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本研究基于有限自制力理论考察童年期虐待对网络成瘾的影响及其作用机制。以1162名大学生为被试,采用童年期虐待量表、自我控制量表、感恩量表和网络成瘾量表进行测试,结果发现:(1)童年期虐待和自我控制、感恩呈显著负相关,与网络成瘾成显著正相关;自我控制与感恩呈显著正相关,与网络成瘾呈显著负相关;感恩与网络成瘾呈显著负相关。(2)自我控制在童年期虐待和网络成瘾之间起中介作用。(3)“童年期虐待→自我控制→网络成瘾”这一中介路径的前半段受到感恩的调节;与高感恩个体相比,童年期虐待对低感恩个体的自我控制的影响更小。感恩不仅不能缓冲童年期虐待对自我控制的负面影响,反而会增强这一过程,提示我们注意积极特质在特定情境下的消极作用。  相似文献   

为探究感恩对初中生合作水平的影响,本研究采用追踪调查与实验相结合的方法,通过两个研究分别探究了特质感恩与内在的合作倾向,状态感恩与外在的合作行为之间的关系。结果发现:(1)初中女生的特质感恩、人物取向感恩显著高于男生;初一下的合作倾向显著低于初一上、初二上时期;(2)初中生的特质感恩水平能显著正向预测合作倾向,状态感恩的唤起会增加公共物品困境中的合作行为。  相似文献   

该研究探讨了初中生心理资本与学业成就的关系,并提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察自我控制的中介效应和感恩对该效应的调节效应。研究采用问卷调查的方式,对1208名初中生进行了研究,研究工具包括心理资本量表、学业成就问卷、自我控制量表、感恩量表。结果表明:(1)心理资本既可以直接预测初中生的学业成就,也可以通过自我控制间接预测学业成就,即自我控制在心理资本与学业成就间起部分中介作用。(2)心理资本通过自我控制对初中生的学业成就所起的间接效应受感恩的调节,且这种间接效应在高感恩水平的初中生中更显著。研究的发现对提高初中生的学业成就具有重要的理论和参考价值。  相似文献   

本研究检验不良示范性规范对初中生环保行为的影响是否受其自我控制的调节。研究1通过假设情境操纵示范性规范,测量初中生的自我控制能力和环保意愿;研究2在实验室情境下同时操纵示范性规范和初中生的自我控制状态,并测量其环保行为。结果表明,不良示范性规范显著降低初中生的环保意愿及环保行为;特质性和状态性自我控制水平越高,初中生的环保意愿就越高,其环保行为也越多;更重要的是,自我控制并不能有效抵御不良示范性规范对初中生环保意愿和环保行为的消极影响。  相似文献   

摘要 自我控制在跨期选择中起着重要的作用,个体自我控制资源损耗(简称自我耗损)会影响随后的决策行为。本研究利用双任务范式考察了自我损耗对不同特质自控者跨期选择影响差异。结果发现,自我损耗使低自控者在跨期选择中更倾向于选择较小即时奖赏,而对高自控者的跨期选择倾向没有显著影响。这些结果说明,状态自控对不同特质自控个体跨期选择的影响明显不同,本研究为不同自控特质个体更好地进行跨期选择提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

先前研究表明,对于自我行为,相对于近期过去,个体对远期过去正性行为的表征更倾向于特质性和抽象性,但对负性行为的表征未获得明确的类似效应(申之美等,2010)。本研究以特质性和行动性行为描述句子为实验材料,通过两个实验考察了未来时间距离对自我正性行为和负性行为的表征特征的影响,以进一步探讨评价内容的效价特性对于建构水平的心理距离效应的调节作用。实验结果发现,相对于近期未来,被试对远期未来自我的正性行为更倾向于抽象的特质性表征,但在负性行为上未获得类似效应。个体对未来自我行为的正性期待和负性回避倾向可能是自我行为表征缺乏距离效应的心理机制。  相似文献   

运用元分析方法考察自我损耗对运动表现影响及其调节变量。通过中英文文献搜索,共纳入31篇文献和37个效应量,总样本量为1613。结果:(1)总体效应量检验发现,运动任务中的自我损耗为中等效应量,d=0.55,95%CI为[0.39,0.71];由于存在发表偏倚性,该中等效应量可能会被高估。(2)调节变量检验发现,自我损耗效应量较少受研究对象来源、研究对象类型和运动任务类型的影响;但受损耗任务类型和技能型任务中压力情境的影响。(3)执行运动任务时,主观体力感、心率和肌电等指标不存在自我损耗效应。这些研究结果支持了自我控制的力量模型具有普遍适用性,自我控制资源的领域普遍性以及自我控制的力量模型与注意控制理论整合的观点。未来研究应严格控制实验条件、拓展运动任务中自我损耗应对和自我控制训练的研究。  相似文献   

