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面对面和计算机群体决策在观点产生上的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑全全  李宏 《心理学报》2003,35(4):492-498
以144名被试组成32个群体,通过实验室模拟实验,对群体规模、群体类型和交流方式等3个变量在观点产生的数量和质量等指标上进行了比较。结果表明:(1)在所有实验条件下,CM(以计算机为中介的)决策群体都比FTF(面对面的)决策群体产生了更多数量的有效观点;CM名义群体比FTF名义群体产生了更多数量的有效观点。有效观点和创新观点产生的数量,主要受产生式障碍和评价恐怖的影响。(2)交流方式影响群体创新观点的数量,但对观点产生的深度和广度没有影响。群体规模和群体类型影响观点产生的深度和广度。名义群体比互动群体产生范围更广的观点。一般来说,名义群体比互动群体产生的观点深度高。匿名性和平行沟通是促进群体成员产生大量创新观点的主要原因。(3)相对于传统的FTF头脑风暴法,运用电子头脑风暴法的群体成员对自己或群体所产生的观点用于解决实际问题的信心不足。  相似文献   

两难对策中价值取向对群体合作行为的影响   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
严进  王重鸣 《心理学报》2000,32(3):332-336
采用实验室方法,通过两难对策任务的情景模拟,研究群体成员的价值取向对群体合作行为的影响。62名被试参加了实验。结果发现:(1)群体合作行为受到群体成员价值取向的影响,合作型成员会产生更多的群体合作行为;(2)群体的合作行为也受到合作者对策策略的影响,对应策略将导致最多的群体合作行为;(3)两者的交互作用对群体的合作行为具有影响,但不显著。  相似文献   

采用隐藏文档范式决策任务,探究群体成员社会动机一致性对决策的影响及问责的促进作用。实验1通过社会动机启动,考察全员合作、多数合作、多数利己、全员利己四种群体的信息分享及决策正确率。结果发现,合作动机成员比例越高,群体信息分享和决策质量越好,信息分享在成员社会动机与决策质量间起完全中介作用;少数利己成员的存在对合作成员的信息分享产生负面影响。实验2检验过程问责与结果问责对多数利己、全员利己群体决策的促进作用。结果发现,两种问责方式均促进了群体的信息分享与决策质量。本研究深化了社会动机影响群体决策的机制及促进途径。  相似文献   

以80名小学生为被试,采用拼图任务,对小组在竞争与非竞争情境下的合作绩效和言语互动策略进行比较。结果发现:(1)组间竞争提升了小学高年级儿童的合作效率,但对低年级儿童的合作绩效无明显影响。(2)组间竞争抑制了低年级儿童在小组合作过程中的言语沟通,而同样情境下高年级小组成员的言语沟通量显著增加。(3)组间竞争促进了高年级小组成员之间的积极言语互动。年级和情境在建议、询问、表扬、应答和指令等言语互动策略上的交互作用显著。由此可见,组间竞争对小学儿童的合作绩效和言语互动策略存在影响,但这种影响在不同年级存在差异。  相似文献   

群体任务中合作行为的跨阶段演变   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
严进  王重鸣 《心理学报》2003,35(4):499-503
合作是电子商务时代群体工作的重要基础。本实验通过资源两难任务研究群体工作中的合作行为的演变。111名被试参加了实验。研究发现,在动态博弈过程中,群体其他成员行为的多个阶段反馈将成为决策者合作机制形成的主要基础,与决策者价值等内部因素和环境不确定性等外部因素,共同影响合作行为的演变  相似文献   

以56名大学生为被试,采用被试内设计先后在群体内外两种条件下完成观点采择、共情反应与助人行为实验,探讨大学生观点采择在影响其助人行为的过程中,群体关系与共情反应的不同作用。结果表明:(1)在内外群体关系中,大学生观点采择对助人行为的影响均需要借助于共情反应的中介而发挥作用;(2)群体关系在观点采择对助人行为的作用中发挥了一定的调节作用。在内群体关系中,大学生观点采择对助人行为的影响不仅需要借助于共情反应的部分中介效应而发挥作用,同时也存在一定的直接效应;在外群体关系中,大学生观点采择则完全借助于共情反应的中介效应而发挥作用,不存在显著的直接效应。  相似文献   

在个体社会化过程中,随着年龄的增长,生活范围的逐渐扩大,人际交往日益频繁,与同辈群体交往也越来越多。小学高年级以后,同龄人的影响更加明显,开始逐渐取父母、教师而代之。同辈群体往往可以满足儿童个人的社会需要,它常常是儿童的主要参照系,是儿童社会化的一个重要因素,它直接影响着儿童的自我意识和个性发展。同辈群体对儿童的评价和态度,是儿童自我评价的“一面镜子”,反映了儿童在同辈群体中的人缘关系状况,为儿童的自我评价、自我意识的形成提供基础。同辈群体对儿童的态度、评价的客观状况对儿童自我评价、自我意识和个性发展的影响是通过儿童自己的某种主观过程为中介而发挥作用的。学校班集体是儿童社会生活中一个重要的同辈群体。本研究通过将班级成员对个体的态度与个体关于班级成员对自己态度的主观认知相对照,探讨个体对自己在班级中人缘关系的主观反映规律;在此实证研究的基础上,为教育工作者在如何促进学生个性健康发展方面提出一些科学建议。  相似文献   

