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采用修订后的创伤后成长问卷(PTGI)、复原力量表(CD-RISC)以及自编的震后创伤暴露程度调查表对汶川地震后异地复学的166名中学生进行问卷调查,探讨复原力在创伤暴露程度和创伤后成长关系中的调节作用。结果表明:主观害怕程度对创伤后成长有正向预测作用,主观害怕程度越高,创伤后成长的水平越高;复原力对主观害怕程度和创伤后成长之间的关系起增强作用;复原力对房屋损毁和创伤后成长之间的关系有一定的增强作用。  相似文献   

目的:在中国大学生群体中进行翻译并修订社会性奖赏问卷(Social Reward Questionnaire, SRQ),据此考察中国大学生的社会性奖赏水平。方法:采用方便取样法和滚雪球抽样法调查8275名大学生,以此来检验SRQ的问卷结构,并以大五人格简式版(Chinese Big Five Personality Inventory brief version, CBF-PI-B)的开放性、外向性、神经质维度以及奖励与惩罚敏感性问卷(The Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire, SPSRQ)作为效标进行效度检验。结果:经分析后,中文版SRQ保留了原问卷的钦佩性、负性社交效价、被动性、社交性、性关系的五因素结构,共21条目,每个维度3~7个条目,累积方差解释率65.66%,各个因子的因子载荷为0.62~0.86。CFA结果为RMSEA=0.047,CFI=0.94,TLI=0.93,SRMR=0.047。SRQ总分及分维度的内部一致性信度为0.70~0.88、分半信度为0.71~0.89、...  相似文献   

《儿童元认知问卷》的编制与修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张雅明  俞国良 《应用心理学》2005,11(3):241-246,264
通过对现有元认知概念体系的分析与整合,初步确立《儿童元认知问卷》的六个基本维度:自我认知、动机信念、策略、计划、监控、调节。以此为基础编制原始问卷,对小学四~六年级学生取样测试。结果表明:修订后的问卷各题目在对应潜变量上有较高的负荷,数据与理论模型拟合良好,问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

为验证Carson等人的创造力成就问卷(Creative Achievement Questionnaire,CAQ)在中国成人群体的适用性,对其进行翻译、回译和文化调适后转换为中文版(C-CAQ)。以59名成人为被试,间隔3周的重测信度为斯皮尔曼相关系数ρ=0.77(p<0.01);以107名成人为被试,施测C-CAQ、托伦斯创造性思维测验(TTCT)的非常规用途任务(UUT)和补全图画任务(PCT)、中国大五人格简式版考察C-CAQ的聚合效度,结果发现与TTCT两个任务的多个指标及大五人格的开放性相关显著(与UUT任务各指标相关为:流畅性0.22、灵活性0.19、独创性0.26,与PCT任务的精致性相关为0.24,与大五人格的开放性维度相关0.29);用瑞文标准推理测验考察C-CAQ和智力的区分效度,结果显示二者为弱相关且不显著;以324名成人为被试对C-CAQ的10个领域进行探索性因子分析,结果支持问卷的领域特殊性构想;以122名成人为被试施测考夫曼创造力领域量表(K-DOCS)和C-CAQ以考察C-CAQ的效标效度,结果显示二者的科学、艺术领域及总分相关均显著(ρ=0.62, 0.47和0.41)。研究表明,CAQ问卷中文版在我国的成人群体具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

在文献分析和专家评定的基础上,从重塑的对象与方式出发,通过半结构化访谈和问卷调查,编制了初始的中小学教师工作重塑问卷。通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析对初始问卷进行修订,最终形成的正式问卷包含五个维度:任务重塑、角色重塑、关系重塑、技能重塑和认知重塑。结果表明,中小学教师工作重塑问卷具有较高的内部一致性信度、重测信度以及较好的内容效度、结构效度和效标效度。该问卷的心理测量学指标良好,可以作为我国中小学教师工作重塑的测量工具。  相似文献   

创伤后成长:5·12地震创伤的新视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张倩  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2009,17(3):623-630
创伤后成长是人们与主要的生活危机斗争后所体验到的一种积极的心理改变。对此概念的认识存在着结果与策略、建设功能与幻想功能、认知成分与行为成分的争论。对它的解释模型包括经历困难的力量、心理准备和存在的再评价。而它与心理健康的关系仍存在争议。建议此领域的研究应从概念澄清入手,开展过程研究和纵向研究,建立行为指标,关注其临床应用,进行本土化研究,并为5·12震后心理重建工作提供新的思路  相似文献   