刘艳 《心理科学进展》2011,19(3):427-439
在回顾自我建构理论发展脉络的基础之上, 介绍了特质性自我建构的测量和情境性自我建构的激活方法, 并从自我建构的性别与文化差异以及自我建构与认知风格、社会比较、人际交往、个人自主、自我调控的关系等几方面概述了该领域现状。该领域研究的进一步推进依赖于自我建构理论基本思想的完善、测查工具的改进以及研究者能否用辩证视角看待变量间关系。特质性自我建构对个体稳定的个性心理特征以及适应状况的影响, 特质性自我建构个体差异的影响因素应在未来研究中得到重视。  相似文献   

本研究基于“使用与满足”理论和有限自制力理论,探讨人际好奇与大学生社交网站成瘾倾向的关系,并在此基础上建构了一个有调节的中介模型,考察错失恐惧的中介作用和特质自我控制的调节作用。采用方便抽样法对湖北省和河南省各一所综合性大学621名使用微信朋友圈或QQ空间的学生进行问卷调查,结果显示:(1)人际好奇与错失恐惧、社交网站成瘾倾向显著正相关,与特质自我控制显著负相关;错失恐惧与特质自我控制显著负相关,与社交网站成瘾倾向显著正相关;特质自我控制与社交网站成瘾倾向显著负相关;(2)错失恐惧在人际好奇与大学生社交网站成瘾倾向之间起中介作用,特质自我控制调节该中介路径的后半段。具体而言,相对于高特质自我控制的大学生,间接效应对于低特质自我控制的大学生更加显著。本研究结果揭示了人际好奇对大学生社交网站成瘾倾向的影响及其作用机制,对大学生社交网站成瘾的干预具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本研究基于调节定向理论,以476名有效被试的测量数据,从动机的作用与影响来解释特质自我控制与主观幸福感关系的争议。结果发现:尽管(1)特质自我控制与主观幸福感正相关;但(2)两者间,促进动机有部分中介作用,预防动机无显著中介作用;故(3)高自我控制者也未必有更高的主观幸福感。因此,动机是特质自我控制与主观幸福感间的重要中介因素,不同动机导向的作用是造成特质自我控制与主观幸福感关系争议的重要原因。  相似文献   


Gratitude is the appreciation of a gift received; happiness is the enjoyment of a present good; and hope is the desire for a valued future. Two studies investigated gratitude as a predictor of hope and happiness. In Study 1, hierarchical regressions (N = 181) revealed that trait gratitude exceeded other constructs (forgivingness, patience, self-control) in predicting trait hope and happiness. In Study 2, we experimentally tested the impact of a gratitude-related writing intervention on state hope and happiness. Participants (N = 153) first wrote about a current, meaningful, hoped-for outcome and completed state hope and happiness measures. Participants were randomly assigned to either (a) gratefully remember a past hope that had been fulfilled or (b) a control condition. The grateful remembering condition (vs. control) prompted significant increases in state hope and happiness, commending grateful remembering as a practice that can bolster present happiness and hope for the future.  相似文献   

Three studies tested a new model of gratitude, which specified the generative mechanisms linking individual differences (trait gratitude) and objective situations with the amount of gratitude people experience after receiving aid (state gratitude). In Study 1, all participants (N = 253) read identical vignettes describing a situation in which they received help. People higher in trait gratitude made more positive beneficial appraisals (seeing the help as more valuable, more costly to provide, and more altruistically intended), which fully mediated the relationship between trait and state levels of gratitude. Study 2 (N = 113) replicated the findings using a daily process study in which participants reported on real events each day for up to 14 days. In Study 3, participants (N = 200) read vignettes experimentally manipulating objective situations to be either high or low in benefit. Benefit appraisals were shown to have a causal effect on state gratitude and to mediate the relationship between different prosocial situations and state gratitude. The 3 studies demonstrate the critical role of benefit appraisals in linking state gratitude with trait gratitude and the objective situation.  相似文献   

丁如一  周晖  林玛 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1463-1475
本文从情绪认知理论的角度出发, 通过3个研究探究与感激情绪有关的认知评价维度, 进而建立感激情绪的认知评价体系。研究1使用回忆不同类型的情绪性事件法初步探究了感激情绪的认知评估体系; 研究2使用操作认知评估维度法探究了认知评价的变化对感激体验的影响; 研究3使用故事情境法分别从个体特质和情境因素的角度, 探究个体特质与感激情绪之间的关系如何受到个体认知评价的影响, 进而为感激情绪的评价体系提供更多的证据支持。研究1发现感激情绪体验与受关怀感、符合道德规范和他人负责性3个维度之间存在正相关关系。研究2发现3个认知评估维度体验的有无均会导致个体在感激情绪体验上出现显著差异。研究3表明感激特质可以预测个体的认知评价和感激情绪体验; 同时, 受关怀感、道德规范、他人负责3个认知评价维度在感激特质与感激情绪关系间起到中介作用。结论:3个研究结果表明, 受关怀感、道德规范、他人负责性3个认知评价维度与感激密切相关, 并在区分开感激与自豪、亏欠感等情绪中起重要作用。因此, 这3个认识评估维度共同组成了感激情绪认知评价体系。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the influence of ease of recall on state gratitude and satisfaction with close relationships among college students from Mexico. Participants were randomly assigned to remembering and writing down two versus six acts for which they should be grateful. Participants then completed a battery of questionnaires measuring state gratitude, negative affect, satisfaction with close relationships, ease of recall and trait gratitude and extroversion (for Study 2 only). Results from both studies showed that recalling two acts was perceived as easier than recalling six acts. This experience of ease of recall had a positive influence on state gratitude, even after controlling for the effects of trait gratitude and extroversion, which then had positive relationship with satisfaction with close relationships.  相似文献   

