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The authors surveyed a national sample of master's‐level counseling students regarding their multicultural training experiences and their attitudes toward racial diversity and gender equity (see G. L. Dickson & D. A. Jepsen, 2007). Hierarchical regression models showed that student perceptions of program cultural ambience predicted positive cognitive attitudes toward racial diversity. Participatory instructional strategies predicted positive affective attitudes toward racial diversity. Los autores entrevistaron a una muestra nacional de estudiantes de Master en programas de consejería en relación a sus experiencias en formación multicultural y sus actitudes hacia la diversidad racial y la igualdad de sexo (ver G. L. Dickson & D. A. Jepsen, 2007). Los modelos de regresión jerárquica mostraron que las percepciones de los estudiantes de la atmósfera cultural en sus programas predijeron actitudes cognitivas positivas hacia la diversidad racial. Las estrategias didácticas participativas predijeron actitudes afectivas positivas hacia la diversidad racial.  相似文献   

In a study of 82 White counselor trainees enrolled in 3 graduate programs, gender and the lowest stage of cognitive development were found to significantly contribute to the variance in lower levels of the White racial identity. Male trainees who tended to think in dichotomous terms and look to authority to provide the correct answers tended to report attitudes about race reflected in lower levels of White racial identity. Significant relationships were not found between higher stages of cognitive development and higher levels of White racial identity. Implications for training are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the impact of multicultural training on the development of White racial identity and interracial comfort. Findings indicated that an integrative multicultural training program resulted in significant increases along 3 dimensions of White racial consciousness and in the levels of interracial comfort. This work extends related efforts to study White racial identity as an important parameter of multicultural training and counseling. In addition, psychometric data and factor structures are provided for the White Racial Consciousness Development Scale (Claney & Parker, 1989) and the Interracial Comfort Index (Claney & Parker, 1989).  相似文献   

A review of the literature suggests that a paucity of information exists regarding how culture-specific issues such as being both Black and gifted influence the psychological needs and personality development of gifted Black students. Stellar attempts, however, are currently underway to develop theories and perspectives of racial identity development among Black students. These theories and perspectives are discussed in an attempt to understand and address the psychological and social needs of gifted Black students.  相似文献   

Eighty‐seven incoming doctoral students (65 European American and 22 people of color) completed a battery of tests (e.g., a multicultural counseling competency measure). More advanced levels of racial identity development were generally correlated with higher levels of multicultural counseling competency, greater amounts of prior multicultural training, and higher self‐reported ratings of overall counseling competency and multicultural counseling competency.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners have been pursuing how to enhance counselors' multicultural counseling competencies (MCC). With a sample of 460 counselors, the author examined whether multicultural training changed the relationship between (a) racial/ethnic identity and MCC and (b) gender‐role attitudes and MCC. The author found significant interaction effects of (a) racial/ethnic identity and multicultural training and (b) gender‐role attitudes and multicultural training on multicultural knowledge but not on multicultural awareness.  相似文献   

Although there have been several studies that have explored people's expectations about counseling, to date there has been no such exploration from a racial-cultural perspective. This study sought to explore the relationship between White racial identity attitudes and expectations about counseling. Although the results showed that men and women differ in their expectations about counseling and in their levels of White racial identity attitudes, the findings of the study indicated that there was no significant relationship between White racial identity attitudes and counseling expectations. The results of the study are examined in relation to previous findings in the field and directions for future study are considered.  相似文献   

This study tested a model that links race/ethnicity, multicultural training, racial/ethnic identity (REI), color‐blind racial attitudes (CoBRA), and multicultural counseling competence (MCC) among school counselors. The author examined whether multicultural training significantly moderated the association between race/ethnicity and MCC. School counselors’ REI was found to mediate this moderated association. A 3‐way interaction among race/ethnicity, training, and CoBRA revealed that White and racial/ethnic minority school counselors had the lowest MCC scores when they had limited training and higher CoBRA.  相似文献   

The relationship between racial identity development and multicultural counseling competency across a 2‐year period of time was examined in this study. Significant increases were found in multicultural counseling competency but not in their levels of racial identity development across time. Possible explanations for and limitations of this research are discussed. La relación entre el desarrollo de la identidad racial y la competencia para consejería multicultural a través de un período de dos años se examina en esta investigación. Se encuentran aumentos significantes en la competencia para consejería multicultural, pero no en el nivel de desarrollo de identidad racial a través del tiempo. Se examinan las posibles explicaciones y las limitaciones de esta investigación también.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of multicultural training on multicultural counseling competencies and implicit racial prejudice. Results of a multilevel modeling analysis showed that only the multicultural counseling course was related to a decrease in implicit racial prejudice and an increase in cultural self‐awareness. Implications for multicultural training are discussed. Este estudio examinó el impacto de la formación multicultural en las competencias en consejería multicultural y el prejuicio racial implícito. Los resultados de un análisis de modelo a varios niveles mostraron que solo el curso en consejería multicultural estaba implicado en un descenso del prejuicio racial implícito y un aumento de la autoconciencia cultural. Se discuten las implicaciones para la formación multicultural.  相似文献   

