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A substantial body of evidence demonstrates that infants understand the meaning of spoken words from as early as 6 months. Yet little is known about their ability to do so in the absence of any visual referent, which would offer diagnostic evidence for an adult‐like, symbolic interpretation of words and their use in language mediated thought. We used the head‐turn preference procedure to examine whether infants can generate implicit meanings from word forms alone as early as 18 months of age, and whether they are sensitive to meaningful relationships between words. In one condition, toddlers were presented with lists of words taken from the same taxonomic category (e.g. animals or body parts). In a second condition, words taken from two other categories (e.g. clothes and food items) were interleaved within the same list. Listening times were found to be longer in the related‐category condition than in the mixed‐category condition, suggesting that infants extract the meaning of spoken words and are sensitive to the semantic relatedness between these words. Our results show that infants have begun to construct the rudiments of a semantic system based on taxonomic relations even before they enter a period of accelerated vocabulary growth.  相似文献   

Humans detect faces efficiently from a young age. Face detection is critical for infants to identify and learn from relevant social stimuli in their environments. Faces with eye contact are an especially salient stimulus, and attention to the eyes in infancy is linked to the emergence of later sociality. Despite the importance of both of these early social skills—attending to faces and attending to the eyes—surprisingly little is known about how they interact. We used eye tracking to explore whether eye contact influences infants' face detection. Longitudinally, we examined 2‐, 4‐, and 6‐month‐olds' (N = 65) visual scanning of complex image arrays with human and animal faces varying in eye contact and head orientation. Across all ages, infants displayed superior detection of faces with eye contact; however, this effect varied as a function of species and head orientation. Infants were more attentive to human than animal faces and were more sensitive to eye and head orientation for human faces compared to animal faces. Unexpectedly, human faces with both averted heads and eyes received the most attention. This pattern may reflect the early emergence of gaze following—the ability to look where another individual looks—which begins to develop around this age. Infants may be especially interested in averted gaze faces, providing early scaffolding for joint attention. This study represents the first investigation to document infants' attention patterns to faces systematically varying in their attentional states. Together, these findings suggest that infants develop early, specialized functional conspecific face detection.  相似文献   

