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《Heythrop Journal》1966,7(2):195-238
The Moral Philosophy of Josiah Royce. By Peter Fuss . French Moralists. The Theory of the Passions 1585 to 1649. By Anthony Levi , S. J. Responsibility and Practical Freedom. By Moira Roberts . Lettre sur la Tolérance. By John Locke . Latin text with French translation by Raymond Polin. Force et Faiblesse de la Religion. By B. Häring c.ss.r. The Just War in St Thomas and G‘otius. By Joan Tooke . Morale Internationale, I'Humanitéà la Recherche de son Âme. By René Coste . The Making of a Mind. Letters from a Soldier-Priest, 1914–1919. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translated by René Hague . Hymn of the Univers. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translted by Simon Bartholomew . The Future of Man. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translated by Norman Denny . The Faith of Teilhard de Chardin. By Henri de Lubac. Translated by René Hague . Philosophische Probleme der Physik. By Wolfgang Büchel . Bernard de Fontaines, Abbé de Clairvaux. By I. Vallery-Radot. Aquinas's Search for Wisdom. By Vernon J. Bourke . L'Évangélisation des Slaves, Cyrille et Méthode. By P. Duthilleul . Personalities of the Council of Florence. By Joseph Gill , S.J. A Stand on Ecumenism: The Council's Decree. By Lorenz , Cardinal Jaeger . Translated by Hilda Graef . Marcantonio Flaminio. By Carol Maddison. St Thomas More: Utopia. Edited by Edward Surtz and J. H. Hexter. Education in Renaissance England. By Kenneth Charlton. Offenbarung und Überlieferung. By Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger. The Theology of the Resurrection. By Walter Künneth . The Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition. By H. E. Tödt . Maria. Nouvelles Études sur la Sainte Vierge. Vol. VII. Sous la direction d'Hubert du Manoir, S.J.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1967,8(3):317-359
Book reviewed in this article: Essays on Old Testament History and Religion. By Albrecht Alt . Translated by R. A. Wilson . Deuteronomy. By Gerhard von Rad . Translated by Dorothea Barton . The Resurrection of Christ. By S. H. Hooke . Interpreting the Resurrection. By Neville Clark . The Resurrection in the Plan of Salvation. By Joseph Comblin . Studies in the Apostolic Fathers and their Background. By L. W. Barnard . Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition: Studies in Justin, Clement and Origen. By Henry Chadwick . Justin Martyr: His Life and Thought. By L. W. Barnard . Éphrem de Nisibe: Commentaire de l'Évangile Concordant ou Diatessaron. Translated by Louis Leloir, o.s.b . Ministère et Sainteté. By Rémi Crespin . The Desert a City. By Derwas J. Chitty . The Theology of Unity. By Muhammad ‘Abduh . Translated from the Arabic by Ishaq Musa'ad and Kenneth Cragg . Baptism Today and Tomorrow. By G. R. Beasley -Murray . The Vision of the Past. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin . Translated by J. M. Cohen . Man's Place in Nature. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin . Translated by René Hague . Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ. By Christopher F. Mooney, s.j . The Church in the thought of Bishop John Robinson. By Richard P. Mc Brien . Opera Omnia. By Henry More . Edited with an Introduction by Serge Hutin . Vol. I: Henry More. By Serge Hutin . Throne and Altar. The Political and Religious Thoughr of Joseph de Maistre. By Richard Allen Lebrun . Lamennais and England. The Reception of Lamennais's Religious Ideas in England in the Nineteenth Century. By W. G. Roe . The Church of England 1900–1965. By Roger Lloyd . Uses of Sociology. Edited by J. D. Halloran and Joan Brothers .  相似文献   

Reviews in this article: The Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan. Foreword by Pierre Leroy, S.J. Edited by Thomas M. King , S.J., and Mary Wood Gilbert . Die Urkraft des Kosmos: Dimensionen der Liebe im Werk Pierre Teilhards de Chardin. By Matthias Trennert -Helwig .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1972,13(2):181-233
Book reviewed in this article: Islamic Rationalism: The Ethics of‘Abd al-Jabbar. By George F. Hourani . De l'absence et de l'inconnaissance de Dieu d'après les écrits aréopagites et Martin Heidegger. By Christos Yannaras . Translated by Jaques Touraille . Jean-Paul Sartre: His Philosophy. By René Lafarge . Translated by Marina Smyth -Kok . Freedom of Choice Affirmed. By Corliss Lamont . Structuralism. By Jean Piaget . Translated and edited by Chaninah Meschler . Roles and Values. An Introduction to Social Ethics. By R. S. Downie . Morality and Religion. By W. W. Bartley , III. Resurrection de Jésus et Message Pascal. By Xavier Léon -Dufour . The Acts of the Apostles. By E. Haenchen . The Gospel of John. By Rudolf Bultmann . The Future of our Religious