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In this paper we compare Leitgeb’s stability theory of belief (Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 164:1338-1389, 2013; The Philosophical Review, 123:131-171, [2014]) and Spohn’s ranking-theoretic account of belief (Spohn, 1988, 2012). We discuss the two theories as solutions to the lottery paradox. To compare the two theories, we introduce a novel translation between ranking (mass) functions and probability (mass) functions. We draw some crucial consequences from this translation, in particular a new probabilistic belief notion. Based on this, we explore the logical relation between the two belief theories, showing that models of Leitgeb’s theory correspond to certain models of Spohn’s theory. The reverse is not true (or holds only under special constraints on the parameter of the translation). Finally, we discuss how these results raise new questions in belief theory. In particular, we raise the question whether stability (a key ingredient of Leitgeb’s theory) is rightly thought of as a property pertaining to belief (rather than to knowledge).  相似文献   

This paper is a continuation of the comparison of interpersonal/relational theory and Bionian field theory that I began in two articles that appeared in Psychoanalytic Dialogues in 2013. The paper has two sections. In the first, I discuss differences between Bionian field theory and interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis. In the second, I turn to what the two schools of field theory share.  相似文献   

“精诚同志社”的“灵魂说”特点是灵魂不死,以“转生”与“轮回”作为补充。人们要纯洁灵魂,使之复返上界,进入天堂。其“道德说”提倡禁欲和节制,重视人类责任,尊崇苦行,尊重知识,同情妇女,强调自我完善与道德净化,因此有着其独特之处。  相似文献   

This paper develops a moodless theory of modality, intended to be as closely analogous to the tenseless theory of time as possible. It is argued that the new theory is distinct from David Lewis' modal realism and that it solves certain problems better than modal realism does, namely, the problem of advanced modalizing, the problem of necessitism, and the problem of conflict with common opinion.  相似文献   

在人类探索知识的历程中,科学家一直把理论之间的还原作为一种机会,以此来发展对我们的知识的适用范围、结构以及事物根本构成关系的深远解释。在科学领域,科学家们认为某领域建立的理论只不过是基本领域如微观物理学理论的具体的体现,因而高层次理论解释并不必要,科学的发展就是用基本的理论取而代之却又不丧失前者的解释力。科学的发展证明了理论还原的成功,如伽俐略定律还原到牛顿定律,牛顿定律还原到爱因斯坦的相对论,甚至在生物学中,DNA双螺旋结构的发现被视为理论还原最伟大的成果,以至于DNA发现者、科学家克里克(Francis Crick)…  相似文献   

Ardnés Rivadulla 《Synthese》2004,141(3):417-429
The aim of this paper is to elucidate the question of whether Newtonian mechanics can be derived from relativity theory. Physicists agree that classical mechanics constitutes a limiting case of relativity theory. By contrast, philosophers of science like Kuhn and Feyerabend affirm that classical mechanics cannot be deduced from relativity theory because of the incommensurability between both theories; thus what we obtain when we take the limit c in relativistic mechanics cannot be Newtonian mechanics sensu stricto. In this paper I focus on the alleged change of reference of the term mass in the transition from one theory to the other. Contradicting Kuhn and Feyerabend, special relativity theory supports the view that the mass of an object is a characteristic property of the object, that it has the same value in whatever frame of reference it is measured, and that it does not depend on whether the object is in motion or at rest. Thus mass preserves the reference through the change of theory, and the existence of a Newtonian limit of relativity theory provides a good example of the rationality of theory change in mathematical physics.  相似文献   