The use of an adult as a resource for help and instruction in a problem solving situation was examined in 9, 14, and 18‐month‐old infants. Infants were placed in various situations ranging from a simple means‐end task where a toy was placed beyond infants' prehensile space on a mat, to instances where an attractive toy was placed inside closed transparent boxes that were more or less difficult for the child to open. The experimenter gave hints and modelled the solution each time the infant made a request (pointing, reaching, or showing a box to the experimenter), or if the infant was unable to solve the problem. Infants' success on the problems, sensitivity to the experimenter's modelling, and communicative gestures (requests, co‐occurrence of looking behaviour and requests) were analysed. Results show that older infants had better success in solving problems although they exhibited difficulties in solving the simple means‐end task compared to the younger infants. Moreover, 14‐ and 18‐month‐olds were sensitive to the experimenter's modelling and used her demonstration cues to solve problems. By contrast, 9‐month‐olds did not show such sensitivity. Finally, 9‐month‐old infants displayed significantly fewer communicative gestures toward the adult compared to the other age groups, although in general, all infants tended to increase their frequency of requests as a function of problem difficulty. These observations support the idea that during the first half of the second year infants develop a new collaborative stance toward others. The stance is interpreted as foundational to teaching and instruction, two mechanisms of social learning that are sometime considered as specifically human. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Infants can inhibit a prepotent but wrong action towards a goal in order to perform a causal means‐action. It is not clear, however, whether infants can perform an arbitrary means‐action while inhibiting a prepotent response. In four experiments, we explore this executive functioning in 18–24‐month‐old children. The working memory and inhibition demands in a novel means‐end problem were systematically varied in terms of the type and combination of means‐action(s) (causal or arbitrary) contained within the task, the number of means‐actions (1 or 2), the goal visual availability and whether the task was accompanied by a narrative. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that children performed tasks that contained causal as opposed to arbitrary information more accurately; accuracy was also higher in tasks containing only one step. Experiment 2 also demonstrated that performance in the arbitrary task improved significantly when all sources of prepotency were removed. In Experiment 3, task performance improved when the two means‐actions were intelligibly linked to the task goal. Experiment 4 demonstrated that the use of a narrative that provided a meaningful (non‐causal) link between the two means‐actions also improved children's performance by assisting their working memory in the generation of a rationale. Findings provide an initial account of executive functioning in the months that bring the end of infancy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate individual differences in sustained attention and task performance with toddlers. Participants were 61 17–24‐month old toddlers. Indices of sustained attention (duration of attention and frequency of off‐task glances) were assessed during two 4 min problem solving tasks, and then related to problem solving and the mental scale of the Bayley scales of infant development‐II (BSID‐II). As expected, toddlers who attended to tasks for longer periods of time were more successful at problem solving, and had higher scores on the BSID‐II than toddlers who attended for shorter periods of time. In addition, older toddlers had longer attention spans, more frequent off‐task glances, and were more successful at problem solving than younger toddlers. Interestingly, toddlers with more frequent off‐task glances had longer attention spans, were more successful at problem solving, and had higher BSID‐II scores than peers with fewer off‐task glances. These findings suggest that although behavioural indices can be used to identify sustained attention, the relationship between behaviours thought to capture distractibility and attention is more complex than had been previously assumed. Results are discussed in the context of current theories of infant attention and cognitive performance. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the first year of life, the ability to search for hidden objects is an indicator of object permanence and, when multiple locations are involved, executive function (i.e. inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory). The current study was designed to examine attentional predictors of search in 5‐month‐old infants (as measured by the looking A‐not‐B task), and whether levels of maternal education moderated the effect of the predictors. Specifically, in a separate task, the infants were shown a unique puppet, and we measured the percentage of time attending to the puppet, as well as the length of the longest look (i.e., peak fixation) directed towards the puppet. Across the entire sample (N = 390), the percentage of time attending to the puppet was positively related to performance on the visual A‐not‐B task. However, for infants whose mothers had not completed college, having a shorter peak looking time (after controlling for percentage of time) was also a predictor of visual A‐not‐B performance. The role of attention, peak fixation and maternal education in visual search is discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at studying the relationships between posture, muscle tone and visual attention in 5 month‐old infants. To this end, a specially designed seating arrangement made it possible to vary posture while keeping constant the spatial relationship between eyes and stimuli. Five month‐olds were placed in the reclining position (30°) or in a more erect position (60°). The more erect the posture, the more difficult it should be for the infant to maintain a straight body axis. Muscle tone was evaluated, and infants distinguished in terms of whether they were hypertonic or hypotonic. It was hypothesised that in a more erect position hypotonic children, who experience more difficulties in maintaining posture, should organise their visual exploration in ways different from those considered to be hypertonic. To test it, pairs of three‐dimensional stimuli were presented in the distal visual field for one group (N=48) and in the proximal visual field in another group (N=32) for 2 min in each posture. The dynamical organisation of attention was evaluated through the number and duration of fixations on each target, the number of shifts from one target to the other (alternations) and the number of repetitions (back to the previous target). Results showed that visual behaviour was significantly affected by the distance at which stimuli were presented. Infants spent more time in visual exploration when the object was within reach than when it was out of reach. Although posture was shown to play a role in the organisation of visual exploration, no link with muscle tone was found, a surprising result which is discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial attention mechanisms of orienting and zooming cooperate to properly select visual information from the environment and plan eye movements accordingly. Despite the fact that orienting ability has been extensively studied in infancy, the zooming mechanism – namely, the ability to distribute the attentional resources to a small or large portion of the visual field – has never been tested before. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the attentional zooming abilities of 8‐month‐old infants. An eye‐tracker device was employed to measure the saccadic latencies (SLs) at the onset of a visual target displayed at two eccentricities. The size of the more eccentric target was adjusted in order to counteract the effect of cortical magnification. Before the target display, attentional resources were automatically focused (zoom‐in) or spread out (zoom‐out) by using a small or large cue, respectively. Two different cue–target intervals were also employed to measure the time course of this attentional mechanism. The results showed that infants' SLs varied as a function of the cue size. Moreover, a clear time course emerged, demonstrating that infants can rapidly adjust the attentional focus size during a pre‐saccadic temporal window. These findings could serve as an early marker for neurodevelopmental disorders associated with attentional zooming dysfunction such as autism and dyslexia.  相似文献   

