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The present study examined cross-modal selective attention using a task-switching paradigm. In a series of experiments, we presented lateralized visual and auditory stimuli simultaneously and asked participants to make a spatial decision according to either the visual or the auditory stimulus. We observed consistent cross-modal interference in the form of a spatial congruence effect. This effect was asymmetrical, with higher costs when responding to auditory than to visual stimuli. Furthermore, we found stimulus-modality-shift costs, indicating a persisting attentional bias towards the attended stimulus modality. We discuss our findings with respect to visual dominance, directed-attention accounts, and the modality-appropriateness hypothesis.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated a new phenomenon: the existence of a very large switching time effect that occurs from rapidly alternating between overt and covert (mouthed) speech. This is referred to as an intensity switching effect, and the time taken for each switch is, in itself, long enough for a spoken or mouthed character (letter or digit) to be produced. In Experiments 1 and 2, the intensity switching effect was shown to be different from the switching that occurs between categories of materials (letters and digits) because it is both much larger and much more resistant to practice effects. The intensity switching effect was also shown to be distinct from a memory load effect, since it holds even for perceptually available lists. In Experiments 3 and 4, the issue of a peripheral vs. a central origin of intensity switching was addressed. Evidence was found for a central origin. In addition, two models -of response intensity representation were contrasted: a symbolic or digital model, with intensity altered by parameter substitution, and an analog model, with intensity represented by a moving pointer on an intensity continuum. The results supported the symbolic model. It is concluded that the intensity switching effect is a measure of control processes at work in altering the intensity parameters of the vocal response system.  相似文献   

When encountering familiar scenes, observers can use item-specific memory to facilitate the guidance of attention to objects appearing in known locations or configurations. Here, we investigated how memory for relational contingencies that emerge across different scenes can be exploited to guide attention. Participants searched for letter targets embedded in pictures of bedrooms. In a between-subjects manipulation, targets were either always on a bed pillow or randomly positioned. When targets were systematically located within scenes, search for targets became more efficient. Importantly, this learning transferred to bedrooms without pillows, ruling out learning that is based on perceptual contingencies. Learning also transferred to living room scenes, but it did not transfer to kitchen scenes, even though both scene types contained pillows. These results suggest that statistical regularities abstracted across a range of stimuli are governed by semantic expectations regarding the presence of target-predicting local landmarks. Moreover, explicit awareness of these contingencies led to a central tendency bias in recall memory for precise target positions that is similar to the spatial category effects observed in landmark memory. These results broaden the scope of conditions under which contextual cuing operates and demonstrate how semantic memory plays a causal and independent role in the learning of associations between objects in real-world scenes.  相似文献   

The human face is a visual pattern of great social and biological importance. While previous studies have shown that attention may be preferentially directed and engaged longer by faces, the current study presents a new methodology to test the notion that faces can capture attention. The present study uses the occurrence of inhibition of return (IOR) as a diagnostic tool to determine the allocation of attention in visual space. Because previous research suggested that IOR at a location in space only occurs after attention has been reflexively moved to that location, the current finding of IOR at the location of the face provides converging support for the claim that faces do have the ability to summon attention.  相似文献   

When attention is divided between spatially distinct objects, the time-to detect a target decreases when two or more targets are present. This redundancy gain can be accounted for by an interactive race model (Mordkoff & Yantis, 1991) in which separate decisions are made about each object, but environmental contingencies among the objects can influence decision times. In the present study, we examined whether the model also accounts for performance when attention must be divided between stimulus attributes other than spatial location. Subjects made target-present responses when displays included a prespecified color, a prespecified letter, or both target features. The data violated the predictions of all separate-activations models, including the interactive race model. Two control experiments ruled out an alternative account based on task complexity. We conclude that coactivation occurs when target attributes from two separable dimensions are simultaneously present, but not when target attributes come from the same dimension. A modular hybrid of race and coactivation models is tentatively proposed.  相似文献   

Switching tasks and attention policies   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The determinants and costs of control were studied in 6 experiments examining the performance costs of changing stimulus dimension (digit value/number of elements) or attention strategies (speed/accuracy) on the first trial after task transition. Costs were compared for task shift and reconsideration only. Preparation ability was studied by presenting all transition information at the beginning of a 2-part block or only prior to each part. Results showed pronounced first-trial transition costs. Different factors were associated with stop-start and task-switching requirements. Transition costs were separate from those of basic task performance. Costs were sensitive to global control considerations and were larger for task dimension changes than for attention strategy shifts. Costs involving task dimension change, but not strategy shifts, were reduced with advanced preparation. These results are discussed in relation to contemporary models of control. A new distinction is proposed between activation and execution of control strategies.  相似文献   

