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A complete diagonalization energy matrix method (CDM) is proposed for 3d 8 ions in orthorhombic site (D 2 h ) symmetry. As an application, the optical spectra of XF2 : Ni2+ (X = Mg, Zn) is well explained on the basis of both the CDM and the semi-self-consistent field d-orbital (semi-SCF d-orbital) theory. In addition, by establishing the relationship between the optical spectra and local structure, it has been possible to calculate the crystal structure parameters for XF2:Ni2+ from optical measurements on Ni2+ ions. The theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental findings.  相似文献   

Lists of digits 5 and 7 items in length were presented to second graders, sixth graders, and low-IQ sixth graders in either the visual or auditory modality. Half the auditory lists were followed by the redundant nonrecalled, auditorily presented word “recall” which served as a list suffix. The second graders had the most errors in the ordered recall task followed by the low-IQ sixth- and normal sixth-graders in that order. The size of the modality and suffix effects for the various groups seemed to indicate that, for the younger subjects, a larger proportion of the recall after auditory presentation comes from the Prelinguistic Auditory Store than for the older subjects.  相似文献   

The bimodal structure of intelligence as proposed in the ‘Berlin model of intelligence structure’ (BIS) (Jäger, 1982) and measured by the BIS-4 test was analysed in a sample of 182 subjects. According to this theory two modalities characterize the structure, both emerging from results in 45 mental tasks and containing a total of seven components: Operations (processing speed, memory, creativity, processing capacity), and contents (verbal, numerical, figurai ability), as well as the general factor (g). Exploratory analysis following Jäger's approach revealed the existence of four operations and three contents. The simultaneous examination of the bimodality in the structure of the BIS was performed by means of confirmatory factor analysis. The theoretically proposed bimodal model (four operations and three contents) was compared with a unimodal model involving seven correlated factors of the same level and with other alternative unimodal models. In these analyses a slight superiority of operations over contents was observed. The reasons for our preference of the bimodal BIS structure compared to other unimodal solutions are clarified and the role of operations and contents in the construct of intelligence is discussed.  相似文献   

Using the mismatch negativity (MMN) response, we examined how Standard French and Southern French speakers access the meaning of words ending in /e/ or /ε/ vowels which are contrastive in Standard French but not in Southern French. In Standard French speakers, there was a significant difference in the amplitude of the brain response after the deviant-minus-standard subtraction between the frontocentral (FC) and right lateral (RL) recording sites for the final-/ε/ word but not the final-/e/ word. In contrast, the difference in the amplitude of the brain response between the FC and RL recording sites did not significantly vary as a function of the word’s final vowel in Southern French speakers. Our findings provide evidence that access to lexical meaning in spoken word recognition depends on the speaker’s native regional accent.  相似文献   

Dogs' (Canis familiaris) and cats' (Felis catus) interspecific communicative behavior toward humans was investigated. In Experiment 1, the ability of dogs and cats to use human pointing gestures in an object-choice task was compared using 4 types of pointing cues differing in distance between the signaled object and the end of the fingertip and in visibility duration of the given signal. Using these gestures, both dogs and cats were able to find the hidden food; there was no significant difference in their performance. In Experiment 2, the hidden food was made inaccessible to the subjects to determine whether they could indicate the place of the hidden food to a naive owner. Cats lacked some components of attention-getting behavior compared with dogs. The results suggest that individual familiarization with pointing gestures ensures high-level performance in the presence of such gestures; however, species-specific differences could cause differences in signaling toward the human.  相似文献   

