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The influence of precipitation morphology, including continuous precipitation (CP) and discontinuous precipitation (DP), on the mechanical behaviour of Cu–Ni–Si alloys was studied. The Cu–6Ni–1.5Si (in wt%) alloy was solution heat treated at 980 °C for 2 h and aged at 500 °C for 0.5 and 3 h to produce CP and DP structures. The DP specimen showed an abnormal increase in tensile ductility with increasing strain rate, unlike the CP counterpart. The impact toughness of the DP specimen was 1.6 times greater than that of CP specimen. The fracture mode in DP specimen was mostly dimpled rupture, while the mixed mode of cleavage fracture and dimpled rupture was noted on the CP specimen.  相似文献   


Copper-mould-cast Al–Cu–Ni alloys show adjacent coexistence of in situ grown ordered and eutectic phases. A bimodal microstructure of α–Al and eutectic α-Al+θ-Al2Cu phases with length-scale hierarchy evolves during solidification. Microstructural analysis through Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) shows the presence of Vacancy-ordered phases (VOPs) with different morphologies in two different compositions.  相似文献   

A Zr62Cu15.5Al10Ni12.5 bulk metallic glass with a large supercooled liquid region of 90 K, produced by copper-mould casting, exhibits a high strength of 1730 MPa and superior but highly inhomogeneous plasticity under uniaxial compression at ambient temperature. Micro-X-ray diffraction shows that compressive loading facilitates crystallization in the monolithic glassy alloy, resulting in room-temperature plasticity. The plastic deformation of the Zr62Cu15.5Al10Ni12.5 BMG may be attributed to in situ precipitation of nanocrystals during compression in heavily deformed areas.  相似文献   

An elemental powder mixture of Al (70 at.%), Ni (15 at.%) and Cu (15 at.%) was milled in a high-energy ball mill for various times ranging from 10 to 100?h to form ternary intermetallic alloys. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy techniques were employed for characterization of the samples. The dissolution of the individual elements into an alloy led to the formation of a τ3 vacancy-ordered phase after 100?h of milling. This phase was found to be quite stable against milling, and no other crystalline and amorphous phases could be detected. The powder after 100?h of milling was found to contain mostly τ3 nanophases with partial ordering, and with crystallite sizes in the range 10–20?nm along with a lattice strain of ~0.675%. The milled powder, after annealing at 700°C for 20, 40 and 60?h, revealed the formation of a strain-free and ordered τ3 phase with a crystallite size of 80?nm, indicating grain coarsening. It is interesting to note that the mechanical energy imparted during milling could not completely destroy the vacancy ordering in the τ3 phase, unlike other stoichiometric Al–Cu–transition metal (TM) systems, where the disordered B2 (bcc) phase is commonly observed instead of any vacancy-ordered phases.  相似文献   

A liquid quinary alloy with composition Ni–5%Cu–5%Fe–5%Sn–5%Ge has been prepared from a containerless state by undercooling. Dendritic growth of α-Ni phase took place with a velocity of 28 m s?1 at the maximum degree of undercooling, which was as high as 405 K (0.24T L). All of the four solute elements Cu, Fe, Sn and Ge exhibited a significant solute trapping effect during the rapid dendrite growth. Segregation-less solidification is consequently realized when the degree of undercooling is sufficiently large. The lattice constant of α-Ni solid solution phase is found to increase with the amount of multicomponent solute trapping.  相似文献   

We report the formation of new phases in bimetallic Au–Cu nanoparticles. These phases were observed in nanoparticle synthesised by adopting a three-step protocol in a single pot. Nanoparticles at 180°C for 1?h led to the formation of single-phase solid solution of Cu in Au. Subsequent heat treatment at 290°C for 2?h of these Au–Cu nanoparticles revealed three new phases. One of them relates to the modification of occupancy of Cu in an ordered AuCu tetragonal phase (tP4). This cell although retains tetragonal symmetry but displays metrical properties akin to that of a cube. The other two relates to vacancy ordering along <111> directions in the {111} planes of an ordered AuCu3 cubic phase (cP4). On the one hand, statistical occupancy of vacancy on Cu site in this cell leads to the reduction of cell size from ~3.75?Å to ~3.5?Å whereas ordering of vacant layer on the other hand gives rise to symmetry breaking. Former continues to display cubic symmetry whereas latter transforms to a trigonal cell.  相似文献   

We present a study of dislocations in decagonal Al70Ni21Co9 quasicrystals by means of diffraction contrast analysis as well as convergent-beam electron diffraction in the transmission electron microscope. The nickel-rich Al–Ni–Co quasicrystals show diffraction patterns characteristic of the basic-nickel decagonal phase exhibiting almost no diffuse scattering. We succeeded in growing this phase in the form of large single quasicrystals. The two-beam bright-field images show a homogeneous background and no striation contrast as reported for other Al–Ni–Co decagonal phases. We have, for the first time in a two-dimensional quasicrystal, observed the weak contrast-extinction condition.  相似文献   

