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The present study examined whether color spreading and illusory contours in the neon color spreading effect of Ehrenstein figures are governed by different mechanisms. In the experiment, Ehrenstein figures with colored crosses inserted in the central gaps were used. There were three luminance conditions: the luminance of the Ehrenstein figures was lower than, the same as, or higher than the luminance of the background. In each condition, 16 trials (2 sets of instructions X 8 repetitions) were conducted in a random order. Subjects were required to adjust the luminance of the colored crosses according to one of the two sets of instruction given before each trial. One was to adjust the upper and lower thresholds in the luminance of the colored crosses such that their color was seen to spread out of the crosses. The other was to adjust the thresholds such that circular illusory contours were visible. It was found that illusory contours disappeared and the color spreading remained when the crosses and the Ehrenstein figures were in or nearly in isoluminance or when the Ehrenstein figures and the background were in isoluminance. These results suggest that color spreading and illusory contours are governed by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The relation between color spreading and illusory contours   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study, we examine the relation between neon color spreading (Redies & Spillmann, 1981) and illusory contours. In Experiment 1, the effects of misalignment between the line elements on the illusory contours in the Ehrenstein figure and in the Redies-Spillmann figure were examined. The remarkable overlap of the two curves for the likelihood of perceiving illusory contours in the Ehrenstein figure and in the Redies-Spillmann figure suggests that the illusory contours surrounding brightness enhancement (Ehrenstein, 1941) and those surrounding neon color spreading are caused by the same mechanism. We further examined both the effects of the interposed grids seen either in front of or behind the figures (Experiment 2) and the effects of misalignment (Experiment 3) on the illusory contours and range of color spreading, and found a high correlation between the appearance/disappearance of illusory contours and global/local color spreading. In Experiment 4, we added new lines to induce illusory contours to the line elements inducing local color spreading. We found that global color spreading was seen to cover the area surrounded by the illusory contours. On the basis of these findings, we suggest that there is an interaction between illusory contours and local color spreading.  相似文献   

In neon color spreading displays, both a color illusion and perceptual transparency can be seen. In this study, we investigated the color conditions for the perception of transparency in such displays. It was found that the data are very well accounted for by a generalization of Metelli's (1970) episcotister model of balanced perceptual transparency to tristimulus values. This additive model correctly predicted which combinations of colors would lead to optimal impressions of transparency. Color combinations deviating slightly from the additive model also looked transparent, but less convincingly so.  相似文献   

In order to clarify whether the influence of color knowledge information in object recognition depends on the presence of the appropriate surface color, we designed a name-object verification task. The relationship between color and shape information provided by the name and by the object photo was manipulated in order to assess color interference independently of shape interference. We tested three different versions for each object: typically colored, black and white, and nontypically colored. The response times on the nonmatching trials were used to measure the interference between the name and the photo. We predicted that the more similar the name and the photo are, the longer it would take to respond. Overall, the color similarity effect disappeared in the black-and-white and nontypical color conditions, suggesting that the influence of color knowledge on object recognition depends on the presence of the appropriate surface color information.  相似文献   

A new visual illusion is described as a neonlike spreading of color between subjective contours. Spreading of an actually present color as well as spreading of a complementary color appear to be possible. Spreading of brightness can be demonstrated also.Two related classes of illusions are mentioned and some indications of central factors involved in the effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Two aspects of neon color spreading, local color spreading (neon flank) and illusory contour, were investigated by dichoptic viewing. Neon flank was not observed under appropriate dichoptic stimulation, suggesting that input to the process for local color spreading is based on monocular configuration. However, illusory contours were formed according to the interocularly combined configuration rather than according to each monocular configuration, suggesting that input to the process responsible for illusory contours should be ocularly-nonselective and binocular, rather than monocular. The possibilities of artifacts such as those arising from interocular rivalry were appropriately eliminated, and thus, it is tentatively concluded that the process underlying local color spreading is monocularly driven, whereas the process underlying illusory contours is binocularly driven. Furthermore, a new demonstration is presented that indicates that interocularly-induced illusory contours 'capture' and extend the monocularly-induced local color spreading, resulting in global color spreading (neon color spreading). These results support our hypotheses that neon color spreading involves two separable processes in the early visual processing, the feature detection process (for local color spreading) and the illusory contour process, and that these two processes interact with each other at later stages of cortical processing. The relation of local color spreading and illusory contours to surface separation is also discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of the present habituation—dishabituation study was to explore sensitivity to subjective contours and neon color spreading patterns in infants. The first experiment was a replication of earlier investigations that showed evidence that even young infants are capable of perceiving subjective contours. Participants 4 months of age were habituated to a subjective Kanizsa square and were tested afterward for their ability to differentiate between the subjective square and a nonsubjective pattern that was constructed by rotating some of the inducing elements. Data analysis indicated a significant preference for the nonsubjective pattern. A control condition ensured that this result was not generated by the difference in figural symmetry or by the local differences between the test displays. In the second experiment, infant perception of a neon color spreading display was analyzed. Again, 4-month-old infants could discriminate between the illusory figure and a nonillusory pattern. Furthermore, infants in a control group did not respond to the difference in symmetry and the local differences between two nonillusory targets. Overall, the results show that young infants respond to illusory figures that are generated by either implicit T-junctions (Experiment 1) or implicit X-junctions (Experiment 2). The findings are interpreted against the background of the neurophysiological model proposed by Grossberg and Mingolla (1985).  相似文献   

