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近40年来, 正常人的自恋得到了越来越多的关注.日益增加的证据显示正常人的自恋可以按照适应功能进一步区分为适应性自恋和非适应性自恋两类.本文对揭示两类自恋差异的证据进行了全面梳理, 包括二者的成分构成,适应功能,人格基础,发展规律和遗传基础.这些结果促进了对自恋复杂性的认识, 加深了对现有研究的理解, 同时也突出了未来区分二者的重要性.将来需要从理论上进一步澄清二者的差异, 编制相应的量表, 探讨二者在其它方面的不同, 特别是二者是否具有不同的神经基础.  相似文献   

The report by a member of the Brazilian parliament that the rejection of physical deformity is natural and instinctive, and the Muslim reaction to the publication in the Western press of cartoons considered to be offensive to their religion, serve as an introduction to the examination of conflicts in human relations. The two episodes may be classified as representing the sense of the ‘uncanny’, attributed by Freud to the narcissism that remained from primitive cultures, in which the shadow cast by the body and the mirrored reflection of the latter probably generated the idea of soul‐which would be the narcissistic phenomenon causing the illusion of immortality. The presence of this illusion as a support for the beliefs of present‐day civilized peoples makes clear the inopportune influence of primitive mental states in areas where more developed ones should prevail. The persistence of the omnipotent thinking derived from these states provides the possibility of drawing a parallel between the development of the ego‐evolution from narcissism to object relation‐and the progress of civilization. In this context, the majority of social conflicts can be attributed to the deficient object relation resulting from the strength of primary narcissism, which generates a tendency to reject that which is different and to facilitate the emergence of destructive aggressiveness. The progress of civilization would then occur by means of a development of the ego compatible with object relations that lead to a drastic reduction in destructiveness.  相似文献   

The lives of two 19th century cousins, both of whom changed their names to Bernard Berenson, are considered from historical and psychodynamic perspectives, using a psychobiographical method. The Jewish cousins immigrated separately to Boston from Lithuania in 1875 and 1882. One cousin, later calling himself simply B.B., became a world‐renowned art historian. The other Bernard became a misanthrope after feeling deeply humiliated by his cousin's family in Boston. Many biographies were written about the famous B.B. The only histories of his cousin Bernard were family stories, as he was the author's great‐grandfather. The intersecting lives of these cousins are discussed. Both men faced the challenges of immigration as well as intense anti‐Semitism and prejudice in each country in which they lived. These cultural and historical conditions interacted with the cousins’ narcissistic vulnerabilities. Their lives demonstrate different manifestations of narcissistic suffering, with B.B's being more consistent with the construct of a “grandiose narcissist” and Bernard's being more consistent with that of a “closet narcissist.” The life stories of these two cousins with the same name offers an intriguing instance of a complicated relationship among immigration, prejudice, and narcissism and case examples of the manifestation of how narcissistic suffering can influence lives.  相似文献   

The author examines Winnicott ’s contribution to Freud ’s concept of primary narcissism. In Mourning and melancholia, Freud laid the foundations for this contribution, but it was Winnicott who turned it into a clinically useful concept. There are three of Winnicott’s ideas that can be seen as preliminary stages to his theory of transitional phenomena and illusion. They serve as an introduction to thinking about the analysis of the analysand ’s primary narcissism and the theoretical prerequisites that make the interpretation of primary narcissism possible. Through the exploration of three main points in Winnicott’s writings the author shows how Winnicott’s conceptualizations are both new and a continuation of Freud ’s thinking. His ideas are thus part of the overall theoretical pattern of Freud ’s metapsychology. The three main points are as follows: 1. In bringing maternal care and the presence of the psychic environment into the construction of primary narcissism, Winnicott made it possible to analyse narcissism. His ideas enable us to stand back from the characteristic solipsism of narcissism, which holds that everything comes from the self and only from the self. The latter concept tends to eliminate the role of the object and environment in the construction of the self. At the same time, by deconstructing the way in which the self is infiltrated by a certain number of narcissistic postulates, Winnicott made it possible to interpret the theory of narcissism itself. 2. Between the individual and the sense of self, Winnicott inserted the maternal object and her function as a mirror of affects who acts as a medium for the organization of self-identity. Primary identity is established through the construction and elimination of a narcissistic identification that becomes meaningful in the context of a primary homosexual relationship functioning as a ‘double’. 3. A process of differentiation that governs the discovery of the object is in a dialectical relationship with narcissistic identification. That process can be understood only in terms of the responses made by the primary psychic environment to the baby’s primary aggression.  相似文献   

