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Recently, a number of model selection heuristics (i.e. DIFFIT, CORCONDIA, the numerical convex hull based heuristic) have been proposed for choosing among Parafac and/or Tucker3 solutions of different complexity for a given three‐way three‐mode data set. Such heuristics are often validated by means of extensive simulation studies. However, these simulation studies are unrealistic in that it is assumed that the variance in real three‐way data can be split into two parts: structural variance, due to a true underlying Parafac or Tucker3 model of low complexity, and random noise. In this paper, we start from the much more reasonable assumption that the variance in any real three‐way data set is due to three different sources: (1) a strong Parafac or Tucker3 structure of low complexity, accounting for a considerable amount of variance, (2) a weak Tucker3 structure, capturing less prominent data aspects, and (3) random noise. As such, Parafac and Tucker3 simulation studies are run in which the data are generated by adding a weak Tucker3 structure to a strong Parafac or Tucker3 one and perturbing the resulting data with random noise. The design of these studies is based on the reanalysis of real data sets. In these studies, the performance of the numerical convex hull based model selection method is evaluated with respect to its capability of discriminating strong from weak underlying structures. The results show that in about two‐thirds of the simulated cases, the hull heuristic yields a model of the same complexity as the strong underlying structure and thus succeeds in disentangling strong and weak underlying structures. In the vast majority of the remaining third, this heuristic selects a solution that combines the strong structure and (part of) the weak structure.  相似文献   

Principal component regression (PCR) is a popular technique in data analysis and machine learning. However, the technique has two limitations. First, the principal components (PCs) with the largest variances may not be relevant to the outcome variables. Second, the lack of standard error estimates for the unstandardized regression coefficients makes it hard to interpret the results. To address these two limitations, we propose a model-based approach that includes two mean and covariance structure models defined for multivariate PCR. By estimating the defined models, we can obtain inferential information that will allow us to test the explanatory power of individual PCs and compute the standard error estimates for the unstandardized regression coefficients. A real example is used to illustrate our approach, and simulation studies under normality and nonnormality conditions are presented to validate the standard error estimates for the unstandardized regression coefficients. Finally, future research topics are discussed.  相似文献   

Using three waves of data, we assessed the relationships between endorsement of religious values, some of the major personality dimensions, and social and emotional well‐being amongst teenagers. Participants were 784 high school students at Time 1 (382 males and 394 females; 8 did not indicate their gender) and 563 provided data at each of Time 1, Time 2 and Time 3. We examined the impact of changes in (Eysenckian) psychoticism and conscientiousness from Time 1 to Time 2 on religious values assessed at Time 3. Both personality and personality change predicted religious values and the specific effects depended on gender. Participants higher in hope, joviality, psychological acceptance and mindfulness also tended to be higher in religious values. The implications of these results for adolescent well‐being and resilience are discussed.  相似文献   

According to prior work, persistent goal pursuit is a continuous process where persisting is a matter of resisting the urge to give up. In everyday goals, however, persistence is often episodic, and its causes are more complex. People pause and resume pursuit many times. Whether people persist reflects more than will power and motivation, it also reflects the other goals they pursue, their resources, and the attentional demands of daily life. People can fail to persist not just because they gave up, but also because they failed to act. We propose a general model of persistence that accommodates the complexity of episodic goals. We argue that persistent goal pursuit is a function of three processes: resisting the urge to give up, recognizing opportunities for pursuit, and returning to pursuit. The broad factors that help and hurt persistence can be organized within these components. These components can also explain the mechanisms of four effective strategies for persistence: removing distractions, using reminders, using implementation intentions, and forming habits. The recognizing‐resisting‐returning model integrates and improves on extant theories of persistence and goal pursuit and is consistent with empirical work from laboratory and naturalistic settings.  相似文献   

The present study had two goals. The first was to investigate concurrent relations between the five factors of personality and daily hassles experienced by university students. The second was to examine prospective relations between hassles and personality over three years in a two‐wave panel design. A sample of 119 university students responded to questionnaires about daily hassles and personality (NEO‐Five Factor Inventory) in the first semester and seventh semester. Concurrently, Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness correlated with hassles, whereas Openness to Experience correlated little and Agreeableness not at all. Surprisingly, daily hassles were relatively stable over the three years, but this stability was not mainly due to personality influences. Structural equation models showed that Neuroticism and Conscientiousness predicted two of five hassle scales prospectively. There was also a prospective effect of daily hassles on later Neuroticism. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a clusterwise simultaneous component analysis for tracing structural differences and similarities between data of different groups of subjects. This model partitions the groups into a number of clusters according to the covariance structure of the data of each group and performs a simultaneous component analysis with invariant pattern restrictions (SCA‐P) for each cluster. These restrictions imply that the model allows for between‐group differences in the variances and the correlations of the cluster‐specific components. As such, clusterwise SCA‐P is more flexible than the earlier proposed clusterwise SCA‐ECP model, which imposed equal average cross‐products constraints on the component scores of the groups that belong to the same cluster. Using clusterwise SCA‐P, a finer‐grained, yet parsimonious picture of the group differences and similarities can be obtained. An algorithm for fitting clusterwise SCA‐P solutions is presented and its performance is evaluated by means of a simulation study. The value of the model for empirical research is illustrated with data from psychiatric diagnosis research.  相似文献   