情境影响社会认知,在群际评价时热情和能力两个维度的关系如何随着情境而变化?本文采用"遥远星球范式"对此进行了系列实验研究,分别基于热情和能力的单维和双维信息呈现视角,检验竞争与合作两种情境下成功和失败的结果对群体热情与能力感知的影响。结果表明:(1)在对外群体的热情和能力感知中,由热情维度推断能力时两者存在正向关系;由能力维度推断热情时则存在负向关系。(2)评价意图对外群体成员热情和能力评价的影响与具体情境无关。人们对外群体成员的热情和能力评价在得知互动意图时均呈现"趋中"平衡的趋势。(3)成败结果对外群体成员热情和能力评价的影响受到情境的制约。竞争情境中热情和能力表现出"此消彼长"的反向演变趋势,而合作情境中热情和能力表现出"同消同长"的同向演变趋势。  相似文献   

自我监控是与人际互动密切相关的人格特质。在群体建立和发展的过程中,自我监控不仅影响个体的人际交往质量,同时也作用于群体内部的互动;并且,自我监控的作用可能随着群体的发展而发生动态变化。为探究上述设想,本研究针对32个大学新生寝室进行了一学期的跟踪调查。结果表明,在个体层面,个体自我监控水平促进群体成员对该个体的积极情感,并进而间接促进其在群体中的地位获取(个体地位和友谊网络中心度);在群体层面,群体自我监控水平促进群体成员间的凝聚力,并进而间接促进群体在合作中的绩效表现。此外,个体自我监控水平对他人积极情感的影响存在时间效应,具体而言,其正向效应随着群体发展得到一定程度的增强。本研究揭示了自我监控对于个体和群体发生影响的机理,对于自我监控理论以及地位等相关领域做出了一定的贡献。  相似文献   

小学科学的教学,是学生在合作探究交流中获得的。小组合作学习是一种共同的,包容的学习,它要求小组成员共享目标和资源,共同参与任务,直接交流,相互依靠。它不仅可以激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,而且也能增加学生的信息交流量,拓展学生思维的深度和广度,同时也培养乐学的合作意识和与他人合作的能力。自新课标实施以来,合作学习作为一种重要的学习方式,正越来越受到教师们的青睐。但怎样使小组合作学习在课堂教学中取得实效,真正为教学服务,结合教学实践,谈谈笔者的几点体会:  相似文献   

A recent paper [Woolley, Chabris, Pentland, Hashmi, & Malone. (2010). Evidence for a collective intelligence factor in the performance of human groups. Science, 330, 686–688] presents evidence for the existence of a general collective intelligence factor, ‘c,’ which may undergird performance on a variety of group tasks. This factor appears to be only modestly correlated with the average and maximum intelligence of group members whilst being more strongly correlated with the average social sensitivity of group members, a tendency for several members to contribute to group conversations rather than a small number dominating the discussions, and the proportion of females in the group. An alternative hypothesis, not considered by the authors, is that the General Factor of Personality (GFP) is able to account for the correlates of c observed, and that c may therefore be primarily a group level manifestation of the GFP, with a subordinate contribution from general intelligence. We maintain that a consideration of the GFP and its correlates as potential confounding variables would be of considerable benefit to future research into collective intelligence.  相似文献   

Collective intelligence, or the wisdom of crowds, refers to a phenomenon by which, under the right conditions, groups of individuals can render highly accurate judgments. This phenomenon has long played an important role in economics, where understanding the behavior of groups is often essential to explaining economic outcomes. More recently, political scientists have shown that trends in public opinion show evidence of collective intelligence. This article further explores how the wisdom of crowds affects politics. I look at two types of decision-making processes, those governed by group dynamics versus those rendered by organizations. Distributional analysis of financial markets and foreign exchange rates shows that when policies are determined by groups they are less prone to instabilities, evidence that in certain issue areas decision-making by groups is more readily adaptive to shifting environmental cues than decisions made through organizational deliberation.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of AI intelligence levels on consumer decision delegation through three experimental studies. Study 1 manipulates AI intelligence levels (low vs. high) to establish the main effect. Study 2 explores the mediating role of trust and the moderating effect of task types (subjective vs. objective) on the relationship between AI intelligence and trust. Study 3 investigates the role of AI anthropomorphism in AI delegation. The findings reveal that increasing AI intelligence enhances consumer decision delegation for both subjective and objective consumption tasks, with trust serving as a mediating factor. However, objective tasks are more likely to be delegated to AI. Moreover, anthropomorphic appearance positively influences trust but does not moderate the relationship between intelligence and trust. This research expands the literature on AI decision delegation, shedding light on the psychological processes related to AI-powered product design, consumer perceptions, and consumption situations, while also offering practical implications.  相似文献   

