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The time-dependent change in photocurrent during illumination has been studied in amorphous arsenic tritelluride (a-As Te ), which is an amorphous 2 3 chalcogenide material with a narrow optical bandgap. No photodegradation in the photocurrent is observed in this material, although photodegradation occurs in most wide-bandgap amorphous chalcogenides.  相似文献   

The activation energy (E t) of the glass transition process has been obtained for glassy Se80? x Te20M x (M = Ag, Cd, In, Sb) and Se100? x M x (M = In, Te, Sb) systems using differential scanning calorimetry. The composition dependence of E t is explained in terms of fragility index for the systems. A reversal in the trend of the E t is explained using topological models.  相似文献   

The effects of irradiation with electrons having energies in the range 0.7–1.7 MeV on the dark conductivity and the network of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been studied. The dark conductivity measurements show that electron irradiation leads to a degradation in the dark conductivity, with the degradation being greater at lower electron energies. The Raman results suggest that the irradiation induces structural defects in the a-Si:H films, with the lower energy electrons producing more disorder in the amorphous network.  相似文献   

To understand the direct correlation between photodarkening (PD) and photoinduced defect creation (PDC) observed in amorphous chalcogenides, in situ simultaneous measurements of PD and photocurrent (PC) have been performed on amorphous As2Se3 films. The time evolution of PD and PDC during light excitations are empirically described by a stretched exponential function; 1 ??exp[?(t/τ) β ], where τ is the effective response time and β the dispersion parameter. The value of τ for the PDC is very much smaller than that for the PD, suggesting that there is no direct correlation between the two.  相似文献   

The decay of the peak intensity of the electron spin resonance signal associated with light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si(H) has been measured at room temperature as a function of time during very long intervals such as 3400 days after the intense pulsed illumination was turned off. The decay curve is fitted by an exponential function with a decay constant of 393 days and reaches a steady-state value smaller than the value taken before illumination. Such a long-term metastability of light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si:H is discussed in terms of reconstruction of the amorphous network occurring through hydrogen motion.  相似文献   

The dissolution of romantic relationships can be conceptualized in many ways, from a distressing event or a consequential life decision to a metric of a relationship's success. In the current review, we assess how relationship science has approached dissolution research over roughly the past 20 years. We identified 207 studies (from 195 papers) published between 2002–2020 that captured relationship dissolution events and coded the papers for relevant features. The most common methodological approach to studying breakups was a self-report study (92%) in which relationships were tracked over time (72%) and breakups were treated as an outcome variable (79%). These results suggest that most research on dissolution has focused on predictors of it, rather than processes required to uncouple and circumstances surrounding the breakup itself. Coding revealed heterogeneous theoretical approaches, with the most common perspective across papers—social exchange/interdependence theory—informing only 15% of the papers coded. A majority (61%) of samples were representative of the nations, regions, or localities in which the studies were conducted. Yet, samples still tended to be disproportionately comprised of young, white individuals from Western countries. We conclude by discussing potential avenues for moving our understanding of relationship dissolution forward.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been used to study the crystallization kinetics of glassy Se98In2 both before and after irradiation of the alloy with high-energy (50 MeV) lithium ions. After the ion-irradiation, significant changes in the kinetic parameters of crystallization of the glass were observed. The results are explained in terms of a model involving irradiation-induced defects.  相似文献   

We studied the heavy ion radiation tolerance of amorphous silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) alloys by in situ Kr ion irradiation within a transmission electron microscopy. The amorphous SiOC thin films were grown via co-sputtering from SiO2 and SiC targets on a surface-oxidized Si (100) substrate. These films were irradiated by 1 MeV Kr ions at both room temperature and 300 °C with damage levels up to 5 displacements per atom (dpa). TEM characterization shows no sign of crystallization, void formation or segregation in all irradiated samples. Our findings suggest that SiOC alloys are a class of promising radiation tolerant materials.  相似文献   

Helium retention in metals is related to their atomic structure and the type of defects they contain. In order to investigate the dependence of helium retention on structure, amorphous Fe79B16Si5 and crystalline FeBSi alloys were irradiated by helium ions at room temperature. In the crystalline alloy irradiated with 5 keV He+ ions, three types of helium trapping sites were found: surface defects produced by the irradiation, interstitial-type dislocation loops, and voids. Although these defects did not exist in the amorphous FeBSi alloy, we did observe thermal desorption peaks related to all three types. In addition, helium was released during the crystallization of amorphous FeBSi that had been irradiated by He+ ions.  相似文献   

It is interesting to investigate the formation of He bubbles in amorphous alloys because point defects do not exist in amorphous materials. In the present study, the microstructural evolution of amorphous Fe79B16Si5 alloy, either irradiated with 5?keV He+ ions or implanted with 150?eV He+ ions without causing displacement damage, and then annealed at a high temperature, was investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Vacancy-type defects were formed in the amorphous alloy after irradiation with 5?keV He+ ions, and He bubbles formed during annealing the irradiated samples at high temperature. On the other hand, for samples implanted with 150?eV He+ ions, although He atoms are also trapped in the free volume, no He bubbles were observed during annealing the samples even up to 873?K. In conclusion, the formation of He bubbles is related to the formation and migration of vacancy-type defects even in amorphous alloys.  相似文献   

