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Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Arbeit wurde in kürzerer Fassung am XVI. Internationalen Kongreß für Psychologie in Bonn 1960 unter dem Titel Räumliche Orientierung der gejungten Ratte vorgetragen.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 1 Abbildung im Text  相似文献   

What we cannot notice, we cannot be perceptually aware of either: This view, still very popular in contemporary analytic philosophy of mind, has been recently defended by M. Tye and A. Noë. The present paper tries to undermine this idea by referring to some empirical cases showing that we can be perceptually aware of something which our thematic attention fails to grasp. The limits of perception do not coincide with the limits of attention, and this holds not only in the case of so called “primary attention,” but also in the case of “secondary attention.” We therefore reject Arvidson’s hypothesis of the identity between the field of attention and the field of consciousness.  相似文献   

Qualia in the node-point between mind and body: Dilemma of present discussion about the subjectivity of mental states. The present discussion about qualia shows a bewildering variety of different positions. We show implicit assumptions about brain, subject, and qualia of this complex discussion. By means of three assumptions we divide the discussion about qualia into three different positions (proposition, opposition, intermediate solutions). These positions and their exemplaric authors are briefly presented along the lines of the three assumptions. The next step shows how each position solves the dilemma which arises if one relates all three assumptions by eliminating at least one of the three assumptions. Finally, general problems in the discussion of qualia are shown by means of which the dilemma of the relation between brain, subject and qualia may be brought closer to a solution without eliminating one assumption.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the recidivism risk assessment instruments Static-99 and Stable-2007 for sexual offenders was examined in a population of released male forensic sexual offenders hospitalized under mandatory treatment in Austria (N?=?96). The Static-99 with an area under the curve (AUC) ?value of 0.86 and the Stable-2007 (AUC?=?0.71) were significantly related to sexual reoffending after nearly 7 years time at risk, thus revealing a predictive power comparable with offenders released from prison (N?=?274). Also the Stable-2007 incrementally supplemented the predictive accuracy of the Static-99. Static-99/Stable-2007 risk/need categories identified a high risk group with a 50?% chance for sexual reconviction within 5 years after release despite a favorable risk assessment as the precondition for release and post-release risk management. On the other hand, there was virtually no relapse in the three lowest risk categories suggesting a specific effect of the mandatory treatment at least in these offender categories. The data suggest that the instruments are valid not only for offenders released from prison but also for forensic sexual offenders.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der 1. Strafsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs hat in seinem Urteil vom 30. Juli 1999 (BGHSt 45, 164) die wissenschaftlichen Anforderungen beschrieben, die an eine aussagepsychologische Begutachtung (Glaubhaftigkeitsgutachten) zu stellen sind, und die Richter verpflichtet, zukünftig darauf zu achten, dass diese Mindeststandards bei der Erstattung von Gutachten eingehalten werden. Ausgehend von dieser Entscheidung stellt der Beitrag die seitherige Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung zur Glaubhaftigkeitsbeurteilung von Zeugenaussagen dar. Er geht dabei über die an das Gutachten zu stellenden Anforderungen hinaus und befasst sich auch damit, wann ein solches Gutachten erforderlich, von wem es zu erstatten und in welcher Weise es vom Richter in den Entscheidungsgründen darzustellen ist. Zudem schildert er, welchen Einfluss die Anerkennung der hypothesengeleiteten, kriterienorientierten Aussageanalyse auf die Beweiswürdigung durch den Tatrichter und deren überprüfung durch das Revisionsgericht hat.
Wolfgang PfisterEmail:

On the Protophysics of time. Reply to H. Andreas’ critique along with a remark on the scope of operational foundations of measurement. In 2004, H. Andreas presented in this journal a refutation of Janich’s operational foundation of time measurement. Pursuing suggestions made by F. Mühlhölzer in 1981, Andreas intends to show that Janich’s proof of the uniqueness of the operationalization that he suggested fails. It is shown that Andreas’ arguments, like Mühlhölzer’s, are mistaken and do not challenge Janich’s theory. Some remarks on the scope of Protophysics are added, which may lead to a more substantial discussion of the merits of Janich’s approach.  相似文献   

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