Excerpts from French operatic songs were used to evaluate the extent to which language and music compete for processing resources. Do these two dimensions conflict? Are they integrated into a single percept? Or are they independent? The final word of each excerpt was either semantically congruous or incongruous relative to the prior linguistic context and was sung either in or out of key. Participants were asked to detect either the semantic or the melodic incongruity (single task) or both (dual task). We predicted a dual-task deficit if these tasks conflicted and no deficit if they were either independent or integrated. In order to distinguish between these last two outcomes, trial-by-trial contingency analyses were also computed, predicting no correlation if the tasks were conflicting or independent, a positive correlation under the assumption of integration and a negative correlation if dividing attention is impossible. Our results show similar levels of performance in single and dual tasks and no correlation between dual-task judgments, thus suggesting that semantic and melodic aspects of language are processed by independent systems. In addition, a comparison between musicians and nonmusicians shows that these conclusions are independent of musical expertise.  相似文献   

When two targets are embedded in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream of distractors, perception of the second target is impaired if the intertarget lag is relatively short (less than 500 msec). This phenomenon, called attentional blink, has been attributed to a temporal inability of attentional resources. Nevertheless, a recent study found that observers could monitor two RSVP streams concurrently for up to four items presented in close succession, suggesting a much larger visual capacity limit. However, such high-capacity performance could be obtained by a rapid shift of attention, rather than concurrent monitoring of multiple locations. Therefore, the present study examined these alternatives. Results from six experiments indicate that observers can concurrently monitor two noncontiguous locations, even when targets and distractors are from different categories, such as digits, English alphabet letters, Japanese characters, and pseudocharacters. These results can be explained in terms of a modified input-filtering model in which a multidimensional attentional set can be flexibly configured at different spatial locations.  相似文献   

Alternating dichotic presentation of tones was compared with monaural presentation in two different perceptual tasks. When Ss were asked to detect higher frequency target tones in fists of six background tones, they missed less than 5%. However, when the presentation was fast (10/sec) and the tones alternated dichotically, Ss reported “hearing” only three or four tones. In two further experiments, Ss were asked to judge the number of tones or to report their spatial and temporal positions; these tasks were much less accurately performed, for the dichotic lists, than the target detection task. The differing effects of switching rate on these tasks are discussed in relation to the types of processing they require.  相似文献   

The study of attentional capture has provided a rich context for assessing the relative influence of top-down and bottom-up factors in visual perception. Some have argued that attentional capture by a salient, irrelevant stimulus is contingent on top-down attentional set (e.g., Folk, Remington, & Johnston, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 18:1030?C1044, 1992). Others, however, have argued that capture is driven entirely by bottom-up salience and that top-down factors influence the postallocation speed of disengagement from the irrelevant stimulus (e.g., Theeuwes, Acta Psychologica 135:77?C99, 2010a). In support of this speed-of-disengagement hypothesis, recent findings from the modified spatial-cuing paradigm show that cues carrying a no-go target property produce reverse, or negative, cuing effects, consistent with inhibition of the cue location from which attention has been very quickly disengaged (Belopolsky, Schreij, & Theeuwes, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 326?C341, 2010). Across six experiments, we show that this inhibitory process can be dissociated from shifts of spatial attention and is, thus, not a reliable marker of capture. We conclude that the data are inconsistent with the predictions of the disengagement hypothesis.  相似文献   

The possibility that there is an inhibitory component to auditory covert orienting was addressed. Each trial consisted of a cue followed by a target, and listeners were required to detect, localize, or identify the frequency of the target. At 150-msec stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), performance was best when stimuli sounded from the same location or were of the same frequency. However, at 750-msec SOA, performance was best when stimuli differed in location or were of different frequencies. These results document the existence of both location-based and frequency-based auditory inhibition of return.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to improve understanding of the consistency of the categorization process in cognitive psychology. To investigate the temporal stability of the categorization process between and within subjects, 100 participants (M = 22.1 yr., SD = 2.1) were required to sort 65 food labels into groups and to explain their grouping. The sorting and property generation of food labels were compared by conducting two sessions (with a 15-day interval) to assess within-subject variability. Two groups of participants were compared to assess between-subjects variability. The results from the sorting task showed excellent stability between and within subjects. Conversely, the property generation task showed high variability. It is concluded that the tasks involved different types of knowledge. The sorting task appeared to generate good agreement and to involve more stable knowledge. The task of producing properties may involve other mechanisms. This paper discusses the results in light of cognitive and pragmatic theories.  相似文献   

Attentional selection is a dynamic process that relies on multiple types of representations. That object representations contribute to attentional selection has been known for decades; however, most evidence for this contribution has been gleaned from studies that have relied on various forms of spatial cueing (some endogenous and some exogenous). It has thus remained unclear whether object-based attentional selection is a direct result of spatial cuing, or whether it still emerges without any spatial marker. Here we used a novel method—the temporal-order judgment (TOJ)—to examine whether object-based guidance emerges in the absence of spatial cuing. Participants were presented with two rectangles oriented either horizontally or vertically. Following a 150-ms preview time, two target stimuli were presented on the same or on different objects, and participants were asked to report which of the two stimuli had appeared first. The targets consisted of stimuli that formed a percept of a “hole” or a “hill.” First, we demonstrated that the “hill” target was indeed processed faster, as evidenced by a positive perceived simultaneity (PSS) measure. We then demonstrated that if two targets appeared with equal probabilities on the same and on different objects, the PSS values, although positive, were not modulated by the objects. In a subsequent set of experiments, we showed that objects can modulate attentional allocation—however, only when they are biased by a spatial (endogenous) cue. In other words, in the absence of a spatial cue or bias, object representations do not guide attentional selection. In addition to providing new constraints for theories of object-based attentional guidance, these experiments introduce a novel paradigm for measuring object-based attentional effects.  相似文献   

