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The speed theory of cognitive aging posits that an age-related slowing of processing speed leads to impairments in higher order cognitive functions, such as memory. However, only few studies have examined the relationship between longitudinal changes in processing speed and longitudinal changes in memory performance. In the present study, data of 474 older adults (T1: 59–65 years) from the Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on Adult Development (ILSE) were used to investigate whether changes in speed and in memory were associated over a 4-year period. Performance changes in both constructs were analyzed using latent change factor models. Results show that latent changes in processing speed and latent changes in memory performance correlated with 0.61. This association is considerably lower than what would have been expected from cross-sectional data. Our longitudinal results suggest that although speed changes explain a substantial proportion of variance in memory changes, additional explanatory factors must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the development of episodic memory and episodic foresight. Three- and 5-year-olds were interviewed individually using a personalised timeline that included photographs of them at different points in their life. After constructing the timeline with the experimenter, each child was asked to discuss a number of different events: an event that happened yesterday, an event that happened earlier today, an event that would happen later today, and an event that would happen tomorrow. As judged by their parents, children's accounts were highly accurate. After controlling for age and language scores, there was a strong relation between amount of information reported about past and future events. Overall, 5-year-olds reported more total information than 3-year-olds; however, reports by 3-year-olds included a similar proportion of first-person reference as did reports by 5-year-olds. No age difference appeared in proportion of future-oriented talk. We conclude that the present task provides a promising method of exploring the emergence of mental time travel during early childhood.  相似文献   


The neuropsychological test scores of 2,030 cognitively normal older adults were examined to evaluate performance patterns as they related to time of day (TOD) at which testing was initiated. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the association of TOD with scores on seven neuropsychological tests used in the clinical evaluation of dementia. Episodic memory performance was significantly related to TOD, while memory span and verbal fluency were not. Best performance occurred during early morning hours and late afternoon; worst performance occurred mid-day (i.e., noon). These findings may have implications for clinical assessment, the design of research on dementia, and the daily functioning of older adults.  相似文献   


Existing studies examining the development of temporal order memory show that although young children perform above chance on some tasks assessing temporal order memory, there are significant age-related differences across childhood. Yet, the trajectory of children’s ability to retrieve temporal order remains unclear as existing conclusions are drawn from cross-sectional studies. The present study utilized an accelerated longitudinal design in order to characterize the developmental trajectory of temporal order memory in a sample of 200 healthy 4- to 8-year-old children. Specifically, two tasks commonly used in the literature were tested longitudinally: a primacy judgment task and an ordering task. Results revealed that, even after controlling for differences in IQ, linearly increasing trajectories characterized age-related change in performance for both tasks; however, change appeared greater for the temporal ordering task. Further, performance on the two tasks was positively related, suggesting shared underlying mechanisms. These findings provide a more thorough understanding of temporal order memory in early to middle childhood by characterizing the developmental trajectories of two commonly used tasks and have important implications for our understanding of children’s developing memory more broadly.  相似文献   

焦虑情绪和年龄因素对前瞻记忆成绩影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘伟  王丽娟 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1304-1306
本研究使用了嵌入焦虑量表和前瞻记忆自评问卷的前瞻记忆测验材料.对85名初中学生和152名大学生分别进行测试。结果发现,不同水平的焦虑情绪对前瞻记忆没有显着影响.但对前瞻记忆自我评价影响显着。从年龄因素上看,大学生的前瞻记忆成绩高于初中学生。  相似文献   

Episodic future thinking (EFT) has been linked with our ability to remember past events. However, its specific neurocognitive subprocesses have remained elusive. In Experiment 1, a study of healthy older adults was conducted to investigate the candidate subprocesses of EFT. Participants completed a standard EFT cue word task, two memory measures (Verbal Paired Associates I, Source Memory), and two measures of executive function (Trail Making Test, Tower Test). In Experiment 2, healthy young adults also completed an EFT task and neuropsychological measures. The link between neurocognitive measures and five characteristics of EFT was investigated. Specifically, it was found that Source Memory and Trail Making Test performance predicted the episodic specificity of future events in older but not younger adults. Replicating previous findings, older adults produced future events with greater semantic but fewer episodic details than did young adults. These results extend the data and emphasize the importance of the multiple subprocesses underlying EFT.  相似文献   


Older adults have a demonstrable episodic memory deficit. The present study aimed to investigate whether the age deficit in episodic memory was influenced by stimulus characteristics known to produce differences in memory performance in younger adults, specifically word frequency. An intertrial paradigm was used whereby participants studied high- or low-frequency lists over several study-test trials, and the loss and gain of individual items was measured across trials; putative measures of consolidation and encoding. The results show that high-frequency words are recalled significantly better than low-frequency words. Older adults acquired high-frequency words at a greater rate across trials than they did for low-frequency words, an effect not evident in the younger adults. Older adults were found to have deficits in both encoding and consolidation as measured by losses and gains of items across trials. The results support the inter-item association theory of the word frequency effect on recall, with the age differences suggesting that memory deficits are sensitive to stimuli characteristics – one interpretation being that the ease of processing of the stimuli at encoding facilitates later recall.  相似文献   

