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Educational theory does not oppose educational practice, as manyseem to think; instead it is a form of practice and the action oftheory exists at two levels. At a cultural level theory ischaracterized by linguistic forms of action and at a social level it is characterized by the day to day practices thatorganize and reward the work of producing educational philosophy.While the social practices that govern the production ofphilosophy certainly beg for ethnographic attention,any consideration anthropologists or philosophers giveit will eventually find its way to the page and hence tothe cultural forms of linguistic action that are thesubject of this paper. Focusing on how educationalphilosophers see the things that they do, as opposedto what they see, I will suggest that the wayeducational philosophy is fashioned is an importantpart of what is fashioned. Ironically, as I will show,the ``way' of educational philosophy can flow with oragainst the ``what' of it – an author, that is, can saythat they are for or against this or that, but their stylized way of saying it can contradict the literalmeaning of their words.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):107-109

A clinician describes her involvement in a non-profit organization that provides low-cost psychotherapy using the volunteer services of clinical social workers in private practice.  相似文献   

A group-based theoretical integration model presented in this journal (F. Knobloch, 1996) is elaborated in practice. The core aspects of the group-based system are described and illustrated with clinical examples as they apply to a modified therapeutic community: (a) the creation of the therapeutic world to represent real life and its multiple realities; (b) the group schema model as a context for problem identification and exploration; (c) the collaboration between therapists and group members; (d) the exploration and experimentation of problems through individual and group tasks; and (e) the transfer of new behaviors to real life situations and (f) the systematic application of major psychotherapy theories and techniques.  相似文献   




Psychotherapy has a rich past and great potential. However, psychotherapists should be aware of several areas of strength as well as some problem areas. Strengths include the benefits of a strong therapeutic alliance, a diverse range of theories, and quality research that documents the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Weaknesses include conflicting theories, financial matters, and misunderstandings between clinicians and researchers. Hopefully, mental health professionals can focus on mining the gold from the gold mines while also working to understand and disarm the land mines.  相似文献   

Background: Theoretical orientation is a multifaceted construct that is integral to the process of psychotherapy and psychotherapy training. While some research has been conducted on personal identification with particular schools of psychotherapy, techniques used in psychotherapy sessions, and match between trainees and supervisors in training, there is insufficient information regarding how these may interact with one another. Aim: This study, conducted in a practice research network of trainee therapists, was designed to test whether these variables may be related to one another in predicting session quality. Method: The sample comprised 328 sessions from 26 clients and 11 therapists, with the clients completing session quality measures and therapists completing measures of technique immediately post‐session. Results: Using multilevel linear modelling, the data showed varied results. For behavioural therapy and person‐centred therapy, techniques and orientation were unrelated to session quality in the sample. However, process‐experiential, psychodynamic, and cognitive therapy techniques were all involved in interactions with therapist and/or supervisor orientations. Conclusions: These results suggest that the impact of specific psychotherapy techniques sometimes depends on the orientation of the therapist and/or supervisor. For instance, sessions high in cognitive therapy techniques were only associated with positive outcome when both the therapist and supervisor were highly cognitively oriented. Though preliminary, these results suggest that orientation may be an important variable to consider in training and supervision, especially in the context of other variables.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that response strength might be measured by persistence of responding in the face of extinction was discredited in the 1960s because experiments showed that responding persists longer following intermittent reinforcers than following continuous reinforcers. Instead, researchers proposed that the longer persistence following intermittent reinforcers arises because intermittent reinforcement more closely resembles extinction—a discrimination theory. Attention to resistance to extinction revived because one observation seemed to support the persistence hypothesis: Following training on a multiple schedule with unequal components, responding usually persisted longer in the formerly richer component than in the formerly lean component. This observation represents an anomaly, however, because results with single schedules and concurrent schedules contradict it. We suggest that the difference in results arises because the multiple-schedule procedure, while including extensive training on stimulus discrimination, includes no training on discrimination between food available and food unavailable, whereas comparable single- and concurrent-schedule procedures include such training with repeated extinction. In Experiment 1, we replicated the original result, and in Experiment 2 showed that when the multiple-schedule procedure includes training on food/no-food discrimination, extinction following multiple schedules contradicts behavioral momentum theory and agrees with the discrimination theory and research with single and concurrent schedules.  相似文献   

心理治疗中的循证实践是指治疗者根据个体已有的临床技能与经验,利用最佳的研究证据,在考虑病人人格、文化及偏好等因素的情况下进行的心理治疗实践。通过描述心理治疗中循证实践运动发展的两个阶段,考察其哲学基础及存在的问题,对其发展趋势及对整个心理学发展的意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

Over the last decade authors have critiqued the hegemonic structures that perpetuate knowledge hierarchies in the dominant research regimes that foster privilege across the globe. The authors in this article use collective biography to reflectively engage with knowledge production in the academy. They explore the nature of prudentia as an affective shame that surfaces through reflexive engagement with the politics of research cultures. Collective biography, as a ‘grassroots’ form of deliberate and collaborative interrogation, produces insight from ‘difficult knowledge’ that sheds light on power imbalance in North/South relations in research practice. In endeavouring to grapple with Southern Theory, the authors surface ‘unwelcome truths’. These disquieting ruptures reveal the power of prudentia for academics who are desirous to unsettle the complacency of Northern assumptions as they engage in an ongoing struggle with doing Southern Theory.  相似文献   

