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This review is an attempt to expand the understanding of the neuropsychological mechanisms that may influence the expression of violent or aggressive behavior in adolescents. Although a relative large literature of adult studies examining the relation of neuropsychological impairment and aggression exists, the research literature investigating this relationship in adolescents is much smaller. With a few exceptions, the delinquent literature suffers from methodological problems, including biased sampling methods, small numbers of subjects, failing to objectively diagnose conduct disorder, incorrect use of specific statistical procedures, and lacking of appropriate control groups. In general, a mixed pattern of neuropsychological deficits are displayed across studies, depending on the sampling method, methodological design, statistics employed, control groups, and assessment tools that were utilized. Verbal deficits have been frequently displayed across the literature, while evidence for executive dysfunction varies, depending on the specific construct being evaluated (e.g., attention, cognitive flexibility, concept formation, planning abilities) and the specific population. Relatively inconsistent findings have been observed for visuospatial, sensory, and motor deficits. This article provides a critical review of this literature and discusses the varying impact that any neurological insult will have, depending on premorbid personality and cognitive functioning, location of the lesion, age at which the injury occurred, child's pre- and postinjury environment, and ability of the brain to adapt to acquired deficits as the result of the insult. On the basis of this review and neuropsychological theory, four subgroups within this population are proposed (i.e., adolescents with subcortical injuries, dominant hemisphere temporal-parietal injuries, nondominant hemisphere temporal-parietal injuries, and injuries to the prefrontal regions), which may better explain the neuropsychological and behavioral outcomes exhibited by this heterogeneous population. Recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Within this study we used self-report measures completed by 123 undergraduate students from an Australian university to investigate the validity of Peterson and Seligman’s [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification system of 24 character strengths and six virtues. We also looked at how the 24 character strengths relate to the Five Factor Model of personality and to a measure of social desirability. Using a second order factor analysis of the 24 character strengths, we found that these 24 character strengths did not produce a factor structure consistent with the six higher order virtues as proposed by Peterson and Seligman [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.]. Instead, the 24 character strengths were well represented by both a one and four factor solution. Patterns of significant relationships between each of the 24 character strengths, the one and four factor solutions and the Five Factor Model of personality were found. The results have implications for [Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P (2004). Character strengths and virtues. New York: Oxford.] classification.  相似文献   

Diagnostic conundrum of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Evidence for a diagnostic distinction of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) is reviewed, and alternative conceptualizations and definitions for the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are considered. Studies suggest that CD and ODD are strongly and developmentally related but clearly different. Factor analyses indicate that distinct covarying groups of ODD and CD symptoms can be identified, but certain symptoms relate to both (particularly mild aggression and lying). Age of onset for ODD is earlier than for most CD symptoms. Nearly all youths with CD have a history of ODD, but not all ODD cases progress to CD. The disorders demonstrate the same forms of parental psychopathology and family adversity but to a greater degree for CD than for ODD. Alternative conceptualizations for the disorders are presented for further study before the introduction of the DSM-IV.  相似文献   

We respond to A. Baroody's comment (1984, Developmental Review, 4, 148–156) with an empirical comparison of the production and verification tasks. With the exception of performance at the first grade level, the two tasks yield essentially identical conclusions. The results of an adjunct task, in which the rate of mental counting was assessed, suggest that children as young as second grade are relying on memory retrieval to a significant degree. In contrast to Baroody's speculation, there appear to be no widespread difficulties associated with results from the verification task. Furthermore, the task permits a more analytic examination of performance and underlying mental process than is afforded by the production task. We conclude by reiterating the empirical support for a model of fact retrieval, and suggesting that accessibility of the arithmetic facts is the basic factor which underlies both fact retrieval and procedural knowledge performance.  相似文献   

Utility functions, which relate subjective value to physical attributes of experience, are fundamental to most decision theories. Seven experiments were conducted to test predictions of the most widely assumed mathematical forms of utility (power, log, and negative exponential), and a function proposed by Rachlin (1992). For pairs of gambles for real monetary gains, undergraduate and nonstudent subjects either reported an equalizing amount for 1 outcome that made the gambles subjectively equal or chose between gambles where the amounts were varied across trial, which allowed the equalizing amount to be estimated from their pattern of choices. Using a novel method that eliminates several limitations of previous research, I manipulated the outcomes across trials such that each type of utility function predicted a linear relationship between the equalizing amounts and the amounts of the other outcomes, and made point predictions for either the slope or intercept of that relationship. In a meta-analysis across experiments, systematic departures from the point predictions were observed for each type of utility function. Thus, the data imply that despite their historical importance and incorporation in many psychological and economic decision theories, the most widely assumed models of utility are incorrect.  相似文献   

