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The current discussion offers an alternative to the dissociative self-state model of enactment and dissociation, emphasizing implicit memory processes in bodily comportment and style of relating with others. By embedding the occurrence of enactments within the ongoing flow of nonlinear dyadic process, the focus shifts to the subtle back-and-forth between patient and analyst that leads to the emergence of new relational (i.e., procedural) skills within a therapeutic relationship that is self-organizing at more inclusive levels. Enactment is thus seen as an emergent property of the dyad.  相似文献   

Pretense is a topic of keen interest to philosophers and psychologists. But what is it, really, to pretend? What features qualify an act as pretense? Surprisingly little has been said on this foundational question. Here I defend an account of what it is to pretend, distinguishing pretense from a variety of related but distinct phenomena, such as (mere) copying and practicing. I show how we can distinguish pretense from sincerity by sole appeal to a person's beliefs, desires, and intentions – and without circular recourse to an ‘intention to pretend’ or to a sui generis mental state of ‘imagining.’  相似文献   

What Is Said   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recanati  François 《Synthese》2001,128(1-2):75-91

幸福是什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幸福概念深刻而复杂,我们可以在且个层次上把握幸福概念。首先,幸福是人生重大的快乐;进一步说,是人生重大需要和欲望得到满足的心理体验,是人生重大目的得到实现的心理体验;最终是达到生存和发展的某种完满的心理体验。  相似文献   

What Theology Is     

一、新教的来历   基督教新教又称“更正教“、“抗罗宗“,在中国称为“耶稣教“,通常又把“基督教“作为“新教“的专有名称.它是16世纪后出现的基督教许多改革教派的统称.改革的原因,是由于当时教会的腐败.直接导火线,是罗马教廷向信徒发放“赎罪卷“,宣称只要花钱买了“赎罪卷“,就可以免除原罪.实则是以此聚敛财富,因而招致了反对.……  相似文献   

关于人的本体论界定在基督教世俗化的过程中非常重要。对于人是什么有这样两种错误倾向:一种是对人类理性的盲目崇拜,认为人仅仅凭借自身就能实现自我救赎;另一种是反理性主义的狂热,它的典型表现是尼采主义和法西斯主义。在当代社会,不论是个体主义还是整体主义都过于强调人的动物性一面,社会正在走向以物质利益为唯一追求的歧途。马里坦认为,只有走向重建上帝信仰的完整人道主义才能实现社会和谐,只有具备神圣精神追求的位格才能达到对真理、自由和博爱的把握。  相似文献   


Critical psychology alerts us to the limitations of mainstream research in the discipline, and it promises to put 'social' issues on the agenda in the whole of psychology. A starting point of the stance of critical psychological research is that the claims that psychologists make about human beings often seem to vanish almost as quickly as they are discovered. People, a group or culture do not behave or think like the model would predict, and, more importantly, we find that our awareness, our reflection on a process described by a psychologist changes that process. It is in the nature of human nature to change, to change as different linguistic resources, social practices, and representations of the self become available, and for human nature to change itself as people reflect on who they are and who they may become. That means that any attempt to fix us in place must fail. But it will only fail in such a way that something productive emerges from it if we do something different, and one place to do something different is in psychology. We need to step back and look at the images of the self, mind and behaviour that psychologists have produced, the types of practices they engage in, and the power those practices, those 'technologies of the self' have to set limits on change. When we appreciate this, we can start to look at what psychologists might do instead as part of a genuinely critical approach.  相似文献   

弄清医学哲学是什么和不是什么,是医学哲学学科建设的基本问题.医学哲学理论构架的逻辑起点是生命健康,基本结构是医学哲学的本体论、认识论、方法论、价值论和发展观以及一系列医学范畴."哲学理论+医学实例"不是医学哲学.医学哲学具备超验的思维方式、反思的学术精神、创新的学术风格、开放的学术视野,而临床经验总结、紧跟时局的宣传、时髦热闹的效果,从者众多的场面不是医学哲学.  相似文献   

Scot Campbell 《Ratio》2001,14(3):193-202
The standard version of the psychological criterion or theory of personal identity takes it that psychological connectedness is not necessary for personal identity, or for what matters in survival. That is, a future person can be you, and/or have what matters in survival for you, even though there is no psychological connectedness between you and that future person. David Lewis, however, holds that psychological connectedness is necessary to both identity and what matters (which he takes to coincide). This entails, Lewis acknowledges, that if a human body were to live longer than connectedness lasts, then that body would 'embody' or 'constitute' a different person later on than it did to begin with. Moreover, Lewis accepts, a body may embody more than one person at any one time. Lewis claims that this can be reconciled to some degree with common sense if we count by person stages rather than by persons. I show, though, that Lewis' view cannot be salvaged in this way, and, moreover, that it leads to further absurdities. I conclude that as an account of identity and of what matters in survival, it is highly implausible, and most unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

论医学哲学是什么和不是什么   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弄清医学哲学是什么和不是什么,是医学哲学学科建设的基本问题。医学哲学理论构架的逻辑起点是生命健康,基本结构是医学哲学的本体论、认识论、方法论、价值论和发展观以及一系列医学范畴。“哲学理论 医学实例”不是医学哲学。医学哲学具备超验的思维方式、反思的学术精神、创新的学术风格、开放的学术视野,而临床经验总结、紧跟时局的宣传、时髦热闹的效果,从者众多的场面不是医学哲学。  相似文献   

What an Ideal Is     
What I intend to do in the following pages is to focus on what might be termed the most important turn in the very dimension of ideality throughout the history of Western culture: the introduction of the notion of ideal drawn from Plato’s notion of idea, and especially its singular contemporary destiny. In the first part of the article, I am going to analyze Kant’s introduction of the notion of ideal and Hegel’s reading of it, and I am going to argue that the former affirms a dualistic relationship which the latter negates. In the second part of the article, I am going to reason on the actual effects of both the affirmation and the negation of the dualism between the ideal and the real, especially focusing on the forms of totalitarianism and anarchism which characterized the twentieth-century history of Western culture. This will lead me to argue that we should try to avoid both the bad uses of the ideal (namely, the idealization of the real and the debasement of the real through the ideal) and the death of the ideal (namely, forms of epistemological and ethical anarchism) in order to work on a notion of ideal which could be an exceedingly promising tool for us to change and improve the real. This change and improvement can be achieved through the affirmation of the dualistic relationship between the ideal and the real, and more specifically through what I will call an evolutionary notion of ideal versus a revolutionary notion of ideal.  相似文献   


伦理学是“成人”,“做人”之维。人离不开伦理,伦理学首先是“成人”之道。“人”成为什么样的人也离不开伦理,伦理学又是“做人”之维。伦理要内化成人心理的存在,才能成为“成人”之道,“做人”之维。道德建设要符合“成人”与“做人”的要求。  相似文献   

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