For many years psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies have been considered to lack a credible evidence-base and have consistently failed to appear in lists of ‘empirically supported treatments’. This study systematically reviews the research evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and young people. The researchers identified 34 separate studies that met criteria for inclusion, including nine randomised controlled trials. While many of the studies reported are limited by sample size and lack of control groups, the review indicates that there is increasing evidence to suggest the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children and adolescents. The article aims to provide as complete a picture as possible of the existing evidence base, thereby enabling more refined questions to be asked regarding the nature of the current evidence and gaps requiring further exploration.  相似文献   


From 1993 until 1999 the author undertook a qualitative doctoral research project into the transition of New Zealand social workers from salaried agency employment to private practice (van Heugten, 1999). This private practice was almost exclusively in psychotherapy and coun seling. During semi-structured interviews in which a range of topics was covered, respondents were asked what part they thought their life history had played in their decision to become social workers and to become pri vate practitioners. Respondents talked about their parents' political per spectives, their own educational experiences, religion and spirituality, and immigrant status. Many respondents disclosed traumatic early life experi ences. Analysis of narratives revealed the prevalence of a perception of be ing outsiders; of viewing and responding to significant situations differently from other people. Whilst respondents struggled with a perva sive sense of personal and occupational marginalization, they also recognized that their capacity to adopt an outsider perspective made a positive contribution to their practice as social workers and as psychotherapists or counselors.  相似文献   

The author discusses Niklas Luhmann's concept of ethics and morals. Therefore he sketches the main traits of Luhmann's theory of systems (e.g. the terms autopoiesis, system and environment, code and programme). From the system-theoretical point of view, ethics are characterized as the reflexive theory of morals. Morals are described as the communication of regard or disregard. The author shows which consequences follow from this concept by discussing problems concerning several subsystems at the same time. The problems of Luhmann's theory of morals and ethics are demonstrated by analyzing the concepts of risk and responsibility. Finally, the author demands that ethics should be understood even more as social ethics which reflect upon their social foundation in a more consequent way.  相似文献   

The lifestyle theory of intervention is evaluated with respect to its status as an integrated psychotherapy using theoretical integration, technical eclecticism, and the common factors approach as criteria. Because lifestyle theory integrates concepts from evolutionary biology, existential philosophy, cognitive psychology, social learning theory, and various therapeutic models it satisfies preliminary criteria for theoretical integration. To the extent that it provides an internally consistent model and makes use of techniques from disparate schools of psychotherapy, it adopts a technical eclectic approach to intervention. The lifestyle model also appears to qualify as an integrated psychotherapy by virtue of its attention to several common factors in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2012,35(1-2):68-79
Latina immigrants face a number of challenges as they adapt to their new culture. This article presents Relational Cultural Theory (RCT) as a model for understanding the challenges Latina immigrants may present in psychotherapy. The RCT concepts of mutual empathy and empowerment, connections, condemned isolation, the central relational paradox, and power-over dynamics are used to understand the challenges Latina immigrants experience. Sociopolitical and cultural factors that interact to produce power-over dynamics are identified to show how Latina immigrants are at increased risk for major disconnections. A vignette shows how clinicians can use RCT to provide more culturally relevant treatment in their work with Latina immigrants.  相似文献   

Pastoral care givers are called to provide care and counseling to parishioners that are suffering in many ways. A core question is what does a pastor rely on to provide this care? Pastors usually call on models of psychotherapy to inform their care giving. A framework of theological anthropology, cosmology, soteriology and harmatiology is developed for analyzing the worldviews inherent in models of psychotherapy. The specific models of Adler’s Individual Psychology, Narrative therapy, Horney’s personality theory, and Intersubjective theory are used to demonstrate the application of this framework. Several pastoral care implications are developed following the application of the framework.  相似文献   

Coalitions as a Model for Intersectionality: From Practice to Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elizabeth R. Cole 《Sex roles》2008,59(5-6):443-453
This conceptual paper uses the concept of coalition to theorize an alternative to categorical approaches to intersectionality based on review of an archive of oral history interviews with feminist activists who engage in coalitional work. Two complementary themes were identified: the challenge of defining similarity in order to draw members of diverse groups together, and the need to address power differentials in order to maintain a working alliance. Activists’ narratives suggest intersectionality is not only a tool for understanding difference, but also a way to illuminate less obvious similarities. This shift requires that we think about social categories in terms of stratification brought about through practices of individuals, institutions and cultures rather than only as characteristics of individuals. Implications of these themes for research practices are discussed.  相似文献   

抑郁症认知治疗理论及实践进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
认知治疗分化为认知行为与认知分析治疗两个流派。抑郁的贝克认知模型、归因模型、自我价值关联模型以及抑郁的注意过程等认知理论为认知治疗奠定了基础。认知行为治疗、认知行为分析系统心理治疗以及基于冥想的认知治疗等已经在实践中被较有力的临床证据检验。认知治疗在抑郁症的治疗中已显示出广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

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