigns, study of subcultures such as drug addicts and adolescents, use of disposable needles and sterilization of all medical instruments use of condoms, and analysis of the blood of donated organs and blood for transfusion. Secondary prevention means making sure that seropositive patients undergo periodic medical checkups and receive medical attention when suspicious symptoms are detected and follow various steps to strengthen their immune systems. Tertiary prevention comprises psychological and psychopharmacological treatment of emotional distress to facilitate a less painful progress of the disease and to avert possible complications and relapses.  相似文献   

The relationships of two measures of quantitative estimation skill, computational estimation and numerosity estimation, were examined with the 16 PF Global Factors corresponding to the Big Five personality dimensions in a sample of 80 college students. Correlations of Computational Estimation with the 16 PF scores confirmed findings from a previous study which used the NEO-Five Factor Inventory as a measure of the Big Five, specifically showing that Computational Estimation correlated significantly with the 16 PF's Independence factor. Numerosity Estimation did not correlate significantly with any of the 16 PF Global Factors or with any of the ability measures (Computational Estimation, SAT Verbal, SAT Mathematics, and self-rated mathematics ability) used in the study.  相似文献   

Poor performance in pressure-filled situations, or "choking under pressure," has largely been explained by two different classes of theories. Distraction theories propose that choking occurs because attention needed to perform the task at hand is coopted by task-irrelevant thoughts and worries. Explicit monitoring theories claim essentially the opposite-that pressure prompts individuals to attend closely to skill processes in a manner that disrupts execution. Although both mechanisms have been shown to occur in certain contexts, it is unclear when distraction and/or explicit monitoring will ultimately impact performance. The authors propose that aspects of the pressure situation itself can lead to distraction and/or explicit monitoring, differentially harming skills that rely more or less on working memory and attentional control. In Experiments 1-2, it is shown that pressure that induces distraction (involving performance-contingent outcomes) hurts rule-based category learning heavily dependent on attentional control. In contrast, pressure that induces explicit monitoring of performance (monitoring by others) hurts information-integration category learning thought to run best without heavy demands on working memory and attentional control. In Experiment 3, the authors leverage knowledge about how specific types of pressure impact performance to design interventions to eliminate choking. Finally, in Experiment 4, the selective effects of monitoring-pressure are replicated in a different procedural-based task: the serial reaction time task. Skill failure (and success) depends in part on how the performance environment influences attention and the extent to which skill execution depends on explicit attentional control.  相似文献   

Shepherd I. Franz was an important figure in psychology of the last century, and historians of psychology have given recognition to much of his work. However, his experimental work with animals and his pioneer investigations in experimental and clinical neuropsychology have been largely ignored. This article reviews his conceptual, assessment, and treatment contributions, including (1) his pioneering work on the use of learned behavior as a baseline for the study of cerebral ablations, (2) his interest in brain plasticity, (3) his development of comprehensive psychological assessment methods, and (4) his work on the rehabilitation of neurological patients with techniques derived from his animal experiments. His work predated much of what is now part of the conceptual substance of the experimental and clinical neurosciences.  相似文献   

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