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以388名大学生为研究对象,考察大学生主动性人格对学业成绩的影响,以及学业自我效能感和学习适应在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)主动性人格、学业自我效能感、学习适应与学业成绩四个变量相互之间存在显著正相关。(2)学业自我效能感在主动性人格对学业成绩的影响中起完全中介作用,但学习适应并不在主动性人格与学业成绩之间起显著的中介作用;学业自我效能感在主动性人格对学习适应的影响中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

龙君伟  曹科岩 《心理科学》2006,29(4):874-877
文章采用教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感问卷,对广州市的205名初中教师进行了研究,以探讨学校等级、性别、职称、学历、教龄等背景变量对初中教师组织公民行为、教学效能感的影响,以及教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感之间的关系。结果发现:教师组织公民行为、教学效能感在学校等级和职称上存在着显著性差异;教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感之间存在着显著性相关,教师组织公民行为中的认同组织和良心行为因子是教师教学效能感的有效预测变量。  相似文献   

工作场所中员工创新的内驱力:员工创造力自我效能感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我效能感在创新领域具体运用后,发展为创造力自我效能感, 是指个体对创造成功的信念。以往的研究多集中于教育领域。随着员工创新在组织创新中地位提升, 研究者发现, 对创新成功所抱有的信念是支撑员工将创新行为实施到底的重要内在力量, 创造力自我效能感的研究开始向组织领域拓展。文章对创造力自我效能感在组织领域的最新研究进行归纳,总结了影响员工创造力自我效能感的主要因素:领导支持、工作的复杂度等;提炼了员工创造力自我效能感与员工创新的关系, 说明员工创造力自我效能感无论是作为员工创新心理的一个维度, 还是作为一个独立变量在个体创新机制中起中介或者调节作用, 均与员工创新紧密相关; 最后, 提出下一步的研究需要对员工创造力自我效能感的测量以及影响因素进行深入研究, 为管理实践提供更多的理论依据。  相似文献   

国外反生产行为研究述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
反生产行为指从组织角度来看,员工有意违背所在组织合法利益的任何行为,这类行为对组织效能具有相当程度的破坏作用.文章对反生产行为的概念结构、前因变量和评价源问题等方面进行了回顾和分析.研究发现,反生产行为与组织公民行为之间是相关且相互独立的概念,多种情境变量和个体变量可以预测反生产行为的产生.最后展望了该领域的未来研究方向,强调本土化、应用研究、功能性视角等三方面问题应该受到重视.  相似文献   

张辉华 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1175-1184
以中国样本为例,运用元分析方法对个体和团队层面情绪智力与工作相关变量的关系进行了探讨。来源于46项研究的59个独立样本满足了元分析标准(N=11578)。元分析结果发现,个体情绪智力与领导行为有高度正相关,与任务绩效、背景绩效、自我效能感有中高度正相关,与工作满意、组织承诺、创新行为有中低度正相关,与工作倦怠有中高度负相关,与工作压力有中低度负相关,与员工离职和凝聚力的相关不显著。团队情绪智力与团队绩效高度正相关。结果表明,情绪智力是工作场所有价值的变量,它对有效的工作变量有不同程度的预测性。  相似文献   

心理授权研究的现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
心理授权是授权的个体内心体验的综合体,包含意义、自我效能感、自我决定以及影响四个维度。个体心理授权的影响因素方面包括个体特征、工作特征以及团体和组织特征等三个方面。心理授权不仅能作为自变量对相关工作态度、工作行为及绩效发挥积极的作用,也能作为中介变量对某些因素之间的关系起着中介作用。该文最后在对心理授权的相关研究进行总结的基础上,指出未来的研究有必要加强对心理授权的纵向过程研究等四方面问题的考察  相似文献   

内在动机及其前因变量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文比较系统地介绍了目前国内外关于内在动机的概念和具体影响因素诸方面的研究进展,并对未来的研究发展方向进行了展望。内在动机主要是由于活动过程本身特性或个体内发性精神需要所引发的一种活动或工作动力。相关影响因素主要涉及个体需要兴趣情感因素、工作任务本身特性、个体成就目标设置、自我效能感、组织授权与交换以及外在激励方式等方面。未来研究的方向主要在于内在动机具体结构的深入探讨以及不同影响因素的中介变量、调节变量以及诸因素交互作用综合模型的建立等方面  相似文献   

