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在行为主义的治疗流派中 ,先后有两种最具典型意义 ,分别代表了科学主义立场和人文主义立场的两极 ,即激进行为主义的治疗方法—行为疗法和哲学行为主义的治疗方法—表演疗法。在激进的行为主义者看来 ,所谓心理治疗实际上就是行为治疗。而行为治疗的实质是对人类行为的一种控制方式。凡是适应不良的行为 ,都需要进行治疗。“心理治疗机构就是一种行为控制机构”。[1] 作为社会力量对其成员进行控制的一种特殊形式 ,心理治疗师在一定程度上扮演着精神警察的角色。行为疗法发展于本世纪 50年代末 6 0年代初 ,以斯金纳 (B .F .Skinne…  相似文献   

Although the presence of both religious organizations and violence in American communities is pervasive, scant attention has focused on how to best enroll clergy and religiously oriented resources in the battle against family violence. Given that it is not uncommon for women or couples to seek counseling or advice from clergy before accessing community-based resources, the frequency, nature, and utility of these contacts were assessed in this exploratory study from the perspectives of 47 female victims and 70 male perpetrators of domestic violence. Forty-one clergy members from various denominations were also surveyed about their contacts with those seeking help for domestic violence. Results indicated that 43% of the victims and 20% of the perpetrators did seek help from clergy. Almost all of the victims who contacted clergy reported satisfaction with the counsel they received. All clergy respondents reported counseling people who had experienced domestic violence during their career, and 80% had violence-related contacts in the past year. The service-related implications of these clergy contacts from victim, perpetrator, and clergy perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether structural modeling, process tracing, and self-reports are able to provide similar information about attribute weights in multiattribute evaluation processes. In three experiments subjects had to evaluate a large number of profiles of fictitious persons described on a number of attributes. The experiments differed in type of judgment task, type of subjects, and number of attributes. Subject attribute weights were derived in all cases by fitting a statistical model (statistical weights), by analyzing verbal protocols (verbal protocol weights), and by directly asking the subject how important the attributes are for the judgments (subjective weights). Correspondence between the three sets of weights is examined in two ways: by computing the correlation between three sets of weights and by calculating how adequately the different sets of weights, applied in a linear model, can predict the subject′s judgments. The first method appears to be inappropriate for investigating correspondence. The correlations are rather unstable because of the small number of attributes, and apart from that, they tend to underestimate real correspondence when the weights in the respective sets are approximately equal. The second method shows that the three sets of weights are about equally adequate in predicting the actual subject judgments. It is concluded that this method convincingly demonstrates that the three different ways of eliciting attribute weights yield similar results.  相似文献   

We compared two common measures of parenting behavior, the Children's Report of Parental Behavior Inventory (CRPBI) and the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), evaluating their psychometric properties and predictive ability. One hundred sixty seven college students completed the CRPBI, PBI, and measures of depression and anxiety with 123 participants returning three to six months later for follow-up evaluations. The parenting measures were found to have similar psychometric properties and to be moderately to highly correlated with each other. In addition, both measures were similar in their ability to predict depression and anxiety symptoms, although neither was significantly predictive of actual diagnoses. Given that the PBI is a shorter measure and, based on previous studies, appears to be more stable over time than the CRPBI, there is evidence to suggest that it might be a more useful measure of parenting behavior than the CRPBI.  相似文献   

疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。面对疫情,四川绵阳市涪城区宗教界充分发挥自身优势作用,主动承担社会责任,积极参与群防群控的疫情防控阻击战。快速反应,精细组织。按照省市统战、民宗部门的统一部署,严格落实暂停对外开放,暂停所有集体性宗教活动要求,号召广大信教群众积极响应党委政府号召,带头加强自我防护,积极投身疫情防控工作。场所暂停开放。  相似文献   

儿童对三种权威的行为倾向研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
安秋玲  刘金花 《心理科学》2003,26(1):161-162
社会化是一种连续的、经历着许多阶段和变化的复杂过程。作为一种过程.它主要是存在于自我和他人之间的相互作用关系之中。个体要顺利地实现社会化,就需要对自身周围环境中存在着的自我与他人之间的关系有一种认知,这主要包括了与同辈之间的友谊关系和与长辈之间的权威关系。儿童对友谊关系的认知已经得到了不同程度的研究,但儿童  相似文献   