Infants employ sophisticated mechanisms to acquire their first language, including some that rely on taking the perspective of adults as speakers or listeners. When do infants first show awareness of what other people understand? We tested 14‐month‐old infants in two experiments measuring event‐related potentials. In Experiment 1, we established that infants produce the N400 effect, a brain signature of semantic violations, in a live object naming paradigm in the presence of an adult observer. In Experiment 2, we induced false beliefs about the labeled objects in the adult observer to test whether infants keep track of the other person's comprehension. The results revealed that infants reacted to the semantic incongruity heard by the other as if they encountered it themselves: they exhibited an N400‐like response, even though labels were congruous from their perspective. This finding demonstrates that infants track the linguistic understanding of social partners. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://youtu.be/pQUv8yFhnbk .  相似文献   

We examined the effects of joint attention for object learning in 5‐ and 7‐month‐old infants. Infants interacted with an adult social partner who taught them about a novel toy in two conditions. In the Joint Attention condition, the adult spoke about the toy while alternating gaze between the infant and the toy, while in the Object Only condition, the adult looked to the toy and to a spot on the ceiling, but never at the infant. In the test trials following each social interaction, we presented infants with the ‘familiarization’ toy and a novel toy, and monitored looking times to each object. We found that 7‐month‐olds looked significantly longer to the novel toy following the Joint Attention relative to the Object Only condition, while 5‐month‐old infants did not show a significant difference across conditions. We interpret these results to suggest that joint attention facilitated 7‐month‐old infants' encoding of information about the familiarization object. Implications for the ontogeny of infant learning in joint attention contexts are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined whether 4‐month‐olds (N = 40) could perceptually categorize happy and angry faces, and show appropriate behavior in response to these faces. During the habituation phase, infants were shown the same type of facial expressions (happy or angry) posed by three models, and their behavior in response to those faces was observed. During the test phase immediately after the habituation phase, infants saw a novel emotional expression and a familiar expression posed by a new model, and their looking times were measured. The results indicated that, although 4‐month‐olds could perceptually categorize happy and angry faces accurately, they responded positively to both expression types. These findings suggest that, although infants can perceptually categorize facial expressions at 4 months of age, they require further time to learn the affective meanings of the facial expressions.  相似文献   

The role of facial expression in the determination of infants' reaction to the sudden still‐face of a social partner was investigated. In a within subject design, 2, 4 and 6‐month‐old infants were tested in periods of normal interaction interspersed with periods of prolonged still‐face episodes in which the female adult social partner adopted either a happy, neutral, or sad static facial expression while maintaining eye contact with the infant. Proportion of infants' smiling and gazing at the social partner as indices of reaction from the various still‐face episodes reveal that, in comparison with same age control groups, four and six‐month‐old infants did not demonstrate any differential responses depending on either happy, neutral, and sad still‐faced expression. In contrast, two‐month olds demonstrated some evidence of a reduced still‐face effect in the happy still‐face condition. These results point to early developmental changes in the mechanisms underlying the still‐face phenomenon. We propose that by 4 months, and not prior, the reaction to still‐face episodes are essentially based on the detection of social contingencies. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Subordinate‐level category‐learning processes in infants were investigated with ERP and looking‐time measures. ERPs were recorded while 6‐ to 7‐month‐olds were presented with Saint Bernard images during familiarization, followed by novel Saint Bernards interspersed with Beagles during test. In addition, infant looking times were measured during a paired‐preference test (novel Saint Bernard vs. novel Beagle) conducted at the conclusion of ERP recording. Slow wave activity corresponded with learning a familiarized category at the subordinate and basic levels, whereas Negative central (Nc) and P400 components were linked with novel category preference. The results provide the first evidence identifying the neural markers of subordinate‐level categorization observed in looking‐time tasks conducted with infants. Moreover, when considered in conjunction with prior research investigating the neural markers of basic‐level categorization in infants, the findings indicate that (1) slow wave and Nc components of infant ERP waveforms are general markers for processes of category learning on the one hand and novel category preference on the other, (2) novel category preference for a contrast category at the basic and subordinate levels have the Nc component in common, but novel category preference at the subordinate level is accompanied by an additional P400 component, a finding in keeping with the notion that subordinate‐level categorization is governed by mechanisms supplementary to those underlying basic‐level categorization, and (3) slow wave activity associated with subordinate‐level learning followed that associated with basic‐level learning by approximately 200 ms, a result in accord with a coarse‐to‐fine scheme for the emergence of category partitioning.  相似文献   

