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Utilizing a developmental trajectory approach, this study examines whether or not the perceived presence of social disorganization within communities contributes to the experience of having multiple sexual partners. The sample consists of African-American self-reports (n = 402) originating from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79). Analysis centers on responses from individuals who were ages 15 to 17 in 1998, 17 to 19 in 2000, 19 to 21 in 2002, 21 to 23 in 2004, 23 to 25 in 2006, and 25 to 27 in 2008. Following trajectory analysis of their reported number of sexual partners and perceptions of social disorganization, three groups are identified, showing variations in perceptions and number of sexual partners. Overall, results from these groups indicate that perceived social disorganization among African Americans has some impact on their number of sexual partners. Implications and directions for future research concerning social disorganization and public health are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey, and applying logit and log-normal hazard models, this study examined the determinants and timing of coerced first sexual intercourse among women aged 15–49 years in Ghana. Results indicate statistically significant relationships between demographic and sociocultural variables on the likelihood and timing of coerced first sexual intercourse among Ghanaian women. Married women were significantly less likely to report coercion at first sex, but had a faster timing to coerced first sex compared to the never married. Older women were significantly less likely to report coerced first sex, compared to younger women. Similarly, women who had their sexual debut at younger ages were more likely to say they were forced, compared to those who experiencing theirs at older ages. While Ewe and Ga Adangbe women were more likely to report coerced first sex, compared to Akans, traditionalists were less likely to do so, compared to Christians. This study highlights the need for critical appraisal of the cultural interpretation of violence and for future studies to explore the causes of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

近几年来 ,非洲大陆新兴宗教运动的增多 ,以及个人在信仰中寻求新的意义 ,引起宗教专家们关注。但是 ,对于“宗教热”的意义的这种种解释产生了许多疑问 ,特别是在宗教“创新”的意义和影响问题上。其实大可不必咬文嚼字 ,这种宗教“创新”应该主要从横向的和纵向的两种信仰融合形式来解读 :首先 ,就其横向的形式而言 ,这种宗教创新一方面应看做是非洲各种传统宗教通过同起源于西方或者亚洲的宗教的和平的或者暴力的冲撞 ,所产生的不断革新 ;正是这样的冲撞导致了形形色色的新传统主义、先知主义和独立教会的诞生。我们将从一些先知派宗教的…  相似文献   

Psychology is an ethnocentric science, cultivated mainly in the developed world and then exported to sub-Saharan Africa. The major facilitators or deterrents—local, international, and systemic—to its development pertain to the extent to which training, research, and practice are driven by Eurocentric theories, epistemologies, and methods, and how they undermine, ignore, or exclude folk psychology and local issues. Africa has her own frames of reference and social reality; these differ in some remarkable ways from the Euro-American. Efforts to indigenize psychology or to use it to solve the multiple problems Africa faces have merely begun, and need to be hastened. The eco-cultural framework, which compels sensitivity to local cultures and conditions, can promote the process of indigenizing psychology. A few contextualist or Afrocentric studies have yielded evidence pointing to the necessity for the reconsideration of Eurocentric conceptualization.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - The aim of this study was to examine the effects of sexual behaviour, intercourse, satisfaction-related myths and spirituality on sexual dysfunctions in Muslim...  相似文献   

The purpose of this review was to identify and assess studies that have described and quantified brief interventions of alcohol problems in sub-Saharan Africa. PubMed, Google scholar, CAB Abstracts and article references were searched to identify studies published in English between 1980 and 2009. Twenty-one eligible studies were described in detail and information on study characteristics extracted. All of the identified studies were conducted either in east or southern Africa and varied substantially in terms of study design, population and alcohol use definitions. Overall, brief intervention of alcohol problems in health care settings showed positive results but were difficult to integrate into routine practice. Brief interventions (ranging from a few to 12 sessions) in school settings showed mixed results. In individual or group format in community settings, brief interventions combined with HIV risk reduction counselling showed promising short term results. The findings of this review of sub-Saharan African research strongly support the possible impact of brief interventions of alcohol problems in various settings.  相似文献   


Negative attitudes about sex and sexuality and many types of sexual dysfunction are common aftereffects of sexual child abuse and incest. The traumatic sexualization and the aversive sexual conditioning resulting from childhood abuse have long gone unrecognized, however. This article presents research findings regarding the impact of incest on sexual attitudes and functioning along with treatment recommendations.  相似文献   