The authors examined siblings' reports of children's depression, anxiety, and aggression, and their reports of the sibling relationship, and compared them with children's self-reports. In two samples, including 169 sibling pairs (age M = 9.98 years, SD = 1.51), no significant differences emerged in the levels of depression and anxiety found in siblings' reports of children's behavior and children's self-reports, although siblings reported children to have significantly higher levels of aggression than the children self-reported. Age, the difference in ages between siblings, sex, and sibling sex were not related to siblings' reports of children's behavior. The relations between children's and siblings' reports of children's behavior were significant, yet moderate (average r = .22). Both siblings' self-reports of internalizing behavior and their perceptions of aspects of the sibling relationship (affection, rivalry, hostility, and satisfaction with the sibling relationship) explained significant, and unique, variance in siblings' reports of children's internalizing behavior. The findings for aggressive behavior were similar, although siblings' perceptions of affection in the sibling relationship were not significantly related to their reports of children's aggression. The potential uses and benefits of sibling reports of children's behavior, and sibling and family relationships, are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sixty-five subjects were assessed by a computer program that asked them to list the primary people they interact with, the situations they inhabit with these people, and the traits and behaviors they typically show with these people The program stored these data as a tree of information Subjects also kept detailed behavioral diaries over a 10-day period and completed Snyder's (1974) Self-Monitoring Scale The consistency of subjects' behaviors and settings over interpersonal relationships was computed from the computer data and from behavioral diaries Results indicated that consistency as assessed idiographically from computer data, consistency as assessed idiographically from diaries, and self-monitoring were intercorrelated These results illustrate the possibility of wedding idiographic and nomothetic approaches in research on the consistency and variability of behavior  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between an attitudal and a behavioral measure of sex preference for offspring. In addition to looking at the relationship between these measures, their relationship to other variables was also investigated. Pregnant women and their spouses (N = 56) responded to a questionnaire measure of sex preference, a behavioral measure of sex preference, Bern's Sex Role Inventory, and the Attitudes Towards Women Scale. The behavioral and questionnaire measures of sex preference were significantly related, indicating that in the area of preferred sex of firstborn children, attitudinal measures appear to be highly related to behavioral measures. Contrary to prediction, androgynous and nonandrogyn-ous persons did not differ significantly on preferred sex of child. However, persons with a more positive attitude toward women's movement ideology showed significantly less male preference than persons with less positive attitudes toward women's movement ideology.  相似文献   

The past 2 decades have witnessed an increase in dating violence awareness and research. As the field evolves, it is critical to examine the definition and measurement of adolescent dating violence. This article summarizes the behavioral measures of adolescent dating violence used in the field. Based on a review of the literature and federally funded studies, we identified 48 different measures. The most commonly used measures were the Conflict Tactics Scale–2, the Safe Dates Scale, and the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationship Inventory, which all examine aspects of psychological, physical, and sexual violence. Researchers also adapted or created their own measures. This article concludes with a discussion of developments for consideration as the field moves forward.  相似文献   


In the following article, we will explore the nature of the therapeutic relationship as it relates to batterers' treatment programs. We will consider the impact of obligations created by forces outside the relationship, such as those imposed by legal proceedings. We will discuss the concepts of confidentiality, privilege, and agency and their impact on the therapeutic relationship and the extent to which the therapists' understanding of the role these concepts play may be altered by court orders that impose treatment on a client/patient. Finally, we examine the issues and choices a therapist must make when engaging in court-ordered treatment of batterers, and the implications of those choices for both therapist and client; we will also suggest guidelines to help therapists sort through the often conflicting goals of therapy and the legal process.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The purpose of this paper is to examine the issue of behavioral reflexivity from a behavior-analytic perspective. Two quotations from behavioral researchers are first...  相似文献   

Although self-reports using the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality have been used in both adult and adolescent populations, few studies have investigated preadolescents' ability to rate themselves using measures of the FFM. A total of 130 preadolescents (mean age = 10.79 years) rated their personalities using the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). When standardized verbal prompts were used to clarify the vocabulary in the NEO-FFI, preadolescents were able to reliably rate themselves across all traits of the FFM. Preadolescents' self-ratings were found to moderately agree with mothers' ratings of their children's personalities, suggesting not only the potential utility of using other-reports of preadolescent personality but also the appropriateness of using self-reports.  相似文献   