马腾飞  汪竹  陈宝国 《心理科学》2014,37(1):124-131
选取两种语音熟悉程度不同的非词为实验材料,把语音短时记忆区分为项目短时记忆和序列短时记忆,考察语音短时记忆与词汇知识对汉英双语者第二语言(英语)词汇学习的影响。实验1采用产出性的方式进行学习,结果发现,词汇知识与项目短时记忆对语音熟悉非词的学习起预测作用;词汇知识与序列短时记忆对语音不熟悉非词学习起预测作用。实验2采用接受性的方式进行学习,结果发现,项目短时记忆、序列短时记忆和词汇知识都对语音熟悉非词学习起独立的预测作用;项目短时记忆和序列短时记忆对语音不熟悉非词学习起独立的预测作用。实验结果表明,语音短时记忆和词汇知识都是影响英语词汇学习的重要因素。具体而言,学习语音熟悉的词汇,词汇知识起着更为重要的作用;学习语音不熟悉的词汇,语音短时记忆、特别是序列短时记忆起着更为重要的作用,而且两者作用的大小随着词汇学习方式的不同而发生变化。  相似文献   

The role of habituation/introduction as a possible confounder in the so‐called violation‐of‐expectation method has been discussed recently among infancy researchers. This study reports two experiments on object individuation in 10‐month‐old infants using the occlusion design employed by Xu and Carey (1996, Experiment 2). The first experiment replicated the procedure used by Xu and Carey (1996). In the second experiment the amount of introduction was reduced considerably. The first experiment replicated the original findings of Xu and Carey (1996): infants having unequivocal access to spatiotemporal information succeeded in object individuation, whereas those provided with feature/kind information did not. In the second experiment, however, infants failed in object individuation in both conditions. The findings are discussed in relation to the relevant literature.  相似文献   

This study used the classical A‐not‐B task (Piaget, 1954 ) to explore individual differences in cognitive flexibility in 10‐month‐old infants by: (1) examining how differences in search performance during A trials relate to search performance during B trials; (2) studying the relation between temperamental dimensions and A‐not‐B performance; and (3) investigating differences in search performance between looking and reaching responses within the same task. Forty infants were tested on a fixed‐design‐version of the A‐not‐B task, not allowing for training or individual adjustment, but instead eliciting additional search behaviors than the common correct responses in A trials and perseverative errors in B trials. Infants were also rated by their parents on the temperamental scales Activity level and Attention span. The main findings were: (1) performance on A trials affected B trial performance, with infants being more correct on A trials having more incorrect and less ‘no search’ responses on B trials; (2) activity level, but not attention span, was related to performance on the A‐not‐B task, with infants performing better on A trials having a lower activity level; and (3) there were a few differences in performance with regard to modality, indicating that responding correctly by looking may be less cognitively demanding than doing so by reaching. This study demonstrated that 10‐month‐olds show a wide variation of search behaviors on this A‐not‐B task, resulting in individual differences in performance. These differences are suggested to reflect variation in temperamental activity level as well as maturity of short term/working memory, inhibition and cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the effect of repeated reminder treatments on the speed of memory retrieval by 3‐month‐old human infants. Infants were trained for two consecutive days to kick their feet to produce movement in an overhead mobile. Infants in the one‐reminder condition received a 3 min reminder treatment 13 days after the conclusion of training. Infants in the two‐reminder condition received one 3 min reminder treatment 6 days after the conclusion of training and a second reminder treatment 7 days later (i.e. 13 days following the conclusion of training). Infants in the no‐reminder control condition were not exposed to the reminder prior to the long‐term retention test. In the absence of a reminder treatment, infants exhibited complete forgetting during the long‐term test. Infants exposed to one reminder exhibited retention when tested 24 h after their only reminder, but not when tested earlier. Infants exposed to two reminder treatments, on the other hand, exhibited retention when tested 1, 4 or 24 h after their second reminder treatment. We conclude that the opportunity to retrieve the memory on a prior occasion facilitated subsequent memory retrieval.  相似文献   

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