采用以中国文化为背景编制的“中国自然灾难幸存者创伤后应激反应量表(CPI)”, 对芦山地震灾区某大学1057名学生进行测试, 考察CPI在地震后大学生人群的应用, 并探讨PTSD的影响因素。结果发现, 性别、主观害怕体验和D型人格等因素能够预测PTSD症状的发生。CPI在地震受灾的大学生群体中具有良好的信效度, 可用于PTSD症状严重程度的评估。  相似文献   

四川地震灾后中小学教师心理创伤评估报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
课题研究组对四川地震灾后重灾区和极重灾区的631名中小学教师创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)进行了调查,调查后对统计结果分析表明:(1)有PTSD重度症状表现的教师为18.7%;(2)极重灾区教师创伤显著高于重灾区教师;(3)青年教师的创伤要高于年长教师;(4)地震后部分教师感到内疚,无助,压抑,无信心,生命无意义,他们成为PTSD症状的易感人群  相似文献   

简式父母教养方式问卷中文版的初步修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以712名大学生为被试,对"简式父母教养方式问卷"(s-EMBU)进行了中文版修订,其中101人在10周后进行重测,并用中文完整版EMBU、自尊问卷、性别角色问卷和艾森克人格问卷等收集效标证据.结果表明,简式父母教养方式问卷中文版(s-EMBU-C)具有良好的信度(内部一致性、分半信度和重测信度)和效度(结构效度和效标效度),符合心理测量学指标要求.  相似文献   

为考察汶川地震8.5年后青少年的社会支持、自我效能感、自尊与创伤后成长(PTG)之间的关系,利用社会支持问卷、自我效能感问卷、自尊量表和创伤后成长问卷对地震灾区的1185名中学生进行了调查。结果发现,创伤暴露程度对社会支持、自我效能感和自尊均不具有显著影响,但对PTG具有显著的预测作用;而在控制创伤暴露后,社会支持不仅可以直接促进PTG,也可以分别通过自我效能感和自尊促进PTG,还可以通过自我效能感经自尊的多重中介作用来促进PTG,表明自我效能感和自尊在社会支持与PTG的关系中发挥着显著的中介效应。这些结果说明社会支持对PTG影响的一个重要机制是通过提升个体的自我效能感、增加其自尊来实现的。  相似文献   

Despite efforts to understand the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of posttraumatic growth (PTG), the role of time since a traumatic event (time since event) vis-à-vis PTG is not well understood. Part of a larger project exploring experiences following emotionally distressing events among military veterans (N = 197) using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (Mturk), in the current study, we sought to clarify associations between the time since event and PTG. We used cluster-analytic techniques and analyses of variance to (a) determine the number of clusters, and (b) assess differences in core constructs of PTG and participant characteristics across clusters. Results revealed 4 significantly different groups (i.e., clusters) characterized by differential associations between PTG and time since event. These groups also differed significantly in challenge to core beliefs, level of PTSD symptoms, intrusive and deliberate rumination, and age. The immediate moderate-growth group (Cluster 1) experienced moderate levels of PTG over shorter periods of time, severe PTSD symptoms, and was significantly younger. The low-growth group (Cluster 2) was characterized by minimal PTG, regardless of time, the least challenge to core beliefs, and low amounts of intrusive and deliberate rumination. The long-term small-growth group (Cluster 3) was primarily characterized by small amounts of PTG over longer periods of time. The high-growth group (Cluster 4) was characterized by high PTG, regardless of time, greater challenge to core beliefs, the highest amount of deliberate rumination, and the highest number of PTSD symptoms. Findings underscore heterogeneity within military veterans’ experiences of PTG over time.  相似文献   


Indonesia is at significant risk for catastrophic natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Few studies have examined psychological functioning following disaster exposure in Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world. This study assesses variables associated with posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth following a devastating earthquake in Central Java that ranks as one of the costliest in Indonesia. The participants were 85 men and women living in rural farming villages. Almost all (95%) experienced major home damage or total home destruction. Posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with resource loss, depression, and concerns about future earthquakes. Participants reported moderate posttraumatic growth. Posttraumatic growth was associated with energy resource loss and social support. The findings support conservation of resources stress theory. The implications of the findings for intervention and recovery programs are discussed.  相似文献   