The perception of transparency is highly dependent on luminance and perceived depth. An image region is seen as transparent if it is of intermediate luminance relative to adjacent image regions, and if it is perceived in front of another region and has a boundary which provides information that an object is visible through this region. Yet, transparency is not just the passive end-product of these required conditions. If perceived transparency is triggered, a number of seemingly more elemental perceptual primitives such as color, contour, and depth can be radically altered. Thus, with the perception of transparency, neon color spreading becomes apparent, depth changes, stereoscopic depth capture can be eliminated, and otherwise robust subjective contours can be abolished. In addition, we show that transparency is not coupled strongly to real-world chromatic constraints since combinations of luminance and color which would be unlikely to arise in real-world scenes still give rise to the perception of transparency. Rather than seeing transparency as a perceptual end-point, determined by seemingly more primitive processes, we interpret perceived transparency as much a 'cause', as an 'effect'. We speculate that the anatomical substrate for such mutual interaction may lie in cortical feed-forward connections which maintain modular segregation and cortical feedback connections which do not.  相似文献   

To analyze complex scenes efficiently, the human visual system performs perceptual groupings based on various features (e.g., color and motion) of the visual elements in a scene. Although previous studies demonstrated that such groupings can be based on a single feature (e.g., either color or motion information), here we show that the visual system also performs scene analyses based on a combination of two features. We presented subjects with a mixture of red and green dots moving in various directions. Although the pairings between color and motion information were variable across the dots (e.g., one red dot moved upward while another moved rightward), subjects' perceptions of the color-motion pairings were significantly biased when the randomly paired dots were flanked by additional dots with consistent color-motion pairings. These results indicate that the visual system resolves local ambiguities in color-motion pairings using unambiguous pairings in surrounds, demonstrating a new type of scene analysis based on the combination of two featural cues.  相似文献   

A 2 x 2 between-subjects design was used to examine the effects of message framing (gain vs loss) and color combination (red background with white characters vs white background with black characters) on 120 university students' perception of materials promoting the H1N1 flu vaccine and their willingness to receive the vaccine after they had read the materials. Each participant completed a 6-item questionnaire, and the results of an analysis of variance showed that participants rated vaccine information presented through loss-framed messages as having greater interest and leading to greater understanding. Loss-framed messages presented on a white background with black characters significantly increased the willingness of the participants to receive the vaccine.  相似文献   

Two experiments addressed the influence of secondary task performance at encoding on recall of different features of subject-performed tasks (SPTs) involving objects (e.g., turn the wallet). In Experiment 1, memory for verbs and colors of objects was assessed, with object names serving as cues. In Experiment 2, object and color memory were assessed, with verbs serving as cues. Results from both experiments indicated a greater deterioration of memory performance under divided attention for verbal features than for colors. In addition, intention to remember did not affect performance for any feature in either experiment. The overall pattern of outcome is discussed relative to the view that encoding of verbal features of SPTs is more attention-demanding than encoding of physical task features, such as color.  相似文献   

The authors examined the incremental validity of the reaction time (RT) measure beyond that of skin conductance response (SCR) in the detection of concealed information. Participants performed a Stroop-like task in which they named the color of critical and neutral words. Results show that the SCR highly differentiated between the relevant and neutral words. However, the RT demonstrated a significant differentiation only when the critical words denoted personally significant items (e.g., one's own name) and not when they denoted crime-relevant items related to a simulated crime. In both cases, combining the 2 measures yielded no advantage over the use of SCR alone. Thus, although behavioral measures may differentiate between relevant and neutral information in some cases, their practical use is questionable.  相似文献   

Tests of visual information processing and verbal information processing were administered to 178 Ss. Intercorrelations showed low positive relationships between two sets of two cognitive measures each, the Sentence Completion Test (Schroder, Driver, & Streufert, 1967) and the Interpersonal Topical Inventory (Tuckman, 1965), and the Interpersonal Topical Inventory and the Polarity Scale (1965), and a high negative correlation between preference for highly complex and for moderately complex visual stimuli. Factor analysis showed three reliable major factors. There was little evidence for a relationship between perceptual and cognitive processing characteristics, which indicates some danger for general theorists.  相似文献   

This paper develops the idea (Bressan, 1993) that neon spreading derives from the perceptual scissioning of ordinary assimilation color, a process identical to that occurring with nonillusory colors in phenomenal transparency. It is commonly held that the critical elements in achromatic neon spreading patterns must be of luminance intermediate between that of the embedding lines and of the background. The interpretation of neon spreading on the basis of color scissioning, however, predicts that neon spreading should also be observed for different luminance hierarchies, provided that these are compatible with transparency. This prediction found experimental support in the present work. The results suggest that (1) the widespread notion that chromatic and achromatic neon spreading must be mediated by separate mechanisms is unwarranted; (2) the widespread notion that color spreading in ordinary assimilation patterns and color spreading in neon patterns must be mediated by separate mechanisms is unwarranted; and (3) other than pointing to the way in which the overall organization of a scene affects the mode of color appearance, the neon spreading effect may not convey any extra theoretical relevance.  相似文献   

The experiments described in the lead articles by Kowalski and Zimiles and by O'Hanlon and Roberson examine factors that lead to color term acquisition. These experiments touch on the debate regarding the relative contributions of language and concepts in word learning. In this reflection, we examine how conclusions concerning the debate depend deeply on the particular task presented to children, and we propose an alternative approach to studying color term acquisition.  相似文献   

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