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We report that <c+a> pyramidal slipping could be more easily activated in textured Mg–Ca alloys with increasing Ca contents dissolved in α-Mg matrix under tensile deformation, and it is proposed that the decreased stacking fault energy plays the critical rule. In contrast, only twins and <a> basal dislocations are observed in the compressed samples. The results would provide insight into understanding of the deformation mechanism and designing more ductile Mg alloys.  相似文献   

Atom probe tomography (APT) is used to investigate grain-boundary segregation of W solute atoms in nanocrystalline Ni. For the heat-treated specimens used here, the grain structure can be observed in the APT data, enabling direct composition analyses across individual grain boundaries. These direct measurements are used to validate methods proposed in earlier work, which determine the average segregation state in nanocrystalline materials through statistical analysis of the solute distribution, without knowledge of the boundary positions. Good agreement is demonstrated between the two experimental techniques.  相似文献   

Dimensional interactions of width and orientation stimuli in early visual processing were assessed in a texture-segregation paradigm. The basis for detecting a discrepant quadrant in 6 x 6 arrays of objects was varied in accordance with Garner's Control, Correlated, and Orthogonal conditions. Individual differences as measured by Witkin's Group Embedded Figures Task differentiated performance patterns on the texture-segregation task. Individuals with high scores on the Embedded Figures Test, termed Field-independent, exhibited redundancy gains in the Correlated condition and no interference in the Orthogonal condition whereas those scoring low, termed Field-dependent, demonstrated no redundancy gains and no interference effects. Results support recent findings that individual differences in field dependence-independence are associated with differences in low-level visual mechanisms and suggest that individual differences in attentional flexibility exist in early visual processing.  相似文献   


Single intrinsic stacking faults in semi-insulating undoped GaAs have been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The crystals were deformed at room temperature by uniaxial compression and under hydrostatic pressure. It is shown that the stacking faults are produced by the dissociation of 60°(β) dislocations under very high stress (τ?0·75 GPa). The partial dislocations bounding the stacking faults are systematically 30°(β) in character. These observations are consistent with the classification of mobilities of partial dislocations that had been previously established when studying deformation microtwins in the same material: 30°(β)<30°(α) <90°(α or β).  相似文献   

Consecutive sounds of similar structure that are close in frequency or pitch are more likely to be perceived as part of the same sequence than those at greater frequency separations. The principle of grouping into such perceptual sequences, or auditory streams, is known as frequency proximity. However, the metric by which one frequency difference is judged to be greater or less than another in complex auditory scenes is not yet known. Two experiments explored the metric for frequency proximity. We presented repeating three-tone stimulus patterns at a rate where they are normally heard as two streams, one containing the highest tone and one containing the lowest. The middle tone joined one stream or the other depending on its frequency. Subjects reported the perceived allocation of the variable tone by responding on a 5-point scale. The frequency at which either of these two percepts was equally probable was found to be lower than a logarithmic midpoint or the midpoints on a cochlear map or the Mel scale; that is, it was unlike metrics arrived at by direct comparisons of tones. Further, the midpoint for high and low tones presented synchronously was lower than that for the same tones presented sequentially, demonstrating that in addition to a proximity factor, some additional factor or factors must operate differently when the lower and upper fixed tones are, or are not, presented simultaneously.  相似文献   

The evolution of dislocation structure in twins of different thicknesses has been investigated in polycrystalline copper fatigued at room temperature under constant plastic axial strain amplitude control. The dislocation structure and its evolution strongly depend on twin thickness. Three critical thicknesses must be distinguished, i.e. (i) characteristic size of fatigue dislocation structures, about 1?µm; (ii) critical height of stable dislocation wall structure, about 200?nm; (iii) critical spacing of dislocation dipole, about 20?nm. It is considered that the size effect is mainly caused by twin boundaries (TBs) which play different roles on slip behaviors in twins.  相似文献   