Past: Essays in Honour of Rudolf Bultmann. Edited by James M. Robinson . Translated by C. E. Carlston and R. P. Scharlemann . Augustus to Constantine. By Robert M. Grant . Sacramentum Unitatis: Ein Beitrag zum Verstndnäis der Kirche bei Cyprian. By Ulrich Wickert . Egeria's Travels. By John Wilkinson . Judaism and the Early Christian Mind. By Robert L. Wilken . The Trial of Luther. By James Atkinson . The Poetry of Grace, Reformation Themes and Structures in English Seventeenth-Century Poetry. By William H. Halewood . Conflicts in French Society. Anticlericalism, Education and Morals in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Theodore Zeldin . Infallible? An Enquiry. By Hans Küung . Translated by Eric Mosbacher . Theology and Meaning. A Critique of Metatheological Scepticism. By Raeburne S. Heimbeck . God and Rationality. By Thomas F. Torrance . Foundations of Theology. By Gerald O'Collins , S. J. Foundations of Theology: Papers from the International Lonergan Congress 1970. Edited by Philip Mc Shane , S. J. Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas. By Bernard J. F. Lonergan , S. J., edited by J. Patout Burns , S. J. with an introduction by Frederick E. Crowe , S. J. A Catholic Dictionary of Theology. Volume III: Hegel to Paradise. World and Church. By Edward Schillebeeckx . Christian Celebration: The Mass. By J. D. Crichtron . The Priest and God's People at Prayer—The Priest in a Flexible Liturgy. By Joseph M. Champlin . China and the West: Mankind Evolving. Edited by A. Dyson and B. Towers . Jamaa. A Charismatic Movement in Katanga. By Johannes Fabian .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1975,16(4):427-468
Books Reviewed in this Article: Personal Identity. By Godfrey Vesey . Personal Identity. By Godfrey Vesey . Truth and Dialogue. Edited by John Hick . Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values. By Max Scheler . Translated by N. S. Frings and R. L. Funk . Beyond the New Morality. By Germain Grisez and Russell Shaw . The Interaction of Law and Religion. By Harold J. Berman . This Man Jesus: An Essay toward a New Testament Christology. By Bruce Vawter . London, Geoffrey Chapman. Exodus: A Commentary. By Brevard S. Childs . Structure and Meaning in the Fourth Gospel. A Text-Linguistic Analysis of John 2:1–11 and 4:1–42. By Birger Olsson . Actualité de la Révélation Divine. By Richard P. Hardy . Reason and Belief. By Brand Blanshard . The Ministry of Reconciliation. By J. D. Crichton . The Story of the Anglican Ministry. By Edward P. Echlin . New Testament Christianity for Africa and the World. Essays in Honour of Harry Sawyerr. Edited by Mark E. Glasswell and Edward W. Fasholé -Luke . The Rise of Christianity. Prepared for the Course Team by Francis Clark . The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Vol. 2. The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600–1700). By Jaroslav Pelikan . The Religion of Isaac Newton. The Fremnntle Lectures 1973. By Frank E. Manuel . God's Blueprints. By John Mc Kelvie Whitworth . The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Vol. XXVI. Edited by C. S. Dessain and Thomas Gornall . Il Problema Religioso nel Risorgimento e il Pensiero di Geremia Bonomelli. By Giuseppe Gallina . The Vatican and the Americanist Crisis: Denis J. O'Connell, American Agent in Rome 1885–1903. By Gerald P. Fogarty . L'Institut Saint-Serge: De I'académie d'autrefois au rayonnement d'aujourd'hui. By Alexis Kniazeff . Connaissance du Vatican: Histoire—Organisation—Activité. By Paul Poupard .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1967,8(1):70-114
Book reviewed in this article: Christian Ethics and Contemporary Philosophy. Edited by Ian T. Ramsey . Evil and the God of Love. By John Hick . Blondel et Teilhard de Chardin, Correspondance Commentée. By Henri de Lubac . The Structure of Behaviour. By Maurice Merleau -Ponty . New Testament Essays. By Raymond E. Brown , S.S. Ideologies. By Patrick Corbett . Worship in Israel. By Hans -Joachim Kraus . Translated by Geoffrey Boswell . The Theology of St John. By Joseph Crehan , S.J. Jesus and the Kingdom. By George Eldon Ladd . Finding the Historical. By James Peter . The Shape of Christology By John Mcntyre . Christology. By Dietrich Bonhoeffer . Translated by John Bowden , with an introduction by Edwin H. Robertson . Theology of the English Reformers. By Philip Edgcumbe Hughes . The Execution of Justice in England: A True, Sincere, and Modest Defense of English Catholics. By William Cecil and William Allen . Edited by Robert M. Kingdon . The Revolution of the Saints. By Michael Walzer . L'Église au temps du Grand Schisme et de la crise conciliaire (1378–1449). By E. Delaruelle , E.-R. Labande and P. Ourliac . John Hus at the Council of Constance. Translated and introduced by M. Spinka . Mission to France 1944–1953, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, Pope John XXIII. Edited by Don Loris Capovilla . Translated by Dorothy White . The Vatican Council and Christian Unity. A commentary on the Decree on Ecumenism of the Second Vatican Council. By Bernard Leeming , S.J. The Documents of Vatican II. Edited by Walter M. Abbott , S.J. Translations edited by Mgr Joseph Gallagher .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(4):441-481
