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We have found that a shuffle-set dislocation is nucleated in a semiconductor silicon device subjected to severe thermal processing. The dislocation transforms into a dissociated glide-set dislocation after annealing at 500°C. A possible mechanism for the nucleation of a perfect shuffle-set dislocation during thermal processing is that the dislocation nucleus was nucleated at a low temperature during prior ion-implantation processing.  相似文献   

The decay of the peak intensity of the electron spin resonance signal associated with light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si(H) has been measured at room temperature as a function of time during very long intervals such as 3400 days after the intense pulsed illumination was turned off. The decay curve is fitted by an exponential function with a decay constant of 393 days and reaches a steady-state value smaller than the value taken before illumination. Such a long-term metastability of light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si:H is discussed in terms of reconstruction of the amorphous network occurring through hydrogen motion.  相似文献   

In 1992, Abernethy and Sparrow published an evaluation of the historical development of the field of motor behavior research as published from 1977 up to 1988 in the Journal of Motor Behavior. The present study extends their evaluation from 1988 through 2005 using content analyses of articles on motor control and learning in this journal. Papers were categorized into the two dominant and contrasting paradigms, the motor systems approach and the action systems approach. Analysis suggests that the field of motor behavior research has changed considerably over the last three decades. The action systems approach is now the leading approach, but the motor systems approach has, however, not perished. In a Kuhnian perspective, the results might be consistent with a more long-lasting crisis, and from the available data it is not possible to predict a future outcome of the dispute between the two approaches.  相似文献   

Recently, low-frequency internal friction measurements on a series of Fe–Cr alloys by Konstantinovi? and Terentyev [M.J. Konstantinovi? and D. Terentyev, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 521–522 (2009) p.106] have demonstrated that increasing Cr concentrations lead to an increase in the strength of the β-relaxation at the cost of the γ-relaxation (Chambers’ notation). In the same concentration and temperature regime, the alloys show alloy softening. It is argued that both phenomena are due to the same process, namely the influence of foreign atoms on the transformation of the cores of a 0?1 1 1?/2 screw dislocations from their low-temperature configuration, capable of forming kink pairs on {1 1 0} planes, to their high-temperature configuration with kink-pair generation on {2 1 1} planes.  相似文献   


It is a common observation that in two-phase Ti-Al-based binary alloys, deformation of the gamma phase occurs by 1/2<110]-type ordinary dis-location activity and twinning associated with 1/6<112] type partials. In the present study the microstructure of a new Ti-Al-based alloy (Ti-47at.% Al-2at.%Mn-2at.%Nb+ 0.8 vol.% TiB2) with a duplex microstructure consisting of primary equiaxed gamma grains and lamellar alpha2+ gamma colonies was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after deformation at elevated temperatures. Planar stacking faults were found in the gamma laths. A detailed contrast analysis by TEM shows that these planar stacking faults lying on {111} planes are bound by all the fcc variants of the Shockley partial dislocations of type 1/6<121>, in contrast with the observations in stoichiometric binary TiAl alloys, where only 1/6<112]-type Shockley partials are found to be associated with the true twins. It is proposed that the addition of ternary and quaternary elements such as Mn and Nb promotes the other variants of the fcc-like dissociations (not common in L10structure) in the present alloy.  相似文献   

发育性髋关节脱位是小儿骨科常见病之一,要想使其获得理想的治疗,必须做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗。髋关节复位后的固定方法随着临床实践在不断更新,使手术治疗效果有了明显的进步,其间包含以下哲学观点:(1)事物需要从实践中认识,认识需要过程。(2)外固定器治疗具有普遍性和特殊性,选择适合个体的,达到最优效果。  相似文献   

The formation of two misfit edge dislocations is theoretically investigated in the interfaces of a layer embedded in a semi-infinite matrix. Assuming the matrix–layer interfaces are partially coherent, the energy variation resulting from the formation of the dislocations from the lateral free surface of the structure has been determined in the shearing stress field due to the partial misfit. The mechanical stability of the structure is analysed with respect to the dislocation formation as a function of the size of the coherent region of the interface and the misfit strain.  相似文献   