Although commitment is commonly identified as an essential element for the effective implementation of organizational change, little empirical evidence exists to support this claim. We conducted two studies to replicate and extend findings pertaining to Herscovitch and Meyer's three‐component model of commitment to an organizational change. In the first study, we examined relations within and across time between employees' commitment (affective, normative and continuance) and level of support for a strategic initiative undertaken by a Canadian utility company in response to deregulation. In the second study, we tested the model in a sample of managers in an Indian organization undergoing major restructuring. In both studies we found considerable support for the relations between commitment and support predicted by the model. However, we also found evidence for potential culture differences. Implications for theory, research and change management practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the transmission of social dominance orientation (SDO) from parents and grandparents to children. It was predicted that parents as well as grandparents would pass their social dominance attitudes to children. Children's levels of SDO would thus be the highest when parental and grandparental attitudes are high; the lowest when parental and grandparental attitudes are low; and intermediate when parental and grandparental attitudes are incongruent. These hypotheses were examined in a sample of 93 families including children (in early adulthood), one of their parents, and one of their grandparents. Results yielded support for the predictions. These findings' implications are discussed in terms of their potential to explain previous inconsistent results on the transmission of social attitudes to children. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A novel method for analyzing delay discounting data is proposed. This newer metric, a model‐based Area Under Curve (AUC) combining approximate Bayesian model selection and numerical integration, was compared to the point‐based AUC methods developed by Myerson, Green, and Warusawitharana (2001) and extended by Borges, Kuang, Milhorn, and Yi (2016). Using data from computer simulation and a published study, comparisons of these methods indicated that a model‐based form of AUC offered a more consistent and statistically robust measurement of area than provided by using point‐based methods alone. Beyond providing a form of AUC directly from a discounting model, numerical integration methods permitted a general calculation in cases when the Effective Delay 50 (ED50) measure could not be calculated. This allowed discounting model selection to proceed in conditions where data are traditionally more challenging to model and measure, a situation where point‐based AUC methods are often enlisted. Results from simulation and existing data indicated that numerical integration methods extended both the area‐based interpretation of delay discounting as well as the discounting model selection approach. Limitations of point‐based AUC as a first‐line analysis of discounting and additional extensions of discounting model selection were also discussed.  相似文献   

Our objective is to establish the prevalence and overlap among different forms of violence and the importance of known correlates of aggression in Bogotá, Colombia. Our method is a cross‐sectional household survey of violence amongst a random sample (n=3007) of the general population between the ages of 15 and 60. In this population the more severe forms of aggression tend to appear concurrently with the less severe forms. Multivariate analyses of the data show that a family history of crime, physical aggression among family members, lack of clarity of parental norms, beliefs justifying the use of violence, and alcohol consumption are the main correlates of verbal and physical aggression independent of age, gender and social class. Although the findings are limited by the cross‐sectional design, exclusion of the institutionalized population, and reliance on retrospective self‐reports, they provide population‐based estimates of different forms of aggression and support for known correlates of aggression in a Latin American context. Aggr. Behav. 29:191–201, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Theorists have suggested that individuals may remember to execute event‐based intended actions by deploying executive or attentional resources to monitor for the markers or target events that indicate that it is appropriate to execute the intended actions (e.g., McDaniel & Einstein, 2000; Shallice & Burgess, 1991), but these strategic monitoring views are not specific about the processes that strategic monitoring entails. A more specific idea is outlined here (see also Guynn, 2001) and an experiment with results consistent with this view is reported. According to this two‐process view, strategic monitoring entails maintaining the cognitive system in a prospective memory retrieval mode, which may be mediated by increased activation of the prospective memory representation, plus checking whether the circumstances to execute the intended action are present. In the current experiment, concurrent task impairment on nontarget trials, on which participants were instructed to press a key if they saw a target event (i.e., experimental trials), relative to trials on which participants were not instructed to press a key if they saw a target event (i.e., control trials), provided a footprint of strategic monitoring. An interaction of trial type and whether the experimental and control trials alternated or were blocked revealed greater impairment on experimental trials relative to control trials when the trials were blocked than when the trials alternated. Performance on experimental trials did not vary whether the trials alternated or were blocked, while performance on control trials was significantly worse when the trials alternated than when the trials were blocked. The results are consistent with the two‐process view and the idea that participants maintained a retrieval mode/activation and checked on experimental trials, neither maintained a retrieval mode/activation nor checked on blocked control trials, and maintained a retrieval mode/activation but did not check on alternating control trials.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the hourly variation in and the interplay between physical activity and sedentary behavior (SB) in order to highlight key time periods for physical activity interventions for children. Data for physical activity and SB obtained with ActiGraph in 56 boys and 47 girls aged from 8 to 11 years. These data were divided into sixty minute-time samples for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and SB, and analyzed using a principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation statistics. The PCA provides 10 factors which account for 80.4% of the inertia. Only two of these factors did not display competition between MVPA and SB. Contrary to some reports, a coefficient of correlation of -.68 (p < 10(-4)) was found between daily time spent at MVPA and SB. Some salient traits of children's behaviors were shown through PCA. The results suggested that efficacy of interventions targeting the morning hours (07:00 AM-11:59 AM) and the afternoon period (02:00 PM-05:59 PM) warrants attention.  相似文献   

