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Thermal expansion measurements have been performed by X-ray diffractometry on icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn (i-(Al-Pd-Mn)) in the temperature range between 10 and 700K and on decagonal Al-Cu-Co (d-(Al-Cu-Co)) in the range between 100 and 750K. The linear thermal expansion coefficient alpha(T) of i-(Al-Pd-Mn) is about half of that for the pure aluminium phase at room temperature and does not show a negative thermal expansion at low temperatures. The degree of anisotropy in the thermal expansion of d-(Al-Cu-Co) is small; the ratio of the average alpha between the tenfold periodic direction and a quasiperiodic direction perpendicular to it is 0:93 +/- 0:05. The Gruneisen parameter gamma(T) has been evaluated from the measured alpha(T). gamma for d-(Al-CuCo) is almost isotropic, similar to alpha. The gamma values for the two phases lie in the range between 1.5 and 1.8, which are comparable with those for conventional metallic crystals. They are almost constant over the temperature range studied. 相似文献
K. Saito T. Sasaki S. Sugawara J.Q. Guo A.P. Tsai 《Philosophical Magazine Letters》2013,93(5):307-315
Faceted micropits obtained by electrochemical etching of a single quasicrystal of an Al-Pd-Mn icosahedral phase have been examined by optical and electron microscopy. Anodic etching of the flat surface of a fivefold plane in a solution composed of CH3OH and HNO3(3:1 in volume ratio) reveals a variety of icosahedrally faceted micropits which originated from pre-existing microvoids and etch pits of pentagonal pyramid shape due to the other origins, probably structural defects inside the specimen. As the dissolution progresses, the micropits make successive changes in their shapes, ending in pentagonal pyramids before they vanish. 相似文献
The interaction between a dislocation and an elliptical hole in icosahedral quasicrystals is considered. An explicit expression for the complex potential is derived using the extended Stroh formalism. Based on the conformal mapping method and a perturbation technique, closed-form solutions are obtained. The field intensity factors at a crack tip and the image forces on the dislocation arising from the crack are calculated. The effects of phonon–phason elastic coupling on the mechanical behavior are also observed. 相似文献
The formation and evolution of a dislocation dipole has been recorded during an in-situ heating experiment in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 740°C. The formation took place by pure climb in parallel planes but no subsequent annihilation was observed. Since annihilation was only possible by glide, this situation indicates that glide in two-fold planes is a considerably more difficult process than climb, at least at high temperature. 相似文献
The formation and thermal stability of an icosahedral quasicrystalline phase in an annealed Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu12.5Ag5 metallic glass have been investigated by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analyses. It was found that the quasicrystalline phase can precipitate from the glassy state and the supercooled liquid of the alloy over a wide range of annealing temperatures. After optimizing the heat-treatment conditions, the volume fraction of the quasicrystalline phase in the alloy can reach as high as about 80%. Investigation of the thermal stability of the quasicrystalline phase demonstrates that it is very stable when the annealing temperature is below the glass transformation temperature T g of the alloy. 相似文献
Abstract The icosahedral quasicrystals i-AIMn, isomorphically substituted by 28 at.% Fe or by a mixture of (CrFe) atoms, have been studied for the first time by in-field Mössbauer spectroscopy in order to determine the sign and asymmetry parameter of the dominant electric-field gradient (EFG) term. In addition, the orthorhombic o-Al(MnFe) and cubic α- and hexagonal β-Al(MnFe)Si crystalline phases have been studied. We show that the previous Mössbauer results are inadequate for determining whether there are two sites in the quasicrystalline structure in the ratio of the golden number. Our results for i-Al(MnFe) show that the dominant EFG is negative, with an asymmetry parameter of about 0·6. For i-Al(CrFe), essentially no deviations are found from the model of Czjzek or the Gaussian isotropic model. One crystalline phase, the hexagonal β phase, is found to have a very similar quadrupole effect to that found in i-Al(MnFe). In addition it is found that this phase undergoes a change which is at least partly of magnetic origin. 相似文献
Wenge Yang Renhui Wang Michael Feuerbacher Peter Schall Knut Urban 《Philosophical Magazine Letters》2013,93(5):281-288