Antiplane shear cracks in a harmonic square lattice have been studied in a molecular dynamics simulation. They can reach velocities larger than the shear wave velocity.  相似文献   

We live in a dynamic environment in which objects change location over time. To maintain stable object representations the visual system must determine how newly sampled information relates to existing object representations, the correspondence problem. Spatiotemporal information is clearly an important factor that the visual system takes into account when solving the correspondence problem, but is feature information irrelevant as some theories suggest? The Ternus display provides a context in which to investigate solutions to the correspondence problem. Two sets of three horizontally aligned disks, shifted by one position, were presented in alternation. Depending on how correspondence is resolved, these displays are perceived either as one disk "jumping" from one end of the row to the other (element motion) or as a set of three disks shifting back and forth together (group motion). We manipulated a feature (e.g., color) of the disks such that, if features were taken into account by the correspondence process, it would bias the resolution of correspondence toward one version or the other. Features determined correspondence, whether they were luminance-defined or not. Moreover, correspondence could be established on the basis of similarity, when features were not identical between alternations. Finally, the stronger the feature information supported a certain correspondence solution the more it dominated spatiotemporal information.  相似文献   

The ability of implicit measures to predict behaviour varies greatly across studies, emphasising the need for accounts of this variability. In order to organise and review the literature on moderators that influence individuals' information processing, we suggest a classification system of moderators with two dimensions. One dimension distinguishes moderators according to their influence on the opportunity to control, the motivation to control, or the reliance on either automatic or controlled processes without changes in opportunity or motivation. The second dimension classifies moderators according to whether they pertain to a disposition of the acting person, the situation in which the behaviour occurs, or the behaviour itself. Increased predictive validity of implicit measures is associated with conditions that foster the impact of automatic processes on behaviour determination. In the discussion we derive several additional moderators from the classification system, delineate emerging research questions, and discuss implications of the reviewed studies for research on self-regulation.  相似文献   

股骨头坏死、髋关节脱位是骨科常见病,随着人们生活模式的改变发病率有所上升。对该病的成因、流行病学、病理转归、临床治疗策略与髋关节严重病损后功能重建等问题,学术界存在很大争议。作者提出从生物进化的角度、用自然重建理念做指导,应用髋关节分离牵拉术治疗股骨头坏死、骨盆补充截骨术重建青少年严重病损的髋关节功能人、组合性矫形手术治疗年长儿先天性髋关节脱位,获得了优良效果。因此呼吁:用自然重建理念治疗青少年股骨头坏死、髋关节脱位,降低人工假体置换对此类疾病的手术指证。  相似文献   

The development of uniquely octapod-shaped nanosized amorphous silicon–nitride precipitates in a ferrite matrix was observed upon nitriding of Fe–4.5at.%Si alloy. The legs of the amorphous precipitate are oriented along ?1?1?1?-directions of the ferrite. The occurrence of such peculiarly shaped amorphous silicon–nitride precipitates, which experience a volume misfit of more than 100% with the surrounding ferrite, was attributed to precipitate growth influenced by long-range diffusion within the evolving highly anisotropic stress field around the developing precipitates after nucleation.  相似文献   