An empirical study of a logistic mental test model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
John Ross 《Psychometrika》1966,31(3):325-340
A logistic model developed by Birnbaum was tested in two ways. First, plots of proportions of subjects in different score categories were examined for consistency with the assumption of a logistic trace line, and especially for departures from the logistic which seemed due to guessing in multiple choice items. The results showed that guessing seemed to have little effect. Second, an attempt was made to predict the obtained score distributions of samples of subjects on six tests from item parameters estimated on independent samples. The fits were good in all cases, despite considerable differences between the tests, and some extremely odd distributions.Thanks are due to the Educational Testing Service for the generous provision of the data upon which Part I of this study and the analysis of the two set I tests was based and to J. Lumsden for the data of the four set II tests. I would also like to thank F. M. Lord and A. Birnbaum for valuable help in the formulation and conduct of the study.At the University of Michigan 1964–65.  相似文献   

Few researchers have assessed family interaction patterns associated with childhood depression, especially using observations in natural settings. We directly sampled the interaction patterns of families with depressed, conduct-disordered, mixed depressed-conduct-disordered, and comparison children ages 7-14 years in their homes during the evening meal. Observational measures were taken of positive and aversive behaviors and affect expression for both parents, the referred children, and their siblings. Results replicated previous research showing that conduct-disordered children express high levels of aversive behavior and anger and are part of a family system marked by conflict and aggression. The depressed children were exposed to maternal aversiveness but did not show any evidence of elevated levels of anger or aversiveness in their own behavior. Surprisingly, this was also true for the mixed-disorder children. High levels of depression in both groups of depressed children were associated with low levels of conflict and anger in family members. Overall, siblings showed very similar patterns of behavior, and were exposed to similar patterns of parental behavior, as the referred children. Results are discussed in terms of family models that emphasize the function of aggression and depression in the maintenance of child psychopathology.  相似文献   

A number of models and theories of knowledge used in recent years have been purported to include determinants necessary and sufficient for predicting outcomes. There have been, however, few empirical assessments of these models reported in the literature. The present research attempts to fill this void by validating the A VICTORY model, which represents one of the most well-known theories of knowledge utilization and planned change., A heuristic factor analytic approach found that the model can be quantified and reliably measured to assess the readiness of organizations to combat violence. A two-staged discriminant analysis, using two outside criterion variables found that selected A VICTORY factors may (in part) satisfy necessary conditions for explaining, research use and planned change; but the model, in its entirety, does not sufficiently explain the reasons that organizations use research or why they engage in change of any kind. Knowlton W. Johnson is director of the College of Urban and Public Affairs' Urban Studies Center at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky 40292. He is also a professor in the School of Justice Administration and co-editor of theJournal of Urban Affairs. His current research in knowledge utilization includes evaluating the effects of information brokers on research use and monitoring the impact of university disseminated and/or produced information on policymaking in local and state government.  相似文献   

In the established guidelines for providers of services to ethnic, linguistic, and culturally diverse populations, the American Psychological Association addressed the need for practitioners to consider the role that culture and ethnicity plays in the psychosocial development of culturally diverse populations. Currently, there are over 24 million Latinos in the United States, and this population is expected to quadruple in size to over 81 million in the year 2050. This discussion of a case example highlights the appropriateness of utilizing the outline for cultural formulation in working with Latino adolescents diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. As indicated by the DSM-IV's outline for cultural formulation, this discussion addresses the importance of assessing the following: 1) Cultural identity of the individual; 2) Cultural explanations of the individual's illness; 3) Cultural factors related to psychosocial environment and levels of functioning; 4) Cultural elements of the relationship between the individual and the clinician; 5) Overall cultural assessment for diagnosis and care. In particular, the discussion focuses on specific reasons why the utilization of the outline for cultural formulation can greatly assist the clinician in understanding many psychosocial elements unique to treating Conduct Disorder in the Latino adolescent.  相似文献   

T. P. Beauchaine recently proposed a model of autonomic nervous system functioning that predicts divergent patterns of psychophysiological responding across disorders of disinhibition. This model was tested by comparing groups of male adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder plus conduct disorder (CD/ADHD) with controls while performing a repetitive motor task in which rewards were administered and removed across trials. Participants then watched a videotaped peer conflict. Electrodermal responding (EDR), cardiac pre-ejection period (PEP), and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) were monitored. Compared with controls, the ADHD and CD/ADHD participants exhibited reduced EDR. The CD/ADHD group was differentiated from the ADHD and control groups on PEP and from the control group on RSA. Findings are discussed in terms of the motivational and regulational systems indexed. Implications for understanding rates of comorbidity between CD and ADHD are considered.  相似文献   

