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In this article, I explore some of the elements by which Muslim women who wear the hijab in the United States are managed so as to produce and distinguish “unruly” from “good” Muslim female citizens within the context of American liberalism. Unlike the French state, which has regulated both the hijab and niqab through national legislation, the American liberal framework utilizes a laissez‐faire approach, which relies on a range of public and private institutions to determine acceptable public presentations of the liberal female subject. I refer to this form of management as “neoliberalism.” Neoliberal management works in conjunction with popular political discourses and domestic events in ways that alternately contract and expand the boundaries that allow “suitable Muslim women” in the public sphere.  相似文献   

A survey of 354 women (apparently the first representative national sample) found that 16% had received at least one obscene phone call (OPC) within the 6 months preceding the survey. The majority of calls appear to be targeted in some way. Women less than 65 years of age and those who were neither married nor widowed were more likely to receive an OPC. Five theoretical propositions were examined. Two were not supported: namely, that OPCs are pure random incidents or are attacks on socioeconomically powerful women. Two others were reasonably well-supported: that OPC receipt is explained by displaced aggression against a vulnerable population or by perceived availability (a modification of criminal opportunity theory). There was also strong empirical support for the final proposition that sees OPCs occurring in a pattern statistically similar to that of rape.  相似文献   

Women are severely underrepresented in leadership roles and positions in Korean immigrant churches in the United States. Largely based on ethnographic research or casual observations, researchers have pointed to one or another of the following as a central factor in this underrepresentation: (1) the influence of Korean Confucian patriarchal traditions, (2) the conservative theological position of Korean churches, and (3) the practical need of Korean male immigrants to create high-status positions through ethnic churches. Although these three factors are intertwined and even reinforcing in the empirical world, this article intends to illustrate them empirically and pull them into a more analytic scheme. In particular, this article analyzes: (1) denominational affiliations of churches in South Korea and their official positions on female ordination to ministers and elders; (2) denominational affiliations of Korean immigrant churches in New York and their positions on women ordination; and (3) the proportion of women head pastors in churches in Korea and that of women head pastors in Korean immigrant churches in New York  相似文献   

Counseling psychology (CP) emerged in the US as the result of the convergence of a number of trends in early applied psychology, a number of social factors, as well as changes in the organizational structure of the American Psychological Association. We offer an overview of the history of counseling psychology in the US, focusing on key events that have helped establish and shape the profession. Struggles over the definition of CP as a specialty and its relations with clinical psychology and professional counseling are discussed, as are matters related to the licensing of CP practitioners, and the profession’s relationships with counseling-related professional organizations. The educational and professional preparation of CPs, the profession’s core values that affect both training in and the practice of counseling psychology, and the settings in which CPs work are briefly described. We close with a discussion of several of the challenges facing CP as it is organized and institutionalized in the US.  相似文献   

Hispanics recently became the nation's largest minority. By 2050, they will be one third of the population. As their power and influence grows, it is important to have knowledge of their prejudice. There are many studies of prejudice toward Hispanics, largely negative; but little is known about their prejudice toward others. To provide more knowledge of the subject, responses by 758 Hispanics to items about prejudice contained on nationwide surveys were analyzed. Hispanics generally preferred their own kind for marriage and as neighbors. They saw many differences between themselves and Blacks, Asians, Jews, and Whites with respect to intelligence and to being wealthy, hardworking, and prone to violence. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The organizations to which psychologists belonged at the turn of the 20th century were identified. The attributes of the meetings and the membership of those organizations were compared and discussed. In addition to the American Psychological Association, psychologists belonged to the American Philosophical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science as well as to local and regional organizations. In addition, some psychologists belonged to the Society of Experimental Psychology, but membership in that organization was by invitation only. The topics presented at the meetings of the psychological and philosophical associations often were identical or very similar, and the clear disciplinary separation that is typical in 2000 was rare in 1900.  相似文献   

