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Relationships between two indices of response stability and item endorsement, social desirability, and seven ambiguity indices were investigated separately within the MMPI, the unique items of the CPI, and two subpools moderate in endorsement and social desirability. Within the two original pools, zero-order correlations and multiple regression analyses revealed that only extremeness of endorsement and social desirability were substantially related to response stability; within the moderate subpools, however, indices of ambiguity-especially item length and ratings of global ambiguity, behavioral reference, and estimated stability-accounted for important degrees of variance individually as well as in combination. Reasons for the moderating effects of endorsement and social desirability are discussed, as are the implications for scale construction.  相似文献   

Personnel managers examined vignettes in which an employee had made a serious judgmental error. The employee was seen in a traditional male position (construction supervisor, production manager), or in a relatively more female-identified position (public relations officer, executive secretary), and was identified as male or female. Individuals employed in male-identified positions were viewed as more competent than those in traditional female positions. Overall, evaluations were correlated with recommended personnel actions. Punishing personnel action was least likely to be recommended, however, for males employed in traditional male positions. The results are interpreted as consistent with role theory and with certain attributional concepts. Implications are discussed for career strategy and for personnel policy.  相似文献   

This paper calls into question traditional methods of measuring the social desirability of items and their use in scale construction. First, we make explicit that the proper focus for desirability studies of items and traits are the rated desirabilities of the alternative item responses indicating different trait levels. Second, the results from our first study show that the relation between degree of endorsement of an item and its judged desirability level is often nonlinear and varies across items such that no general model of item desirability can be adopted that will accurately represent the relations across all items, traits, and trait levels. In addition, the nature of these relationships can vary depending on whether desirability is considered in a work or general context. Third, results from a second study indicate specifically that people when instructed to self-present in a maximally desirable manner will choose for some attributes a moderate level of endorsement (e.g., "agree") rather than a more extreme response option (e.g., "strongly agree"). Subjects offer several different reasons for viewing the less extreme response options, which yield more moderate trait level scores, as more desirable. These reasons are linked to perceptions of the more extreme response option as being associated with negative behaviors and concerns about how others will view a more extreme response to the item. Both studies indicate that desirable responding to personality items is more complex than previously believed.  相似文献   

Three studies are reported that examine the social desirability and fakability (transparency) of a number of self-report measures of social-communicative anxiety. Results indicate that social desirability, assessed as a personality dimension, is generally unrelated to measures of social and communicative anxiety. However, virtually all measures of the anxiety were transparently fakable. When asked to portray themselves positively, subjects consistently responded as low-anxious; when asked to look undesirable, subjects completed the measures to suggest high anxiety.  相似文献   

This research argues for the integration of individual difference and relational models in understanding social interaction. Two longitudinal studies are reported that investigate dyadic perceptions within a small group context. A round-robin design and variance partitioning procedures were used to isolate consistent individual differences and unique relational interdependencies in perceptions of leadership, openness, and liking. Both studies indicate that the magnitudes of individual level consistencies and unique relational interdependence vary as a function of characteristics assessed and the length of the relationship. The implications for conceptualizing and measuring relational aspects of interaction and for understanding the interface between individual difference and relational explanations for social interaction are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract ——We report the first experimental study of the effect of long–term (over 2 years) exposure to a stressor on cellular immune response Forty–three male cynomolgus monkeys were randomly assigned to stable or unstable social conditions for 26 months The proportion of time spent in affiliative behaviors was assessed by observations made twice weekly T–cell immune response (mitogen–stimulated cell proliferation) was assessed weekly for 3 weeks immediately following the 26–month manipulation The possibility that affiliative behavior represents an attempt to cope with social stress was supported by greater affiliation among animals m the unstable condition than in the stable condition Animals in the unstable condition also demonstrated relatively suppressed immune response More affiliative animals showed enhanced immune response, with the beneficial effects of affiliation occurring primarily among unstable animals The data are interpreted as consistent with the stress–buffering hypothesis, that IS, affiliation protects animals from the potentially pathogenic influences of chronic social stress  相似文献   