A technique for the determination of the full six-dimensional Burgers vector characterizing a dislocation in an icosahedral quasicrystal is presented. It is based on the lattice-fringe analysis of two high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images taken at two different sample orientations. As an example we present the analysis of a dislocation in a bent icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal. We obtained a Burgers vector B = A0[-2,0,3,-2,3,0] where A0 = 0.645nm is the six-dimensional hyperlattice constant. This result is consistent with previous results obtained by diffraction contrast analysis and convergent-beam electron diffraction techniques. 相似文献
Qin Yu 《Philosophical Magazine Letters》2015,95(4):194-201
Using electron backscatter diffraction, the microstructural features of tension–compression–tension (T–C–T) tertiary twins are studied in coarse-grained pure polycrystalline magnesium subjected to monotonic compression along the extrusion direction in ambient air. T–C–T tertiary twins are developed due to the formation of a compression–tension double twin inside a primary tension twin. All the observed T–C–T twin variants are of TiCjTj type. TiCi+1Ti+1 (or TiCi?1Ti?1) variants are observed more frequently than TiCi+2Ti+2 (or TiCi?2Ti?2) variants. The number of tertiary twin lamellae increases with the applied compressive strain. 相似文献
Nanoparticles on the fracture surfaces of Co- and Fe-based metallic glasses during quasi-static compression at room temperature have been observed using a high-resolution scanning electron microscope. In terms of the differential scanning calorimeter, those nanoparticles were identified to be a result of nanocrystallization induced by the rapid fracture. Finally, the nanocrystallization behavior was evaluated by taking into account the super-high crack propagation rate and high elastic energy, which contributed to the local temperature rise up to the onset of crystallization, T x. 相似文献
Indentations have been made on a (011) surface of GaAs single crystal at room temperature. The loading-unloading curves were compared with those obtained under the same experimental conditions on (001) surfaces. The indents formed were observed by transmission electron microscopy in plan view as well as in cross-sectional view in samples prepared by the focused-ion-beam technique. The gliding systems could be identified, providing a better understanding of the plastic flow under the indenter. The arrangements of dislocations generated by the indenter have been analysed and compared with results previously reported by Ning et al. 相似文献
The deformation microstructures of a new Ni-based single crystal superalloy, M 4706, have been characterized by transmission electron microscopy after interrupted tensile tests at room temperature. It is found that besides shearing of γ′ precipitates by strongly coupled dislocations, another unusual shearing process involving a single a/2 〈1?0?1〉 matrix dislocation as well as the formation of the isolated superlattice stacking fault and Shockley loop also operates actively during initial yielding. Based on experimental observations, occurrence of these different shearing processes is discussed. 相似文献
Nanometre-sized kinks and cracks formed in 6H SiC under ball milling (BM) at room temperature have been observed and characterized on the atomic scale using high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). Observations of the kinks show that numerous positive and negative partials are aligned at either of the kink boundaries, and the stacking sequences in the kink band are considerably different from those in the other areas. It was also observed that the (0001) lattice planes in the kink band are kinked, indicating that microplasticity occurs in the normally brittle material SiC under BM even at room temperature. HREM observations of cracks show that cracks previously observed by transmision electron microscopy are not completely open but are at the initiation stage of fracture. Inside a crack, one residual kink region can be clearly observed, which indicates a correlation between kink and crack, that is a crack evolves from a kink. 相似文献
A dissociated dislocation introduced by compression at room temperature in a Ag-15at.%Al alloy was studied comprehensively by the weak-beam method. In addition to the two Shockley partials of the dissociated dislocation, faint contrasts were observed near the Shockley partial with pure edge orientation. Contrast experiment was carried out on the faint contrast, and we conclude that this is evidence for the interaction between an edge-orientated Shockley partial moving under the action of an applied stress and vacancies at room temperature. 相似文献
D. Caillard N. Clément A. Couret P. Lours A. Coujou 《Philosophical Magazine Letters》2013,93(6):263-269
Abstract In situexperiments are performed in Ni3AL at room temperature. We observe reversible changes of antiphase boundary (APB) planes between {111} and {100}, and movements in {111} planes controlled by the crossing of sessile positions with the APB plane in {111}. 相似文献