Akihiro Izumi 《Cognition》2002,82(3):B113-B122
Japanese monkeys were examined to determine whether they perceptually segregate tone sequences. Monkeys were required to discriminate two sequences of tones (target sequences) differing in frequency contours. Distractor sequences were presented simultaneously with the target sequences. Monkeys could discriminate the sequences when the frequency ranges of the target and distractor sequences did not overlap, but they could not when the ranges overlapped. Subsequent probe tests confirmed that the discrimination depended on cues other than the local pitch of the component tones regardless of the presence of the distractor sequence. The results suggest that monkeys segregate tone sequences based on frequency proximity, and they perceive global characters of the segregated streams.  相似文献   

Slowed processing of sequential perceptual information is related to developmental dyslexia. We investigated this unimodally and crossmodally in developmentally dyslexic children and controls ages 8-12 years. The participants judged whether two spatially separate trains of brief stimuli, presented at various stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) in one or two senses, were synchronous or not. The stimulus trains consisted of light flashes in vision, clicks in audition, and indentations of the skin in the tactile sense. The dyslexic readers required longer SOAs than controls for successful performance in all six comparisons. The crossmodal spatiotemporal resolution of the groups differed more than unimodal performance. The dyslexic readers' segregation performance was also less differentiated than that of the controls. Our results show that not only sensory but also polysensory nonverbal information processing is temporally impaired in dyslexic children.  相似文献   


In γ-TiAl deformed at room temperature in single slip, prismatic loops ar often organized in a staircase-like configuration, called strings whose generation by cross-slip is facilitated by the dislocation tendency to form screw locks as described recently by Grégori and Veyssière. The present letter is aimed at showing that strings may be encountered in virtually any crystal provided that the two impinging dislocations exhibit significantly different velocities. The crossslip annihilation mechanism of crossed dislocations considered by Tetelman is revisited and shown to evolve into a configuration significantly distinct from that originally predicted.  相似文献   

Partial report methods have shown that a large-capacity representation exists for a few hundred milliseconds after a picture has disappeared. However,change blindness studies indicate that very limited information remains available when a changed version of the image is presented subsequently. What happens to the large-capacity representation? New input after the first image may interfere, but this is likely to depend on the characteristics of the new input. In our first experiment, we show that a display containing homogeneous image elements between changing images does not render the largecapacity representation unavailable. Interference occurs when these new elements define objects. On that basis we introduce a new method to produce change blindness: The second experiment shows that change blindness can be induced by redefining figure and background, without an interval between the displays. The local features (line segments) that defined figures and background were swapped, while the contours of the figures remained where they were. Normally, changes are easily detected when there is no interval. However, our paradigm results in massive change blindness. We propose that in a change blindness experiment, there is a large-capacity representation of the original image when it is followed by a homogeneous interval display, but that change blindness occurs whenever the changed image forces resegregation of figures from the background.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments using ambiguous stimuli, we investigate the effects of displaying ordered, discrete series of images on the dynamics of figure-ground segregation. For low frame presentation speeds, the series were perceived as a sequence of discontinuous, static images, while for high speeds they were perceived as continuous. We conclude that using stimuli varying continuously along one parameter results in stronger hysteresis and reduces spontaneous switching compared to matched static stimuli with discontinuous parameter changes. The additional evidence that the size of the hysteresis effects depended on trial duration is consistent with the stochastic nature of the dynamics governing figure-ground segregation. The results showed that for continuously changing stimuli, alternative figure-ground organizations are resolved via low-level, dynamical competition. A second series of experiments confirmed these results with an ambiguous stimulus based on Petter’s effect.  相似文献   

Goal-directed and stimulus-driven control of attention was examined in a visual texture segregation task. Recent published reports have debated the existence and efficiency of goal-directed guidance of attention. Some of this research has focused on the apparent stimulus-driven attentional priority given to salient distractors, even when they are known to be irrelevant to the task. In the present study, subjects searched a texture array for targets defined along one dimension. These displays also included distractors created by variation in an irrelevant dimension. Targets were of three different overall shapes. On each trial, distractors could be the same shape as the target or one of the other two shapes. In two experiments subjects were informed of the overall shape of the target prior to stimulus presentation. In these experiments, distractors that did not match the overall shape of the target caused less interference than distractors that matched the target’s shape. In the third experiment, subjects were not informed of the overall shape of the target. In this experiment all distractors caused roughly equal interference. The results of these experiments demonstrate that if subjects are given information about the overall shape of the target, they are able to use this information to reduce interference from distractors that do not match the overall target shape. While acknowledging some stimulus-driven interference, this illustrates a previously unexplored source of goal-directed guidance that can reduce interfering effects of even salient distractors and argues against purely stimulus-driven control of attention.  相似文献   