职场孤独感是个体在工作场所中体验到的孤独感,包括情感和社交两个维度。在介绍其定义、结构和测量后,根据现有研究总结出职场孤独感的前因与后果。在群体层面上,职场孤独感的前因变量包括组织规模、地位和气氛;结果变量包括团队绩效、领导成员交换和团队成员交换。在个体层面上,职场孤独感的前因变量包括人格特征、职场排斥、工作倦怠、工作过载、经济地位和教育水平等;结果变量包括工作绩效、工作压力感、工作满意度、离职倾向和组织承诺等。  相似文献   

"大五"人格剖面是"大五"人格特质在个体上的高低组合,充分考虑了人格特质之间的交互作用,能够反映不同子群体在"大五"人格特质上的数量与质量差异,是解释以往以变量为中心矛盾性结论的重要途径,也更契合组织管理实践需要,对实践有更强的指导意义。"大五"人格剖面数量受到研究情境、样本特征、研究方法等因素的影响,基于自我适应-自我管理模型可以获取4剖面模型,且常见的剖面包括灵活适应剖面、普通剖面与执拗剖面。"大五"人格剖面在研究中更多地扮演自变量角色,探讨其在关键结果变量上是否存在差异。未来可以关注强化"大五"人格剖面研究的理论基础;加强重复性研究,识别普适性"大五"人格剖面;识别"大五"人格剖面的影响因素;纳入更多人格变量,更完整刻画人格剖面。  相似文献   

工作投入研究的现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
工作投入指的是一种与工作相关的积极、完满的情绪与认知状态,具有持久性和弥散性的特点。工作投入对个体的工作绩效和某些工作态度及行为变量,以及顾客满意度、生产力、利润率和单位总体绩效等组织结果变量均具有一定的影响。工作投入的影响因素包括个体特征因素、与工作相关的因素以及与家庭相关的因素等3个方面。文章在对工作投入的相关研究进行全面述评的基础上,指出未来的研究有必要进一步加强对工作投入的干预机制等五方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

Purpose  To examine the relationship between proactive personality, employee creativity, and newcomer outcomes (i.e., career satisfaction and perceived insider status). Design/methodology/approach   A survey was conducted using a 3-wave longitudinal design with 146 Hong Kong Chinese employees from various organizations. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses including the mediation effects. Findings   Proactive personality was positively associated with employee creativity and employee creativity was positively associated with career satisfaction and perceived insider status. In addition, employee creativity fully mediated the relationships between proactive personality and career satisfaction and perceived insider status. Implications   Based on self-reported responses, these data show that newcomers with a proactive personality shape their work environments in part through creative behavior, which in turn leads to feelings of career satisfaction and perceptions of being an organizational insider. Our study’s results also show that employee creativity is positively and significantly related to workers’ career satisfaction and perceived insider status, suggesting that employee creativity can improve employees’ attitudes toward their career and perceptions as valued and contributing organizational insiders. Future research may examine other possible variables that might mediate the relationship between proactive personality and individual outcomes. Originality/value  One of the few studies that have examined the intervening mechanism by which proactive personality leads to employee outcomes and examined the effects of proactive personality on employee outcomes in Asian culture. Received and reviewed by former editor, George Neuman.  相似文献   

主动性人格的研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,越来越多的研究者与管理者开始关注员工的主动行为,主动行为能够改善组织的效率和提高竞争力。主动行为受到许多因素的影响,其中一个因素即主动性人格。主动性人格是一种稳定的主动行为倾向。许多研究表明:主动性人格与许多行为结果都有密切联系,包括工作绩效、职业生涯成功、领导能力、团队绩效、创业等。今后的研究需要探讨一些问题,如主动性人格与关系绩效、职业生涯成功新标准的关系  相似文献   

本研究通过两时点纵向问卷调查,探讨主动性人格与组织公民行为、任务绩效之间的关系,考察主动社会化行为在其中的中介作用,以及政治技能的调节作用。结果表明:(1)主动社会化行为在主动性人格和组织公民行为、任务绩效之间起中介作用;(2)政治技能对主动社会化行为在主动性人格和组织公民行为、任务绩效之间的中介效应起调节作用:当政治技能水平上升,主动性人格通过主动社会化行为对组织公民行为及任务绩效的预测更加明显。  相似文献   

本研究通过两时点纵向问卷调查,探讨主动性人格与组织公民行为、任务绩效之间的关系,考察主动社会化行为在其中的中介作用,以及政治技能的调节作用。结果表明:(1)主动社会化行为在主动性人格和组织公民行为、任务绩效之间起中介作用;(2)政治技能对主动社会化行为在主动性人格和组织公民行为、任务绩效之间的中介效应起调节作用:当政治技能水平上升,主动性人格通过主动社会化行为对组织公民行为及任务绩效的预测更加明显。  相似文献   