Book reviewed in this article: Knowledge and Human Interests. By Juurgen Habermas . Aquinas on Metaphysics: a Historico-doctrinal study of the Commentary on the Metaphysics. By James C. Doig . Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language: Some Aspects of its Development. By James Bogen . The Private Language Argument. Edited by O. R. Jones . Logico-Linguistic Papers. By P. F. Strawson . Philosophical Problems in Logic, Some Recent Developments. Edited by Karel Lambert . Logic as Philosophy. Edited by Peter T. Manicas . Readings on Logic. Edited by Irving M. Copi and James A. Gould . Body and Mind. By Keith Campbell . Human Values and the Mind of Man. Edited by Ervin Laszlo and James B. Wilbur . Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions. By Jean -Paul Sartre . Memory. By Don Locke . Insights and Illusions of Philosophy. By Jean Piaget , translated by Wolfe Mays . Personality and Science. Edited by I. T. Ramsey and Ruth Porter . Drugs, Mysticism and Make-Believe. By R. C. Zaehner . The Psychology of Religious Mysticism. By James H. Leuba . Mysticism and Dissent: Religious Ideology and Social Protest in the Sixteenth Century. By Steven E. Ozment . Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618. By Claus -Peter Clasen . Popular Belief and Practice: Studies in Church History Vol. 8. Edited by G. J. Cuming and Derek Baker . The Faith of the People of God. By John Macquarrie . The Apostles’Creed in the Light of Today's Questions. By Wolfhart Pannenberg Faith: Its Nature And Meaning: Maynooth Summer School Papers 1970. Edited by Paul Surlis . The Christ. By Piet Schoonenberg . Translated by Della Couling . Trinität und Vernunft. Untersuchungen zur Möglichkeit einer rationalen Trinitätslehre bei Anselm, Abaelard, den Viktorinern, A. Günther und J. Frohschammer. By Walter Simonis . Semantics in Biblical Research. New Methods of Defining Hebrew Words for Salvation. By John F. A. Sawyer . List of Septuagint Words Sharing Common Elements. By Xavier Jacques , S. J. Bibliographie Biblique 1930-1970. By Paul -Émile Langevin , S. J. The Study of Judaism. Bibliographical Essays. By Richard Bavier and others. Contemporary Community: Sociological Illusion or Reality ? By Jacqueline Scherer . Memoirs. By W. A. Visser ‘T Hooft .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1971,12(4):431-459
Book reviewed in this article: Dialectical Christianity and Christian Materialism. By R. C. Zaehner . Evolution in Religion. A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. By R. C. Zaehner . The Object of Morality. By G. J. Warnock . Ascent to the Absolute. By J. N. Findlay . Glaube, Gnade, Geschichte: Die Glaubenstheologie des Pierre Rousselot S. J. By Erhard Kunz . Basic Questions in Theology. By Wolfhart Pannenberg . Translated by George H. Kehm . Resurrection and the New Testament. By C. F. Evans . The Gospel according to John. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by R. E. Brown . Two volumes with continuous pagination, Clement of Alexandria's Treatment of the Problem of Evil. By W. E. G. Floyd . Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie. Vol. II, Allgemeine Ikonographie, F-K. Edited by Engelbert Kirschbaum , S. J. The Archaeology of the New Testament. The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church. By Jack Finegan . The Christian Priesthood. Ninth Downside Symposium. Edited by Nicholas Lash and Joseph Rhymer . Rethinking the Priesthood. Edited by F. V. Johannes . Man for Others. Reflections on Christian Priesthood. By John Jay Hughes . A Short History of the Western Liturgy. An Account and some Reflection. By Theodore Klauser . Monarchy and Community. Political Ideas in the later Conciliar Controversy, 1430–1450. By A. J. Black . Humanism in France at the end of the Middle Ages and in the Early Renaissance. Edited by A. H. T. Levi . Christendom Divided. By Hans J. Hillerbrand . Hope and Planning. By Jüurgen Moltmann .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1966,7(3):358-366
