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Two models of environmentalism are considered. One — hard line environmentalism — is a theory which unites environmental ethics and political theory; the other — soft environmentalism — is a package of the two as two distinctive levels of moral reasoning. It is argued that hard-line environmentalism is a-democratic, rests on wrong methodological assumptions, and is friendly to the environment just so long as being so serves a sought-after 'psychological revolution'. Soft environmentalism is to be preferred also because its idea of democracy must be national and international rather than local. Since in the 'new' Europe people will move very often and will therefore fail to develop a sense of 'place' which is local, it may be a waste of time to emphasise 'localism' as part of environmentalism.  相似文献   

Within-task actions can provide additional information on student competencies but are challenging to model. This paper explores the potential of using a cognitive model for decision making, the Markov decision process, to provide a mapping between within-task actions and latent traits of interest. Psychometric properties of the model are explored, and simulation studies report on parameter recovery within the context of a simple strategy game. The model is then applied to empirical data from an educational game. Estimates from the model are found to correlate more strongly with posttest results than a partial-credit IRT model based on outcome data alone.  相似文献   

An item response theory model for dealing with test speededness is proposed. The model consists of two random processes, a problem solving process and a random guessing process, with the random guessing gradually taking over from the problem solving process. The involved change point and change rate are considered random parameters in order to model examinee differences in both respects. The proposed model is evaluated on simulated data and in a case study. The research reported in this paper was supported by IAP P5/24 and GOA/2005/04, both awarded to Paul De Boeck and Iven Van Mechelen, and by IAP P6/03, awarded to Iven Van Mechelen. Yuri Goegebeur’s research was supported by a grant of the Danish Natural Science Research Council.  相似文献   

The problem of comparing two independent groups based on mulitivariate data is considered. Many such methods have been proposed, but it is difficult to gain a perspective on the extent to which the groups differ. The basic strategy here is to determine a robust measure of location for each group, project the data onto the line connecting these measures of location, and then compare the groups based on the ordering of the projected points. In the univariate case the method uses the same measure of effect size employed by the Wilcoxon — Mann — Whitney test. Under general conditions, the projected points are dependent, causing difficulties when testing hypotheses. Two methods are found to be effective when trying to avoid Type I error probabilities above the nominal level. The relative merits of the two methods are discussed. The projected data provide not only a useful (numerical) measure of effect size, but also a graphical indication of the extent to which groups differ.  相似文献   

An IRT model with a parameter-driven process for change is proposed. Quantitative differences between persons are taken into account by a continuous latent variable, as in common IRT models. In addition, qualitative interindividual differences and autodependencies are accounted for by assuming within-subject variability with respect to the parameters of the IRT model. In particular, the parameters of the IRT model are governed by an unobserved or “hidden'” homogeneous Markov process. The model includes the mixture linear logistic test model (Mislevy & Verhelst, 1990), the mixture Rasch model (Rost, 1990), and the Saltus model (Wilson, 1989) as specific instances. The model is applied to a longitudinal experiment on discontinuity in conservation acquisition (van der Maas, 1993). Frank Rijmen was supported by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO), the GOA/2000/02 granted by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven to Paul De Boeck and Iven Van Mechelen, and the PDM/02/067 granted by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven to Paul De Boeck.  相似文献   

The Stress of Organisational Change: A Dynamic Process Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plongées dans un marché mondial, les organisations ne cessent de subir de profonds changements. Encore que la plupart de ces changements soient nécessaires et souvent retardés, ils présentent comme inconvénient le risque de coûts élevés en terme d'accroissement des dépenses de santé, de pertes de productivité, de baisse de la satisfaction professionnelle et de chute du moral. Ces coûts peuvent être directement imputés à la détresse qui frappe les salariés d'une organisation confrontée à des changement permanents. Cet article propose un modèle dynamique permettant d'aborder les articulations complexes entre le changement organisationnel et le stress subi par les individus. A partir de ce modèle, des interventions prenant en compte tous les aspects du problème pourront être conçues pour aider les salariés à gérer le stress provoqué par les mutations des organisations.
Organisations in the global marketplace continue to experience tremendous change. Although most of these changes are necessary and long overdue, the downside includes the risk of huge costs in terms of increased health care expenses, lost productivity, lower levels of job satisfaction, and low morale. These costs may be directly attributed to the distress that is created when an organisation's employees encounter constant changes. This paper establishes a dynamic framework from which we can begin to understand the complex interplay between change at the organisational level and stress at the individual level. Using this framework, comprehensive interventions can ultimately be developed to help employees manage the stress of organisational transitions.  相似文献   

A career-life planning model for use with First Nations people is described. This model uses a communal counseling process and focuses on key components such as connectedness, balance, needs, roles, gifts, and values.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between creative personality composition, innovative team climate, and team innovation based on an input‐process‐output model. We measured personality with the Creative Person Profile, team climate with the Team Climate Inventory, and team innovation through team‐member and supervisor reports of team innovativeness. The personality composition in each of 29 teams in a television production company was operationalized by mean scores for each creative personality variable, as well as the combination of different creative personality variables within a team. The team climate variable “vision” mediated the relationship between the mean level of associative orientation in teams and team innovation. The team climate variable “support of innovation” mediated the relationship between the joint variables of mean level of ambition x mean level of motivation and team innovation. The results indicated that when there are relationships between creative personality composition and team innovativeness, they are mediated by an innovative team climate.  相似文献   

In June 2007 the American Journal of Community Psychology published a special issue focused on theories, methods and interventions for systems change which included calls from the editors and authors for theoretical advancement in this field. We propose a conceptual model of systems change that integrates familiar and fundamental community psychology principles (succession, interdependence, cycling of resources, adaptation) and accentuates a process orientation. To situate our framework we offer a definition of systems change and a brief review of the ecological perspective and principles. The Ecological Process Model of Systems Change is depicted, described and applied to a case example of policy driven systems level change in publicly funded social programs. We conclude by identifying salient implications for thinking and action which flow from the Model.  相似文献   

The Keele Occupational Interest Sorting Kit is an alternative to traditional interest inventories. It is designed to be better adapted to a dynamic counselling situation. The nature of the kit is described, and its possible uses are outlined.  相似文献   

This case report illustrates the possibilities and difficulties of family therapy in a non-Western culture. Malaysia is a truly multiracial society with diverse ethnic groups having different religions, languages, and cutural patterns of relationships. In addition, the nation as a whole, and each ethnic group in particular, is in the process of cultural change, which produces stress on the traditional family's style of relationships. The therapists working in this culture are often crossing religious, linguistic, and socioeconomic barriers, as well as encountering the cultural pressures placed upon families. We will formulate some general problems in cross-cultural psychotherapy, discuss some aspects of this specific culture and family with a case report, and offer some suggestions for handling problems in family therapy under these circumstances.  相似文献   

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