以往有关主动性的研究通常聚焦员工本身, 忽略了团队或组织中同事会对员工行为产生影响这一重要管理实践和理论视角。为此, 本研究以社会学习理论为基础, 探讨了同事主动行为对员工自主动机和工作绩效的影响, 以及员工主动性人格的调节作用。通过多时点、上下级匹配问卷(研究1)及情景实验(研究2)两项研究, 本文发现, 同事主动行为可以激发员工的自主动机, 进而提升工作绩效; 并且, 员工主动性人格强化了同事主动行为对员工自主动机的正向作用。本研究不仅从理论上将现有关于主动行为的研究视角迁移到同事, 也为如何更好地激励员工提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

The current article tests a model of proactive personality and job search success with a sample of 180 graduating college students. Using structural equation modeling, the authors tested a theoretical model that specified the relations among proactive personality, job search self-efficacy, job search behaviors, job search effort, and job search outcomes. Job seekers were surveyed at 2 separate points in time, once 3-4 months prior to graduation and once 2-3 months following graduation. The results suggest that proactive personality (a) significantly influenced the success of college graduates' job search, (b) was partially mediated through job search self-efficacy and job search behavior, and (c) was independent of self-esteem and conscientiousness. The findings are discussed in terms of their general implications for understanding the nature of the process through which distal personality factors, such as proactive personality, affect the nature and success of an individual's job search.  相似文献   

Although mentoring others and career plateaus are both common experiences for seasoned employees, they are rarely examined together. In this study, we considered mentoring others as an antecedent of career plateaus and emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions as outcomes of career plateaus for mentors. We also examined the moderating role of mentors' proactive personality. Results of hierarchical regression analyses based on 188 mentoring dyads indicated that career-focused mentoring alleviated both hierarchical and job content plateauing perceptions. Mentors' proactive personality moderated the relationship between career-focused mentoring and hierarchical plateauing such that the negative relationship is stronger for low proactive personality mentors. Hierarchical plateaus were positively related to mentors' emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions whereas job content plateaus only positively related to turnover intentions. Proactive personality moderated the relationship between job content plateaus and mentors' work-related attitudes such that the positive relationships were stronger for more proactive mentors. The implications and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Using meta-analysis (283 effect sizes from 122 studies), we extend prior qualitative and quantitative reviews of research on proactive personality in a number of meaningful ways. First, we examine the discriminant and incremental validity of proactive personality using meta-analytic regression analyses. Our results reveal that more than 50% of variance in proactive personality is unrelated to the Big Five personality traits collectively. Also, proactive personality accounts for unique variance in overall job performance, task performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors, even after controlling for the Big Five personality traits and general mental ability (for overall job performance and task performance). Moreover, we find no subgroup differences in proactive personality, highlighting its potential use in selection contexts. In conclusion, we discuss implications of our findings for research and practice.  相似文献   



In a social network study, this research investigates proactive personality dissimilarity as a basis for friendship ties over time. It also examines the moderating role of proactive personality on the relationship between network centrality and satisfaction/stress.


Longitudinal network data (two periods) were collected from business students (T1, n = 197; T2, n = 212). We captured the early stages of network formation and observed the changes in network structure over time.


Findings demonstrate proactive individuals develop ties with less proactive individuals over time, providing evidence of personality heterophily. In addition, proactive personality positively moderates the relationship between network centrality and satisfaction/stress. Interestingly, people’s perceptions of their network position (out-degree ties) were more strongly associated with their personal outcomes than their number of ties as nominated by others.


This research is among the first to provide evidence of personality heterophily over time (relationships form because of differences in personality). Moreover, proactive personality is important to both the benefits and costs associated with network participation, pointing to paradoxical effects of proactive personality.  相似文献   

Proactive personality and career success.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
This study examined the relationship between proactive personality and career success by surveying a sample of 496 employees (320 men and 176 women) from a diverse set of occupations and organizations. Proactive personality was positively associated with both self-reported objective (salary and promotions) and subjective (career satisfaction) indicators of career success. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that proactive personality explained additional variance in both objective and subjective career success even after controlling for several relevant variables (demographic, human capital, motivational, organizational, and industry) that have previously been found to be predictive of career outcomes. These findings were consistent using both self-report and significant--other ratings of proactive personality.  相似文献   

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