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The effect of the power dynamic between co‐witnesses on memory conformity for images was investigated. Participant–confederate pairs were first presented with 50 images on a computer and then were randomly assigned to one of three social power role combinations analogous to those present in the workplace: manager and subordinate, subordinate and manager, or collaborators with equal power and status. After role assignment (but without ever engaging in the role‐related tasks), pairs were tested on whether each of 100 images (50 old and 50 new) had or had not been shown previously. Confederates always responded before participants. Subordinates were significantly less likely to conform than managers. Findings are discussed in light of the work‐related facet of social power and memory distortion. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present research examines how emotions of a third party interacting with an authority who has treated him or her unfairly affect one's feelings of anger toward the authority as a function of the ambiguity of the unfair treatment. Across a scenario and a laboratory study, it was found that when participants did not receive voice and it was unclear whether this was the result of an authority's unfair intentions, participants were less angry when the third party expressed shame, rather than anger, toward the same enacting authority. A second laboratory study replicated this effect, but now by showing that one's feelings of anger (in the case of ambiguity) were lower when the other person expressed guilt, relative to anger.  相似文献   

Does expertise within a domain of knowledge predict accurate self‐assessment of the ability to explain topics in that domain? We find that expertise increases confidence in the ability to explain a wide variety of phenomena. However, this confidence is unwarranted; after actually offering full explanations, people are surprised by the limitations in their understanding. For passive expertise (familiar topics), miscalibration is moderated by education; those with more education are accurate in their self‐assessments (Experiment 1). But when those with more education consider topics related to their area of concentrated study (college major), they also display an illusion of understanding (Experiment 2). This “curse of expertise” is explained by a failure to recognize the amount of detailed information that had been forgotten (Experiment 3). While expertise can sometimes lead to accurate self‐knowledge, it can also create illusions of competence.  相似文献   

The stated goal of protecting White women from harm has been used, historically and contemporarily, as a pretext for racial violence. Two studies explored the relationship between protective paternalism (the belief that men should protect and care for women—part of benevolent sexism; Glick and Fiske 1996) and anti-minority racial attitudes. In Study 1 (n = 474, 61% women, 61% White), survey data found that protective paternalism was related to anti-Black bias, but only for White respondents. Study 2 (n = 242, 52% women, 74% White) experimentally manipulated feelings of threat to test for increases in protective paternalism and its corresponding effect on three anti-minority racial attitudes. For male participants only, threat (i.e., reading about recent increases in violent crime) increased endorsement of protective paternalism, which was in turn associated with a more negative view of immigration, and, for White men only, less support for policies that benefit racial minority groups and greater denial of racial bias in policing. Threat did not increase protective paternalism in female participants. For White men in particular, news of crime and danger increases racial bias by first increasing the desire to protect women. Policymakers should be aware that framing policies around safety concerns or appealing to the protection of women might unintentionally bolster anti-minority racial prejudices.  相似文献   


Two studies explored the influence of group identification and the functional relations between groups on outgroup liking. In a laboratory study, Study 1 (N = 112) found that outgroup liking was highest when group identification was high and relations between groups were cooperative, but outgroup liking was lowest when group identification was high and relations were competitive. In a field replication of Study 1, Study 2 (N = 181) similarly found more liking with high group identification and cooperative relations between groups. Additional analyses revealed that the Identification × Relations interactions found in Studies 1 and 2 were mediated by outgroup trust. We discuss how trust is an important factor for predicting outgroup bias for both high and low group identification.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the career construction theory and the trait activation theory, the present study first aims to uncover the interactive effect of core self-evaluation (CSE) and ethical leadership on career adaptability. In addition, the authors examined how career adaptability mediates the interaction effect of CSE and ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Two-wave data from 156 employees were collected in a manufacturing company over a one-month interval. Results showed that ethical leadership moderated the relationship between CSE and career adaptability. Specifically, the positive relationship between CSE and career adaptability was stronger when ethical leadership was low. Moreover, career adaptability mediated the relationship between CSE and OCB, and ethical leadership moderated this indirect relationship. We discuss implications for career adaptation and organizational effectiveness.  相似文献   

