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认知作业年老化的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
李德明  卫星  孙福立 《心理学报》1994,27(2):184-189
用言语—操作和人机对话两种方式完成12项认知作业年老化比较研究,被试242人,46-75岁。结果表明:(1)一些作业(符号数字、视觉数字广度、听觉数字广度、词对联想学习、图象自由回忆和无意图形再认)成绩随年老明显下降,另一些作业(图象分类、卡片分类、心算和矩阵填图)成绩不随年老明显降低;(2)再次验证心算、符号数字、数字鉴别和计数四项非词语性作业速度随年老进行性减慢。  相似文献   

张承芬  孙金玲 《心理科学》2013,36(1):134-138
本研究从工作记忆容量的角度入手,探讨数学焦虑对工作记忆子系统及数学心算成绩的影响,并寻求三者之间关系的理论解释。本研究为3×2×2混合实验设计,即三组被试(高、中、低数学焦虑组)、工作记忆两个子系统(言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆)和两种数学心算任务难度,并记录数学心算的反应时和正确率作为其成绩指标。结果表明在要求较高工作记忆容量的数学心算任务中,数学焦虑通过言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆都会对数学心算成绩产生影响,其中视空间工作记忆是数学焦虑与复杂数学心算反应时之间的中介变量。  相似文献   

本研究选取43名小学四年级学生(18名男生和25名女生)为实验被试,探究了工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对复杂加法心算策略效果的影响.结果显示:(1)工作记忆负荷对复杂加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需的工作记忆负荷越小,该策略的执行效果越好;(2)自动化提取对加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需自动化提取的程度越高,该策略的执行效果越好;(3)工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对加法心算策略效果的交互作用显著,表现为在自动化提取水平较高的情况下,工作记忆负荷的大小对心算策略执行效果的影响差异不显著;而在自动化提取水平较低的情况下,工作记忆负荷小的心算策略的执行效果显著优于工作记忆负荷大的心算策略的执行效果.  相似文献   

工作记忆和感觉运动速度在心算加工年老化过程中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘昌  李德明 《心理学报》2003,35(5):617-627
对心算加工年老化研究有助于阐明认知老化规律,然而有关心算老化的少量研究结果仍存在不一致甚至矛盾之处。导致这种不一致的原因十分复杂,表面上看,不同认知老化研究所采用的统计方法不尽相同导致了结果的歧异。例如,在心算的年老化研究中,有的研究结论基于群体的数据分析,如层级回归分析(hierarchical regres-sion analyses)或方差分析,如Sahhouse和Coon(1994);另有一些研究先对每一个体数据作线性回归分析,如此得到斜率和截距(分别表示心算的中枢加工时间和外周感觉运动时间),然后再行层级回归分析或方差分析,如Al-len等(1992,1997)。这两类统计分析所得的结果很不一致。从理论上看,只要所采用的统计方法是合理的,统计方法的不尽相同应不会导致矛盾。但在实际情况下,统计分析误差增加了结论不一致的可能性,从而增大了揭示心算老化复杂性规律的难度。事实上,心算活动的年龄差异可能来自于记忆、加工速度等不同认知资源的老化差异。为了深入探讨这一问题,我们进一步研究了工作记忆和感觉运动速度在心算加工年老化过程中的作用。被试共161人,20—79岁,身体健康,受教育年限12年以上,以10岁段划分为6个年龄组,组间文化程度基本匹配。被试任务包括:(1)连续减法心算,分别为1000—3、1000—7、1000—13及1000—17等4种,在排除了被试看屏幕和按键的感觉运动时间后得到心算所需的时间;(2)数字计算工作记忆,根据工作记忆对信息同时进行加工和储存的特点,要求被试计算完题后再回忆答案,以获得工作记忆广度指标;(3)“数字复制”(digit copying),以获得感觉运动速度指标。实验在386微机上进行。对所得数据分别进行了上述群体数据与个体数据分析。两种数据分析方法得到了相同的结果,一致表明,在控制工作记忆与感觉运动速度的年龄差异后,心算活动的年龄差异显著降低。而且,控制感觉运动速度的年龄差异后心算活动年龄差异的降低程度要大于控制工作记忆的年龄差异后心算活动年龄差异的降低程度。这说明,感觉运动速度在心算加工年老化过程中发挥了更大作用。但是,工作记忆与感觉运动速度二者的年龄差异并不能完全解释心算活动的年龄差异,表明心算加工的年老化存在其特殊性过程,不支持认知老化的普遍减慢假说(genenalized slowing hypotllesis)。  相似文献   

