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The crystal structure of a Zn-Mg-Y hexagonal phase, considered to be related to that of the quasicrystalline phase, has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The atomic model, refined to a final R value of 0.027, has the composition Zn65.22Mg27.92Y6.86 and 92 atoms in a unit cell with lattice constants a = 14.579(2) A and c = 8.687(1) A and the space group P63/mmc. The Y atoms are situated at two different sites; one is fully occupied by Y atoms, while the other is shared with Mg atoms. The structure can be characterized by a layer structure stacked along the c axis, and also viewed as a columnar structure composed of fused Friauf polyhedras sharing hexagonal rings. The similarity of this hexagonal phase to the MgZn2 phase is shown. The structural relationship between this hexagonal phase and the icosahedral phase is also discussed.  相似文献   

We study how a locally coupled array of spiking chaotic systems synchronizes to an external driving in a short time. Synchronization means spike separation at adjacent sites much shorter than the average inter-spike interval; a local lack of synchronization is called a defect. The system displays sudden spontaneous defect disappearance at a critical coupling strength suggesting an existence of a phase transition. Below critical coupling, the system reaches order at a definite amplitude of an external input; this order persists for a fixed time slot. Thus, the array behaves as an excitable-like system, even though the single element lacks such a property.  相似文献   

We study how a locally coupled array of spiking chaotic systems synchronizes to an external driving in a short time. Synchronization means spike separation at adjacent sites much shorter than the average inter-spike interval; a local lack of synchronization is called a defect. The system displays sudden spontaneous defect disappearance at a critical coupling strength suggesting an existence of a phase transition. Below critical coupling, the system reaches order at a definite amplitude of an external input; this order persists for a fixed time slot. Thus, the array behaves as an excitable-like system, even though the single element lacks such a property.  相似文献   

Most models of response time (RT) in elementary cognitive tasks implicitly assume that the speed-accuracy trade-off is continuous: When payoffs or instructions gradually increase the level of speed stress, people are assumed to gradually sacrifice response accuracy in exchange for gradual increases in response speed. This trade-off presumably operates over the entire range from accurate but slow responding to fast but chance-level responding (i.e., guessing). In this article, we challenge the assumption of continuity and propose a phase transition model for RTs and accuracy. Analogous to the fast guess model (Ollman, 1966), our model postulates two modes of processing: a guess mode and a stimulus-controlled mode. From catastrophe theory, we derive two important predictions that allow us to test our model against the fast guess model and against the popular class of sequential sampling models. The first prediction--hysteresis in the transitions between guessing and stimulus-controlled behavior--was confirmed in an experiment that gradually changed the reward for speed versus accuracy. The second prediction--bimodal RT distributions--was confirmed in an experiment that required participants to respond in a way that is intermediate between guessing and accurate responding.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general method to fit the Schöner‐Haken‐Kelso (SHK) model of human movement phase transitions directly to time series data. A robust variant of the extended Kalman filter technique is applied to the data of a single subject. The options of covariance resetting and iteration within recursion were used to obtain time‐dependent estimates of both the α and β parameters in the SHK model. Comparison between transition onset time and the time at which |β(t|T)/α(t|T)| becomes critical indicates that the transitions are advanced by noise. The method can be extended to handle non‐normal data and generalization across subjects and/or experimental conditions.  相似文献   

In recent work in cognitive science, it has been proposed that cognition is a self-organizing, dynamical system. However, capturing the real-time dynamics of cognition has been a formidable challenge. Furthermore, it has been unclear whether dynamics could effectively address the emergence of abstract concepts (e.g., language, mathematics). Here, we provide evidence that a quintessentially cognitive phenomenon—the spontaneous discovery of a mathematical relation—emerges through self-organization. Participants solved a series of gear-system problems while we tracked their eye movements. They initially solved the problems by manually simulating the forces of the gears but then spontaneously discovered a mathematical solution. We show that the discovery of the mathematical relation was predicted by changes in entropy and changes in power-law behavior, two hallmarks of phase transitions. Thus, the present study demonstrates the emergence of higher order cognitive phenomena through the nonlinear dynamics of self-organization.  相似文献   


During the course of investigation of the phase equilibria in the Nb-Ti-Al system, a new phase, designated theta, was observed in three Nb-Ti-40at.%Al alloys following ageing at low temperatures (less than 1000 C). Using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy techniques, this phase was determined to have a bct structure, with lattice parameters a0 = 5.106 A and c0 = 28.168A, a space group of I 41/amd (number 141) and composition near 45at.%Nb25at.%Ti-30at.%Al. An orientation relationship between the new tetragonal phase and the gamma-TiAl phase of [101]gamma//[120]theta and (111)gamma//(001)theta was observed within the microstructure.  相似文献   

This article develops renormalization-group techniques to analyze the phase transition between the crystal and the rotator-V (Rv), phase in n-alkanes. An explicit free energy is constructed and it is verified that the unstable fixed point corresponds to a fluctuation-driven first-order crystal to Rv phase transition. Available experimental data are consistent with our model.  相似文献   