The present study aims to explore the effects of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism on emotion dysregulation and examine the mediating role of self‐esteem on these associations. Undergraduates (N = 426) completed self‐report measurements on grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism, self‐esteem and emotion dysregulation. Correlation analyses indicated that grandiose narcissism was negatively correlated with emotion dysregulation, while vulnerable narcissism was positively correlated with emotion dysregulation. Moreover, mediational analyses revealed that self‐esteem fully mediated the association between grandiose narcissism and emotion dysregulation, and partially mediated the association between vulnerable narcissism and emotion dysregulation. The present study highlights the importance of self‐esteem and deepens the understanding of the associations between the two forms of narcissism and emotion dysregulation.  相似文献   

张丽华  朱贺 《心理学报》2021,53(11):1228-1243
本研究采用元分析技术探讨自恋与攻击性的关系。通过文献检索和筛选, 共纳入原始文献121篇, 含177个独立样本, 参与者总数达73687名。元分析的结果显示, 自恋与攻击性存在显著正相关, 二者关系受性别和自恋报告方式的调节, 但不受攻击性报告方式和文化的调节。同时, 不同类型的自恋与攻击性呈现出不同的相关程度, 内隐自恋与攻击性的相关程度高于外显自恋, 非适应性自恋与攻击性的相关程度高于适应性自恋。后续的研究应加强自恋测量的准确性, 注重探讨不同类型自恋与不同类型攻击性的关系。  相似文献   

In recent years, narcissism has been reconceptualized as a multi‐dimensional feature of human psychology. The Five Factor Narcissism Inventory (FFNI) has been proposed as a measure for two distinguishable dimensions of narcissism: Vulnerable and Grandiose (Glover, Miller, Lynam, Crego & Widiger, 2012). To investigate the role that some of these factors may have in moderating responses to cues of social exclusion, implemented in a connected laboratory experiment, we translated the subscales for Vulnerable Narcissism and the Grandiose Narcissism subscale of Indifference from English into Norwegian and included them in an online survey that was used to recruit and pre‐screen participants for the laboratory experiment. In this paper, we test the psychometric properties of these translated self‐report measures, in what amounted to be a diverse sample of the Norwegian population. We perform reliability tests and confirmatory factor analysis on the long‐ and short‐form versions of FFNI Vulnerable Narcissism and the Grandiose Narcissism subscale of Indifference. We further test the criterion validity of these measures by way of correlational analyses with other theoretically relevant measures. We conclude that the Norwegian short‐form versions of FFNI Vulnerable Narcissism and Grandiose Narcissism subscale of Indifference exhibit good psychometric properties in our data and propose that the translated scales can now be used to explore these constructs in clinical and non‐clinical populations in Norway, and can be easily adapted for use in other Scandinavian countries.  相似文献   

This study investigated the theoretical and empirical links between narcissism and competitiveness by focusing on the multifaceted features of these individual difference variables. The present study compared measures of overt narcissism (Narcissistic Personality Inventory, NPI; Raskin & Terry, 1988) and covert narcissism (Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale, HSNS; Hendin & Cheek, 1997) with measures of competitiveness (Revised Competitiveness Index, CI-R; Houston, Harris, McIntire, & Francis, 2002) and hypercompetitiveness (Hypercompetitive Attitude Scale, HCS; Ryckman, Hammer, Kaczor, & Gold, 1990). Based on a sample of 324 undergraduates, positive relationships were found between overt narcissism and general competitiveness and hypercompetitiveness. However, covert narcissism was negatively related to general competitiveness but positively related to hypercompetitiveness. The findings highlight the similarities and distinctions between different forms of narcissism and competitiveness and provide a broader framework for understanding the relationship between narcissism and competitiveness. Implications for the interpersonal manifestation of these different forms are discussed.  相似文献   



In this article, we explore the implications of vulnerable narcissism in an organizational context, particularly with regard to work-related well-being and leader–follower interactions. We tested whether employees’ vulnerable narcissism affects their work engagement and emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, we examined whether leaders’ grandiose narcissism impacts such as working relationships. We used job demands-resources theory in order to derive our hypotheses at the intra- and inter-individual level. Method: Multi-level analyses in a sample of 235 followers in 71 teams confirmed some of our hypotheses. Results: We demonstrate that vulnerable narcissism is positively related to followers’ emotional exhaustion and negatively related to work engagement. Moreover, leaders’ grandiose narcissism exacerbates the negative relationship between followers’ vulnerable narcissism and their work engagement. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the various facets of narcissism play an important role in an organizational context and suggest that vulnerable narcissism in particular, which has been largely neglected in previous research, is an important determinant of work-related well-being. Further, we form a holistic understanding of the leadership process by emphasizing the interaction between leaders’ and followers’ personalities, adding to the leadership literature by integrating leader and follower characteristics.  相似文献   