Broadbent and Gregory's hypothesis that shifting selection between cognitive classes is at least inefficient is tested by varying the number of transitions from consonants to digits and back in a mixed list memory span situation. No orderly decrease is found as a function of the number of transitions, which renders the attention hypothesis unlikely. An alternative position in terms of interference theory could explain the data qualitatively. Tests of further predictions of this theory need first an estimate of the degree of difference between cognitive classes.  相似文献   

Recently, several changes in perception, attention, and visual working memory have been reported when stimuli are near to compared to far from the hands, suggesting that such stimuli receive enhanced scrutiny. A mechanism that inhibits the disengagement of attention from objects near the hands, thus forcing a more thorough inspection, has been proposed to underlie such effects. Up until now, this possibility has been tested only in a limited number of tasks. In the present study we examined whether changes in one's global or local attentional scope are similarly affected by hand proximity. Participants analysed stimuli according to either their global shape or the shape of their constituent local elements while holding their hands near to or far from the stimuli. Switches between global and local processing were markedly slower near the hands, reflecting an attentional mechanism that compels an observer to more fully evaluate objects near their hands by inhibiting changes in attentional scope. Such a mechanism may be responsible for some of the changes observed in other tasks, and reveals the special status conferred to objects near the hands.  相似文献   

A class of selective attention models often applied to speech perception is used to study effects of training on the perception of an unfamiliar phonetic contrast. Attention-to-dimension (A2D) models of perceptual learning assume that the dimensions that structure listeners' perceptual space are constant and that learning involves only the reweighting of existing dimensions to emphasize or de-emphasize different sensory dimensions. Multidimensional scaling is used to identify the acoustic-phonetic dimensions listeners use before and after training to recognize the 3 classes of Korean stop consonants. Results suggest that A2D models can account for some observed restructuring of listeners' perceptual space, but listeners also show evidence of directing attention to a previously unattended dimension of phonetic contrast.  相似文献   

Although translation equivalents for concrete nouns are known to have shared core conceptual representations in bilingual memory (Francis, 1999), the status of translation-equivalent verbs has not been systematically tested. Three repetition-priming experiments using a verb generation task were used to determine whether verbs have shared representations across languages and to identify the processes facilitated in repeated verb generation. In Experiment 1 fluent Spanish–English bilingual speakers exhibited repetition priming both within and between languages, but between-language priming was weaker. In Experiment 2 performance of non-bilingual English and Spanish speakers was equivalent to that of bilingual speakers responding in their dominant language. Experiment 3 used manipulations meant to isolate noun comprehension, verb concept selection, and verb production. The between-language priming in Experiments 1 and 3 indicates that verb concepts are shared across languages and that verb concept selection exhibits facilitation. Experiment 3 showed that the greater within-language priming was due primarily to facilitation of verb production processes.  相似文献   

Many models of divided attention assume that signals presented on different channels produce separate activations, any one of which can initiate a response. According to these models, detection responses are especially fast when signals are presented on two channels at the same time because the system can detect a signal in either of two ways. Such models predict a testable relation among reaction time distributions for conditions in which a single signal is presented as compared with a condition in which two signals are presented, and this prediction is tested in two tasks. A bimodal detection task required a simple speeded response to either a visual or an auditory signal. A letter search task required a choice response depending on whether or not a two-letter display included the signal letter “A.” Data from both tasks are inconsistent with the prediction. When two signals are presented, responses are faster than separate-activation models can explain. The results favor “coactivation” models, in which signals presented on different channels contribute to a common pool of activation that initiates a response.  相似文献   

Two experiments provide further information on the effects of divided attention (DA) on encoding and retrieval processes. The first experiment examined the effects of decision and motor difficulty of a concurrent reaction time task. A calibration analysis was used in the second experiment to test the hypothesis that shifting attentional emphasis away from encoding to the secondary task reduces the level of processing the to-be-remembered items receive. Overall, the results confirm and extend the conclusions of Craik, Govoni, Naveh-Benjamin, and Anderson (1996) and Naveh-Benjamin, Craik, Guez, and Dori (1998), by pointing to clear differences between encoding and retrieval processes: Encoding is affected by simultaneous task demands, especially those associated with "central" resources involved in conscious decision making, whereas retrieval is obligatory in that it is largely immune to the effects of simultaneous demands. The results of the calibration analysis suggest that one reason for the poorer memory performance as a result of DA at encoding is a qualitative shift to less deep, elaborative strategies.  相似文献   

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