以往的实证和理论研究对幸福感稳定性与变化性问题持有不同观点。设定点理论认为幸福感通常保持在设定点位置, 动态平衡理论(及其变式——主观幸福感稳态理论)进一步强调幸福感在围绕设定点的某个范围内波动而呈动态平衡状态, 享乐适应理论在动态平衡理论基础上从情绪适应的角度分析了幸福感维持稳定的原因, 这三个理论均强调幸福感维持在某个平衡水平。相反, 持续幸福理论强调幸福感是可以提升的, 能发生长期的变化。这些理论观点的差异本质在于如何看待幸福感的稳定性与变化性, 我们借用生物学中的“稳态”“稳态应激”概念及物理学中的“跃迁”思想, 认为幸福感不仅存在稳态, 也会出现稳态应激, 并可由此引起幸福感稳态的跃升。这一整合视角为幸福感研究提供了新的解释框架, 也对幸福感的持续提升有启发意义。  相似文献   

A well-ordered simple icosahedral quasicrystalline phase has been found in the Zn-Mg-Er system. The structure of a splat-cooled and annealed sample was investigated by electron and X-ray powder diffraction. A quasilattice constant of 0.513nm was determined by the Elser method.  相似文献   

Vanadium oxide films, deposited on aluminium (Al), titanium (Ti) and tantalum (Ta) metal substrates by pulsed RF magnetron sputtering at a working pressure of 1.5 x10?2 mbar at room temperature are found to display mixed crystalline vanadium oxide phases viz., VO2, V2O3, V2O5. The films have been characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and their thermo-optical and electrical properties have been investigated. Studies of the deposited films by DSC have revealed a reversible-phase transition found in the temperature range of 45–49 °C.  相似文献   


An abnormally large phase, which was found in the precursor-derived Si 3.0 B 1.1 C 5.3 N 3.0 ceramics after crystallization under a nitrogen pressure of 100bar at 1800C for 3h, has been characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). EELS analysis shows that this phase consists of only silicon and nitrogen, no other elements being detected. The analysis of selected-area diffraction and convergent-beam electron diffraction in conjunction with EELS reveals that the unknown phase is a variant of silicon nitride. It has a hexagonal structure with lattice parameters a =0.737nm and c =0.536nm, and the space group P62c. .  相似文献   

Since the bombing of the twin towers, ‘Islam’ as a cultural narrative has entered a new temporal phase which in many ways signifies the re-imagining of a religion through the visual imagery of 9/11 and the global events which have unfolded since the apocalyptic images were first witnessed by the world. The distant proximity of 9/11 and the relocation of the perceived Islamic ‘resurgent atavism’ within the heartlands of power in Western soil constitute the formation of a new sociological imagination of Islam and 9/11 as a new liminal temporality. The association of the religion with a new category of risks in urban sites and the constant state of insecurity in seemingly secure spaces represents a new narrative phase of geo-politics in which the locus of this re-imagining mediated through ICTs, is one that happens not just in faraway places but within the ‘ontological securities’ of Western modernity, posing a liquid threat which is impervious to territorially bounded spheres.  相似文献   

To study the temperature-dependent structural changes and to analyze the crystal chemical behavior of silver as a function of temperature, a crystal of muthmannite, AuAgTe2, has been investigated by X-ray single-crystal diffraction methods at 300 K and 110 K. At room temperature, muthmannite was confirmed as belonging to the space group P2/m, while at low temperature (110 K) it undergoes a reversible commensurate–incommensurate phase transition with a modulation wave vector q = 0.215(1)a* + 0.379(2)c*. Muthmannite reconverts to the commensurate type upon returning to room temperature, thus indicating that the phase transition is completely reversible in character. The average structure of the low-temperature muthmannite remains monoclinic, space group P2/m, and shows only normal thermal compression over the entire temperature range investigated. Crystal-chemical characteristics are compared with published data on the other members of the system Au–Ag–Te. Speculations on the possible origin of the modulated structure at low temperature are also given.  相似文献   

The set of statistical methods available to developmentalists is continually being expanded, allowing for questions about change over time to be addressed in new, informative ways. Indeed, new developments in methods to model change over time create the possibility for new research questions to be posed. Latent transition analysis, a longitudinal extension of latent class analysis, is a method that can be used to model development in discrete latent variables, for example, stage processes, over 2 or more times. The current article illustrates this approach using a new SAS procedure, PROC LTA, to model change over time in adolescent and young adult dating and sexual risk behavior. Gender differences are examined, and substance use behaviors are included as predictors of initial status in dating and sexual risk behavior and transitions over time.  相似文献   

The contribution deals with the critical transition from ward treatment and follow-up care as an outpatient. Patients with primary psychic maldevelopment are compared with those of a secondary psychic development. Changes in symptoms and personality were measured with a battery of tests during a pre-post follow-up study (intervals of eight weeks between tests). Special attention is paid to changes after discharge from hospital and deterioration, which was common among the patients with secondary psychic maldevelopment, is discussed.  相似文献   


It is found that a single icosahedral quasicrystalline phase is formed as a primary precipitation phase in the melt-spun Zr70Pd30 binary glassy alloy with a two-stage crystallization process. The onset temperature of the transformation from the amorphous to the icosahedral phase is 701 K at the heating rate of 0.67 K s-1. The size of the icosahedral particles lies in the diameter range below 10 nm and the particles are distributed homogeneously. The second-stage crystallization reaction results in the formation of a Zr2Pd phase through a single exothermic reaction. The formation of the nanoscale icosahedral phase indicates the possibility that icosahedral short-range order exists in the Zr-Pd binary glassy state. Comparison with the thermal stability of an icosahedral phase in the Zr-Ni-Pd system shows that the icosahedral phase is stabilized by the addition of Ni. The stabilization is due to the restraint of the long-range rearrangement of the constitutional elements resulting from the strong chemical affinity between Zr and Ni.  相似文献   

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