认知能力的毕生发展及其分离性和个体差异性研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
李德明  陈天勇  李贵芸  刘昌 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1288-1290
研究认知能力毕生发展过程及其分离性和个体差异性的变化。被试 1 993名 (1 0 - 90岁 ) ,完成加工速度、工作记忆、心算、空间表象和记忆再认等认知测验。结果表明 :1 )认知能力发展的发展在 1 6 - 1 9岁组达到高峰 ,2 0岁后随增龄而逐渐下降 ,不同认知能力发展的分离性在 60岁后明显增大 ;2 )几乎所有测验的个体差异性在 2 0岁之前随增龄而减小 ,在 2 0岁之后随增龄而增大 ;3)教育因素对认知能力老化过程的分离性和个体差异性有明显影响。  相似文献   

蔡丹  李其维  邓赐平 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1085-1089
记忆广度包括短时记忆广度和工作记忆广度,为揭示数学学习困难学生认知缺损特点,筛选103名初中生(平均年龄12.57岁),比较数学困难学生(49名)与数学优秀学生(54名)的记忆广度差异,通过词语系列任务、阅读广度任务以及倒背数字任务,分别测查了短时记忆、言语工作记忆以及数字工作记忆。结果发现,数困组与优秀组的学生在词语系列任务中没有显著差异(t=-1.59, p>.05),在阅读广度任务中,具有显著差异(t=-2.38, p<.05),在倒背数字任务中具有极其显著的差异(t=-4.69, p<.01)。阅读广度和倒背数字之间具有显著相关(r=.24, p<.05),词语系列任务与阅读广度(r=.19, p>.05)和倒背数字任务(r=.05, p>.05)之间不存在显著相关。研究表明,在具有干扰情况的任务更能有效预测数学成绩,数学学习困难的认知缺损主要是对抗干扰的能力不足,而非简单的短时记忆广度。  相似文献   

工作记忆与认知能力、智力和学习能力有密切的联系.本研究采用横断研究的方法,测量了213名8岁到成年期被试的数字、词语和视空间工作记忆广度,探查了工作记忆广度的发展情况.结果发现,数字工作记忆广度在此期间持续增长,词语广度在18岁达到最高,视空间工作记忆广度在14-16岁达到高峰.不同任务的工作记忆广度具有相似的发展趋势,但工作记忆的平均广度分数与Pascual-Leone模型的预测并不一致.  相似文献   

图文信息广泛存在于书面材料中,但是图文材料相对呈现位置和熟悉性如何交互影响信息加工效率,及其认知机制尚不清楚。本研究基于认知负荷理论框架,采用学习-再认范式,结合学习者的认知能力(注意、工作记忆、识字量等),考察图文材料呈现位置(横排/竖排)和熟悉性(高/低)对32名儿童(7.89 ±0.30岁)和32名成人(22.67 ±3.48岁)词汇再认的影响。结果显示:(1)总体上,低熟悉性词汇在图文横排呈现时再认正确率较高,但高熟悉性词汇不受位置影响;(2)儿童对高熟悉性词汇的再认正确率较高,但成人对低熟悉性词汇的再认正确率较高;(3)儿童识字量越大,词汇再认速度越快;成人注意力、工作记忆广度、识字量成绩越高,再认正确率越高。结果表明,无论对儿童还是成人,外在负荷(呈现位置)和内在负荷(熟悉性)之间均存在交互作用,即外在负荷显著影响高内在负荷信息的加工,但对低内在负荷信息的加工影响较弱,验证了认知负荷理论。本研究成果为不同难度水平的教材排版设计和词汇识别学习提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

成人非字词作业速度的随龄减慢及其与汉字作业的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李德明  刘昌  李贵芸 《心理学报》1998,31(1):101-105
以300名20 ̄79岁成人为被试,并以10岁段划分为6个年龄组,完成了非字词作业速度的随龄减慢及其与汉字作业的比较研究。结果表明:(1)数字鉴别、数字旋转、心算、符号数字和图形空间定位五项非字词作业均随增龄而显著减慢;(2)元分析结果表明30-39岁组到70-79岁组5个年龄组上述非字词作业反应时均为20-29岁组的平方函数,而且,非字词作业速度减慢的程度在60岁后明显增大;(3)符号数字和数字鉴  相似文献   