亚当·斯密在写作《国富论》时看到,重商主义政策体系正推动着英帝国走向深重的危机:殖民地既不能提供保卫帝国的兵力,也不能提供维持帝国民政的收入,反而增加了母国的防卫负担;美洲独立战争爆发后,帝国分崩在即,严重依赖殖民地进出口贸易的经济结构变得极其脆弱;不列颠沦落为"商人之国",商人阶层垄断贸易,对平民大众多有压迫与剥削。在重商主义政策体系下,法律变得暴戾,让英国人引以为傲的自由惨遭倾覆。危机的症结在于:商人欺骗、侵夺了主权,绑架了国家,使法律只体现商人阶层意志。《国富论》致力于传授重商主义时代的主权理论:主权者必须知晓国民财富的自然秩序,以此驯化资本,使之合于正义与公共利益;主权者必须对商人的"独占精神"有所警惕,不受其蛊惑,使经济政策合于社会的自然机理,体现国家的公共意志。  相似文献   

王路 《世界哲学》2007,7(6):46-70,77
意义理论是语言哲学的核心内容。意义理论与语言相关,因而与对语言的使用和理解相关,与语言所表达的世界相关。今天,意义理论受到哲学家们的高度重视,有关讨论广泛而深入,观点各异,成果多样。在今天的讨论中,真之极小论、真之紧缩论、真之去引号论、真之代句子理论等一些新的真之理论业已成为重点。但是,真之符合论、真之实用论等传统理论也仍然被涉及,并且由于深入讨论而得到新的认识,尽管许多结论是否定的。在我看来,意义理论的最大特征是与真这个概念密切相关,或者说,真这个概念是意义理论的核心概念。正因为这样。如今的讨论,无论是什么观点,几乎都预设了一个前提:塔尔斯基的语义理论。如果引申开来,甚至可以看到,正是基于真的解释,人们对意义理论形成不同的看法。比如戴维森的意义理论被称为真之理论,即基于T语句提出了一种如何理解语言的真之理论,而达米特则认为这只是对部分语言提出解释,并没有对整个语言的运作提出一种解释。所以,戴维森的解释顸设了对真这个概念的理解,他认为要围绕着真来考虑问题,而达米特虽然承认真这一概念的重要,却认为对真这个概念本身要进行思考,而且要超出这个概念来考虑我们的语言。我翻译过奎因的《真之追求》(三联书店,1999年)、达米特的《分析哲学的起源》(上海译文出版社,2005年),戴维森的《真与谓述》(上海译文出版社,2007年即出),也翻译过一些文章发表在本刊(例如参见《世界哲学》2006年第1期、第2期)。我希望国内读者能够了解和重视这方面的研究情况。编译下面这些内容,也有相同的意思。  相似文献   

传统的真之符合论面临一个问题:由谁来判别一个命题是否符合事实?为从"上帝之眼"回归人类之眼,普特南提出内在实在论,以区别于外在实在论。这里进而提出关于"真"的内在符合论,以区别于传统的外在符合论;其关键在于把事实看作语言性的,并将语言性事实的观点分为外延等同论和内涵等同论。从主观性和客观性的角度看,内涵等同论和外在符合论处于两个极端,而外延等同论和内在符合论则处于中道,并且是二位一体的。在哲学史上,这两种符合论和两种等同论的要素贯穿于弗雷格、罗素、塔斯基和普特南等人的"真"理论之中。  相似文献   

Richard Foley has suggested that the search for a good theory of epistemic justification and the analysis of knowledge should be conceived of as two distinct projects. However, he has not offered much support for this claim, beyond highlighting certain salutary consequences it might have. In this paper, I offer some further support for Foley’s claim by offering an argument and a way to conceive the claim in a way that makes it as plausible as its denial, and thus levelling the playing field. The burden of proof then lies with those who seek to deny Foley’s radical suggestion.  相似文献   

Effingham  Nikk 《Philosophia》2021,49(1):17-35
Philosophia - ‘Instantiation-directed slot theorists’ believe that properties/relations have slots which are filled by their instances/relata e.g., where Abigail is taller than Bronia,...  相似文献   

中和思想与可持续发展的普遍和谐观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中和思想博大精深,作为中国古人调节人与自然、人与社会、人与他人及自身内部各种矛盾关系的高级哲理,与可持续发展有共同的哲学根据,与可持续发展所揭示的动态平衡与协调发展不谋而合。  相似文献   

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