The authors seek to advance the profession's understanding of conduct disorders by illustrating that (a) inappropriate research design frequently results in faulty conclusions regarding etiology, (b) a biosocial approach is most helpful in identifying key interactive variables that place children/adolescents at risk, and (c) future treatment efficacy studies should focus on mitigating these primary risk factors as well as investigating separate intervention models for the two qualitatively distinct categories of delinquents (i.e., chronic vs. transient participation).  相似文献   

Hypotheses generated by a developmental taxonomy that distinguishes between childhood and adolescent onset conduct disorders were tested. Hypotheses predicted that (1) individual and familial factors would be more strongly related to childhood onset conduct disorder, whereas ethnic minority status and exposure to deviant peers would be more strongly related to adolescent onset conduct disorder and (2) individuals with childhood onset disorder would be more likely to commit violent and victim oriented offenses than individuals with adolescent onset conduct disorder. The first hypothesis was strongly supported and the second hypothesis was partially supported. Implications for early identification of youth at risk for chronic offending are discussed.  相似文献   

Simone Weil writes in one of her notebooks: “When one arrives at the absolute one can only express oneself by identities … – For identity alone expresses the unconditioned” (Cahiers, in Œuvres complètes, t. VI, vol. 4 (Paris: Gallimard, 2006), 113). Thus, it is that “the good is the good”, one and the same, unconditionally. Certainly, an individual is unique, a nation is equally so. Nevertheless, personal identity – or “character” – and the identity of a nation are not absolutes. When we wish to treat them as absolutes, we ignore the fact that the “person,” as well as the “nation”, only exists within relationships that they are subject to exterior circumstances and that their identity is situated in time. Is one correct to suppose that the character of an individual or the identity of the nation are “invariables that one continues to find throughout various manifestations”, (“Notes sur le caractère”, Écrits de Marseille, in Œuvres complètes, Op. cit., t. IV, vol. 1 (2008), 87) observed or probable? We hypothesize here that one can apply to national identity what Simone Weil wrote about the notion of character, in notes composed in Marseille and in her commentary on the Our Father (“À propos du Pater”, ibid., 337-345).  相似文献   

This article considers self and self-concept in bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, defined on the basis of manic symptoms, is a highly debilitating psychopathology. It is heavily grounded in biology but symptom course is still very responsive to psychological and social forces in the lives of persons who have the disorder. This review assumes an overall view of the self that is typical of personality psychology: self as traits, self as goals and aspirations, and ongoing efforts to attain those goals. In this review, we will discuss two different facets of self and identity in bipolar disorder. First, we review a body of goal pursuit literature suggesting that persons with bipolar disorder endorse heightened ambitions for attaining goals and recognition from others. Second, we will review multiple findings which suggest that among persons with bipolar disorder, self-worth depends on measurable success in an extreme way. We will consider how the intersection of these two themes may lead to unique identity challenges for people with bipolar disorder, drawing from self-report, behavioral, and neuroscience findings to critically examine this viewpoint.  相似文献   

A revised form of the Social Climate Scale (SCS) containing nine of the 14 subscales was given to 145 staff and 143 boys at a state training school for delinquents. A first principal factor was extracted from the item-correlation matrices for staff and boys, respectively. This factor was named Value, because of its representation of an evaluative item dimension. A factor model was used to test whether this Value factor might account for the significant subscale intercorrelations found in these samples. Maximum likelihood factor analysis of the subscale correlation matrices for both groups provided the test for this model. Through a least-squares rotation procedure on the maximum likelihood factor loadings, the Value factor was identified as the source of most of the subscale dependence. Implications for validation of the SCS and other related questionnaires by Moos are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper compares the validity of DSM-III-R diagnoses of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) and an alternative option which is subdivided into three levels according to developmental sequence and severity: modified oppositional disorder (MODD), intermediate CD (ICD), and advanced CD (ACD). Using a sample of 177 boys followed over 3 years, both the DSM-III-R and the alternative diagnostic constructs are evaluated on three criteria: symptom discriminative validity, and diagnostic external and predictive validity. Most DSM-III-R ODD and CD symptoms discriminated between ODD and CD, but exceptions are noted. Additional analyses demonstrated considerable overlap among DSM-III-R oppositional symptoms. The majority of the symptoms proposed for the alternative option could be assigned to a specific level based on acceptable symptom discrimination. External validity lent support to the distinctions between DSM-III-R ODD and CD, and between MODD, ICD, and ACD. MODD was a better predictor than ODD of which boys received a later diagnosis of CD. Suggestions are made for the inclusion and exclusion of symptoms for developmentally based diagnoses of oppositional and conduct disorders.This research was supported by a grant from the John D. and Catherine R. MacArthur Foundation to the American Psychiatric Association, and grant 1-RO1-MH42529-04 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The authors are indebted to Paul Frick for his advice with some of the statistical analyses, and particularly to Ms. Judith Navratil for her expert help in data collection.  相似文献   

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