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The rarity of altruistic punishment in small-scale societies should not be interpreted as evidence that altruistic punishment is not an important determinant of cooperation in general. While it is essential to collect field data on altruistic punishment, this kind of data has limitations. Laboratory experiments can help shed light on the role of altruistic punishment "in the wild."  相似文献   

Emotions provide a ubiquitous and consequential backdrop to daily life, influencing everything from physiology to interpersonal relationships in the blink of an eye. Instances of emotional experience accumulate and compound to impact overall mental and physical health. Under optimal conditions, emotions are adaptive for the successful navigation of daily life. However, situational features of military life likely amplify everyday emotions and their impact, creating the need for soldiers to have a well-oiled emotional resilience system in place from the start, to be maintained throughout their careers. Basic research in affective science has identified the active ingredients that would be required in order for such a system of skills and abilities to have maximum impact on overall emotional fitness. Results of this emotional resilience training may provide compounding benefits for the individual as well as have spreading impact for the benefit of the military unit and other social connections. The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness initiative highlights important new frontiers in affective science and presents a challenge to our field that requires taking a second look at the theory-testing process.  相似文献   

Experiments are not models of cooperation; instead, they demonstrate the presence of the ethical and other-regarding predispositions that often motivate cooperation and the punishment of free-riders. Experimental behavior predicts subjects' cooperation in the field. Ethnographic studies in small-scale societies without formal coercive institutions demonstrate that disciplining defectors is both essential to cooperation and often costly to the punisher.  相似文献   

The field of MCDM should become significantly concerned about problems that are also qualitative, ‘messy’, fuzzy or not well-defined—they abound in human systems. Dealing exclusively with quantitatively well-defined problematique (the proverbial ‘finding the shortest path’) is part of the unidimensional legacy of OR/MS: it programmatically neglects attributes of beauty, quality, harmony, aesthetics, safety and reliability. Yet these are the criteria which are ardently sought after by modern humans, while being mostly ignored or neglected by modern technocrats.  相似文献   

博弈中的反社会惩罚是指博弈者对表现出亲社会行为的高贡献或高合作性他人实施有代价经济惩罚、消极评价或排斥打压的现象。已有研究用带惩罚的经典博弈范式证明了反社会惩罚受到多种个体与环境因素的影响, 并分别从侵犯、报复、社会比较、偏离群体规范、进化策略视角提出了解释其产生机制的5种假说。未来研究可在进一步厘清概念与测量指标、创新研究方法、拓展影响因素研究、明确产生机制、开展针对性干预研究方面做深入探索。  相似文献   

I argue in my target article that field evidence does not support the costly punishment hypothesis. Some commentators object to my reading of the evidence, while others agree that evidence in favour of costly punishment is scant. Most importantly, no rigorous measurement of cost-benefit ratios in the field has been attempted so far. This lack of evidence does not rule out costly punishment as a cause of human cooperation, but it does pre-empt some overconfident claims made in the past. Other commentators have interpreted my article as an anti-experimental pamphlet or as a flat denial of the existence of pro-social motives--which it was not intended to be. While we have enough data to establish the existence (and theoretical relevance) of strong reciprocity motives, I argue in this response that their efficacy (and policy relevance) has not been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Warning stimuli for two punishment conditions were alternated with periods of appetitive responding by rats. In either warning stimulus, the first response produced a brief shock, terminated the stimulus, and started an interval during which the baseline appetitive schedule was in effect. Not responding resulted in stimuli of random duration, which terminated with a shock under one condition and without a shock under the other. Each subject was exposed to several shock intensities, with trials for the two conditions programmed during alternate portions of the session. In general, response frequency in the warning signal for either condition decreased with increasing intensity; however, at a given intensity, responding was more frequent in the stimulus invariably terminating with shock than in the stimulus terminating without shock when no response was made. The frequency difference was greatest at intensities intermediate between those producing minimal and maximal suppression.  相似文献   


A phenomenological approach to psychopathology is illustrated through an inquiry into the meanings of agoraphobia. A classical and a contemporary phenomenological comprehension are presented. Utilizing the thought of Erwin Straus, the classical approach articulates the problem in terms of lived body and spatiality. the contemporary version suggests the necessity of combining existential and psychoanalytic understandings to be faithful to the phenomenon as disclosed in clinical praxis. General implications for a contemporary phenomenological psychopathology are discussed.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, I argue that Christians should incorporate the theory of reincarnation into their belief system. The problem of the apparent disproportion between finite human sin and infinite punishment in Hell becomes far more tractable against the background of reincarnation. In the second part of the paper, I address and answer three objections that may be raised against a Christian theory of reincarnation. The first objection is based on the role of memory in identity, the second points to the essential unity of body and soul, and the third revolves around the suggestion that living multiple lives may more easily lead to damnation than to salvation.  相似文献   

In the first of three experiments in which albino rats were given spaced shockescape trials in a straight runway, groups of 6 animals were given 6 or 24 trials followed by extinction, with or without goal-box punishment. Punishment facilitated behavior after 24 trials but did not significantly affect it after 6. Both punishment and 24 trials led to more “abrupt” extinction. In the second experiment, 6 groups of 6 animals received 6, 12, or 24 trials followed by 54 extinction trials with or without goal punishment on the first 18. All punished groups ran self-punitively, and acquisition trials effects were apparent during and after punishment. In the third experiment, buzzer extent, or duration, was manipulated, and longer extents produced stronger self-punitive effects. The results of all three experiments were interpreted in the context of presumed directive effects of aversive and conditioned aversive stimuli.  相似文献   

Guided discretion statutes were designed to control arbitrariness and discrimination in capital sentencing. Using data from Supplemental Homicide Reports and Trial Judge Reports, this article examines the issue of racial disparity in Missouri's capital punishment process from 1977 through 1991. Findings from the three decision points examined suggest racial bias against the killers of whites, particularly if the offender is black, and a concomitant devaluation of black victims. The strongest effects noted are in the prosecutor's decision to charge homicide offenders with capital murder and to proceed to penalty trial in convicted capital murder cases. While the effects are not necessarily limited to the least aggravated categories, the effects of race are strongest when prosecutors and jurors are freed from the seriousness of the cases to consider other factors. The racial disparities are also apparent in mid-range cases up until the sentencing stage. However, disparities occurring earlier in the process are not rectified during sentencing. In fact, in the least aggravated cases, racial disparities are magnified at the sentencing stage.  相似文献   

Hunter-gatherer punishment involves costs and benefits to individuals and groups, but the costs do not necessarily fit with the assumptions made in models that consider punishment to be altruistic--which brings in the free-rider problem and the problem of second-order free-riders. In this commentary, I present foragers' capital punishment patterns ethnographically, in the interest of establishing whether such punishment is likely to be costly; and I suggest that in many cases abstentions from punishment that might be taken as defections by free-riders are actually caused by social-structural considerations rather than being an effect of free-rider genes. This presentation of data supplements the ethnographic analysis provided by Guala.  相似文献   

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