当代美国哲学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文无意对当代哲学界作一番中立的、不偏不倚的描述,而是要对一些我认为重要的当代哲学的发展情况作一介绍。当代美国哲学虽然极其多样化,但其中仍有一些主题可寻。如今在美国占主导地位的哲学流派是所谓的“分析哲学”。其实,在整个英语世界,分析哲学都是占主导地位的哲学流派。在斯堪的纳维亚国家也是如此,这种现象正日益普遍地波及德国、法国、意大利以及整个拉丁美洲。  相似文献   

美国医师的职责   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在此讨论的主要问题是,什么样的社会力量能使医师对诊治病人和技术操作的质量担负起责任?这种社会力量的来源之一是职业理念;另一种约束力来自于正规社会机构的直接管理,相关权限的依据是国家和地区规范医院和医师行为的法律。第三种规范的形式和政府司法部门紧密相关,它在很大程度上是一种间接性的约束力,涉及病人因医疗事故对医生及其投保的责任保险公司所进行的索赔和诉讼。强调了第三种力量,并突出了在医师和医疗行业圈之外的社会力量对医疗活动的指导作用。  相似文献   

美国是个美丽富饶的国家,如今是世界上的第一强国。美国人民有光荣的历史,美国也是西方世界信教人数比率最高的国家。本文赞扬了美国的美丽富饶,也慨叹美国犯罪率太高,而且越来越高,以致于国家无力承担监狱费用,只好求助于私营。不是有些人说。信了宗教道德就会高尚吗?看看这篇文章吧。我们相信,美国监狱里关的决不会都是仅占其人口百分之几的无神论者。问题出在社会和人那里,"上帝"有什么办法!  相似文献   

Major issues in contemporary family therapy in the United States are described. Issues from outside the field impacting family therapy include health care reform, family 'values', multiple forms of 'family', and the growing aging population. Issues within the field include the challenge of social construction theory, the decline of the expert, the feminist critique, sensitivity to culture, rediscovering individuals within families, focus on strengths and resources, a both–and attitude toward collaboration with other professionals, emphasis upon the person of the therapist, and convergence of 'schools' of family therapy. Therapists in the United States are also opening up the private process of therapy through reflecting teams, including clients in therapist thinking, multi-family groups, and through psychoeducational groups. Finally, attempts to bridge the gap between research and practice are analyzed.  相似文献   

In his classic sociological analysis The Power Elite, published in 1956, sociologist C. Wright Mills depicted a group of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant men who ran the corporate, political and military elites in the United States. This article looks at this power elite 40 years later to consider the extent to which diversity has occurred. Each of these three institutions (the corporate, the political, and the military) is examined to see if jews, women, African-Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and homosexuals have penetrated into the highest circles. The patterns that appear across all categories of newcomers are discussed, as is the extent to which the arrival of some newcomers has led to changes in the behavior of the power elite.  相似文献   


The focus of this paper is on the chronic violence in low-income neighborhoods to which children and adults are regularly exposed. Such neighborhoods have been called “urban war zones,” and those who witness the violence have been referred to as co-victims. This paper examines what we know about the prevalence of neighborhood violence, the consequences of continued exposure to it, the dominant responses to the problem within psychology, a critique of these responses, and possible next steps.  相似文献   

The number of women in technical/scientific careers is still very small worldwide. The aim of the present paper is to understand how women who are already pursuing technical careers experience and reconcile the demands of their professional and private lives in two different national contexts. Participants in the study were 453 women in two countries with different socioeconomic, political, and cultural backgrounds: the United States and Israel. The cross-cultural perspective is employed here in order to better understand the universal aspects of the phenomenon, as opposed to those that are tied to a particular situational or cultural context. Women in both countries face a practical dilemma in combining career and family as well as a femininity dilemma related to their identity as women. These dilemmas differ according to the life stage of the women, but the effects vary by national culture.  相似文献   

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