Dictionary of the Bible. By John L. Mc Kenzie , S. J. Introduction to the New Testament. By A. Robert and A. Feuillet . La Rédemption, Mystère d’Alliance. By Jean Galot . The Mystery of Time. By Jean Mouroux . Translated by John Drury . L'Éternité dans la vie quotidienne. By Jacques Durandeaux . Christianity and History. By E. Harris Herbison . Shapes of Philosophical History. By Frank E. Manuel . Tradition and the Life of the Church. By Yves M.-J. Congar , O.P. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain of the Birmingham Oratory. Vol. XVI, January 1854 to September 1855. The Canon Law Digest for Religious, Vol. 1. Edited by T. Lincoln Bouscaren and James I. O'Connor . The Open-Air Churches of Sixteenth-Century Mexico. By John Mc Andrew . Science, Synthesis and Sanity. By G. Scott Williamson and Innes H. Pearse .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1968,9(2):184-225
Exploration Into God. By John A. T. Robinson , Bishop of Woolwich The Private Sea. LSD and the Search for God. By William Braden Phenomenology and Humanism. A Primer in Existential Phenomenology. By William A. Luijpen God-Talk. An Examination of the Language and Logic of Theology, By John Macquarrie Connaissance de L’être. Traité d'Ontohgie. By Joseph de Finance Cicero on Moral Obligation. A new translation of Cicero's ‘De Officiis’ with an Introduction and Notes by John Higginbotham La Psychologic de l'Activité chez Albert le Grand. By Pierre Michaud -Quantin Two Tracts on Government. By John Locke . Edited with an Introduction, Notes and Translation by Philip Abrams Limits of Liberty: Studies of Mill's ‘On Liberty’. Edited by Peter Radcliff World Come of Age, A Symposium on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Edited and Introduced by Ronald Greoor Smith New Frontiers in Theology: Vol. III Theology as History. Edited by James M. Robinson and John B. Cobb Salvation in History. By Oscar Cullmann The Historical Jesus in the Gospel of St John. By Franz Mussner A Basic Jewish Encyclopedia. By Rabbi harry A. Cohen The Serpent and the Dove: Five Essays on early Christianity. By Samuel Laeuchli The Making of Christian Doctrine. By Maurice Wiles The Commentaries on Boethius by Gilbert of Poitiers. Edited by Nikolaus M. Huuring , s.a.c. The Efficacy of Putative Attrition in the Doctrine of Theologians of the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries. By Hugh Patton , m.s.c. The Royal Society: Concept and Creation. By Margery Purver Educational Psychology in the U.S.S.R. Edited and translated by Brian and Joan Simon Education and Society in Tudor England. By Joan Simon  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1966,7(3):321-357
Book reviewed in this article: A Study of Frege By Jeremy D. B. Walker. Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy. By Justus Hartnack. Translated by Maurice Cranston. Phenomenology and Metaphysics. By William A. Luupen. A Metaphysics of Authentic Existentialism. By Leo Sweeney , s.j . The Embodied Mind. By G. N. A. Vesey . Analytical Philosophy of History. By Arthur C. Danto . Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety. By E. R. Dodds . Old and New in Interpretation. By James Barr . Miracles. Edited by C. F. D. Moule . Le Miracle dans la Controverse Moderniste. By François Rodé . Theology in Reconstruction. By T. F. Torrance . Problèmes actuels de christologie. Travaux du symposium de L'Arbresle, 1961, recueillis et présentés par H. Bouëssé et J.-J. Latour . Man and Sin. By Piet Schoonenberg , S. J. Translated by Joseph Donceel , S. J. The Moment of Truth (Mysterium Mortis), By Ladislaus Boros . Translated by Gregory Bainbridge , O.S.B. An Approach to Dante. By THOMAS G. BERGIN. The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers. By Louis Bouyer . Translated by Mary P. Ryan . Der Mensch und die Dinge nach Johannes vom Kreuz. By Rudolf Mosis .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Heythrop Journal》1968,9(3):311-343
The Transcendence of the Cave. By J. N. Findlay . Pp. 224 (Muirhead Library of Philosophy), London: Allen & Unwin; New York: Humanities Press, 1967, 36s. Teilhard de Chardin. A Biography. By Robert Speaight . An Introduction to Teilhard de Chardin. By N. M. Wildiers . Translated by Hubert Hoskins . Teilhard de Chardin: A Guide to his Thought. By Émile Rideau . Translated by René Hague . The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin. By Henri de Lubac , s.j. Translated by René Hague . Science and Faith in Teilhard de Chardin. By Claude Cuénot . Evolution, Marxism and Christianity. By Various Contributors . Pantheisme, Action, Oméga. By G. Dussault , L. Gendron and A. Haguette . Teilhard and the Creation of the Soul. By Robert North . The Individual and Society in the Middle Ages. By Walter Ullmann . Renaissance and Revolution: the Remaking of European Thought. By Joseph Anthony Mazzeo . The Gods of Mexico. By C. A. Burland . Abraham and David. By Ronald Clements . ‘Yesterday’. By Floyd V. Filson . Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, vol. 1. Edited by Herbert Vorgrimler . Contributors J. A. Jungmann and Others . Translated by Lalit Adolphus , Kevin Smyth , Richard Strachan . Pp. xii, 346, New York: Herder & Herder; London: Burns & Oates, 1967, 70s. L'église et son mystère au deuxième Concile du Vatican. Histoire, texte et com- mentaire de la Constitution Lumen Gentium, tome I. By Mgr Gérard Philips . The Church. By Hans Küung . Translated by Ray and Rosaleen Ockenden . Orthodoxie et Catholicité. By Jean Meyendorff . Essai de Théologie Irénique. L'Orthodoxie et le Catholicisme. By Alexis Stawrowsky . Défense de l' Unité de l'g?lise. By Reginald Pole . Translated by Noelle -Marie Egretier . The Form of Christ in the World. A Study of Bonhoeffer's Christology. By John A. Phillips . The Canon of the Mass and Liturgical Reform. By Cipriano Vagaogini . Rev. By Stephan Hopkinson , John Foster , Ray Billington .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1966,7(4):465-477
La Prière du Seigneur. By Heinz Schürmann . The Mother of God. Her physical Maternity: A Reappraisal. By Cletus Wessels . La Mystique et les Mystiques. By A. Ravier , S.J. and Others. Sous la direction de A. Ravier , S.J. Préface de Henri de Lubac , S.J. Summa Theologiae: St Thomas Aquinas ; Latin text and English translation, introductions, notes Thomistic Epistemology. Vol. 2. By Georges van Riet . Translated by Donald . Mc Carthy , ph.d., and George E. Hertrich , m.a. Religious Psychology. By Vincent V. Herr , S.J. St Augustine and Being: A Metaphysical Essay. By James F. Anderson . The Coming of the Franciscans. By Thomas of Eccleston. Translated by Leo Sherley -Price . The Roman Catacombs and their Martyrs. By L. Hertling and E. Kirschbaum . The Council of Chalcedon and the Armenian Church. By Karekin Sarkissian . Histoire du Concile de Trente, Vol. 1. By Hubert Jedin . Jewish Prayer and Worship: an Introduction for Christians. By William W. Simpson . Carnet de Notes. By Jacques Maintain . The German Church Conflict. By Karl Barth . Gilbert Foliot and his Letters. By Adrian Morey and C. N. L. Brooke .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1981,22(1):56-110
Books Reviewed in this Article: Metaphor and Thought. Edited by Andrew Ortony. La philosophie comme panphysique: la philosophic des sciences de A.N. Whitehead. By Georges Hélal. Teilhard de Chardin: In Quest of the Perfection of Man. Edited by G.O. Browning, J.L. Alioto and S.M. Farber. Presence and Absence. By Robert Sokolowski. The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza. By Richard H. Popkin. Heidegger on Death: a Critical Evaluation. By Paul Edwards. Existentialism, Religion and Death. By Walter Kaufmann. Sartre. By Peter Caws. God and Atheism: A Philosophical Approach to the Problem of God. By Bernardino M. Bonansea. Marx's Theory of History. By William H. Shaw. Die Konzilsidee in der Alten Kirche. By Hermann Josef Sieben. The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages. By Jeffrey Richards. Consul of God: The Life and Times of Gregory the Great. By Jeffrey Richards. La Romanitas et le Pape Léon le Grand. By Philip A. McShane. An Ecclesiastical History of England; The Later Middle Ages – From the Norman Conquest to the Eve of the Reformation. By J.C. Dickinson. Byzantium and the Papacy 1198–1400. By Joseph Gill, S.J. Church and Society in the Last Centuries of Byzantium. By Donald M. Nicol. Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome: Rhetoric, Doctrine, and Reform in the Sacred Orators of the Papal Court, c. 1450–1521. By John W. O'Malley. L'Humanisme dans les lettres espagnoles. Edited by Augustin Redondo.Pp.376, Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1979, no price given. Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric. By Barbara Kiefer Lewalski. Pietismus und Reveil. Edited by J. van den Berg and J.P. van Dooren. Sons of the Prophets: Evangelical Leaders of the Victorian Church. By Michael Hennell. The Story of King David. By D.M. Gunn. Festschrift für Ernst Fuchs. Edited by Gerhard Ebeling, Eberhard Jüngel, and Gerd Schunack. Luke and the Pastoral Epistles. By Stephen G. Wilson. Face à la Mort: Jésus et Paul. By Xavier Léon-Dufour. Face à la Mort: Jésus et Paul. By Xavier Léon-Dufour. Christ Proclaimed. By Frans Jozef van Beeck. Hans Küng: His Work and His Way. Edited by Hermann Häring and Karl-Josef Kuschel. English Catholic Worship: Liturgical Renewal in England Since 1900. Edited by J.D. Crichton, H.E. Winstone, J.R. Ainslie. Literature and Violence in North Arabia. By Michael E. Meeker. China and Christianity: Historical and Future Encounters. Edited by James D. Whitehead, Yu-ming Shaw and N.J. Girardot.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1996,37(4):468-529