One-hundred and twenty male and 109 female unmarried college students participated in a questionnaire study of actual and expected male-female differences in the use of 10 strategies for having and avoiding sexual intercourse. As predicted, both men and women viewed strategies for having sex as used predominantly by males and strategies for avoiding sex as used predominantly by females. However, sex-role attitudes were unrelated to students' expectations of sexual encounters. Both traditional and profeminist students expected that strategies for having sex would be used predominantly by males and strategies for avoiding sex would be used predominantly by females. It appeared that students still stereotyped having sex as a male goal and avoiding sex as a female goal. Men and women were unexpectedly similar in their personal strategies for influencing a sexual encounter. Both men and women reported using more indirect strategies to have sex and more direct strategies to avoid having sex. These findings suggest that when men and women share the same goals (such as having or avoiding sex), expected differences between male and female influencing agents disappear  相似文献   

The study examines the literature on poverty and HIV/AIDS in an effort to explore the various psychological resources available for affected individuals. Poverty is an increased risk for HIV and AIDS for a majority of the citizens of sub-Saharan Africa, and also lowered their subjective well-being. Furthermore, research evidence revealed that the relationship between poverty and subjective well-being is mediated by the intervention of such psychological variables as locus of control, self esteem, depression and coping strategies among others. Psychological resources for positive well-being that could ameliorate the potentially devastating combined effects of HIV and poverty are suggested.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the roles of family, friends, and romantic/sexual partners in the body image development of sexual minority men. Data were analyzed using consensual qualitative research methodology. Romantic/sexual partners, family, and friends were all found to play influential roles in body development, with romantic/sexual partners being the most significant and friends being the least significant. Implications for counselors and counselor educators, as well as suggestions for future research, are provided.  相似文献   

In the globalization discourse, Christianity and Islam are often construed as representing two traditions that are conflicted and incompatible. This study engages the "clash of civilizations" discourse by examining Muslim-Christian differentials in the use of modern contraception in Nigeria, where Christians have a much higher contraceptive prevalence, and Tanzania, where Muslims are somewhat more likely to use contraception. Employing data from six nationally representative surveys conducted in the two countries between 1990 and 2004 and multilevel logistic regression, we find that the effects of religion remain strong but operate largely through the community religious milieu. Contraceptive use tends to be highest in religiously mixed areas, but the "optimal" religious makeup differs between the two nations, reflecting the historically shaped configurations of their religious expressions and politics.  相似文献   

Whereas determinants of self-assessed health status -subjective health are well scrutinized in developed countries, little is known about factors influencing how people appraise their own health in Sub-Sahara Africa. In the context of increasing burden of care due to high incidence of chronic diseases, poverty and social transformation this paper explores the predictors of self-appraised health status in Ghana. Using 2005–2008 wave of the World Values Survey, the authors employ parametric and ordered logistic regression techniques to assess the relative effect of economic, cultural, social capital, geographic, and demographic factors in molding subjective health among Ghanaians. The study reveals that cultural background has independent significant effect on subjective health over and above individual characteristics. The relative importance of cultural background in shaping subjective health is more significant and salient for Ewes compared to Akans. Income, age and satisfaction with life are noncultural variables that consistently emerged as predictors of subjective health among the respondents. Policy implications of the study are discussed echoing the need to adopt multidimensional approach to improving overall health paying attention to cultural background in the country. It is also suggested that more studies into the interplay between cultural background and social capital variables and subjective health are needed to untangle the rationale behind the association between culture and social capital and health status in the country. Future areas of research are also alluded to.  相似文献   

从有性生育到无性生育,这是人类生育方式的重大变革。无性生育是从细胞水平上对人类生育方式的干预。无性生育技术的出现及其实验,并不意味“人类的自然生育方式将要终结”,它只是有性生育的必要补充。无性生育技术的滥用和无性生育的泛滥有可能导致人类尊严的彻底丧失和以人的尊严为基础的人类明的倒退。对无性生育技术的研究和应用必须实施社会控制。  相似文献   


Male-to-female transgendered persons (MtF) in San Francisco have very high HIV prevalence and incidence. To explore possible sources for these high rates of HIV infection, a rapid needs assessment was conducted using two methods: (1) an interviewer-administered, mostly closed-ended survey with the male partners of MtF persons, and (2) focus groups with MtF persons. Five main themes were evident from the findings: (1) male partners of MtF persons are of all ages, races, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds; (2) high-risk sex occurs between MtF persons and their male sexual partners, despite a high level of concern about HIV among both the male and MtF study participants; (3) drug use appears to play a role in unsafe sex between MtF and their male partners; (4) male partners of MtF persons may represent a possible bridge for HIV transmission among different populations, given that they reported sex with male and female partners, as well as transgendered partners; and (5) men engaging in receptive anal sex with MtF partners probably occurs more frequently than reported by the male participants, given the comments of MtF study participants. The results indicate a need for creative, community-based HIV prevention strategies that target the male partners of MtF transgendered persons.  相似文献   

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