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The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in tactile sensory system function between men and women. This task was accomplished by studying the effects of possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. 12 men (M age = 19.7 yr.) and 12 women (M age = 19.3 yr.) participated. Analysis suggested that men and women have tactile sensory systems that operate similarly at both threshold and suprathreshold levels of stimulation. Men and women do, however, choose to use consistently different numerical responses to suprathreshold stimuli, suggesting that environmental and/or cultural-educational influences may be involved in numerical decision-making aspects of the scaling process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the response patterns of men and women to suprathreshold lingual-vibrotactile and auditory stimulation. The psychophysical methods of magnitude estimation and cross-modal matching were used on a group of 10 men (M age = 19.6 yr.) and 10 women (M age = 20.2 yr.). Analysis showed that the men and women performed differently on the magnitude-estimation tasks and similarly on the cross-modal matching tasks. These results suggested that sex differences on suprathreshold psychophysical scaling may be related to the way men and women use numbers as opposed to possible differences in the perception of suprathreshold sensory stimuli by men and women.  相似文献   

A paradigm for studying oral sensory tactile function through use of single frequency vibration applied to the dorsal surface of the tongue was administered to a group of 10 young black women and 10 young white normal-speaking women. Analyses showed no differences between groups with regard to lingual vibrotactile threshold of sensitivity or suprathreshold magnitude-estimation scaling responses.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile magnitude scaling was performed on three different age groups of six normal subjects each. The psychophysical method of magnitude production was used for the scaling of vibratory stimuli applied to the anterior dorsal surface of the tongue. The older subjects produced shallower upper-slope functions than the younger subjects and also showed greater response variability. Behavioral, anatomical, and physiological factors are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine if lingual vibrotactile threshold shifts occurred during magnitude-estimation scaling of suprathreshold stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Possible relationships of the lingual vibrotactile threshold shifts to suprathreshold stimulus intensity, magnitude-estimation responses, and overall scaling behavior were explored. A single group of 24 subjects with an age range of 18 to 22 years participated in this study. Each subject performed two magnitude-estimation tasks. In one of the tasks, threshold of sensitivity was determined after every suprathreshold numerical response of the subject. If a threshold shift was recorded, threshold was allowed to return to the pretest baseline level before continuing to the next suprathreshold stimulus presentation. The results showed that threshold shift did occur during lingual vibrotactile magnitude-estimation scaling, and that it was related to suprathreshold stimulus intensity. The results also showed that the numerical magnitude-estimation responses of the subjects were different for the two scaling tasks. Overall scaling behavior of the subjects in the form of power-function exponents was not different for the two tasks.  相似文献   

Threshold measurement and matching procedures were used to determine the amount of temporal summation at threshold and suprathreshold levels of vibrotactile stimulation on the thenar eminence of the hand. The frequency of the stimulus was 25, 40, 80, or 200 Hz. At 25 Hz, temporal summation was absent at all intensity levels. Considerable amounts of temporal summation were observed for 80- and 200-Hz stimuli, although the effects decreased as a function of intensity. At 40 Hz, no temporal summation was observed at threshold, but above threshold, a small amount was observed at all intensity levels. The results support a duplex model of mechanoreception in which one of two receptor systems exhibits temporal summation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of age on tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Relationships of the lingual vibrotactile threshold shifts to suprathreshold stimulus intensity, magnitude-estimation responses, and over-all scaling behavior were explored. Three groups differing in mean age participated in this study (Group 1 8.05 yr., Group 2 19.46 yr., and Group 3 56.2 yr.). Each subject performed two magnitude-estimation tasks. In one task, threshold of sensitivity was measured after every suprathreshold numerical response to the subject. If a threshold shift was recorded, threshold was allowed to return to the pretest baseline level continuing to the next suprathreshold stimulus presentation. The results showed that threshold shift during magnitude-estimation scaling took place for all three age groups and that the shift was related to the intensity of the suprathreshold vibratory stimulus being applied to the tongue. They also showed that Group 2 (young adults) performed magnitude-estimation scaling differently when threshold shift was controlled than when it was not. The other two groups of subjects were not similarly affected.  相似文献   

The psychophysical responses to vibration of two age groups (22 or 25 and 66 years) were compared for two tasks using suprathreshold levels of vibrotactile stimulation. At a vibration frequency of 25 Hz, the two age groups gave similar curves of subjective magnitude determined by the method of absolute magnitude estimation. At 250 Hz, the curve of the older group showed no recruitment over low levels of intensity. Instead, their magnitude estimates were depressed over the entire range of intensities. Sensory persistence, measured by a matching procedure, was more marked in the older group.  相似文献   

In a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design, 48 male and female college students were either given a “sex-appropriate” provocation or were not provoked. Half of the subjects were then requested to give a “stream of consciousness” (SOC) report. Throughout the experiment, three physiological measures were monitored. Finally, all subjects delivered noxious sounds to their same-sex partner as part of a Buss-type learning task. No sex differences were found for subjects not giving the SOC report; provoked men and women were equally angry, hostile toward their partner, and displayed equal amounts of aggressive behavior. Provoked men reporting on their SOC, however, appeared to stimulate themselves to more aggression, whereas women seemed to adopt a nonhostile strategy for coping with their anger, thus reducing their inclination to behave aggressively. These patterns of results were closely paralleled by physiological changes. The relative validity of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as indicators of anger arousal was also discussed.  相似文献   