预见:情景记忆的未来投射与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预见是对有关个人的未来事件进行模拟的过程。相关的研究从几个方面展开:从比较心理学的角度探讨预见能力的种系发生图谱,从发展心理学的角度考察预见能力的发生发展状况,从认知神经科学的角度揭示预见过程的认知机制和神经基础。未来的研究应该补充和修正预见能力的种系发生图谱,揭示发展过程中预见能力与其他能力的关系,进一步考察卷入预见过程脑区之间的特定神经通路,并提高和拓展其社会应用的价值和范围。  相似文献   

As adoptees transition to adulthood, their roles in the family may shift, providing them with opportunities to have increasing autonomy in their decisions about contact and initiating conversations about adoption. Research has often focused more on adoptees as children, yet in emerging adulthood, there are important shifts in the life roles and relationships of adoptees during which adoptive parents continue to be meaningful. This study examined associations among attachment and communication within the adoptive family during adulthood with emerging adult adoptees' experience of birth family contact (frequency of and satisfaction with birth family contact), in a sample of 167 emerging adults with varied contact with birth family (from no contact to frequent contact). Results suggest that perceptions of secure parent–child attachment relationships, as well as sensitive and open communication with adoptive parents about adoption, continue to be important for emerging adult adoptees and lead to greater satisfaction for adoptees with birth parent contact—regardless of whether adoptees actually have birth family contact. In particular, positive family communication about adoption during adulthood was predictive of satisfaction with birth parent contact. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Frank Sulloway (1996) has claimed that later-borns are more likely to rebel against the status quo than are firstborns. The two studies reported here attempt to examine more fully Sulloway's claims about rebelliousness. The studies draw on archival data from studies of high school and college students in a midwestern state between 1969 and 1982. The current studies compare the effects of birth order, gender, family size, and father's education on two self-report measures: participation in protests and demonstrations, and involvement with marijuana. The data on involvement with marijuana provided support for Sulloway's thesis that later-borns are more rebellious than firstborns, but the data on participation in protests and demonstrations did not. These mixed findings, which contribute to the ongoing debate about Sulloway's theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study longitudinally examined the interplay between birth-order and well-known risk factors in impoverished environments such as inadequate environmental stimulation, low maternal education, and young maternal age in children from birth to 36 months. In the developmental motor domain, the effect of the stimulating environment over time, favored first-borns. In the adaptive domain, maternal education privileged first-born boys. In language development, first-borns reached higher scores over time than laterborn identifying a positive impact of stimulation. In the personal-social domain, firstborns obtained higher averages overall, but stratified models revealed that later-borns reached the first-borns scores as maternal age increased.  相似文献   

We examined age differences in attributions to internal (controllable and uncontrollable), external (uncontrollable), and unstable factors for performance on a free recall memory task in 149 young, middle-aged, and older adults. Attributions varied by age and by level of memory performance. Middle-aged and older adults rated internal, uncontrollable factors (ability and genes) as more influential for high performance than for low performance, and they were less likely than young adults to attribute low performance to these factors. Within age groups, only the older adults rated memory ability as more influential than strategy use, even though they were as likely as the other age groups to use a categorization strategy. Attributions to both internal controllable (strategy use) and uncontrollable (ability) factors as well as to health were associated with better memory performance. These attributions partially mediated the relationship between age and memory performance. Thus, attributions may provide some insight into sources of age differences in memory performance.  相似文献   

陈雯  马聪  李杰  沈模卫 《应用心理学》2009,15(3):195-200,244
采用相对新近性判断范式(judgments of relative recency),通过三个实验探讨了工作记忆中时序信息和空间信息的存储方式及其关系。实验一比较了有无空间线索两种条件下时序信息的记忆绩效,结果发现,有无空间线索并不影响对时序信.E-的记忆。实验二和实验三通过控制刺激呈现的视野范围和减少呈现位置的不确定性来利化空间线索,结果表明,时序信息的记忆绩效也不受空间线索的影响。由此推论,工作记忆中的时序信息和空间信息是分离编码存储的,加入空间线索并不能提高时序信息的记忆绩效。  相似文献   

以情绪性的类别图片为实验材料,使用改进后的简化联合再认范式,结合多项式加工树建模的统计手段,对28名老年人(67.95±4.70岁)和29名年轻人(22.60±2.74岁)情绪错误记忆的产生机制进行考察。结果发现,在行为层面,消极情绪增加年轻人和老年人的错误"记得",而积极情绪只增加老年人的错误"记得",老年人错误记忆的积极效应体现在更多地报告自己生动鲜明地"记得"未曾发生过的积极事件。在认知机制层面,虚假回想是导致老年人错误记忆出现积极效应的关键认知过程。相比年轻人,积极情绪会独特地增加老年人的虚假回想,进而增加错误"记得"的发生概率。  相似文献   