The dismantling of a male-dominated power-over social structure and its manifestations in human activities and relationships lies at the center of feminist thought. For many feminist psychologists, this has meant challenging the privileged, all-knowing, objective position of the researcher; viewing the naive subject of study as a participant in the process of creating knowledge; and using research methods aimed at transforming an oppressive culture (Burman, 1992; Crawford & Marecek, 1989; Hollway, 1989). These goals are at the center of the Community Education Team's (this issue) article: Fostering Relationality When Implementing and Evaluating a Collective Drama Approach to Preventing Violence Against Women. The authors use the concept of relationality to describe the process of developing interdependence and an egalitarian, democratic research relationship among those involved in the study. Although sharing power is a goal of feminist research and pedagogy, detailed accounts of the process of incorporating feminist ideas regarding power relations in U.S. psychological research are rare. The Community Education Team reminds us that those ideas most central to feminist thought—power, process, and social change—are often the very ideas that still elude U.S. feminist psychological research.  相似文献   

以武汉市343名小学三至六年级的儿童为被试,考察儿童友善—敌对型教师互动风格与社交归因、社会技能之间的关系。结果显示:友善型、理解型教师互动风格与小学生成功内部归因、环境、自我、任务行为技能呈显著正相关,与成功外部归因呈显著负相关;理解型教师互动风格与人际行为技能呈显著正相关;不满型和训诫型教师互动风格与小学生成功和失败外部归因因呈显著正相关,与成功和失败内归因、四种行为技能呈显著负相关;成功内部归因与四种行为技能呈显著正相关;失败内部归因与人际、自我、环境行为技能呈显著正相关;成功与失败外部归因与四种行为技能呈显著负相关。社交成功的外部归因分别在不满型教师互动风格和环境、人际、自我、任务行为技能间起部分中介作用。不满型教师互动风格对成功内部归因、社会技能的预测效应显著,通过成功内部归因的中介效应不显著。  相似文献   

Un questionnaire qui mesure l'orientation active ou passive dans l'aptitude à faire face à une situation a été appliqué à 3200 enfants de quatorze ans appartenant aux septs pays suivants: Japon, Italie, Mexique, Brésil, Yougoslavie, Angleterre, U.S.A. (2 échantillons: Austin et Chicago). Les résultats sont étudiés et interprétés en fonction des variables de sexe, de classe sociale et de groupe national. Ils sont également mis en relation avec un index de développement économique.  相似文献   

Etude au laboratoire des différences dans le comportement d'entraide selon la nationalité et la classe sociale. —Le même plan d'expérience a été réalisé à Madison (Wisconsin) et à Oxford (Angleterre) pour déterminer si les adolescents appartenant à différentes classes sociales obéissent aux mêmes principes dans l'aide qu'ils apportent aux camarades qui dépendent d'eux. Les adolescents de Madison appartiennent à des families de la classe moyenne ((I) petits industriels, commerçants, artisans, (2) employés de bureau) ou de la classe ouvrière. Les adolescents d'Oxford proviennent seulement de la classe moyenne des employés ou de la classe ouvrière. Dans les deux échantillons, le sujet est d'abord amené à croire qu'un camarade lui a apporté beaucoup ou peu d'aide quand lui-même en avait besoin pour gagner un concours. Dans la phase suivante qui est supposée impliquer un concours sans rapport avec le premier, le sujet a l'occasion d'aider la personne qui a été son partenaire ou une tout autre personne. Les résultats de Madison montrent, conformément à l'hypothèse, que les sujets appartenant à la classe des petits industriels, commerçants et artisans ont plus tendance à agir selon une conception de simple échange. Plus que les adolescents de la classe des employés ou de la classe ouvrière, ils croient que les gens s'attendent à ce qu'ils travaillent dur pour une autre personne seulement dans la mesure où ils ont eux-mêmes bénéficié d'une telle situation et ils font des efforts au profit du camarade qui dépend d'eux, dans l'attente d'une réciprocité de type « donner et recevoir ». A Oxford, les sujets de la classe ouvrière sont plus orientés vers la réciprocité que les fils d'employés. Quelques difficultés d'ordre méthodologique sont discutées, mais l'A. pense que les tentatives actuelles pour analyser l'interaction sociale en termes d'échange économique ne peuvent être également appliquées à toutes les classes sociales.  相似文献   

