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Pigeons were trained on a pair-comparison task in which left versus right choices were reinforced following different sequences of two center-key stimuli. Choice accuracy was higher when retention intervals occurred after the entire sequence than when they separated the two stimuli comprising it, and this effect occurred independently of whether the initial and terminal stimuli came from the same or different dimensions. The initial stimulus from the prior trial was a source of proactive interference only in groups for which the retention interval separated the two sequence stimuli. By contrast, differential delay-interval behavior was observed only in groups for which the retention interval followed presentation of the entire sequence. These results indicate that coding processes in delayed discriminations are influenced by the location of the retention interval, and that response mediation affects retention performances if the reinforced choice can be determined prior to the interval.  相似文献   

Leisure behavior patterns after retirement were compared retrospectively with those of the preretirement period. The data, which related to former industrial and service workers in Israel, were examined within the context of the spillover and compensatory hypotheses, with retirement representing a non work sphere. Findings revealed a spillover effect, characterized by a high degree of passive, solitary leisure behavior both before and after retirement.  相似文献   

Two studies with the same subjects examined dyslexic children's puzzling superiority in forced left ear (LE) dichotic recall with consonant-vowel (CV) combinations. Thirty dysphonemic dyslexics were compared to 30 age-matched and 30 younger reading-matched normal readers. The children were tested in directed attention dichotic listening and in pseudoword decoding, word recognition, reading comprehension, spelling, arithmetic, and general intelligence (IQ). Failure to replicate the LE effect in the first experiment or in free-recall trials suggests its probable origin in aberrant attention/arousal rather than in deviant verbal lateralization. Experiment two replicated the superior LE effect in comparison to both control groups but also found the dyslexics poorer at the right ear (RE). Laterality coefficients confirmed that the dyslexics were more weakly lateralized. Corrections for stimulus dominance revealed that the uncorrected scores (1) concealed the extreme difficulty of the task and (2) obscured floor effects in the LE performance of the normals. Correlations suggest cautiously that CV lateralization may be associated inversely with reading comprehension and word decoding in the dyslexics and normal readers. The results provide mild support for the hypothesis that weak attentional lateralization for CVs in dyslexia may result from the precocious development of posterior right hemisphere attentional systems in compensation for presumed posterior left hemisphere lesions. No support was found for the competing hypothesis that such weak lateralization may be a component of the dyslexics' primary, correlated, or secondary deficit symptomatology.  相似文献   

Barbara J. King 《Zygon》2008,43(2):451-466
For a biological anthropologist interested in the prehistory of religion, J. Wentzel van Huyssteen's book is welcome and resonant. Van Huyssteen's central thesis is that humans' capacity for spirituality emerges from a transformation of cognition and emotions that takes place in the symbolic realm, within Homo sapiens and apart from biology. To his thesis I bring to bear three areas of response: the abundant cognitive and emotional capacities of living apes and extinct hominids; the role of symbolic ritual in the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens; and the closely intertwined nature of biology and culture in the workings of evolutionary change.  相似文献   

In a repetition of D. N. Jackson's experiment (1954) only half of 32 subjects reported previously rewarded profiles more often than punished ones. Post-experimental interviews suggest that the effect may depend upon whether or not the subject grasps the purpose of the experiment. Another alternative to the original interpretation, based on the concept of 'autism.', is that rewarded profiles are reported more frequently because they are learned better than the punished profiles. A second experiment supports the assumption that the one profile of a reversible pair which is learned most completely is also the one reported most frequently in the post-training series. The appropriateness of the experimental design for the study of figure-ground perception is questioned.  相似文献   

Forty-eight graduate and undergraduate students between 17 and 30 years of age judged the size of the central circle in Ebbinghaus figures presented under either simultaneous or successive viewing conditions. Successive presentation eliminated the illusion produced by the normally overestimated figure and diminished that produced by the underestimated figure. Under simultaneous viewing conditions, increasing the number of surrounding circles reduced the magnitude of the reversed illusion produced by the normally overestimated figure but had no effect on the illusion produced by the underestimated figure. Under successive viewing conditions, increasing the number of surrounding circles had no effect on the magnitude of illusion produced by the normally overestimated figure but increased the illusion produced by the underestimated figure. These data were interpreted as inconsistent with a size contrast explanation of the Ebbinghaus illusions and suggested that these illusions may be produced by a contour interaction process.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of multirater feedback in practice and research, few studies have examined the issue of response rates in these efforts. This study explored the relationship between performance, vis-á-vis a measure of service quality, and feedback response rates in a large-scale developmental multirater feedback initiative using data from 538 senior service providers, 4,446 coworkers and supervisors, and 1,617 clients. The number of rater responses that the focal individual received was largely unrelated to his or her performance level as rated by his or her clients. More specifically, less than 2% of the variance in response rates was explained by the focal individual's performance. Data representativeness and feedback acceptance implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Michael Ruse 《Zygon》1994,29(1):5-24
Abstract. Does modern evolutionary theory (specifically Darwinism) pose a problem for the Christian's thinking about morality? It certainly poses threats for those who would argue that certain practices are wrong because they are “unnatural.” Liberal Christians can probably get around these questions. But at a deeper level, despite superficial similarities between its conclusions and the Love Commandment, Darwinism points to an essential relativism about morality, thereby striking at the very core of all Christian thought on moral behavior. Thus, those who are worried about the clash between science and religion have good reasons for their worries.  相似文献   