This research explores the possibility that the very accomplishments that are critical to success during the hiring process (e.g., educational attainment, promotion history) can lead to a drop in future performance evaluations for women. We theorized that evaluators may see such competence signals as a threat to the traditional gender hierarchy, which leads to a negative bias when evaluating women's on‐the‐job performance. In Study 1, we examined this hypothesis among commanding officers in the U.S. military, who gave lower performance ratings to female subordinates whose pay grade approached their own. The same was not true for male subordinates. Studies 2, 3a, and 3b experimentally tested the boundary conditions of this effect using two additional competence signals (educational attainment and past career successes) and 2 different populations. Across these studies, we replicated the negative relationship between competence signal strength and performance evaluations for female subordinates but only under conditions in which the evaluator would be particularly likely to experience gender hierarchy threat. Specifically, it emerged when the evaluator was male and high social‐dominance oriented and when the female subordinate's objective on‐the‐job performance was high. Finally, Study 3a demonstrated how organizations can mitigate this negative bias by using objective (rather than subjective) performance evaluations.  相似文献   

Terje Hegertun 《Dialog》2016,55(4):364-371
Det teologiske menighetsfakultet, or MF Norwegian School of Theology, has undergone an extensive development. From representing a strong Lutheran confessionalism, the new face of the faculty has changed to be more ecumenical in character. This article presents this story, gives insights into the historical process, and presents the current experiences of opening the school to non‐Lutheran students and teachers. On the basis of this “case study,” the article reflects on ecumenical perspectives that could be constructive for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

Jan Heylen and Leon Horsten object to my proposed analysis of ordinary-language conditionals by appealing to certain putative counter-examples. In this reply, I explain how, by ignoring my reading of the indicative/subjunctive distinction, their objection misses its target. I also criticize their underlying methodology.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between Dickinson's (1993) components of teamwork and ratings of team members' contributions to team success. Undergraduate students (n= 179) each viewed 1 of 8 videotapes depicting a team interacting to solve the Winter Survival Problem. Participants then completed a 52-item questionnaire assessing the connection between teamwork components and perceptions of contributions to team productivity, team viability, teamwork, and overall team performance. With 1 exception, all of the teamwork components manipulated in the study significantly affected appraisals of several aspects of worker effectiveness. Furthermore, raters considered teamwork behaviors that provided direct assistance or direction to team members as being especially critical.  相似文献   

This study aimed to design a program incorporating a narrative perspective that promotes resilience. A program was implemented that conveys an appreciation for the internal qualities of a familiar other person through the creation of a story about them. The experiment was conducted with 36 pairs of women; each pair had a “giver” and a “recipient.” The giver created a story that praised the “good points” of the recipient. There were significant increases in recipients' scores on measures of resilience, self-esteem, and sense of acceptance of the giver. Additionally, the use of a story can help expand the interpretative ability of receiving and expressing praise.  相似文献   

