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Adjustment to life with a newborn presents a variety of challenges, and some mothers experience postnatal disorders. It may be more normative for mothers to face less severe but nevertheless troubling difficulties. In this qualitative study, seven mothers (32–42 years) participated in individual interviews about the stresses and difficulties that they experienced with their infants. An interpretive analytical approach was used to identify the manifest difficulties and make sense of them in terms of three underlying psychological issues: (1) effectiveness as a mother; (2) relationship dynamics; and (3) sense of self. In spite of facing difficulties, mothers evaluated their overall experience as positive. We report on the main adjustments and changes that facilitated their way through the challenges.  相似文献   

Previous research has revealed some puzzling inconsistencies in the relationship of Personal Standards (PS) to measures of psychopathology. This study was designed to explore the hypothesis that setting high Personal Standards will relate to psychopathology only when meeting these standards is a necessary condition for a sense of self-worth. We generated items that reflected a sense of conditional self-worth based on the meeting of Personal Standards and named this measure the Contingent Self-Worth Scale (CSWS). Factor analysis of the CSWS and the PS subscale of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale yielded three types of Personal Standards: Pure Personal Standards," Success-Based Self-Worth," and Activity-Based Self-Worth." Two of the original PS items did not load on the Pure Personal Standards scale. Correlational analyses revealed that Pure Personal Standards was related to measures of adaptive outcome whereas both measures of Contingent Self-Worth were related to more maladaptive functioning, although with some small differences. We call for further research to explore the relationship of PS to the construct of perfectionism.  相似文献   

One of the basic goals of cognitive psychology is the analysis of the covert processes that occur between stimulus and response. In the past 20-30 years, the tools available to cognitive psychologists have been augmented by a number of imaging techniques for studying the 'brain in action' in a non-invasive manner. These techniques have their strength in either temporal or spatial information, but not both. We review here recent advances of a new approach, the event-related optical signal (EROS). This method allows measurements of the time course of neural activity in specific cortical structures, thus combining good spatial and temporal specificity. As an example, we show how EROS can be used to distinguish between serial and parallel models of information processing.  相似文献   

现实性监控是来源记忆的重要组成部分.总结分析表明,现实性监控的研究成果主要体现在如下方面:①学习项目的比例、学习和测验阶段之间的干扰任务、被试的想象能力等均对现实性监控存在一定的影响;②儿童的现实性监控能力随年龄增长而提高,老人的现实性监控能力相对较低;③不同病人在现实性监控中有不同的困难;④内部来源与外部来源提取激活的大脑区域不同,前额区在区分两类项目时的作用明显.今后应在整合研究结论、建立相应认知模型、构建前额区和顶区联合作用的神经网络和应用推广等方面加强研究.  相似文献   

Previous research has characterized insight as the product of internal processes, and has thus investigated the cognitive and motivational processes that immediately precede it. In this research, however, we investigate whether insight can be catalyzed by a cultural artifact, an external object imbued with learned meaning. Specifically, we exposed participants to an illuminating lightbulb - an iconic image of insight - prior to or during insight problem-solving. Across four studies, exposing participants to an illuminating lightbulb primed concepts associated with achieving an insight, and enhanced insight problem-solving in three different domains (spatial, verbal, and mathematical), but did not enhance general (non-insight) problem-solving.  相似文献   

Andrew Thomas 《Erkenntnis》2011,75(1):113-122
A common objection against deflationism is that it cannot account for the fact that truth depends on reality. Consider the question ‘On what does the truth of the proposition that snow is white depend?’ An obvious answer is that it depends on whether snow is white. Now, consider what answer, if any, a deflationist can offer. The problem is as follows. A typical deflationary analysis of truth consists of biconditionals of the form ‘The proposition that p is true iff p’. Such biconditionals tell us nothing about what the truth of the proposition that p might depend on. Therefore, it seems that a typical deflationist cannot give an answer. Since we know that an answer is available, this throws doubt over the adequacy of deflationism as an account of truth. Articulated here is a defence of deflationism against this objection. It is argued that although biconditionals of the sort mentioned do not explicitly state a dependency between truth and reality, they nevertheless convey one. The reason is that, given the context in which a deflationist invokes the biconditionals, such a dependency is implicated. A potential problem with this defence is that it leaves the deflationist still unable to give an account of what it is for truth to depend on reality. One might think that a deflationist can offer such an account by appealing to truthmaker theory but, it is argued below, truthmaker theory is unavailable to a deflationist. Instead, the deflationist should question the assumption that an account is available.  相似文献   

In this article, we deconstruct the epistemological framework underlying recent discussions on the sexualization of girls. Conducting a close textual analysis of scholarly and activist writings and their media coverage in Australia, Britain and the United States we examine the foundational assumptions of the argument against sexualization and explore its potential social and political implications. It is our contention that the conceptualization of sexualization as both a process and outcome relies on an ambivalent and overly deterministic model which makes the danger of sexualizing materials uniform, but their outcome gender specific. The unintended consequence of this discourse is that girls are framed as passive recipients and their sexuality becomes the result of and reduced to sexualization.
R. Danielle EganEmail:

基于女性身体不满意的预测模型,试图通过以干预课程为主的认知干预活动,降低青春期女生的身体不满意,形成健康的身体观。结果表明,身体不满意的干预活动能够有效防止初中女生身体不满意的进一步增加,对高中女生的影响没有达到显著差异;自编实验组女生成长问卷结果和实验组女生访谈的结果显示,干预活动给初中和高中实验组女生带来了一定的积极影响;初中生父母调查的结果反映了大部分父母比较满意此干预活动。研究表明本干预研究具有一定的可行性,值得进一步探讨和拓展。  相似文献   

Most theories of graph comprehension posit the existence of a graph schema to account for people’s prior knowledge of how to understand different graph types. The graph schema is, however, a purely theoretical construct: No empirical studies have explicitly examined the nature of the graph schema. We sought to determine whether graph schemas are based on perceptual features or on a common invariant structure shared between certain graph types. We isolated the process of activating the graph schema by presenting the graphs to participants in pure and mixed blocks. Any differences in reaction time between the blocks could be attributed to loading the appropriate schema. Results from a series of experiments using five types of graphs suggest that graph schemas are based on the graphical framework, a common invariant structure among certain types of graphs.  相似文献   

In spite of a multitude of scoring approaches, the ability of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) to measure executive functions versus grapho-motor skill is still open to question. To clarify this issue, we examined the performance of an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of preadolescent girls (ADHD-Combined, n = 93; ADHD-Inattentive, n = 47; and comparison girls, n = 88) on the ROCF, scoring both immediate copy and delayed recall performance. Girls with ADHD performed the task following a stimulant medication washout. Dependent measures were the established Developmental Scoring System variables of Organization, Accuracy, and Style, plus an operationalized and extensively detailed scoring of errors, featuring an error proportion score (EPS). The major finding is that only EPS differentiated girls with ADHD from comparison girls (a) on both immediate and delayed performance and (b) with stringent statistical control of Performance IQ, fine motor speed, and performance on the Porteus Mazes (as well as comorbidities), with effect sizes in the medium range. Perseverative errors contributed significantly to EPS. Overall, error scores on the ROCF appear to tap planning, a key executive function, and are quite sensitive to deficits in this domain for girls with ADHD.  相似文献   

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