Adult perceivers segregate figure from ground based on image cues such as small size and main axis orientation. The current study examined whether infants can use such cues to perceive figure-ground segregation. Three- to 7-month-olds were familiarized with a pie-shaped stimulus in which some pieces formed a?+?and other pieces formed an x. The infants were then presented with a novelty preference test pairing the?+?and x. The bases for the pieces forming the?+?or x were size and orientation (Experiment 1), size (Experiment 2), and orientation (Experiment 3). In each experiment, infants responded as if they recognized as familiar the shape specified by small size, main axis orientation, or their combination. Control conditions showed that infant performance could not be attributed to spontaneous preference. The findings suggest that infants can achieve figure-ground segregation based on some of the same cues used by adults.  相似文献   


Dislocation structure and planar faults have been examined in MoSi2 single crystals deformed at high temperatures. Pure stacking faults were found in a crystal deformed at 900°C. The formation of the stacking fault is closely related to the phase stability of the C11b and C40 ordered structures. Profuse stacking faults with increasing deformation temperature assist the ductility improvement of the MoSi2 above about 1200°C. The critical resolved shear stress for {110}(331) and {013}(331) slip is determined in the temperature range 1000 to 1500°C.  相似文献   

Cross-correlation-based analysis of electron backscatter diffraction patterns has been used to map the distribution of geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density in deformed polycrystalline copper. Patterning of the dislocations into high-density cell walls and low-density cell interiors was readily observed at the micron scale. Patterning at the longer length scale of the grain size was also evident with high-density regions (GND hot spots) tending to be in clusters, often found close to some but not all grain boundaries and triple junctions.  相似文献   


Nickel monocrystals oriented for single slip have been cyclically deformed at 77 K at plastic strain amplitude between 5 x 10-4 and 1 x 10-2 up to saturation of the stress amplitude. After unloading from maximum compression, the slip markings on the surface of the specimens were removed and the deformation continued for one half cycle in tension. As previously observed for room-temperature deformation, the plastic strain was found to be localized in narrow slip bands (SBs). Using atomic force microscopy at a given imposed strain amplitude, a wide spectrum of local plastic strains was found. The averaged resolved shear strain of the SBs was found to be independent of the imposed plastic strain amplitude and turned out to be a factor of three larger than the upper plateau strain limit of the cyclic stress-strain curve.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test if a prior outcome influences the likelihood to accept a current gamble. Undergraduate students participating as subjects imagined that they on a fictitious betting day at a horse-race track did not gamble in the prior race, that they gambled and won, or that they gambled and lost. Subjects rated in one session the likelihood of gambling in the current race. In another session they rated how satisfied they would be with not gambling, with winning, and with losing, respectively. The results of Experiment 1 showed that as compared to no prior outcome the ratings of likelihood of gambling increased after a gain and decreased after a loss. This was explained by the assumption, supported by the ratings of satisfaction, that the prior outcome only affected the satisfaction with the expected loss of the current choice, making it less negative after a gain and more negative after a loss. These results were replicated in Experiment 2. In addition, if subjects did not know with certainty the outcome of a previous choice to gamble, the likelihood to accept the current gamble and the ratings of the satisfaction with its expected outcomes were largely unaffected.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the role of item predictability in auditory temporal coherence. Thirteen normal-hearing subjects were required to hold together long tonal sequences as single strings of notes. Temporal and spectral predictability of successive notes in a sequence varied as a function of experimental condition. As the frequency separation of the notes in the sequence increased, the subjects found it more difficult to hold the sequence together as a single stream. There was no significant difference in subjects' abilities in performing this task as a function of experimental condition. That is, the predictability of successive notes appeared not to have a role in temporal coherence.  相似文献   

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