In three studies we investigated joy and its relationship to subjective well-being (SWB). We developed measures of joy based on recent conceptualizations of joy in the humanities and social sciences. In Studies 1 and 2 we developed reliable measures of state and trait joy. In Study 3 we used a two-month prospective design to investigate the relationship of joy to gratitude and SWB. We found that dispositional gratitude predicted increases in state joy over time. We also found that trait joy predicted increases in state gratitude, providing evidence for an intriguing upward spiral between joy and gratitude. Finally, we found that trait joy was associated with increases in SWB over time. Factor analyses indicated that joy loaded separately from other positive emotions. We conclude that joy is a discrete positive emotion, it can be measured reliably with self-report instruments, and that it may be an important component of well-being.  相似文献   

People who feel continuity with their future selves are more likely to behave in ethically responsible ways as compared to people who lack continuity with their future selves. We find that individual differences in perceived similarity to one’s future self predicts tolerance of unethical business decisions (Studies 1a and 1b), and that the consideration of future consequences mediates the extent to which people regard inappropriate negotiation strategies as unethical (Study 2). We reveal that low future self-continuity predicts unethical behavior in the form of lies, false promises, and cheating (Studies 3 and 4), and that these relationships hold when controlling for general personality dimensions and trait levels of self-control (Study 4). Finally, we establish a causal relationship between future self-continuity and ethical judgments by showing that when people are prompted to focus on their future self (as opposed to the future), they express more disapproval of unethical behavior (Study 5).  相似文献   

Gratitude has been promoted as a beneficial emotional experience. However, gratitude is not universally experienced as positive. The current work examines whether an autonomous interpersonal style is associated with differential experience of gratitude. Study 1 found an inverse relationship between trait autonomy and both trait gratitude and positivity of response to receiving a hypothetical benefit from a friend. Study 2 replicated the finding that those higher in autonomy report less trait gratitude, and also demonstrated an inverse relationship between autonomy and valuing gratitude. Study 3 found that those higher in autonomy had more self-image goals and reduced compassionate goals in relationships, and that valuing gratitude mediated the relationship between autonomy and relationship goals. These results show a consistent inverse relationship between autonomy and the experience and valuing of gratitude, suggesting that degree of autonomy is one determinant of whether gratitude is experienced as positive.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the extent to which trait self-control predicts performance on objective laboratory tests of behavioral self-control. In Study 1, participants attempted to refrain from blinking for a period of 2 minutes. Participants who reported higher trait self-control blinked less often than participants who reported lower trait self-control. In Study 2, participants attempted to tolerate a painful stimulus, and those higher in trait self-control tolerated pain longer than participants lower in trait self-control. These findings indicate that self-reported self-control corresponds moderately well with performance on objective behavioral tests of self-control. The discussion focuses on implications for self-control theory.  相似文献   

Trait self-control has in several studies been found negatively linked to stress. These studies have, however, mostly relied on student and/or one-country samples. Study 1 investigated the generalizability of the relationship between trait self-control and stress through a four-country survey (N = 4097). The results showed consistently strong and negative relationships between trait self-control and stress across the four countries. Study 2 investigated the relationship between trait self-control and daily stress through a two-week diary study (N = 594; nobs = 7880), showing that trait self-control was negatively related to daily stress and stress variability. Together, the two studies show that trait self-control’s negative link to stress generalizes beyond students and the United States.  相似文献   

The present research tested 2 competing models specifying how 2 traits (concern with the well-being of others and self-control) interact to predict forgiveness. According to the compensatory model, forgiveness requires being high on either trait; according to the synergistic model, forgiveness requires being high on both traits. Two preliminary studies demonstrated the main effect of trait (Study 1a) and primed (Study 1b) self-control on forgiveness. Three primary studies consistently supported the compensatory model in predicting willingness to forgive a partner who behaves noncooperatively in a 2-alternative prisoner's dilemma (Study 2), a continuous give-some dilemma (Study 3), and a 2-alternative maximizing difference game (Study 4). Among proselfs or those low in trait forgiveness, trait self-control positively related to forgiveness, suggesting that self-control can compensate for a lack of concern with others' well-being. Implications for theory and research on forgiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

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