The prevailing notion in the psychoanalytic literature is that Freud's thinking on neonatal object relations is completely captured in terms of his concepts of autoerotism and primary narcissism. Indeed, for Freud, autoerotism and primary narcissism conceptualize the earliest libido distributions, but these concepts do not exhaust Freud's model of early mental life. In this paper, the author endeavors to show that Freud's hypothetical infant arrives at autoerotism and narcissism at the expense of, and secondary to, primitive object-relatedness. More specifically, an appreciation of Freud's views on primitive object relations in light of the self-preservative instinct demonstrates his view that the infant is born into a state of mutual adaptation with the mother. The author makes detailed use of Freud's writings to show his conception of an infant who, from the inception of neonatal life, has the mental sophistication to maintain complex relations with instinctual objects, the sources of gratification or frustration, part-objects confusedly perceived because of cognitive immaturity and/or fantasy distortion. Such complexity includes the infant's capacity for primitive forms of perception, boundary formation, reality testing, and defensive, splitting-based projections and introjections.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing acknowledgment of the multidimensionality of narcissism and that different types of narcissism may relate differently to other domains of functioning. Similarly, aggression—a frequently discussed correlate of narcissism—is a heterogeneous construct. In this study, the relations of proactive and reactive aggression with overt and covert manifestations of narcissism were examined in a sample of 674 Italian high school students (mean age=15.5 years, SD=2.1 years). Overt narcissism was positively related to both proactive and reactive subtypes of aggression, whereas covert narcissism related only to reactive aggression. Vanity, Authority, Exhibitionism, and Exploitativeness were the components of overt narcissism related to Proactive Aggression (all remained unique correlates when controlling for Reactive Aggression), whereas Reactive Aggression was associated with the Exhibitionism, Superiority, and Entitlement subscales (only the latter was uniquely related when controlling for Proactive Aggression). Aggr. Behav. 36:21–27, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cave walls of prehistoric man record two contrasting hand impressions: the one positive - a direct imprint; the other negative - a blank defined by a halo of colour. Jung's disturbed, displaced contact with his mother led to a struggle in establishing an integrated sense of 'I'; instead to create a sense of Self he brilliantly contrived to illuminate the darkness around that blank impress. The resulting lifework, enhanced by Jung's multifarious capacities as artist and philosopher as well as physician, is deeply impressive; yet Winnicott (1964) in his review of Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1963) nevertheless alludes to Jung's 'own need to search for a self with which to know' (p. 450). Passages from the autobiography are considered that appear to corroborate Winnicott's contention that Jung had a 'blank', potentially psychotic, core. Yet it is also argued that the psychoanalytic mainstream has undervalued the subtlety and creativity of Jung's own intuitive response to his shadow and that a sympathetic appreciation of this can still valuably inform our contemporary approaches to narcissistic disorders, especially dissociation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author sets out to distinguish anew between two concepts that have become sorely entangled‐‘trauma’ and ‘narcissism’. Defi ning ‘narcissism’ in terms of an interaction between the selfobject and the self that maintains a protective shield, and ‘trauma’ as attacks on this protective shield, perpetrated by bad objects, he introduces two attractors present in trauma‐‘the hole attractor’ and the structure enveloping it, ‘the narcissistic envelope’. The hole attractor pulls the trauma patient, like a ‘black hole’, into a realm of emotional void, of hole object transference, devoid of memories and where often in an analyst's countertransference there are no reverberations of the trauma patient's experience. In the narcissistic envelope, on the other hand, motion, the life and death drive and fragments of memory do survive. Based on the author's own clinical experience with Holocaust survivors, and on secondary sources, the paper concludes with some clinical implications that take the two attractors into account.  相似文献   