Three conditions have been hypothesized by Allport (1934) to be necessary for normative compliance to occur: (a) the required behavior must seem to serve a purpose; (b) the required behavior must be described in a rule or law; (c) a fairly large proportion of the population must perform the required behavior. Evidence supporting each of the three hypotheses is reviewed. The presence or strength of three variables related to each of the three conditions was varied factorially in an experimental field study of conformity to a prohibition against pedestrian traffic. The three hypotheses were strongly supported: Significantly more pedestrians corriplied the greater the strength of the factors related to the conditions. No interactions were found between variables. In addition, no differences between males and females and between a campus and a suburban sample were obtained. The results are discussed in terms of the normative elements of cultural conformity and a distinction is made between true conformity and cultural conformity.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the Shuman seminal paper arguing against empathic behaviors in forensic evaluations. Shuman concluded that empathy by examiners seduces evaluees into believing a therapeutic relationship exists. We reconsider empathy as an element of rapport and a helpful supplement in a successful assessment. Actively avoiding empathy could lead to cold and callous examiner self‐presentation, which may in turn produce biased and negative results. In this paper we assert that ethical forensic professionals may use moderate empathy during an assessment. Examiners should consider it not as a component of subjectivity and pseudotherapy, but rather as a potentially useful tool for effective assessments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for voluntarily donated blood has generated research concerned with the development of commitment to regular blood donation. Taking a developmental perspective, this paper explores the longitudinal impact of background, situational, and dispositional factors measured at one's first donation. Questionnaire responses from a sample of first-time donors are analyzed and logistic regression analysis is employed to predict successive “continuation decisions” (the decisions to donate twice, three times, and four times). Results suggest that factors may change in their magnitude and direction of impact across the donor's career. Externally focused social pressures and rewards are dominant at the early stages and self-originating factors at the later stages. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to compare men's and women's perceptions of female contraceptive behavior and investigate the relationship between sexual experience and these perceptions. One hundred forty-six predominantly Caucasion males (n = 76) and females (n = 70) were randomly assigned to one of three sexual scenarios in which a male provided the condom in a sexual encounter, a female provided the condom, or no condom was used. They were then asked to rate the female on several behavioral and personality measures and to complete a sexual experience scale. Results showed differences in the way men and women perceived the female target. A positive correlation was also found between sexual experience and more favorable perceptions of the sexually-prepared female.  相似文献   

Politicians sometimes shift the stances that they take on issues. An experiment investigated the effect of such a shift upon observers' perceptions of and feelings about an ostensible candidate for public office. The target issue (private ownership of handguns) was chosen as being relatively emotional for some subjects and unemotional for others. Subjects were also selected (independently) as being either pro or con on the issue. The position taken by the stimulus person (who, in contrast to previous research, was identified as a candidate for office) was portrayed as initially being either similar or dissimilar to that of the subject. An assessment of the candidate's position 6 months later indicated either no change or a reversal of the initial position. Subjects' evaluations of the candidate on a variety of dimensions yielded a consistent pattern. The combination of initial agreement and final agreement was viewed more favorably than any other combination. Taken together, the data suggest two conclusions. First, there was no support in this context for the notion that a shift from disagreement to agreement would be especially valued (i.e., there was no “gain” effect). Second, in the realm of politics, people value consistent agreement with their own position—but they do not reward consistency per se.  相似文献   

Researchers have demonstrated for practitioners how to use multiple-schedules preparations to thin initially dense schedules of reinforcement during functional communication training, without sacrificing benefits associated with dense schedules of reinforcement for manding. However, special considerations may be required for practitioners to successfully apply this strategy to noncompliance. The purpose of our study was to evaluate whether multiple-schedules preparations could maintain contextually prescribed compliance and manding during interventions for noncompliance. For one participant, a multiple-schedules intervention was sufficient to establish socially valid outcomes. For the other, chained-schedules modifications were required before compliance emerged in relevant components.  相似文献   

Susan Kemper 《Sex roles》1984,10(5-6):435-443
The existence of sexually biased stereotypes about the polite speech of men and women was documented in a series of three studies. In Study I, masculine, feminine, and neutral activities were identified. In Study II, the perceived politeness of five different forms of requests was determined. In the final study, men and women were asked to judge the appropriateness of requests by men and women speakers to addressees of either sex. The requests differed in politeness, and requested either masculine, feminine, or neutral actions. These ratings revealed that women are expected to speak more politely than men, regardless of the sex of the addressee or the nature of the requested action. However, men are expected to use different forms for requests for masculine, feminine, and neutral actions and to use different forms of requests for men and women addressees.  相似文献   

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