认知负荷和控制性注意对工作记忆广度任务成绩的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过stroop干扰实验严格筛选被试,考察了控制性注意能力不同的被试在加工部分认知负荷不同的工作记忆广度任务中的成绩。结果表明:任务复杂性和加工速度对工作记忆广度任务成绩有重要影响,任务越复杂或加工速度越快,被试的工作记忆广度任务成绩越低;在复杂的和加工速度快的工作记忆广度任务中,控制性注意能力高的被试成绩要好于控制性注意能力低的被试,但在简单的和加工速度慢的任务中两者成绩没有显著差异。  相似文献   

不同认知方式中小学生的前瞻记忆的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
以反义词—非反义词判断为进行中任务,探讨了小学、初中和高中的场独立、场依存型各60名学生的前瞻记忆完成情况。结果表明,场独立学生的前瞻记忆成绩明显好于场依存者;小学、初中、高中各年龄组学生的前瞻记忆成绩无明显差异;基于事件的前瞻记忆成绩明显好于基于时间的前瞻记忆。  相似文献   

“基本认知能力测验”的编制及标准化工作   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
在多年研究工作的基础上编制了,这套“基本认知能力测验”。该测验包括数字鉴别、心算、汉字旋转、数字工作记忆、双字词再认、三位数再认、无意义图形再认7项分测验,其软件程序用C语言编写。为了使测验标准化,并获得有代表性的常模资料,在全国6大行政区取样2443人进行了测试。该测验适用于具有小学4年级以上教育程度的儿童、青少年和中老年人,年龄范围为10—90岁。为学生和成人两部分样本编制了两套各年龄组量表分换算表。该测验的区分度、再测信度、内部一致性及效度均良好。  相似文献   

高中生心理健康水平及其影响因素的研究   总被引:177,自引:0,他引:177  
胡胜利 《心理学报》1994,27(2):153-160
采用SCL-90量表评定了500名高中生的心理健康状况,运用因素分析的方法探讨了影响高中生心理健康的主要因素。结果表明:有10.8%的高中生存在着各种明显的心理健康问题;高中生的心理健康问题主要表现为强迫、敌对、偏执、人际关系敏感和忧郁等症状;影响高中生心理健康的主要因素为学校教育、家庭环境、社会文化及学生自身等方面的生活事件;高中生不同的心理健康问题有其不同的影响因素。  相似文献   

We studied the role of sensorimotor and working memory systems in supporting development of perceptual rhythm processing with 119 participants aged 7–12 years. Children were assessed for their abilities in sensorimotor synchronization (SMS; beat tapping), auditory working memory (AWM; digit span), and rhythm discrimination (RD; same/different judgment on a pair of musical rhythm sequences). Multiple regression analysis revealed that children's RD performance was independently predicted by higher beat tapping consistency and greater digit span score, with all other demographic variables (age, sex, socioeconomic status, music training) controlled. The association between RD and SMS was more robust in the slower tempos (60 and 100 beats-per-minute (BPM)) than faster ones (120 and 180 BPM). Critically, the relation of SMS to RD was moderated by age in that RD performance was predicted by beat tapping consistency in younger children (age: 7–9 years), but not in older children (age: 10–12 years). AWM was the only predictor of RD in older children. Together, the current findings demonstrate that the sensorimotor and working memory systems jointly support RD processing during middle-to-late childhood and that the degree of association between the two systems and perceptual rhythm processing is shifted before entering into early adolescence.  相似文献   

为探究文本背景下句子错误记忆的发展性逆转现象及精加工推理效应,95名有效被试学习3篇文本材料后,参与由学过句、内涵推理句、外延推理句和无关句组成的再认测验。结果发现:(1)高中二年级被试学过句的正确再认率和关键诱饵句的校正的错误再认率均显著高于小学五年级和初中二年级,后二者差异不显著;(2)内涵推理句错误再认率高于外延推理句,高中二年级被试尤甚。结论:(1)句子真实记忆随着年龄增长而增加;句子错误记忆存在发展性逆转现象,初中二年级到高中二年级是句子错误记忆发展相对迅速的阶段;(2)文本背景下,不同的精加工推理诱发了不同程度的句子错误记忆,这种精加工推理效应与一般世界知识的自上而下激活的程度有关。  相似文献   