Books reviewed in this article: Christ in Christian Tradition. Volume Two, Part Two: The Church of Constantinople in the Sixrh Centuty. By Aloys Grillmeier. Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume Two, Part Four: The Church of Alexandria with Nubia and Ethiopia after 451. By Aloys Grillmeier. The Darkness of God: Negativity in Christian Mysticism. By Denys Turner. Hail Mary? The Struggle for Ultimate Womanhood in Catholicism. By Maurice Hamington. Christian Doctrine in the Light of Michael Polanyi's Theory of Personal Knowledge (Toronto Studies in Theology, no 66). By Joan Crewdson. Nonfoundationalism (Guides to Theological Inquiry). By John E. Thiel. Sacramenta: Bibliographia Internationalis. Compiled by Maksimilijan ?itnik. Critical Perspectives on Christian Education. Edited by Jeff Astley and Leslie Francis. After All: Religion Without Alienation. By Don Cupitt. The Last Philosophy. By Don Cupitt. The Christian God. By Richard Swinburne. Die Religionswissenschaft und das Christentum: Eine historische Untersuchung über das Verhältnis von Religionswissenschaft und Theologie (Studies in the History of Religions 61). By Sigurd Hjelde. John Duns Scotus: Contingency and Freedom, Lectura I, 39. Edited by A. Vos Jaczn, H. Veldhuis, A. H. Looman-Graaskamp, E. Dekker and N. W. den Bok. Aquinas: Selected Philosophical Writings. Edited by T. McDermott. St Thomas Aquinas: Teacher of Truth. By Francis Selman. Aquinas' Five Arguments in the ‘Summa Theologiae’ la, 2, 3. By Lubor Velecky. Almighty God: A Study of the Doctrine of Divine Omnipotence, By Gijsbert Van Den Brink. God. Passibility and Corporeality. By Marcel Sarot. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (Introducing Philosophy 1). By B. R. Tilghman. Ancient Greek Philosophy: Its Development and Relevance to Our Time. By Robert C. Trundle, Jr. Taking Life Seriously: A Study of the Argument of the ‘Nicomachean Ethics’. By Francis Sparshott. Feminist Interpretations of Plato (Re-Reading the Canon). Edited by Nancy Tuana. In Spite of Plato: A Feminist Rewriting of Ancient Philosophy. By Adriana Cavarero. The War Lover: A Study of Plato's ‘Republic’. By Leon Harold Craig. Plotinus. By Lloyd P. Gerson. Al-Farabi and His School, by Ian Richard Netton. The Age of German Idealism (Routledge History of Philosophy 6). Edited by Robert C. Solomon and Kathleen M. Higgins. ‘Fear and Trembling’ and ‘Repetition’ Edited by Robert L. Perkins. The Fear, the Trembling, and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac. By Jerome I. Gellman. Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy. By Michael Weston. ‘The Letter on Apologetics’ and ‘History and Dogma’. By Maurice Blondel, texts presented and translated by Alexander Dru and Illtyd Trethowan. Being and My Being: Gabriel Marcel's Metaphysics of Incarnation. By Joseph Konickal. GenEthics: Technological Intervention in Human Reproduction as a Philosophical Problem. By Kurt Bayertz. Clinical Bioethics: Theory and Practice in Medical-Ethical Decision Making. By James F. Drane. Ecotheology: Voices from South and North. Edited by David G. Hallman. Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-being and the Natural World (Environmental Philosophies). By John O'Neill. Emotion and Spirit: Questioning the Claims of Psychoanalysis and Religion. By Neville Symington. The Psychology of Religious Knowing. By Fraser Watts and Mark Williams. Counseling and Psychotherapy of Religious Clients: A Developmental Approach. By Vicky Genia. The Puzzle of Ethics. By Peter Vardy and Paul Grosch. Power and Christian Ethics. James P. Mackey. Knightly Piety and the Lay Response to the First Crusade: The Limousin and Gascony c.970-c.1130. By Marcus Bull. The Envy of Angels: Cathedral Schools and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950–1200. By C. Stephen Jaeger. Religion and Society in Russia: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Paul Bushkovitch. Confession and Community in Seventeenth-Century France. Catholic and Protestant Coexistence in Aquitaine. By Gregory Hanlon. The Devil's Dominion: Magic and Religion in Early New England. By Richard Godbeer. ‘No Religion Higher than Truth’: A History of the Theosophical Movement in Russia. By Maria Carlson. The Jesuit Myth. Conspiracy Theory and Politics in Nineteenth-Century France. By Geoffrey Cubitt. Critics on Trial: An Introduction to the Catholic Modernist Crisis. By Marvin R. O'Connell. Religion and Democracy in Latin America. Edited by William H. Swatos. A Tale of Two Missions. By Michael Goulder. Studying John: Approaches to the Fourth Gospel. By John Ashton. The Epistle of Barnabas: Outlook and Background (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/64). By James Carleton Paget.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1995,36(2):204-241