Few studies have evaluated best friendship dissolutions and especially the circumstances surrounding the dissolutions. In this exploratory study of young adolescents (N = 273, Mage = 11.83 years; 51% boys), we investigate young adolescents' experiences with two types of best friendship dissolution (complete dissolutions, downgrade dissolutions) and two characteristics of such experiences: initiation status (self- versus friend-initiation) and emotional reactions (degree of happiness, anger, sadness, and embarrassment). We also consider whether these characteristics of best friendship dissolutions are related to psychological difficulties (loneliness, depressive symptoms). Results indicated that most young adolescents perceive their friends initiated their recent complete and downgrade dissolutions. When young adolescents did initiate their complete dissolutions, however, they reported less negative (anger) and more positive (happiness) emotional responses. Initiation status was not related to psychological difficulties, but variability in several types of emotional responses (e.g., embarrassment) was related to variability in loneliness and depressive symptoms. Findings underscore the importance of considering not only the type of dissolution, but also the circumstances surrounding dissolutions, during early adolescence.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution electron microscopy, we investigated the initial stages of high-pressure-torsion-induced crystalline-to-amorphous transformation of TiNi. It is found that the deformation-induced amorphization initiated from dislocation core regions in the interior of grains and from grain boundaries. It is believed that both the energy stored in the dislocations and the energy stored in the grain boundaries contribute significantly to driving the crystalline-to-amorphous transformation.  相似文献   

Transparent conducting indium tin oxide (ITO) films were deposited onto glass substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at 648?K, under an oxygen partial pressure of 1?Pa. The effect of annealing on the electrical properties of the films was studied. Characterization of the coatings revealed an electrical resistivity below 6.5?×?10??3?Ω?cm. The ITO films deposited at 648?K were amorphous, while the crystallinity improved after annealing at 700?K. The surface morphology examined by scanning electron microscopy appears to be uniform over the entire surface area after annealing. The NO2-sensing properties of the ITO films were investigated and showed sensitivity at concentrations lower than 50?ppm, at a working temperature of 600?K.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes have been intensively studied owing to their great potential in nanoelectronics and nanomechanical devices. Recently, experimental results have shown that single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) change their electronic properties when subjected to strain. In this study, the electromechanical characteristics of SWCNT networks were investigated for the application of printable strain sensors on flexible substrates. SWCNT films were formed on plastic substrates of poly(ethylene terephthalate) using a spray process. In this manner, we were able to control the transparency and obtain uniform electrical properties of the films. The films are isotropic on account of the random orientation of bundles of SWCNTs. Experimental results showed a nearly linear change in the resistance across a film when it was subjected to tensile strain, even in the inelastic range of the flexible substrate. The results demonstrate the potential use of SWCNT films for highly sensitive printable strain sensors on a macroscale.  相似文献   


The critical current densities of superconducting thin films and their dependence on the film structural characteristics has been a major research interest for more than a decade. Controlling this relationship is crucial if large-scale high-quality YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO) tapes are to be produced. Two major keystones of information have been established in this field. Firstly, there is a direct relationship between the critical current density and the grain-boundary angle in polycrystalline YBCO films. Grain boundaries with a mismatch angle higher than 5° usually result in reduced critical current densities. This detrimental effect of large-angle grain boundaries to the quality of YBCO films has been attributed to strain fields resulting from such grain boundaries. Secondly, the quality of the YBCO film can be enhanced by straining its lattice in specific direction. Here, we report, for the first time, direct experimental results coupling local grain orientation and local strain maps of thin YBCO films deposited on a (001) biaxially textured nickel substrate. These results were correlated to the quality of the film and showed how grain structure in the nickel substrate affects the grain structure in the YBCO films even in the presence of several buffer layers. More importantly, the data show that highquality films with high critical current densities can be produced, in spite of large-angle grain boundaries, if the film is compressed in the range of 0.5% strain normal to the a axis.  相似文献   

The effect of fluxing on the structure and the crystallization of amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 alloy has been studied. Subjected to fluxing, the incubation time upon isothermal crystallization decreases, whereas, the onset crystallization temperature upon non-isothermal crystallization (with constant heating rate) decreases, and crystallization peaks become less sharp. via structural characterization, it is considered that fluxing promotes relaxation of the system; the atomic structure becomes more similar to the corresponding crystallized phase, thus alleviating the transient effect on nucleation and accelerates the crystallization.  相似文献   


New electron spin resonance (ESR) lines with g1 = 2·0017 and g2 and g3 = 2·0006 have been found in the ESR spectra of as-deposited a-Si1–x Cx:H films prepared by magnetron sputtering of silicon in the gas mixtures of methane and argon. Similarities between the observed spectra and those for the E′ centre in glassy SiO2 are discussed.  相似文献   

Which perceptual and cognitive prerequisites must be met in order to be able to comprehend a film is still unresolved and a controversial issue. In order to gain some insights into this issue, our field experiment investigates how first‐time adult viewers extract and integrate meaningful information across film cuts. Three major types of commonalities between adjacent shots were differentiated, which may help first‐time viewers with bridging the shots: pictorial, causal, and conceptual. Twenty first‐time, 20 low‐experienced and 20 high‐experienced viewers from Turkey were shown a set of short film clips containing these three kinds of commonalities. Film clips conformed also to the principles of continuity editing. Analyses of viewers' spontaneous interpretations show that first‐time viewers indeed are able to notice basic pictorial (object identity), causal (chains of activity), as well as conceptual (links between gaze direction and object attention) commonalities between shots due to their close relationship with everyday perception and cognition. However, first‐time viewers' comprehension of the commonalities is to a large degree fragile, indicating the lack of a basic notion of what constitutes a film.  相似文献   

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