The dyadic cooperative learning situation was examined by analyzing the impact of specific roles and activities on each member of the dyad. In learning scientific text passages, one member of the cooperating pair served as a recaller/oral summarizer and the other pair member served as either an active or passive listener/facilitator. Members of some treatment conditions alternated recaller and listener roles, while those in other conditions had fixed roles. Serving as a no-treatment control, students in one group used their own study techniques. The results indicated that both roles (fixed vs. alternating) and listener activities (active vs. passive) are important variables in cooperative learning. On free recall of text main ideas, fixed recallers outperformed fixed listeners, and pairs incorporating an active listener outperformed those that did not. Certain combinations of role and listener activity resulted in better performance than that achieved by individuals using their own study methods. Additionally, persons who alternated recaller/listener roles subjectively evaluated the cooperative learning experience more positively than the cooperative groups.  相似文献   

Using a cross‐lagged design, the present study tests an integrative model of emergent collective emotions in learning groups. Our results indicate that the percentage of women in the group fosters the emergence of collective emotional intelligence, which in turn stimulates social integration within groups (increases group cohesion and reduces relationship conflict) and the associated affective similarity, with beneficial effects for group effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study examined collective efficacy, group cohesion, and group performance in 125 randomly assigned groups of older (mean age 13.45 years) and younger (mean age 11.41 years) early adolescents working on three cooperative tasks. Collective motivation significantly predicted performance, even after controlling for past performance and self-efficacy for the older but not the younger participants. For the older (but not the younger) participants, groups with high collective efficacy and group cohesion scored higher on performance tasks than groups with low collective efficacy and group cohesion. The results point to the emergence of collective motivation beliefs in early adolescence, consistent with theories of social and cognitive development. Implications for theory and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

It is argued that a negotiator's fixed-pie perception, cooperative motivation, problem-solving behavior, and integrative outcomes are influenced by the content of the negotiation—the conflict issue. Negotiation involves conflicting interests, conflicting ideas about intellective problems, or conflicting ideas about evaluative problems. Study 1 showed that individuals in a negotiation about interests have a stronger fixed-pie perception and have a lower cooperative motivation than individuals in an evaluative negotiation, with intellective negotiations taking an intermediate position. Study 2 showed that individuals in a negotiation about interests made more trade-offs and reached higher joint outcomes than individuals in an intellective or evaluative negotiation. Study 3 replicated this finding in a field study. The studies bridge insights from negotiation research and decision-making research and show that the conflict issue has important effects on the negotiation process.  相似文献   

Although an author is defined as someone who has made substantial contributions to a research study, sometimes power relations in student-supervisor collaborations play a more determining role in attribution of authorship. This article reflects the ideas of eight Iranian postgraduate Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) students about authorship policies and practices at their universities. The interview data indicate that the participants were not involved in authorship decisions and authorship credits were given based on their supervisors’ positions and seniority rather than their contribution to students’ research. The participants also described unfair authorship experiences affecting their motivation, interest in academia, self-confidence, etc. It is recommended that faculty members and policy-makers in TEFL programs in Iran engage in ongoing open discussions about authorship policies and decision-making with students to avoid creating negative feelings and unpleasant experiences for students which might lead to a legacy of unfair authorship practices.  相似文献   

We examined the efficacy of groups possessing learning as opposed to performance goals on an interactive group task. As such, we predicted that the possession of learning goals focuses groups more on strategic processes than the possession of performance or do‐best goals. We further hypothesized that collective efficacy beliefs are most strongly correlated with performance for groups that possess performance goals because performance goals direct attention to task outcomes. Results indicated that groups assigned learning goals discussed more strategic information and reported greater satisfaction with performance. In addition, the relationship between task performance and collective efficacy was stronger for performance‐goal groups than learning‐goal groups. Overall, results suggested that causing groups to attend to processes required for effective group performance influences how groups regulate behavior and interpret feedback.  相似文献   

中学生学习主观幸福感及其影响因素的初步研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
以910名从初一到高三的中学生为被试,采用自编的《中学生学习主观幸福感量表》进行研究。结果表明:(1)中学生学习主观幸福感普遍偏低,且存在学校类型、年级的差异,非重点学校学生学习主观幸福感更低;高二、初二学生学习主观幸福感最低。(2)影响中学生学习主观幸福感的直接因素是学习体验和现有学习成绩,其中,前者作用更大。(3)影响中学生学习主观幸福感的间接因素是社会压力和希望学习成绩,它们通过学习体验或现有学习成绩间接作用于学习主观幸福感。  相似文献   

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