There has been limited research into the impact of disasters on farming women, although it has been suggested that this population can face certain physical, social, and economic disadvantages that affect their recovery. In this study, we explored the impact of the 2010–2011 floods in the state of Victoria in Australia on the lives of six farming women with 20-50+ years of farming experience. Interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed that the women experienced posttraumatic growth, transitioning from helplessness and emotional distress to acceptance and understanding. Although further research is needed, the findings suggest that engagement in meaningful activity contributed to these women’s recovery after the flood. This knowledge may be used to inform the delivery of services and resources in flood-prone rural areas. Highlights: Three themes emerged from the data (helplessness, adapting to change, and self-discovery); findings can be related to dimensions of posttraumatic growth; and engagement in meaningful activity appeared to facilitate positive change.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms, posttraumatic growth (PTG), and coping styles in a very unique and difficult-to-access Jewish ultra-Orthodox population. The study was conducted with 88 women who spent time in the only shelter in Israel for battered women from the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community; data were collected almost 6 years on average after they left the shelter. No association was found between PTS symptoms and PTG. In addition, coping style was not found to have an indirect effect on the relationship between these variables. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Limited and inconsistent research exists regarding the relationship between vicarious posttraumatic growth (VPTG), which is positive psychological growth experienced as a result of vicarious traumatic exposure, and symptoms of secondary traumatic stress (STS). The current study aimed to investigate whether a curvilinear model explained the VPTG-STS relationship among a sample of 365 nurses, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and medical doctors. Results supported this hypothesis, however this result appeared to largely be governed by the curvilinear relationship found among psychologists; STS was not found to predict VPTG among any other profession. Implications of results are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Military veterans are more likely than civilians to experience trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research suggests, however, that some people who experience trauma, including veterans, report posttraumatic growth (PTG), or positive personal changes following adversity. In this study, we tested a comprehensive model of PTG, PTSD, and satisfaction with life in a veteran population, exploring the roles of challenges to core beliefs, types of rumination, sex, and time since event. Method: Data were collected via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, an online crowdsourcing website, from veterans (N = 197) who had experienced a stressful event within the last 3 years (M = 16.66 months, SD = 12.27 months). Structural equation modeling was used to test an integrated conceptual model of PTG, PTSD, and satisfaction with life. Results: Results showed that challenge to core beliefs was directly associated with both deliberate and intrusive rumination. Deliberate rumination was positively related to PTG; intrusive rumination was positively related to symptoms of PTSD. PTG and PTSD, in turn, mediated the relationship between rumination styles and satisfaction with life; PTG was related to higher satisfaction with life; and PTSD was negatively related to satisfaction with life. Results failed to show differences on any model variables as a function of time since event or sex. Conclusion: Results indicate that the intentional facilitation of PTG may be a complementary and alternative option to the reduction of PTSD symptoms for improving satisfaction with life. Findings suggest that efforts to facilitate PTG should be focused on strategies for promoting deliberate rumination.  相似文献   

自我职业选择测验(SDS)的试用报告   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究对自我职业选择测验 (SDS) 1 985年版进行了修订 ,并在武汉市中学生中进行了适用性的验证。在原测验中译本基础上 ,进行了项目修改、项目分析、信效度检验等标准化工作。结果表明 :①该测验具有良好的项目特性 ;②该测验同质性信度、分半信度均达到一般心理测验要求标准 ;③该测验结构效度与效标关联效度亦较为理想 ;④个别项目仍有待于进一步修改 ,取样还应面向全国 ,以利于进一步的推广作用。在武汉市中学生中的试用结果表明 :①该测验可以作为中学生职业辅导的选用工具 ;②在该测验中使用标准分代替粗分更具科学性。  相似文献   

本研究所编制的 HR个性测验是根据我国现实人事管理测评需要设计的 ,它包含有 1个效度量表和 1 1个个性测评要素 ,它们是性格倾向性、情绪稳定性、客观性、合作性、自信心、责任心、自律性、机智性、进取心、自主性、支配性。测验对象为成人 ,项目分析和信度、效度分析结果显示 ,该测验是可靠而有效的。  相似文献   

Although posttraumatic growth (PTG) has received growing attention, the relationship between PTG and distress remains unclear. This longitudinal study examines the relationship between posttraumatic obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms and PTG. Israeli veterans were followed over 17 years using self-report questionnaires of OC symptoms, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and PTG. Hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that OC symptoms predicted PTG, even when initial PTG levels and PTSD symptoms were controlled for in the combatants group. These preliminary findings suggest that OC symptoms may play an important role in facilitating psychological growth. Future research is warranted to explore the mechanisms responsible for this relationship.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between loneliness, trauma symptomatology, and posttraumatic growth (PTG) in undergraduate students (N = 362). The study also explored whether loneliness moderated the relationship between experiences of trauma and PTG. The results demonstrated that both loneliness and trauma symptoms predicted levels of PTG, and loneliness moderated the relationship between trauma and PTG. Limitations, directions for future research, and implications for counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

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