Integrated behavioral healthcare (IBH) is the “standard of care” to address psychosocial factors impacting diabetes outcomes; it is not standard in practice. This longitudinal, retrospective, chart-review examines IBH impact on glycemic control in an adult diabetes clinic. Adults (n?=?374) with?≥?1 behavioral health encounter,?≥?2 hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values, and HbA1c value?>?8% at initial IBH visit were included. Mixed effects linear piecewise models examined differences in slope trajectories for 365 days pre- and post-IBH intervention. Pre-intervention slope was not significant (z?=?? 1.09, p?=?0.28). The post-intervention slope was significant (z?=?? 6.44, p?<?0.001), indicating a significant linear decrease in HbA1c values. Results demonstrated that prior to engaging with behavioral health, there was no change in HbA1c. After initial IBH visit, there was a predicted reduction of?>?1% in HbA1c over the following year. These results suggest that IBH significantly improves patients’ metabolic status. Next steps for IBH research are offered.


This research explores the moderated influence of perceived control and its underlying motivational processes. Perceptions of control can change one's motivation to engage in deliberative or nondeliberative processing when forming a behavioral intention. Studies were designed to test the moderated relationships of perceived control on decision theoretic variables (Study 1), to provide experimental evidence of differences in processing relative to levels of perceived control (Study 2), and to examine how levels of control induce motivation to engage cognitive resources toward a decision (Study 3). Findings support predictions that lower vs. higher levels of control result in the formation of behavioral intention based on deliberative rather than nondeliberative processing. Theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct a pilot randomized control trial to test whether a mindful yoga intervention had a beneficial impact on substance use and its psychological and psychophysiological correlates in high-risk adolescents. Research on yoga has generated growing evidence for its positive effects on physical and emotional health. However, most studies are conducted with adults, with few controlled studies conducted with youth. We designed a 20-session mindful yoga intervention for adolescents attending a school for students at high-risk for dropping out. The 50-min classes were offered three times a week. The participants (mean age = 16.7 years) were randomly assigned to control and intervention groups. Multi-rater (student, teacher), multi-method (survey, cognitive, psychophysiological) data were collected before and after the yoga curriculum. At post-test, students in the yoga condition, as compared to control students, exhibited trends toward decreased alcohol use and improved teacher-rated social skills (p < .10); and showed a non-significant increase in arousal in response to relevant stimuli as measured in skin conductance. Significant effects were not found on hypothesized proximal measures of self-regulation, mood, mindfulness, or involuntary engagement coping. Future research is needed to replicate and expand upon our findings. Studies are also needed with larger samples to further investigate potential mediators and moderators of yoga’s effects.  相似文献   

This study longitudinally examined the associations between mother–infant interactions at 15 months and behavioral and cognitive outcomes at 36 months of age in a sample of at‐risk, young children. Participants for the current study were 58 infants/toddlers prenatally exposed to cocaine and their maternal caregivers. These infants were from a low socioeconomic status background and were part of an intervention setting. When the children were 12, 15, and 36 months, they participated in research sessions with their maternal caregivers. Cognitive development at 12 months and maternal and infant behavior at 15 months were measured to predict behavioral and cognitive outcome at 36 months. Higher levels of maternal control at 15 months were marginally significant in predicting higher levels of problem behavior at 36 months whereas higher levels of infant resistance to control predicted lower levels of problem behavior. Furthermore, control‐resistant behavior displayed by infants was a unique buffer against problem behavior, even after controlling for maternal factors and cognitive abilities. These findings suggest that maternal control attempts and infant reactions to those maternal control behaviors play an important role in the development of adaptive and maladaptive behavior patterns during early childhood.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated whether motion metaphors for time affected the perception of spatial motion. Participants read sentences either about literal motion through space or metaphorical motion through time written from either the ego-moving or object-moving perspective. Each sentence was followed by a cartoon clip. Smiley-moving clips showed an iconic happy face moving toward a polygon, and shape-moving clips showed a polygon moving toward a happy face. In Experiment 1, using an explicit judgment task, participants judged smiley-moving cartoons as related to ego-moving sentences about space and about time, and shape-moving cartoons as related to object-moving sentences. In Experiment 2, participants viewed the same stimuli, but the cartoons were task-irrelevant. Event-related brain potentials revealed an early attentional effect of congruity on cartoons following sentences about space, and a later semantic effect on cartoons following sentences about time. Results are most consistent with accounts that posit differences in the processing of novel and conventional metaphors.  相似文献   

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