While many studies have attempted to produce hypertension through the use of various environmental Stressors, few have succeeded in producing chronic elevations in blood pressure beyond levels considered to be borderline hypertensive (140–160 mm Hg systolic). The problem with most studies stems from the use of genetically normotensive animals and the selection of Stressors to which animals readily adapt. A new approach is suggested, which recognizes the role of genetics in human essential hypertension. Animals with one hypertensive parent do not develop spontaneous hypertension but show a more sensitive cardiovascular response to environmental Stressors than animals with normotensive parents. Preliminary studies revealed that animals with a mixed genetic history of hypertension develop spontaneous borderline hypertension. When subjected to shock-shock conflict, these borderline hypertensive rats (BHR) developed permanent hypertension that failed to abate even after a ten-week, shock-free recovery period. The hypertension was accompanied by elevated heart weight to body weight ratios and by significant cardiac pathology. Subsequent work has demonstrated that these animals also become hypertensive when fed a high-sodium diet. Finally, in a series of exercise studies, we found that BHRs subjected to a shock stressor were protected against stress-induced hypertension if they exercised daily. The potential of this model for studies of the mechanisms by which environmental variables produce permanent hypertension is discussed.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization histochemistry was used to assess the effect of auditory stimulation with natural contact calls on expression of NR2A and NR2B NMDA subunit mRNAs in neurons of the thalamic auditory relay nucleus ovoidalis (Ov) of a vocal learning parrot species, the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). The results showed that both the core (Ov) and ventromedial shell subdivisions (Ovm) of ovoidalis contained neurons expressing NR2A and NR2B mRNA in no-stimulation control subjects and that the distributions of neurons expressing these subunit mRNAs were very similar in both the core and shell of Ov. Contact call stimulation (5, 30 and 180 min) resulted in substantial increases of 50-60% in the number of neurons expressing NR2A and NR2B mRNAs in both the core and shell. Staining intensity, as measured by the optical density of stained somata approximately doubled compared to controls for both NR2 subunits in the 5 and 30 min conditions, but declined from 30 to 180 min. In all conditions, the density, but not staining intensity, of neurons expressing NR2B exceeded NR2A expression. Furthermore, the density of neurons expressing both subunit mRNAs in call stimulation conditions was greater in the core than in the shell despite the fact that total neuronal density was approximately 20% higher in the shell. Previous experiments have shown that call stimulation is more effective at inducing expression of the immediate early gene zenk in the Ov shell than core; however the present results do not indicate that either NR2A or NR2B mRNA expression mediates this effect since neither subunit exhibits greater expression in Ovm. Ca(++) release is needed for immediate early gene expression, however and, notably, Ovm contains large numbers of neurons containing CGRP, a peptide which has been shown to increase cytosolic Ca(++) levels.  相似文献   

郭雍是兼山学派的代表人物,学术思想属于程门支流.郭雍秉承义理解易之风,推崇二程、张载而又自成一家.郭雍反对象数派的<河图><洛书>衍生大易的观点.他认为<易>为圣人明道之书.到了春秋时期,大道不行,卜筮成为主流.<易>为包羲、文王、周公、孔子四圣人所作.对"道、象、数"的关系,郭雍提出了自己的看法.郭雍还认为汉代以来,象数之学附会于<易>,圣人之道熄灭无传.直到程颢、程颐、张载三先生发挥易理精奥,圣人之道才得以重现.郭雍的父亲郭忠孝是程颐的学生,郭雍作<郭氏传家易说>的目的就是继承程颐和其父的解<易>传统,阐明圣人之道也.  相似文献   

The Silver Lining Questionnaire (SLQ-38) is purported to measure 10 aspects of adversarial growth in illness. To date however, no empirical evidence exists to support this claim. Hence the aim of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the SLQ-38 in a sample of 560 individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, cardiac, and renal disease. The results demonstrate that 24 SLQ-38 items can be factored into five subscales: improved personal relationships, greater appreciation for life, positive influence on others, personal inner strength and changes in life philosophy, all of which are in accordance with the literature on adversarial growth. Individuals with MS experienced lower adversarial growth compared to other illness groups. Gender, age and time since diagnosis were unrelated to adversarial growth in illness. The utility of the revised SLQ-38 is discussed along with suggestions for future research on the convergent and divergent validity of this revised instrument.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of EMDR in reducing PTSD symptoms, anxiety and depression.MethodThirty-six women participated in this study; 12 were treated with EMDR, 12 received eclectic psychotherapy, and 12 were assigned to the control group.ResultWomen in the EMDR condition showed significantly reduced PTSD and anxiety compared with those in the eclectic psychotherapy condition. The two psychotherapy approaches led to significantly reduced scores (PTSD, depression, anxiety) after treatment compared to the control group. These effects were maintained at the 6-month follow-up. Finally, effect sizes for the IES and STAI scores were greater for the subjects in the EMDR condition.ConclusionThis study met our expectations in the sense that our findings confirm the advantages and the potential of EMDR.  相似文献   

Grooming behaviours are thought to be a crucial aspect of parenting and integral to the sociality of non‐human mammals, but there have been few empirical studies on how grooming might be relevant to parenting and socialization processes in humans. Study 1 is a quantitative cross‐cultural comparison of grooming practices in two cultural settings: an urban centre in Burma (Myanmar) and an urban centre in the United States. The study uses naturalistic video data of 57 families to analyse grooming behaviours directed at children. A broad range of ages was sampled in each culture to examine the developmental trajectory of grooming behaviours. Results indicate that significant cultural differences exist between Burma and the United States, with Burmese children being groomed by their caregivers more often than U.S. children. Results also indicate that cultural differences in grooming practices begin early and remain constant across age. An unexpected finding was that Burmese families were more variable in their behaviour than U.S. families. Study 2 attempts to explain this variability by using ethnography to describe how sociodemographic changes in Burma are leading to changes in parental values and socialization practices in the schools, but how embodied primary care in the homes appear resistant to change.  相似文献   

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