The ability to benefit from various kinds of cognitive support in episodic memory was studied in a population-based sample of healthy adults aged 35–80 years (N = 1,000). The participants studied pictures of faces and names of 10-year-old children with instructions to remember the faces and the surnames. After study, an implicit name stem-completion test was administered, followed by face- and name-recognition tests. There was a negative age effect across all task variables. Across age, recognition was higher for faces than for names. An age-invariant positive effect of intention to learn was observed. Also, name completion and recognition performance showed a positive relationship across the adult life span. Overall, the results are in agreement with the views that (a) age-related episodic memory deficits are highly generalizable and (b) effects of cognitive support on memory are typically of equal size across the adult life span.  相似文献   

The authors studied the performances of 8- to 13-year-old skilled (n = 30) and less skilled (n = 30) gymnasts on a gymnastics routine recall task by examining the role of memorization strategies and imagery ability. Subjects had to reproduce 3 movement sequences presented on videotape. The number of trials needed to achieve correct recall, the strategies employed, and the subjects' imagery ability were analyzed. Recall performance improved with age and skill level. Movement labeling was the most prevalent strategy used; its frequency increased with age, although it did not lead to better recall performance. Performance was higher, however, among subjects with better imagery skills. The role of strategy development in the age-related improvement in memory performance was not clearly demonstrated. The effect of skill level is interpreted in terms of knowledge bases and kinesthetic movement encoding.  相似文献   

胡娟 《心理科学》2005,28(1):210-213
本研究通过实验得出以下结论:(1)记忆错觉与消费者的年龄有关,老年组的错误率最高,青年组的错误率最低;(2)记忆错觉类型与年龄有关,老年组在英文和色彩项目上错误率最高,少儿在英文和汉字项目上错误最高,而对形状和色彩相对要敏感,青年组比较平均,是错误率最低的一组被试:(3)消费者记忆错觉的产生与消费者具体的消费实践有关,接触少的品牌产生错觉的概率高,接触得比较多的品牌错觉率相对要低。  相似文献   

There is clear evidence of a deficit in episodic memory for older adults compared to younger adults. Using an intertrial technique previous research has investigated whether this deficit can be attributed to a decline in encoding or consolidation. On standard memory tests, these two aspects of memory function can be measured by examining the items forgotten or acquired across multiple learning trials. The present study assessed whether age deficits in episodic memory were affected by stimulus characteristics, specifically age of acquisition (AoA). A standard intertrial design was implemented whereby participants studied word lists over several study-test trials. The stimulus characteristics of AoA were manipulated using a pure-list technique. Our findings showed that older adults demonstrate an overall recall deficit which appeared to be a consequence of both an encoding deficit and consolidation weakness. Earlier-acquired words were recalled significantly better than later-acquired words and this was apparently due to both enhanced encoding and consolidation of earlier- over later-acquired words. The key finding is that older adults show a recall advantage for earlier- compared to later-acquired words over the entire experiment to a greater degree than younger adults.  相似文献   

Age differences in feeling-of-knowing (FOK) accuracy were examined for both episodic memory and semantic memory. Younger and older adults either viewed pictures of famous faces (semantic memory) or associated non-famous faces and names (episodic memory) and were tested on their memory for the name of the presented face. Participants viewed the faces again and made a FOK prediction about future recognition of the name associated with the presented face. Finally, four-alternative forced-choice recognition memory for the name, cued by the face, was tested and confidence judgments (CJs) were collected for each recognition response. Age differences were not obtained in semantic memory or the resolution of semantic FOKs, defined by within-person correlations of FOKs with recognition memory performance. Although age differences were obtained in level of episodic memory, there were no age differences in the resolution of episodic FOKs. FOKs for correctly recognized items correlated reliably with CJs for both types of materials, and did not differ by age group. The results indicate age invariance in monitoring of retrieval processes for name–face associations.  相似文献   


Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is characterized by episodic memory deficits, while aspects of working memory may also be implicated, but studies into this latter domain are scarce and results are inconclusive. Using a computerized search paradigm, this study compares 25 young adults, 25 typically aging older adults and 15 amnestic MCI patients as to their working-memory capacities for object-location information and potential differential effects of memory load and additional context cues. An age-related deficit in visuospatial working-memory maintenance was found that became more pronounced with increasing task demands. The MCI group additionally showed reduced maintenance of bound information, i.e., object-location associations, again especially at elevated memory load. No effects of contextual cueing were found. The current findings indicate that working memory should be considered when screening patients for suspected MCI and monitoring its progression.  相似文献   

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