Previous studies have claimed that social-networking sites are used as a substitute for face-to-face interaction, resulting in deteriorating relationship quality and decreased intimacy among its users. The present study hypothesized that this type of communication is not a substitute for face-to-face interaction; rather, that it is an extension of communication with face-to-face partners. A survey was administered to examine the use of Facebook and MySpace in this regard among 183 college students. The study confirmed that Facebook and MySpace do act as an extension of face-to-face interaction, but that some users do tend to rely on Facebook and MySpace for interpersonal communication more than face-to-face interaction.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Akedah, the biblical narrative of the Binding of Isaac, and suggests that this story may be interpreted as inaugurating paternal function and thirdness. It marks the passage from the narcissistic father to the symbolic, dead father, and the institution of the Law that forbids all killings, opening up the succession of the generations. The author suggests that time is an essential element in establishing thirdness, creating a link between the here and now and the there and then in the après coup of the psychoanalytic process. The author also briefly reviews the psychoanalytic literature on thirdness and indicates this paper's contribution to it.  相似文献   

Murphy and DeShon (2000) show that interrater correlations do not provide reasonable estimates of the reliability of job performance ratings, and suggest that better estimates can be obtained by applying the methods of generalizability theory. Schmidt, Viswesvaran, and Ones (2000) criticize our suggestions as radical, and argue that: (a) the reliability of ratings should be evaluated using the parallel test model rather than the more general and more realistic generalizability model, (b) reliability and validity are distinct concepts that should not be confused, and (c) measurement models have little to do with substantive models of the processes that generate scores on a test or measure. All three of these ideas were once part of the psychometric mainstream, but progress in psychometrics over the last 3 decades has moved the field well beyond these assumptions and approaches. Modern psychometric theory calls for close linkages between measurement models and substantive models of the phenomena being measured.  相似文献   

An experiment examined how low- and high-prejudice dominant group members' (LPs' and HPs') reactions to intergroup contact were affected by whether they were accompanied by fellow ingroup members who exhibited prejudice-relevant behavior. Participants answered questions alone or in a group and then estimated how they were viewed by an observer who was an ingroup or an outgroup member. HPs believed that they were viewed more negatively by an outgroup member in the individual than the group condition. LPs showed the opposite effect, which led them to evaluate the outgroup member more negatively in the group condition. All participants in the group condition expected an outgroup member to exaggerate their similarity to the other ingroup members present, and LPs evaluated the other ingroup members more negatively when the observer was an outgroup member. The results suggest that intergroup attitudes guide the types of intergroup contact situations that are experienced most positively.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether an observed inverse relationship between self-stimulation and learning in autistic children is due to a physical inability of the subject to use the same body part for self-stimulation and task responding, or whether self-stimulation “distracts” the subject from task responding. Four actively self-stimulating autistic children were taught two discrimination tasks; one required a response that physically interferred with their self-stimulation; the other did not. Results were: (a) all subjects responded similarly across both tasks; (b) the three subjects with higher mental age scores learned both tasks without external suppression of self-stimulation; and (c) none of the subjects showed an inverse relationship between self-stimulation and learning. The study demonstrated that elimination of self-stimulation is not a necessary prerequisite for the acquisition of a new behavior in all autistic children.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study examined how autonomy support from parents and autonomy support from coaches are associated with sport-related outcomes of adolescent-athletes. Two alternative hypotheses were proposed: (a) a synergistic socialization interaction in which high levels of autonomy support provided by parents and coaches are both needed to obtain the most positive sport-related outcomes, (b) a compensatory-protective interaction in which coaching autonomy support is more important for sport-related outcomes in athletes perceiving lower levels of parental autonomy support.DesignTwo studies using prospective designs.MethodStudy 1 was conducted with adolescent soccer players (N = 46) and Study 2 was conducted with gymnasts (N = 85). In both studies, athletes reported the extent to which they perceived their parents and coaches provided autonomy support. Athletes also completed scales assessing their motivation toward sport (Studies 1 and 2), situational motivation prior to and following a competition (Study 2), and need satisfaction (Study 1). Sport achievement and performance were also assessed in the form of goal attainment (Study 1), self-reported achievement following the competition (Study 2), and flow states (Study 2). Hierarchical moderated regressions were conducted in order to test our competing hypotheses.ResultsAnalyses provided support for the compensatory-protective interaction hypothesis. Coaching autonomy support was more strongly related to sport motivation, need satisfaction, sport achievement, and flow in athletes who perceived lower level of parental autonomy support.ConclusionsThis research program provided support for the study of the interactive effect of perceived autonomy support from distinct socialization agents (i.e., parents and coaches) and its impact on adolescent-athletes.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of controversy over Barbara Held's use of the term "antirealism" in her now popular critique of postmodern therapy. Many of her respondents have rejected this label, claiming that it restricts the debate and oversimplifies their position. Recognizing that this is so, I nevertheless accept Held's term as a useful signifier of the epistemological framework of postmodern therapy, and, thus, challenge her critique on its own grounds. I argue that Held's critique of this epistemological approach, in fact, misses the epistemological point, targeting ontological issues where there are none, and misinterpreting the original aim behind the shift to epistemological antirealism. It is Held's contention that the antirealist turn aimed at "maximizing individuality" in therapy - a goal which can and should be achieved through realism. Her justification for the latter is a supposed "oscillation" between realism and antirealism in the theory of this movement. To the contrary, l suggest that the aim of this epistemological shift was the resolution of strictly epistemological problems, and that the oscillation that Held identifies is the product of her own conflation of epistemological and ontological issues.  相似文献   

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