This study examined attitudes about body image and racial identity among Black women at a predominately White college in the United States. We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 34 women about their school experiences, family, racial identity, self-esteem, and body image. We found that early childhood influences including family and school environment had profound impacts on their racial identity and body image. Through a qualitative analysis based in grounded theory, we found that participants’ identification with White and/or Black culture produced levels of body satisfaction and a set of beauty ideals that generally corresponded to four racial identity groups: identification with White or Black culture, floating between both, or having a diverse self-identity.  相似文献   

This study documents the relationship between White racial identity development and multicultural counseling competency (MCC) as reported by mental health practitioners. Initial results were generally consistent with J. E. Helms's (1990) construction of White racial identity attitude development theory. More sophisticated statuses of White racial identity development generally correlated with higher levels of perceived MCC. Overall, there was a significant difference in MCC reported between men and women. Among counselors, conflicting relationships were observed between some racial identity statuses and multicultural competencies (skills, relationship).  相似文献   

This study investigated psychological dimensions of race and religion by examining the relationship between the White racial identity statuses proposed by J. E. Helms (1984, 1990d, 1995), Contact, Disintegration, Reintegration, Pseudo‐Independence, Immersion/Emersion, and Autonomy, and 4 forms of religious orientation, intrinsic, extrinsic, fundamentalism, and quest. Participants included 233 undergraduates from a public university in the southeastern United States. They completed the White Racial Identity Attitudes Scale (J. E. Helms & R. T. Carter, 1990), 3 measures of religious orientation, and a demographic questionnaire. A canonical correlation analysis found 3 significant canonical pairs suggesting that higher and more complex racial identity statuses may be positively related to more integrated and flexible forms of religious orientation. Implications for counseling are noted.  相似文献   

This study extends the research on racial prejudice by combining previously identified predictors into 1 study to determine their relative importance in contributing to racial prejudice. Results revealed that White racial identity significantly predicted racial prejudice when demographic variables were controlled. Implications of reducing racial prejudice of White American counseling students are discussed. Este estudio extiende la investigación sobre el prejuicio racial combinando pronosticadores previamente identificados en 1 estudio para determinar su importancia relativa a contribuir al prejuicio racial. Los resultados revelaron que la identidad racial Blanca apreciablemente predijo el prejuicio racial cuando los variables demográficas son controladas. Las implicaciones para reducir el prejuicio racial de estudiantes Americano Blanco que aconsejan es discutido.  相似文献   

To dispel apparent confusion, White racial identity and White racial consciousness are described and contrasted in terms of theoretical conceptualization and measures used. It is recommended that priority be given to the validation of existing or new measurement instruments to provide a sound basis for future findings. Para disipar la confusión aparente, la identidad racial Bianca, y el conocimiento racial Blanco, se describen y son contrastados en términos de sus conceptos teóricos y las medidas empleadas. Se recomienda dar prioridad a la validación de instrumentos existentes o nuevos para proporcionar una base sólida para los deseubrimientos futuros.  相似文献   

White counselors currently and in the future are projected to constitute the majority of counseling practitioners. In a racist and culturally diverse society, White counseling students need to learn to effectively counsel racially diverse clients. In this article, the inclusion of awareness, knowledge, and skills around racism and racial identity development is discussed as critical to counselor training programs with White counseling students. Intentional and strategic efforts to assist White counseling students recognize their personal racial identity and privileges of racism are presented as tools to assist the counseling profession to reduce the perpetuation of racist attitudes and racism.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a survey of the perceptions of master's-level counseling students in the areas of dogmatism, family ideology, and religiosity. Participants in the study consisted of 331 master's-level counseling students from 7 master's-level counselor education programs in northern, southern, and eastern regions of the United States. A total of 142 participants were classified as beginning participants, and 123 were classified as graduating participants. Findings indicated that graduating participants were significantly lower in levels of dogmatism than were beginning participants. Bivariate and multivariate data analyses also revealed that family ideology was more strongly related to dogmatism than religiosity.  相似文献   

Prior to the ready availability of Helms and Carter's (1990) White Racial Identity Attitude Scale (RIAS-W), Claney and Parker (1989) developed the White Racial Consciousness Development Scale (WRCDS). Using this device they reported finding a curvilinear relationship between the stage of racial identity or consciousness of Whites and their comfort with African American persons. Recently, the WRCDS seems to be gaining acceptance by scholars working in the area of White racial identity. Data, however, are presented suggesting that the WRCDS lacks adequate reliability and concurrent validity and that the findings and future use of the instrument should be questioned.  相似文献   

Parental attachment and familial communalism were examined as contributors to the racial identity of 165 African American college students. Students with secure attachments and high reports of communalism were in the later stage of their racial identity development, whereas students with insecure attachments and lacking communalism were in the earlier stages of their racial identity development. El apego parental y el comunalismo familiar se examinaron como contribuyentes a la identidad racial de 165 estudiantes universitarios afroamericanos. Los estudiantes con apegos seguros y alto índice de comunalismo se encontraban en la etapa avanzada del desarrollo de su identidad racial, mientras que los estudiantes con apegos inseguros y falta de comunalismo se encontraban en las etapas tempranas del desarrollo de su identidad racial.  相似文献   

Counselor's multicultural counseling competence (attitudes/beliefs, knowledge, and skills) has been highlighted as an important ingredient in creating positive counseling outcomes when the clients are ethnic and racial minorities. The use of experiential activities in general, and games in particular, is presented as a potentially useful strategy to instill and enhance multicultural competence in counselor trainees. Illustrative games and guidelines for implementation are described.  相似文献   

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