Abstract Electron-beam-induced solid-phase epitaxy (SPE) has been obtained on cross-sections of implanted Si layers, by in situ irradiation in the electron microscope, with electrons of energies of 200, 250 and 300 keV, at both room and liquid-nitrogen temperature. The, absence of a transition from SPE to layer-by-layer amorphization (which is observed during ion-beam irradiation on decreasing the temperature below a certain critical value) and the athemal nature of the electron-induced crystallization process below room temperature, indicate that, although elastic displacement is the basic mechanism of both processes, the models which describe ion-beam-induced epitaxy in the temperature range 200≤T≤400°C cannot be extrapolated to explain the results of electron irradiation below room temperature. 相似文献
Sébastien Allain Frédéric Danoix Mohamed Goune Khalid Hoummada Dominique Mangelinck 《Philosophical Magazine Letters》2013,93(2):68-76
The work-hardening behaviour of virgin martensitic steel has been investigated in a strictly un-aged state and after various ageing conditions. At room temperature (RT), the un-aged alloy shows astonishing tensile performances (ultimate tensile stress?=?1600?MPa/uniform elongation?=?15%) but unexpected serrations. These serrations can be suppressed by static ageing (at RT or higher) while maintaining the initial work-hardening rate (ageing at RT). Parallel investigations using atom probe tomography reveal that the distribution of carbon at the atomic scale evolves from purely homogeneous for virgin martensite to partly segregated at a very fine scale (5–10?nm) after static ageing. This particular mechanical behaviour can therefore be associated with a very local decrease in available carbon in solid solution due to redistribution and segregations on defects (nanotwins) that occurs rapidly, even after few days at RT. 相似文献
Various processing routes were applied to as-cast magnesium during equal channel angular pressing with back-pressure (BP) at room temperature (RT). Multiple passes with BP resulted in crack-free microstructures independent of the processing route. Microstructure and texture examination by electron backscatter diffraction and X-ray diffraction techniques after four passes revealed largely recrystallised grains. The most profound finding was the formation of special grain boundaries Σ13a and {10-12} twin boundaries during recrystallisation at RT. 相似文献
Abstract When spinel is deformed in compression at 400°C along 〈110〉, the primary slip plane is found to be {111} with cross-slip occurring on a {001} plane. A comparison of weak-beam images of dislocations from both systems indicates that all dislocations which belong to the primary slip plane are dissociated out of the {111} plane independent of the character of the dislocation. It is proposed that deformation occurs by motion of dislocations in their dissociated state and that the partial dislocations actually glide on parallel glide planes. Movement of these dissociated dislocations is then accompanied by a concurrent migration of the stacking fault which takes place by a local shuffling of the cations. A stacking fault energy for conservative dissociation at 400°C on {001} of 530±90mJ m?2 has been determined from weak-beam images of screw dislocations. 相似文献
Chunfei Li Junji Saida Mitsuhide Matsushita Akihisa Inoue 《Philosophical Magazine Letters》2013,93(9):621-626
The crystallization process of a Hf59Ni8Cu20Al10Ti3 相似文献
Madhur Mangalam Sophie A. Barton Jeffrey B. Wagman Dorothy M. Fragaszy Karl M. Newell 《Attention, perception & psychophysics》2017,79(8):2499-2509
Rotational inertia—a mechanical quantity that describes the differential resistance of an object to angular acceleration in different directions—has been shown to support perception of the properties of that object through dynamic touch (wielding). The goal of the present study was to examine if perception of the length of an object through dynamic touch depends on its rotational inertia, independent of the medium in which it is wielded. The participants (n = 14) wielded 12 different objects held in air or completely immersed in water and reported perceived lengths of those objects. Each object consisted of a rod of a particular density with a particular number of stacked steel rings attached at a particular location along its length. Perceived length was invariant across medium. In addition, a single-valued function of the major eigenvalue, I 1, and the minor eigenvalue, I 3, of the rotational inertia, I, of the 12 objects predicted the perceived lengths of those objects in both air and water, and the perceived lengths were invariant across the two media. These results support the hypothesis that the informational support for perception of the length of an object through dynamic touch is invariant across changes in the medium. 相似文献