It is known that the binary Cu–2?wt.% Be alloy can be strengthened by ageing its supersaturated solution at 523?K. The increase in the strength arising from ageing is because of the formation of GP zones. The same level of strength is achieved by ageing the supersaturated solid solution of a dilute binary Cu–4?wt.% Ti alloy at 723?K. In contrast to Cu–2?wt.% Be alloy, the increase in strength in this alloy occurs on account of spinodal decomposition of the as-quenched microstructure through the mechanism of clustering and ordering. In the present study, decomposition of a supersaturated solid solution of the ternary Cu–4?wt.% Ti–2?wt.% Be alloy was studied. Whereas ageing of this alloy at 523?K resulted in the formation of GP zones like in a Cu–2?wt.% Be alloy, ageing at 723?K resulted in a spinodally decomposed microstructure as in a Cu–4?wt.% Ti alloy. The decomposition of the ternary alloy at the two temperatures by two different mechanisms indicates that Be and Ti in solution in Cu act, more or less, independently of each other during ageing.  相似文献   

Two Fe–Cu binary model alloys, Fe–0.3Cu and Fe–0.6Cu, were irradiated with fission neutrons at doses ranging from 4?×?10?6 to 0.16 dpa (displacements per atom) at ~573 K to investigate the formation of Cu precipitates and microstructural evolution. The Cu content only affected the formation of Cu precipitates and microvoids at low doses. In Fe–0.3Cu, the formation of microvoids and Cu precipitates initiated at doses of 1.2?×?10?4 and 4?×?10?5 dpa, respectively. On the other hand, the formation of microvoids started at a dose of 4?×?10?4 dpa in Fe–0.6Cu, and Cu precipitates were formed even after irradiation to 4?×?10?6 dpa. On further irradiation, the difference in the formation of Cu precipitates and microvoids was small. Microvoids grew with increasing irradiation dose up to 3?×?10?3 dpa in both alloys. Prominent aggregation of Cu atoms occurred upon irradiation from 3?×?10?3 to 1.6?×?10?2 dpa and the microvoids shrank. The Cu precipitates no longer grew, and microvoids nucleated and grew in the matrix above a dose of 1.6?×?10?2 dpa in both alloys. The present studies clearly reveal the relationships between the formation and growth of Cu precipitates and microvoids with irradiation dose.  相似文献   

In this study, we found a novel lattice correspondence of the B19–B19′ transformation in a Ti–Ni–Cu thin film: (1?1?1)B19′//(0?0?1)B19, [0, 1, 1]B19′//[1?0?0]B19. Near the coarse precipitate and the grain boundaries, the B19′ martensite forms with the novel lattice correspondence to product the (1?1?1) type I twinning instead of the usual (0?0?1) compound twinning. Crystallographic analyses show that the novel lattice correspondence results from the local stress concentration.  相似文献   

A new bulk glassy alloy (BGA) showing macroscopic tensile plastic elongation at room temperature has been developed in the hypoeutectic Zr–Ni–Cu–Al alloy system. The hypoeutectic Zr–Ni–Cu–Al BGA shows a high Poisson's ratio, a low Young's modulus, and is highly malleable in compression. It exhibits a Poisson's ratio of 0.39, a Young's modulus of 73 GPa, and a distinct tensile plastic elongation of about 1.7% at room temperature with necking due to the operation of many shear bands. The tensile plastic deformability seems to originate from modifications of the glass structure with increasing the number of Zr–Zr atomic pairs in the hypoeutectic composition.  相似文献   

The Ti36Ni41Hf15Cu8 melt-spun ribbon undergoes a B2 ? B19′ transformation upon cooling and heating. When the Ti36Ni41Hf15Cu8 melt-spun ribbon is annealed at 873 K for 1 h, the spherical (Ti, Hf)2Ni particles with a diameter of 20–40 nm precipitate in the grain interior. The fine (Ti, Hf)2Ni precipitates improve the stability of phase transformation temperatures and cause martensite domains, with (001) compound twins in three orientations dominant instead of (011) type I twins. {111}-, {113}- and (001)//{111}-type boundaries are observed among these martensite domains. When the (Ti,Hf)2Ni precipitates coarsen, (011) type I twins become main martensite structures in the ribbon annealed at 973 K for 1 h.  相似文献   