Developmental research on Gestalt laws has previously revealed that, even as young as infancy, we are bound to group visual elements into unitary structures in accordance with a variety of organizational principles. Here, we focus on the developmental trajectory of both connection‐based and object‐based grouping, and investigate their impact on object formation in participants, aged 9–21 years old (N = 113), using a multiple‐object tracking paradigm. Results reveal a main effect of both age and grouping type, indicating that 9‐ to 21‐year‐olds are sensitive to both connection‐based and object‐based grouping interference, and tracking ability increases with age. In addition to its importance for typical development, these results provide an informative baseline to understand clinical aberrations in this regard.

Statement of contribution

What is already known on this subject?
  • The origin of the Gestalt principles is still an ongoing debate: Are they innate, learned over time, or both?
  • Developmental research has revealed how each Gestalt principle has its own trajectory and unique relationship to visual experience.
  • Both connectedness and object‐based grouping play an important role in object formation during childhood.
What does this study add?
  • The study identifies how sensitivity to connectedness and object‐based grouping evolves in individuals, aged 9–21 years old.
  • Using multiple‐object tracking, results reveal that the ability to track multiple objects increases with age.
  • These results provide an informative baseline to understand clinical aberrations in different types of grouping.

We examined the effects of gender and work‐groups' perceptions of climate for sexual harassment on the relationship between individuals' sexual harassment experiences and job‐related outcomes (namely, job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, work withdrawal, and job withdrawal). Drawing from a variety of theories, we proposed that a beneficial climate would buffer men from negative outcomes, but would intensify negative outcomes for women. Significant three‐way interactions were found for job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and job withdrawal. Results indicated that beneficial work‐group climate perceptions buffered men from decrements in job satisfaction and work withdrawal, but intensified decrements in all three outcomes for women. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a meta‐analysis on the country‐level correlates of the Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI), to address (1) whether there are differences in forgiveness between societies, (2) what society‐level context variables can account for these differences, and (3) whether conceptual relationships of forgiveness found at the individual level can be replicated at the societal level. We found sizeable differences between societies that are associated with democracy, peacefulness, socioeconomic development, and postmaterialism indices of a society. Replicating individual‐level results, subjective wellbeing was positively related to forgiveness. We discuss the importance of macro‐level contextual variables for understanding levels of forgiveness.  相似文献   

Relationships of mother and nonmaternal caregiver with 33 three‐year‐old kibbutz toddlers were investigated. Attunement and intrusiveness of these caregivers in their contact with children were determined by analysis of discrete child–adult interactions rather than by a global assessment of their relationships. The validity of these adult attunement scores was examined first by comparison of the attunement and intrusiveness scores of mother and of caregiver, and second by determining their association with independent scores of child availability to each of these caregiving adults. Results tended to support the validity of the present measures of adult attunement to the child. They indicated that in cases of disagreement mothers were more attuned than nonmaternal caregivers to the signals of the child, and the level of adult attuned agreement to the child was positively associated with cooperative attempts of children to involve caregivers in their activities © 2000 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.  相似文献   

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