Working memory performance was examined in children aged 11-12 years who had borderline, mild, and moderate learning disabilities. Comparisons with children of average abilities were used to determine whether those with more severe learning disabilities had greater impairments in working memory. Seven measures of working memory span were used to assess temporary phonological short-term storage (digit span, word span), temporary visuo-spatial short-term storage (pattern span, spatial span), and temporary short-term storage with additional processing, or central executive, demands (listening span. odd one out span, reverse digit span). Children with mild and moderate learning disabilities were impaired on all measures of working memory compared to children of average abilities. Children with borderline learning disabilities were just as good as children with average abilities on visuo-spatial and complex span tasks, but showed an impairment on phonological span tasks. Children with moderate learning disabilities were indistinguishable from children with mild learning disabilities on simple span tasks, but were significantly poorer than the mild group on the more demanding complex span tasks. For the group as a whole, working memory was strongly related to mental age.  相似文献   

Working memory performance was examined in children aged 11-12 years who had borderline, mild, and moderate learning disabilities. Comparisons with children of average abilities were used to determine whether those with more severe learning disabilities had greater impairments in working memory. Seven measures of working memory span were used to assess temporary phonological short-term storage (digit span, word span), temporary visuo-spatial short-term storage (pattern span, spatial span), and temporary short-term storage with additional processing, or central executive, demands (listening span, odd one out span, reverse digit span). Children with mild and moderate learning disabilities were impaired on all measures of working memory compared to children of average abilities. Children with borderline learning disabilities were just as good as children with average abilities on visuo-spatial and complex span tasks, but showed an impairment on phonological span tasks. Children with moderate learning disabilities were indistinguishable from children with mild learning disabilities on simple span tasks, but were significantly poorer than the mild group on the more demanding complex span tasks. For the group as a whole, working memory was strongly related to mental age.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated whether individual differences in simple span verbal working memory and complex working memory capacity are related to memory accuracy and susceptibility to false memory development. In Study 1, undergraduate students (N=60) were given two simple span working memory tests: forward and backward digit span. They also underwent a memory task that is known to elicit false memories of nonpresented words, the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Poor simple span working memory (as reflected by suboptimal backward digit span scores) was related to elevated levels of false recognition. Study 2 (N=65) replicated this finding, in that suboptimal backward digit span performance was found to be predictive of false recognition. However, complex working memory capacity (operation span) was not related to false recognition. This pattern suggests that even in a homogenous sample of undergraduates, poor working memory is associated with the susceptibility to recollect words never presented.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of several commonly used verbal working memory measures were assessed. One hundred thirty-nine individuals in five age groups (18–30, 50–59, 60–69, 70–79, and 80+ years) were tested twice (Time I and Time II) on seven working memory span measures (alphabet span, backward digit span, missing digit span, subtract 2 span, running item span, and sentence span for syntactically simple and complex sentences), with an interval of approximately 6 weeks between testing. There were significant effects of age on all but two of the tasks. All the measures had adequate internal consistency. Correlations between performances at Time I and Time II were significant for all the tasks, other than the missing digit span task. The magnitude of the correlations was similar across the age groups and ranged from .52 to .81. Classification of subjects into discrete memory span groups on the basis of a single measure was highly inconsistent across testing sessions and tasks. Classification into upper and lower quartiles was more stable than using a cutoff score for group membership or than classification into high-, medium-, and low-span groups. Correlational analyses showed that there was a moderate relationship between performances on many of the span tasks. Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that six of the seven tasks reflected a common factor. Both test—retest reliability and stability of classification improved when a composite measure reflecting performance on several tasks was used.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined adult age differences in short-term and working memory performance in middle-aged (45–64 years), young–old (65–74 years), old–old (75–89 years), and oldest–old adults (90 years and over) in the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study. Previous research suggests that measures of working memory are more sensitive to age effects than are simple tests of short-term memory Bopp and Verhaeghen (Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 60:223–233, 2005), Myerson, Emery, White, and Hale, (Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 10:20–27, 2003). To test this hypothesis, we examined output serial position curves of recall data from three span tasks: forward and backward digit span and size judgment span. Participants’ recall patterns in the size judgment span task revealed that the two oldest groups of adults showed the largest decreases in recall performance across output serial positions, but did not differ significantly from each other. Correlation analyses indicated the strongest negative correlation with age occurred with the size judgment span task. Implications of these findings for understanding strategic processing abilities in late life are discussed.  相似文献   

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