When examining negative attitudes and behaviors directed toward gay men and lesbian women (i.e., homonegativity), researchers tend to use measures that require participants to respond to belief statements. This methodology is problematic for two reasons: 1) it focuses on the social categories “gay men” and “lesbian women” and ignores the practices of relational intimacy engaged in by gay and lesbian persons (practices that, arguably, are at the crux of homonegativity); and 2) it overlooks the affective responses that sexual minorities evoke in heterosexual people. These issues were tackled in the current study. Specifically, heterosexual participants (N = 241) were asked to report their affective state using six basic emotions while viewing photos depicting male-male, female-female, and heterosexual couples. Findings demonstrated that participants, regardless of gender, reacted most negatively to images of female-female couples engaging in everyday intimacies. Theoretical explanations for these findings are explored.  相似文献   

Olfactory adaptation and recovery to methyl isobutyl ketone at a concentration 10 times the absolute detection threshold (It o) was intensively studied in two human Ss. A combined psychophysical procedure was used that allowed comparisons of changes in threshold (It) with changes in the subjective intensity of suprathreshold stimuli. Information was also obtained on the effect of the adapting stimulus on the psychophysical power function for this odorant. A threshold detection procedure was used to estimate changes in It; an unstructured magnitude-estimation procedure was used to monitor changes in the subjective intensity of suprathreshold stimuli and the psychophysical power function. The data provided additional information on the behavioral course of olfactory adaptation and recovery and suggested that this combined method can be used profitably for further investigations of this kind. Complementary to the work of Cain and Engen (1969), the results suggested an increase in the exponent of the power function with increasing adaptation.  相似文献   

The frequency of extensions and flexions of the arms of 12 men and 12 women (ages 20-30 years) responding to a neutral tone or to an electric shock was recorded. Subjects had to choose between pushing or pulling a lever upon receipt of an acoustic signal which was paired or unpaired with an electric shock. They were instructed to perform either long duration movements, allowing for on-line control of the execution, or short duration movements with prior specification of amplitude. Regardless of duration of movements, the aversive signal increased the frequency of extensions and intraindividual variability of choices of the men but decreased the frequency of extensions and intraindividual variability of choices of the women. These findings show that stimuli such as pain or fear automatically elicit patterns of terminal motor states corresponding to fight or flight, initiating processes of preparation of spatially oriented movements which are automatic and sex-typed and impair the use of the terminal cues for simultaneous preprogrammed voluntary movements.  相似文献   

Lingual vibrotactile thresholds were obtained at a frequency of 250 Hz by using an ascending-continuous series of stimulation during five sessions. Each of three adult male Ss attended a control session which included a prescribed period of constant tongue positioning, a pre-experimental session where the mean of six thresholds was obtained as a basis of further testing, and three experimental sessions. In the experimental sessions vibrotactile thresholds after exposure to vibratory stimulation of varying levels of intensity and duration were obtained. The findings of the control session reflected a slight pattern of decreased lingual sensitivity indicative of the influential factor of constant maintenance of tongue positioning. Results from the experimental sessions demonstrated shifts toward progressively decreased lingual sensitivity after exposure to vibratory signals of increased levels of intensity and duration. A recovery phase to near-normal sensitivity followed each stimulus presentation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in tactile sensory system function between stutterers and normal speakers. This task was accomplished by studying possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Ten normal speaking men (M age = 19.7 yr.) and 10 stutterers (M age = 25.9 yr.) participated. Analysis suggested that stutterers and normal speakers differ in terms of the responsiveness of the sensory mechanism for the lingual tactile threshold to vibratory stimulus intensities applied at suprathreshold levels. The stutterers and normal speakers performed similarly on all aspects of the magnitude-estimation scaling tasks, but the amount of threshold shift occurring during the scaling procedures was significantly greater for the stutterers at each suprathreshold intensity level employed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that forensic psychiatric treatment reduces reoffending, rehospitalization and premature mortality. Treatment outcome varies with diagnosis, but little is known about the influence of sex, psychosocial adjustment and aftercare. To assess these variables, we interviewed male and female patients discharged from three psychiatric security hospitals in Germany in the years 2010–2017. Participants were interviewed at discharge (n = 609) and 1 year later (n = 366) about reoffending, readmissions, substance use and psychosocial adjustment. Among patients with substance use disorder (SUD), 14% reoffended, 20% were re-hospitalized and 60% maintained abstinence. Among patients with severe mental disorder, 5% reoffended and 13% were re-hospitalized. Significant sex differences were found in offenders with SUD. The results suggest that sociodemographic and disorder-related risk factors are associated with treatment success and that female patients with SUD might need a specific treatment approach. Sex-specific aspects, diagnosis and psychosocial adjustment should be considered in forensic psychiatric treatment and risk assessment.  相似文献   

Physiological responses serve the role as objective indicators of stress as well as a link between psychosocial stress and various health outcomes. The aim of the present exposure session was to compare different physiological stress responses (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine, salivary cortisol) as well as trapezius muscle activity, measured by surface electromyography, during mental and physical stress in 11 women and ten men. The results show significantly increased activity in all measures but cortisol and significant associations between sympathetic arousal and EMG activity. The association between sympathetic arousal and muscle activity is of importance for understanding the high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in mentally stressful but physically light work tasks. Men had higher blood pressure and a more pronounced increase in epinephrine output than women, whereas women had higher heart rate. It was concluded that sympathetic activity is more sensitive to moderately intense stress exposure than pituitary adrenocortical (cortisol) activity and that men respond to performance stress with more epinephrine output than women. Although the correlations between the different indicators of sympathetic arousal were high, together they could still only explain 30–70% of the inter-individual variance. Thus, several parameters are needed in order to obtain a reliable measure of sympathetic activity.  相似文献   

This report describes a standardized training and sensory screening procedure which was used to obtain 7 separate lingual vibrotactile thresholds for each of 5 normal subjects during a 30-day interval. Baseline observations of lingual sensitivity were highly consistent and occurred within a narrow range of contractor displacements. The authors conclude that the screening method provides a quick and reliable clinical tool for general diagnostic use and discuss directions for continued research applications.  相似文献   

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