The crystal growth velocity of Ni95Si5 and Ni90Si10 alloys as a function of undercooling is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The modified imbedded atom method potential yields the equilibrium liquidus temperatures T L?≈?1505 and 1387?K for Ni95Si5 and Ni90Si10 alloys, respectively. From the liquidus temperatures down to the deeply undercooled region, the crystal growth velocities of both the alloys rise to the maximum with increasing undercooling and then drop slowly, whereas the athermal growth process presented in elemental Ni is not observed in Ni–Si alloys. Instead, the undercooling dependence of the growth velocity can be well-described by the diffusion-limited model, furthermore, the activation energy associated with the diffusion from melt to interface increases as the concentration increases from 5 to 10?at.% Si, resulting in the remarkable decrease of growth velocity.  相似文献   

The self-guided molecular dynamics (SGMD) method, which can enhance the conformational sampling efficiency in MD simulations, was applied in investigating the phase transformation of Cu precipitate in α-iron that took place during thermal aging. It was shown that the SGMD method can accelerate calculating the bcc to 9R structure transformation of a small precipitate (even 4.0 nm in size), enabling the transformation without introducing any excess vacancies. The size dependence of the transformation also agreed with that seen in previous experimental studies.  相似文献   

Variety-seeking research has examined antecedents in terms of contextual factors and individual differences. However, it does not consider the interaction of individual difference factors such as regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention) and regulatory mode (locomotion vs. assessment) to predict variety-seeking. Drawing on regulatory fit theory, this study introduces a new kind of regulatory fit based on the interaction between regulatory focus and mode (i.e., regulatory focus–mode fit), thereby extending previous work examining fit based on either regulatory focus or regulatory mode in isolation. Results from five studies, including field data from 10,547 music app consumers (text analysis), two preregistered studies, and two online experiments, show that regulatory focus–mode fit (vs. non-fit) decreases variety-seeking. Engagement and attitude certainty serially mediate regulatory focus–mode fit effects. Findings provide implications for consumer segmentation and message framing.  相似文献   

Localised shear deformation of a material is usually identified as a particular feature of deformation inhomogeneity. Here, we show two different types of shear deformation-behaviour that occurred in Au–Cu multilayers subjected to microindentation load, namely, a cooperative-layer-buckling-induced shear banding in a nanoscale multilayer and a direct localised shearing across a layer interface along a shear plane in a submicron-scale multilayer. Theoretical analysis indicates that the formation of the two different types of shear deformation in the multilayers depends on a competition between the dislocation-pile-up-induced stress concentration at the layer interface and the barrier strength of the layer interface for glissile dislocation transmission.  相似文献   

A fine-grained Cu–30%Zn alloy sheet was rolled at 77 K to induce ultrafine mechanical twins. Subsequent annealing of the rolled alloy at temperatures up to 543 K led to the uniform appearance of recrystallized ultrafine grains (UFGs), which contained numerous annealing twins. Average grain sizes of 150 ~ 300 nm were produced in this way. The formation of such UFGs during annealing is attributed to the high nucleus density associated with the fine initial grain size as well as to the high densities of mechanical twins and dislocations produced by cryorolling. The high driving force for recrystallization enabled the use of relatively low annealing temperatures, which limited the subsequent grain growth.  相似文献   

Growth defects in the form of transformation disconnections (TDs) are considered for the precipitation of θ′ in an Al–Cu αsolid solution. The minimum sized TDs are predicted to be 1–2?nm in height, in agreement with experimental observations. One type of TD is glissile and the other (more prevalent) type is sessile, requiring climb for motion. The presence of a fault plane on one side of the sessile TD does not impede its formation. The results are in accord with symmetry theory and with the topological model for precipitation.  相似文献   

The influences of doping elements (Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Ta, Cr, Mo, W and Al) on the heats of formation of Nb, Nb5Si3 and Nb3Si have been studied using first-principles pseudopotential plane-wave method based on density functional theory. Site preferences of dopants in Nb5Si3 and Nb3Si intermetallics are first determined by comparing the heats of formation of the systems with different site occupations of the doping atoms. The partitionings of dopants between the equilibrium phases Nb and Nb5Si3 of Nb–Si in situ composites are then discussed and compared with experimental results. Phase partitioning behaviours of the alloying elements are found to depend strongly on the number of their valence electrons. By calculating the enthalpy of reaction regarding the eutectoid decomposition of Nb3Si phase, we conclude that Ta is a Nb3Si stabiliser while other dopants destabilise Nb3Si at the investigated concentration.  相似文献   

The microstructures of Al–1.8 to 92.5?at.% Cu thin films prepared by radiofrequency (13.56?MHz) cathodic magnetron sputtering have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). A phase separation occurs in films of nominal Al–66.64?at.% Cu composition, consisting of a fcc Al solid solution phase, a fcc Cu solid solution phase and an unexpected sc Cu3Al ordered phase with a Cu3Au structure and a lattice parameter of about 0.36?nm.  相似文献   

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