Books reviewed in this article: Understanding the Word: Essays in Honour of Bernhard W. Anderson. Edited by James T. Butler, Edgar W. Conrad and Ben C. Ollenburger. A Word in Season: Essays in Honour of William McKane. Edited by James D. Martin and Philip R. Davies. The Prophet Amos: A Translation and Commentary. By J. Alberto Soggin. Her Price is Beyond Rubies: The Jewish Woman in Graeco-Roman Palestine. By Léonie J. Archer. JSOT Supplement Series 60. The Gospel of Luke (Sacra Pagina 3). By Luke Timothy Johnson. The Acts of the Apostles (Sacra Pagina 5). By Luke Timothy Johnson. Mark and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies. Edited by Janice Capel Anderson and Stephen D. Moore. Jesus the Exorcist: A Contribution to the Study of the Historical Jesus (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/54). By Graham H. Twelftree. The Death of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels. By Raymond E. Brown. Paul and rhe Popular Philosophers. By Abraham J. Malherbe. History of New Testament Research, Volume One: From Deism to Tubingen. By William Baird. Theological Ethics of the New Testament. By Eduard Lohse. Living a Christian Life: Vol. 2 of The Way of the Lord Jesus. By Germain Grisez. Moral Demands and Personal Obligations. By Josef Fuchs. Plurality and Chrisrian Ethics. By Ian Markham. The Nature of Moral Thinking. By Francis Snare. Ethics (Oxford Readers). Edited by Peter Singer. Goodness and Rightness in Thomas Aquinas's ‘Summa Theologiae’. By James F. Keenan. Divine Power: The Medieval Power Distinction up to its Adoption by Albert, Bonaventure and Aquinas. By Lawrence Moonan. Preserving the Creation: Environmental Theology and Ethics. Edited by Kevin W. Irwin and Edmund D. Pellegrino. Religion and the Making of Society. By Charles Davis. The Good Stewards: Practical Applications of the Papal Social Vision of Work. By Michael Naughton. Things Old and New: Catholic Social Teaching Revisited. Edited by Francis P. McHugh and Samuel Natale. The Church Faces the Modern World: ‘Rerum Novarum’ and its Impact. Edited by Paul Furlong and David Curtis. Catholic Social Thought and the New World Order: Building on One Hundred Years. Edited by Oliver F. Williams and John W. Houck. The Church and Morality: An Ecumenical and Catholic Approach. By Charles E. Curran. God, Truth and Reality: Essays in Honour of John Hick. Edited by Arvind Sharma. Christianity and Chinese Religions. By Hans Kiing and Julia Ching. The Catholic Church in Modern China: Perspectives. Edited by Edmond Tang and Jean-Paul Wiest. Education And Meaning: Philosophy in Practice. By Paddy Walsh. Detachment and Concern: Conversations in the Philosophy of Teaching and Teacher Education. By Margret Buchman and Robert Floden. Hollywood Censored: Morality Codes, Catholics and the Movies (Cambridge Studies in the History of Mass Communications). By Gregory D. Black. Monastic and Religious Orders in Britain, 1000–1300 (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks). By Janet Burton. The Early Reformation in Europe. Edited by Andrew Pettegree.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1972,13(1):68-105
Book reviewed in this article: A History of Islamic Philosophy. By Majid Fakhry . Hegel's Philosophy of Nature. Edited and translated with an introduction and explanatory notes by Michael John Petry . Three volumes. The Young Hegelians. By William J. Brazill . The Philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach. By Eugene Kamenka . Being, Man and Death: a Key to Heidegger. By James A. Demske . The Child, his Illness and the Others. By Maud Mannoni . Translated from the French. Déficience mentale et langage, Approche psychologique et pédagogique. By Marie de Maistre . Freud and Philosophy. By Paul Ricoeur . Translated from the French by Denis Savage . A History of Scientific Psychology. By D. B. Klein . The Appeal to the Given. A Study in Epistemology. By Jacob Joshua Ross . The Person God Is. By Peter A. Bertocci . Man and his Hope in the Old Testament. By Walther Zimmerli . The Life of Jesus Critically Examined. By D. F. Strauss . 2 Vols. L'Iconographie des Conciles dans la tradition byzantine. By Christopher Walter . The Pauline Renaissance in England: Puritanism and the Bible. By John S. Coolidge . L'Eucharistie, symbole et réalité. By A. Vergote , A. Descamps and A. Houssiau . The Outreach of Diakonia. By Adrian VAN Peski . Priest: Person and Ministry. Collected Papers of the Maynooth Summer School, 1969. Edited by Gerard Meagher . Natural Symbols. Explorations in Cosmology. By Mary Douglas . La Singularité chrétienne. By René Marlé . A New Charter for Monasticism. Proceedings of the Meeting of Monastic Superiors in the Far East, Bangkok, 9th-15th December, 1968. Edited by John Moffitt .