儿童社会观点采择的发展及其子类型间的差异的研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
张文新  郑金香 《心理科学》1999,22(2):116-119
对幼儿园大班至小学阶段的425名儿童施以认知和情感两类观点采择测验,考察儿童社会观点采择发展的一般趋势以及两类观点采择的发展趋势及水平上的差异。结果发现:6岁左右儿童在准确推断他人观点方面还存在较大困难。6—10岁左右是儿童社会观点采择能力快速发展的时期。10岁左右儿童已能根据环境信息较准确推断他人的观点:儿童认知观点采择与情感观点采择能力的发展趋势基本一致,但后者的发展水平极显著地落后于前者。  相似文献   

Three studies tested competing predictions about the role of similarity in personnel selection decisions. Previous research suggests a significant role for applicant-selector similarity in the determination of selection decisions. Applicants who are similar to selectors are evaluated, by selectors, more positively than dissimilar applicants. The current investigations found that when the object of similarity is the applicant's and selector's level of anxiety, this relationship fails to appear. Regardless of the selector's own level of anxiety, the high anxious applicant is less positively evaluated than the low anxious one. This effect appears even when the communication demands of the position are specified.  相似文献   

An index of Socially Desirable Responding (SDR) was developed to measure the extent of impression management exhibited in applicant and incumbent samples when responding to a biodata form. The sample consisted of 2,262 incumbent sales representatives and 2,726 applicants for sales positions. Greater applicant versus incumbent SDR was observed, but differences varied across a priori item content areas. Impression management was minimal in item categories such as Previous Work Experience and Economic Motivation, but it was more prevalent in categories such as Work Style and Preferences and Self-Evaluations of Prior Sales Success. Using a smaller sample of 810 incumbents and 555 applicants, largely equated for experience, an item-keyed biodata inventory was developed for selection. When regression procedures were used to develop final keys, no comparable items existed across the keys from the two samples. SDR was more highly related to the applicant key than to the incumbent key. Results for option-keyed instruments developed and validated on the same samples were compared with the results associated with the item-keyed instruments, and the conclusions were similar. Implications for the development of biodata forms for selection are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of social class background in the lives of women who attended Radcliffe College in the late 1940s and in the early 1960s. Viewing social classes as cultures with implications for how individuals understand their worlds, we examined social class background and cohort differences in women's experiences at Radcliffe, their adult life patterns, their constructions of women's roles, and the influence of the women's movement in their lives. Results indicated that women from working-class backgrounds in both cohorts felt alienated at Radcliffe. Cohort differences, across social class, reflected broad social changes in women's roles in terms of the rates of divorce, childbearing, level of education, and career activity. There were few social class-specific social changes, but there were a number of social class differences among the women in the Class of 1964. These differences suggested that women from working-class backgrounds viewed women's marital role with some suspicion, whereas women from middle- and upper-class backgrounds had a more positive view. Perhaps for this reason, working-class women reported that the women's movement confirmed and supported their skeptical view of middle-class gender norms.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on science and religion in Nordic countries. Seventy-seven articles, books, and chapters on the topic were collected from five major scholarly databases between 1997 and 2018. We scrutinized how research in this data set was engaged with social scientific research. Most of the research was not social scientific. It was primarily philosophical, theological, and historical research; very little presented empirical and theoretical social scientific research. The studies reflected societal discussions, bringing out some cultural dimensions and social issues, but not specifically in the Nordic context. Some societal aspects were highlighted, such as ethics and climate change, but these were not necessarily tied to the Nordic societies. We propose that in the Nordic context there seems to be a need for social scientific research on science and religion. This research could use theoretical perspectives from, for instance, sociology, science and technology studies, higher education studies, and anthropological research.  相似文献   

We report the results of an archival study of group research published in three organizational psychology journals (Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Academy of Management Journal) from 1975 through 1994 Moreland, Hogg, and Hains (1994), in a review of three social psychology journals (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin), suggested there is an increasing enthusiasm for the social psychological study of groups However, their data relations. We tested the proposal that research traditionally viewed as intragroup (e g, group performance) has been taken up by organizational psychologists. Our data support this contention, as the publication Pattern for intragroup research topics in the three organizational journals was an inverse of that reported by Moreland et al. Results are discussed in terms of historical and interdisciplinary  相似文献   

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