Past literature has suggested a dual nature of trait based narcissism, comprising overt and covert forms. While several studies have examined the two subtypes in relation to self-esteem, very few studies have examined narcissistic subtypes and self-efficacy. 115 Psychology undergraduates filled in self-report measures of overt narcissism, covert narcissism, self-esteem and self-efficacy. Results demonstrated no significant relationship between overt and covert narcissism, suggesting two distinct subtypes. Overt and covert forms of narcissism were found to significantly contribute to self-efficacy beyond self-esteem. Further, overt narcissism positively predicted both self-esteem and self-efficacy beyond self-esteem. Conversely, covert narcissism was found to negatively predict self-esteem and self-efficacy beyond self-esteem. Overt narcissism subscale associations were also computed, with Power being associated with higher self-efficacy but not self-esteem, suggesting Power to be a more adaptive subscale. The Special Person subscale was associated with higher self-esteem but not self-efficacy, suggesting it forms the maladaptive core of overt narcissism. Exhibitionism was not associated with either self-esteem or self-efficacy. Results appear congruent with past literature, and have given an additional insight into the implications of trait based narcissism regarding self-efficacy. Findings appear to suggest trait based overt narcissism is a more adaptive construct to individual self-concept than covert narcissism.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore personality and situational conditions in which negative leadership - specifically, abusive supervision - is associated with aggressive behavior in subordinates. That is, we examine the role that interactional justice and narcissism play in an employee's decision to respond aggressively to an abusive supervisor. We demonstrate that interactional justice mediates the relationship between perceptions of abusive supervision and subsequent employee aggression. In addition, we demonstrate that narcissism interacts with interactional justice perceptions to predict workplace aggression. We find that individuals with high levels of narcissism are the employees who are most likely to respond aggressively when they interpret their leader's behavior as abusive.  相似文献   

We examined how the perception of past events might contribute to the understanding of vulnerable narcissism. Across seven samples (NGrand = 1271), we investigated the association between vulnerable narcissism and individual differences in negative view of the past as well as how both were associated with basic personality traits, intrapersonal (i.e., affect, life satisfaction, and self-esteem) and interpersonal (i.e., anger, and hostility) outcomes, and memory biases of immediate life events and early life traumas. We found that vulnerable narcissism was reliably correlated with a negative view of the past. Additionally, both variables showed similar personality profiles (e.g., high neuroticism) and overlapped in explaining various outcomes, including self-esteem, anger, hostility, recalled traumas, and a negative memory bias.  相似文献   

This paper examines the prospects for real/actual love as viewed from a classical psychoanalytic framework. It is argued that Freud’s prescient and controversial 1914 work On Narcissism: An Introduction holds great importance for an understanding of his views on love, which in many ways were never explicitly defined. After the concepts of narcissism and love are considered, the aim, process, consequences and specific choices of object love are analysed. Perhaps not surprisingly, both narcissism and the residue of infantile love objects permeate and continually influence subsequent object love in a powerful manner. These perseverations of the infantile, along with impediments arising from the beloved, society and the self, create a number of difficulties for a would-be lover. Despite these hindrances from both within and without, real/actual love is certainly possible within Freud’s framework, but it is hard won and appears to require the dispelling of illusions, emancipation through recognition of one’s determinism, acceptance, introspection and continual character development.  相似文献   

This study examined the level of self-esteem and narcissism as personality variables involved in the disposition to experience and express anger. Three hundred thirty-eight subjects were sampled across two higher education centres and one student teaching programme in the United Kingdom. It was reasoned that individuals with both high self-esteem and narcissism would report especially high tendencies to experience and express anger and aggression and that those with high self-esteem and low narcissism would report the lowest. These predictions were influenced by theories that emphasise the role of threats to high self-esteem in the production of aggression and violence. Results indicate that groups defined by their extreme scores on self-esteem and narcissism scales produced levels of anger expression in the predicted direction. The importance of considering extreme levels of self-esteem and narcissism (in conjunction with other factors) in an analysis of anger is discussed with reference to currently influential theories in the field. Aggr. Behav. 24:421–438, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To date, adolescent and adult narcissism research are independent research branches with almost no cross-talk. In the current paper, we argue that it is possible to merge them. The study was completed by adolescents (N = 269) three times during one year period and we compared their scores with adult population (N = 351). Further, we evaluated whether the two-dimensional model of narcissism fits the data from adolescents and whether is invariant in comparison to the adults. Third, we analysed whether narcissism in adolescence is stable. Finally, we scrutinized whether the pathways underlying the link of narcissistic personality to being liked are the same in adolescent as reported in adult narcissism. We have found support for linking adolescent and adult narcissism.  相似文献   

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