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Psychology of Visual Illusion. By J. O. Robinson . Human Senses in Action. By Roland Harper . Cognition and the Development of Language. Edited by John R. Hayes . Psycholinguistics: Chomsky and Psychology. By Judith Greene . A Primer of Signal Detection Theory. By D. Mc Nicol . Psychology of Reasoning: Structure and Content. By P. C. Wason and P. N. Johnson -Laird . Psychology of the Arts. By Hans Kreitler and Shulamith Kreitler . Coding Processes in Human Memory. Edited by A. W. Melton and E. Martin . Sleep Research: a Critical Review. By F. R. Freemon . The Context of Social Psychology: a Critical Assessment. Edited by Joachim Israel and Henri Tajfel . Social Psychology: a Cognitive Approach. By E. Stotland and L. K. Canon . The Social Psychology of Work. By Michael Argyle . Social Organization: a General Systems and Role Theory Perspective. By Alvin L. Bertrand . The Practice of Managerial Psychology. By A. J. Du Brin . Carmichael's Manual of Child Psychology. Third edition. Volumes I and II. Edited by P. H. Mussen . Psychopathological Disorders of Childhood. Edited by H. C. Quay and J. S. Werry . Perspectives in Child Psychopathology. Edited by H. E. Rie . Child Rearing and the Development of Moral Structure. By Günni Kärrby . Advances in Educational Psychology I. Edited by W. D. Wall and V. P. Varma . Clinical Behavior Therapy. Edited by Arnold A. Lazarus . Schizophrenia: Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy. By Lester Grinspoon , Jack R. Ewalt and Richard I. Shader . The Female Orgasm. By S. Fisher .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1970,11(2):173-214
The Jerome Biblical Commentary. Edited by Raymond E. Brown , s.s., Joseph A. Fitzmyer , s.j. , Roland E. Murphy , o . Carm Words and Meanings. Essays presented to David Winton Thomas. Edited by Peter R. Ackroyd and Barnabas Lindars , s.s.f. Early Christian Experience. By Gunter Bornkamm . Faith and Understanding. By Rudolf Bultmann . The First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity. By Samuel Sandmel . Development of Christian Dogma: some Historical Prolegomena. By Jaroslav Pelikan Aelred of Rievaulx: a Study. By Aelred Squire , o.p. The Middle Ages. The Christian Centuries, Vol. II. By David Knowles and Dmitri Obolensky . Man's Yearning for Grace. By Jared Wicks . Luthers Lehre vom unfreien Willen. By Harry J. Mc Sorley . The Christian Knowledge of God. By H. P. Owen . REVIEWS Spirit in the World. By Karl Rahner . REVIEWS The Epistemology of G. E. Moore. By E. D. Klemke . REVIEWS Symposium on J. L. Austin. Edited by K. T. Fann . REVIEWS American Philosophy from Edwards to Dewey: an introduction. By Guy W. Stroh . REVIEWS Science and Christ. By Teilhard de Chardin . Translated from the French by Renea Hague . REVIEWS Ideas and Politics of Chilean Independence, 1808–1833. By Simon Collier . REVIEWS Church Wealth in Mexico. A study of the‘Juzgado de Capellanias’in the Archbishopric of Mexico, 1800–1856. By Michael P. Costeloe . REVIEWS The Tragic Protest. By David Anderson .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1978,19(4):415-454
Philosophy after Darwin. Chapters for the Career of Philosophy Volume III, and Other Essays. By John Herman Randall, Jr, edited by Beth J. Singer The Philosophy of Marx. By William Leon McBride The Life of the Mind: Vol.1, Thinking; Vol. II, Willing. By Hannah Arendt The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt. By Margaret Canovan Philosophy and Totality: Lectures delivered under the auspices of the Department of Scholastic Philosophy. Edited by J. McEvoy Mind-Reach. By Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff The Birth of The Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. By Michel Foucault, translated by A.M. Sheridan Religion and Medicine 3. Edited by D. Millard Dictionary of Medical Ethics. Edited by A.S. Duncan, G.R. Dunstan and R.B. Welbourn Causing Death and Saving Lives. By Jonathan Glover Sittliche Erkenntnis zwischen Rationalität und Glauben. Bin Aspekt der Säkularisierung im Licht der Theologie Friedrich Gogartens. By Josef Vohn Ernst Troeltsch: Writings on Theology and Religion. Translated and edited by Robert Morgan and Michael Pye Paul Tillich, His Life and Thought: Volume I: Life. By Wilhelm and Marion Pauck The Birth of the Messiah. By Raymond E. Brown The Divine Miracles Discussed and Defended. By Leopold Sabourin The New Testament Concept of Witness. By Allison A. Trites Can we Trust the New Testament? By J.A.T. Robinson Paul and Jesus. By F.F. Bruce La Transfiguration selon les Pères Grecs. By Georges Habra The Concept of Grace in the Radical Reformation. By Alvin J. Beachy The Seventeenth Century Tradition: A Study in Recusant Thought. By George H. Tavard The Catholic Subjects of Elizabeth I. By Adrian Morey Cathedral and City. Edited by Robert Runcie A History of York Minster. Edited by G.E. Aylmer and Reginald Cant The Late Middle Ages. By Wim Swaan Dizionario degli Istituti di Perfezione. Edited by Guerrino Pelliccia (1962–68) and Giancarlo Rocca (1969-). Vol. III, Conv-Fig Vol. IV, Fig-Int  相似文献   

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