As is the case with many new intellectual concepts, the definitional parameters of the term ‘postsecular’ are in flux and ultimately will shape its critical usefulness. This article represents an effort to participate in this discussion with a particular emphasis on the pedagogical importance of the tenets of religious orthodoxy when discussing spiritual matters in the university-level liberal arts classroom. The analysis is contextualized by reflection on the place of religion in the public sphere by various scholars, including Jürgen Habermas and Rowan Williams. This analysis establishes that the study of traditional religious positions in the university classroom can enrich the discourse of the liberal arts; however, neither proselytization nor an emotion-based spiritual paradigm bereft of intellectual rigor will serve these ends. I argue that the re-introduction of religion into analytical discourse in the humanities classroom will be successful if the discussion of religion is complemented by the recognition of the serious study of religious thought and scholarship. The argument is then developed through a pedagogical case study of Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited that illustrates how the discussion of orthodox positions can enhance discussion of the novel in the postsecular classroom.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiation with electrons having energies in the range 0.7–1.7 MeV on the dark conductivity and the network of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been studied. The dark conductivity measurements show that electron irradiation leads to a degradation in the dark conductivity, with the degradation being greater at lower electron energies. The Raman results suggest that the irradiation induces structural defects in the a-Si:H films, with the lower energy electrons producing more disorder in the amorphous network.  相似文献   


The relaxation of a space charge due to trapped electrons in an n + -i-n + hydrogenated amorphous silicon structure has been modelled by Solomon. Here we extend the model by obtaining analytical expressions for the current at the beginning of the relaxation as well as for long times when retrapping of electrons is taken into account. Our expression for the current at long times differs considerably from that given previously. Consequences for the derived values of the capture cross-sections of the gap states near the Fermi level are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Research is needed to understand the dynamics by which high‐quality leader relationships have their productive effects on followers. This study proposes that these leader relationships do not simply induce compliance but encourage employees and managers to discuss their diverse views open‐mindedly and constructively. Team leaders indicated leader–member relationship with employees who rated their constructive controversy and their team's effectiveness and feelings of respect, support, and reduced stress. Structural equation analysis suggested that leader–member relationship affects employee team productivity and emotions through constructive controversy. The study's findings and previous research were interpreted as suggesting that high‐quality leader relationships coupled with constructive controversy provide a foundation for effective team leadership in China.  相似文献   

Tzachi Zamir 《Sophia》2004,43(2):49-61
Olfactoric imagery is abundantly employed in the Bramhall-Hobbes controversy. I survey some examples and then turn to the possible significance of this. I argue that by forcing Hobbes into the figurative exchange Bramhall scores points in terms of moving the controversy into ground that is not covered by the limited view of rationality that Hobbes is committed to according to his rhetoric (at least as Bramhall perceives it). Bramhall clearly wants to move from cool argument to a more affluent rhetorical appeal. I argue that choosing such a richer epistemology coheres with Bramhall’s deeper anxieties regarding the moral method used in the Leviathan. This essay thus deviates from other form-content analysis of Hobbes, in attempting to examine his rhetoric in practice, under the pressure of controversy. My more general concern is in relating seemingly formal polemical choices to moral concerns. A previous version of this paper was read before a meeting of a German-Israeli controversy research group (headed by M. Dascal and G. Fritz) dedicated to the study of early modern controversies (Giessen, 2000). I am indebted to participants of that meeting for excellent comments and suggestion. I would also like to acknowledge the way by which Dascal’s pioneering work on the philosophical and historical importance of studying controversies has inspired this particular essay.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the controversy over and partial ban of Barack Obama's 2009 school speech. Drawing on Lacan's analysis of Poe's Purloined Letter, we argue that the speech was purloined in the way the letter was in Poe's story; that is, its course was prolonged. Further, the banning of the speech had less to do with the speech's content than it did with the role of the speech as a pure signifier – a structuring moment around which political subjectivities were staked out. These subjectivities, we argue, draw on the symbolic universe that Spillers refers to as the “American Grammar”, which never directly references race while being fully constituted by racial difference. The American Grammar constructs a historically and spatially contingent subject of a white, male political leader as a universal paternal authority figure whose legitimacy is based on protecting the “innocent” and the “intimate (home)” from external threat. In efforts to ban Obama's school speech and protect the nation's “innocent school children”, two specific elisions were made: 1) Obama was constructed in terms of what we, following Morrison, term an Africanist presence and made external to the nation to which he was then labeled as a threat, and 2) the space of the school was constructed as private and apolitical precluding Obama's access.  相似文献   

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